Deleted member 5187

Deleted member 5187

Feb 10, 2020
If you’re not lifting or exercising, then what are you doing with life you lazy rotting cunt.

keep mirin and get mogged fat cunt
1449749106 tumblr mvmzt58Qh51rokjnpo1 500

This is a short guide on how to lift (natty), there won’t be many studies etc. as I’m to lazy to link and find them but if to prove a point I will.

Why you should lift?

After height and frame your muscle and bodyfat level will be the next largest dimorphic trait easily visible by both males and females.

Have you ever seen a girl with a body where its hard to look away even though face may just be average or below? The same can happen with men, a good body will halo you massively and if you think otherwise you're coping.


Don’t lie face isn’t the best but you would still smash doggy.

Body is massive halo for all and should be taken seriously even a 7 PSL will be more attractive with some muscle than without.

Not only is having bigger muscles important but being low bf is non argument. No matter if lifting or not you should be 8-14% and hover around 10-12%. The reason being that face is and will always be the most important and this suffers heavily for most men at non ideal bf %.

Keep in mind you don’t have to look like Jeff Seid at all being lean with some muscle is enough and you will never be too big while being lean as a natty.

Why muscle size is important while being lean is:

Not only will girls find you more attractive, but you will get more respect from men. The reason being men respect high T men and larger than average muscle while being leaner than average is seen as high T and of course girls love high T

What will help as well is getting a tan!
A tan is a huge looksmax it makes you look leaner, bigger and more defined (why all bodybuilders use tan on stage).

(Not a guide research yourself):

For cutting:
You can decide to water fast for some period, this is healthy however not the best for maintaining muscle and strength if done for any extended period.

What’s better is to adjust your calorie intake to below your daily calorie expenditure.

The way I will suggest is to put your measurements in this site:
This is your TDEE
Now this is why you need to find TDEE

Why calorie intake comes first and what you’ll hear from those who make money by denying it.

How to calculate maintenance calorie needs

Adjusting your calories for your specific goal:
fat loss, muscle gain, or gradual body recomp.

Why calorie calculations are estimations that will need adjusting.

How to tweak things to stay on target when they don’t go as planned.


Energy balance and how it affects weight loss.
As you’ll see, it’s not quite as simple as it looks.

Whether your goal is muscle gain, fat loss, or weight maintenance, the single most critical piece of the nutritional puzzle is getting your calorie intake right.

If you consume more calories than your body needs, you will gainweight.

If you consume the same amount of calories that your body needs, you will maintain your weight.

If you consume fewer calories than your body needs, you will loseweight.

The calories in, calories out equation (often referred to as CICO) is a simple one, but each side affects the other and there are a few things in and out of our control on both.


The intake side of the energy balance equation, what we eat and drink, is affected by hunger, which adapts to circumstance.

The energy intake side of the equation looks simple but is actually quite nuanced.

The specific foods we eat and when we eat them impacts how much we eat. This means the macro, micro, and timing sections of the pyramid influence our ability to adhere to this first layer.

While getting our food choices and timing right can help with feelings of fullness, our feelings of hunger are affected by the energy intake side of the equation.

If we overeat, we get less hungry and tend to eat less.

If we undereat, we get more hungry and tend to eat more.

Those who are naturally skinny and struggle to gain weight have a stronger pull the one way than those who are naturally overweight and struggle to lose it.

When you consider we consume nearly one million calories each year, it’s quite remarkable that our weights fluctuate by a mere 1–2 lbs each year on average. This shows how strong a self-regulating mechanism this is.

This is good for life preservation, but terribly inconvenient for those of us who want to change the status quo. We need to override this mechanism, which is why counting calories becomes the necessary next step for people who have made all the obvious lifestyle changes but are still not successful.

Our environment also impacts our choices. This is partially in our control. We can make sure the fridge is stocked with the foods we want to eat and clear the junk out of the house, but we can’t control all the fast-food restaurants and how frequently Betty decides to bring banana bread into the office.


The energy expenditure side of the equation has adaptive elements out of our control and only one within our control.

The two primary factors on the energy expenditure side of the equation, are our metabolic rate and our activity levels. Both of these are affected to some degree by the energy intake side.

Metabolic rate drops when we diet and then returns to normal when we come back to maintenance. This is out of our control. This is out of our control.

Activity levels are partially under conscious control (like how much we exercise) and partially not (how much we fidget and move around throughout the day).

This latter part is particularly interesting because it seems to vary from person to person and can make a big difference in energy expenditure. — Some people get way more lethargic than others when dieting, and some move around a lot more when they overeat. This is called non-exercise activity thermogenesis (nicknamed NEAT) and includes things like the energy expended walking to work, typing and texting friends, shaking up a protein shake, performing yard work, and fidgeting.

