Germany seems like the ideal country to move into

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

May 15, 2020
Best paying country in the EU. Switzerland is the only country that pays better, but is not in the EU, and settling down there is hard. Language will be a problem ofc, you will have to learn it. But you can get in direct for work as a data scientist, PR in 21 months, citizenship in 6 years (might be reduced to 4 with the new policies). So one of the quicker timelines to a citizenship. Best part, after the citizenship, you can pretty much pack your bags and move to one of 27 other countries with absolutely no questions asked. No visa process, no work permit process, none of that bullshit. Live every year in a new country, see the world. Also german women are GL @Heinrich Schmidt @Magnum Opus @buflek
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The Netherlands mogs. :Comfy:
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France is on the verge of a civil war btw

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age of consent is 14 there
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Definitely ideal if you want to live in a police state that is getting invaded by migrants.
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Definitely ideal if you want to live in a police state that is getting invaded by migrants.
That goes for any country in europe. Alternatively you can go to the US. Stay 10-15 years and earn a shit ton of money while waiting for H1B and go back to your country as rich man.
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Netherlands wages are lower, jobs fewer and higher cost of living with a lot of paper work and delays for PR
Are the wages that much lower? You may have a point. People close to the border are moving to the Germany because the housing market here is dogshit, very difficult to get a place in the city. Not even natives stand a chance, unless they’ve been in the separate house finding system for 10+ years. :fuk:
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and TechnoBoss
Best paying country in the EU.
Probably true
Language will be a problem ofc, you will have to learn it.
No at all. Roaches that have been living there for 10 years don't know a single word of germanistan
Turkcels in germany

But you can get in direct for work as a data scientist, PR in 21 months, citizenship in 6 years (might be reduced to 4 with the new policies).
There's so much competition nowadays
So one of the quicker timelines to a citizenship.
Best part, after the citizenship, you can pretty much pack your bags and move to one of 27 other countries with absolutely no questions asked
Only 4 countries exist out of 27. Rest are irrelevant eastern yuropeans shitholes that have the same living standard as india.
. No visa process, no work permit process, none of that bullshit. Live every year in a new country, see the world.
All look the same
Also german women are GL
Overblown fact but they are probably the best looking for jewropeans (Same as anglos/scandis
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Moldova better
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Are the wages that much lower? You may have a point. People close to the border are moving to the Germany because the housing market here is dogshit, very difficult to get a place in the city. Not even natives stand a chance, unless they’ve been in the separate house finding system for 10+ years. :fuk:
Tbh countries like India, China etc are ideal countries to live in if you are rich. 90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country if ypu are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones. You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for people like me thr middle class and the lower classes
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Tbh countries like India, China etc are ideal countries to live in if you are rich. 90% of India is a shithole but the rest of 10% is extremely developed. The upper class areas in Mumbai literally look like New York from the 2000s but that is reserved for the rich. India is a very good country if ypu are rich because of low taxes, corruption, luxury real estate and corporate economic zones. You'll literally live life like a king with living standards just as good as the west but India is absolutely terrible for people like me thr middle class and the lower classes
Can you show me pictures of upper class areas of Mumbai? When I watched Bollywood movies, I never saw any upper class areas. They all just looked like shitholes like all over South Asia to me. I’m a poorcel so I better stick to the Netherlands. At least the government helps those who need it, unlike other countries. :fuk:
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Overblown fact but they are probably the best looking for jewropeans (Same as anglos/scandis
So which country has the best looking foids?
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Can you show me pictures of upper class areas of Mumbai? When I watched Bollywood movies, I never saw any upper class areas. They all just looked like shitholes like all over South Asia to me. I’m a poorcel so I better stick to the Netherlands. At least the government helps those who need it, unlike other countries. :fuk:

There are a few neighborhoods like this in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai too. @Copeful actually has been to place like this in Hyderabad and told me it looked exactly like the US but they are ofc reserved for the ultra rich
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So which country has the best looking foids?
Germanics/Scandis/Anglos. Best phenos, brachycephaly is scarce and they have decent amount of robustness.
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good for escorts also (y)
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View attachment 3002306View attachment 3002307

There are a few neighborhoods like this in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai too. @Copeful actually has been to place like this in Hyderabad and told me it looked exactly like the US but they are ofc reserved for the ultra rich
Looks nice, why don’t they show this in Bollywood? I would get lynched in Bharat so probably shouldn’t visit. :feelshaha:
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Germanics/Scandis/Anglos. Best phenos, brachycephaly is scarce and they have decent amount of robustness.
Germanics, Nordics and Germanic/Nordic-passing Slavics. Anglos are island goblinas and known for being very mid.
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  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel and Jason Voorhees
Looks nice, why don’t they show this in Bollywood? I would get lynched in Bharat so probably shouldn’t visit. :feelshaha:
Because this image of india doesn't sell
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I reject the idea of moving to UK, Germany, France, Sweden etc. I find it inmoral to move to those countries who are already overfilled with migrants
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  • Hmm...
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I reject the idea of moving to UK, Germany, France, Sweden etc. I find it inmoral to move to those countries who are already overfilled with migrants
City in the uk i grew up in was liike 99 percent white.
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im currently in Germany ethnic land i havent still talked to a young german girl yet but most of them are not that attractive
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They say Istanbul is beautiful this time of the year
I can't make money in Istanbul tho
Best in Europe imo its Italy

I prefer to be mid class wageslaving in Italy than to gain 3000 euros in Germany just because of the beach and climate.

But i understand every person is different.
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Ew no
Germans are the most horrible autistic people on earth
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  • Ugh..
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all countries are good to move to if you are a listless materialist zombie parasite. if you actually want to start a family and restore civilization, the globohomoized west europe is fucking awful place to be. soon all the nordics will be overrun with niggers too. america and canada are the only places with enough unsettled wilderness for white people to move to without the threat of niggers following(they can't survive outside of cities)
Norway is pretty good to live in too, high wages albeit expensive, but that’s not different from say Switzerland, one minus is high taxes here. But boy am I jealous of EU citizens having an EU passport. At least we are in the EEA, but it doesn’t bring the full benefits of being fully in the European Union. I understand why we are not in it, but still, kinda sucks. We aren’t directly scolded from Brussels like we would be if we were a member, but we also have no say in legislating EU policies which we have to adhere to being in the EEA.
Why haven't you talked to a german girl?
havent got the opportunity my german is bad since im here since 1 month i dont know people here beside my relatives
Jfl Switzerland and the Netherlands are Germany on steroids. Plus Switzerland doesn’t have the immigration issue Germany has. Switzerland, The US, and the UAE mog cause of high paying jobs, and you don’t have to worry about lazy subhumans leeching off of your income due to less social saftey nets.
Best paying country in the EU. Switzerland is the only country that pays better, but is not in the EU, and settling down there is hard. Language will be a problem ofc, you will have to learn it. But you can get in direct for work as a data scientist, PR in 21 months, citizenship in 6 years (might be reduced to 4 with the new policies). So one of the quicker timelines to a citizenship. Best part, after the citizenship, you can pretty much pack your bags and move to one of 27 other countries with absolutely no questions asked. No visa process, no work permit process, none of that bullshit. Live every year in a new country, see the world. Also german women are GL @Heinrich Schmidt @Magnum Opus @buflek
USA is best
all countries are good to move to if you are a listless materialist zombie parasite. if you actually want to start a family and restore civilization, the globohomoized west europe is fucking awful place to be. soon all the nordics will be overrun with niggers too. america and canada are the only places with enough unsettled wilderness for white people to move to without the threat of niggers following(they can't survive outside of cities)
Or Poland. Im in temporarily Poland and it mogs. White stacies everywhere. For income you need to get your money from the US tho.

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