So, sharp readers may be thinking, “Ahh, but couldn’t I exercise more rather than restrict my food intake if I want to lose weight?”

Technically, yes, you could. However,

It’s more time-efficient to control energy balance with your diet, i.e., eating more or less, rather than moving more or less.

Adding extra weight training will interfere with your recovery. This is not only inefficient but a common way people get injured.

Cardio should be used sparingly, if at all. Reliance on it is unsustainable and sets people up for failure.

Therefore, dietary changes should be the primary driver of an energy deficit or surplus.

There are a few legitimate-seeming doctors who continue to push something called the carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis of obesity.

The idea is when insulin levels are high, we can’t lose fat because insulin shuts down fat burning. And as carbs are supposedly the biggest thing that stimulate insulin release, if we eat a high-carb diet, we can’t lose fat.

(The argument is more nuanced, but this is the general gist.)

I could point out that protein (whey, dairy, animal protein, etc.) spikes insulin just as high as sugar and all sorts of other mechanistic shortcomings with this theory.

And people love to argue all kinds of biochemical pathways and hormone regulation loops.

But the fact is, when you put two groups on a calorie-matched, high vs low-carb diets, studies show that there is no difference in fat loss outcome.

So why does this idea persist?

It’s easy to understand and share.

It makes people who talk about it a shit-ton of money in book sales and speaking gigs. (Gary Taubes and Jason Fung are two names, in particular, to steer clear of.)

There is an element of truth in the idea that cutting carbs helps with weight loss.

I do not deny that a low carbohydrate diet can be effective for fat loss. But it’s important to note that people lose weight because they eat fewer calories overall, not because of any effect on insulin or because it burns more body fat.

If you are trying to lose fat, you will likely need to reduce your carb intake to create a calorie deficit (and probably your fat intake too). But, if someone tells you that you need to remove carbs almost entirely, or that calorie balance is not the key to sustained weight loss, ignore them.

Lastly, sugar is demonized by the media but is not inherently ‘bad.’ It depends how it fits with the rest of your diet. However, limiting sugary foods is a good idea if you are trying to diet, and you find yourself easily overeating them.

This will give you a number known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure(TDEE).

F amad

Fat Freddie
is 5’9, 31 years old, weighs 180 lbs, and works in an office so is “mostly sedentary.” His TDEE is estimated to be 2499 kcal.

Shredded Sam is 6’1, 37 years old, weighs 175 lbs, and is lightly active. His TDEE is estimated at 2844 kcal.

In this section, I give recommended rates of body weight loss and gain during cut and bulk phases, explain the math used, and give example calculations for Thicc Thelma, Fat Freddie, and Shredded Sam.

Noob Natalie will choose to chase simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss, which is known as a ‘body recomp’ phase.

When your goal is primarily to lose fat, we call this a cut. I recommend a weight loss rate between 0.5–0.75% of body weight per week.

The fat-loss rate sweet spot for most people is around 0.5% of body weight per week.

High rates of weight loss are motivating, but they are hard to sustain. The leaner we are, the higher the chances of muscle mass losses.

Slow rates of weight loss are easier to sustain, but hard to stay motivated for, difficult to track, and they can become an increasing mental burden.

For busy individuals who can’t afford the lethargy and brain fog, 0.5% seems to be the sweet spot per week. I’m basing this on my years of client work.

You can go up to 1% if you have a lot of fat to lose, but most clients didn’t find this to be sustainable. Above 1%, your diet will be very hard to sustain and muscle loss is likely.

As you close in on seeing your abs for the first time, I would recommend you stay closer to 0.5%. If you get into the single digits of body fat %, the whole curve shifts to the left and you want to lose at or slightly under a rate of 0.5% to maximize your chances of holding onto muscle mass.

It requires an approximate 3500 kcal deficit to burn 1 lb of fat (7700 kcal per kg). Therefore, to lose 1 lb of fat per week, you need a 500 kcal daily deficit (1100 kcal for 1 kg).

The calculation to adjust your calorie intake for a fat loss goal is as follows:

Target daily calorie intake (TDCI) = TDEE – (Bodyweight x target weekly fat loss rate x 500*)

*1100 if you use kg

However, our metabolisms adapt to fight a calorie deficit which means that if we use the calculation above, it will not likely lead to the 0.5% of body weight loss per week we are hoping for. Therefore, I have set the calorie and macro calculator to use 0.75%.

Fat Freddie’s target daily calorie intake = 2499 – (180 x 0.0075 x 500) = 2499 – 675 = 1824 kcal

Thicc Thelma’s target daily calorie intake = 2109 – (190 x 0.0075 x 500) = 2109 – 712.5 = 1397 kcal

Even if you wish to cut faster than 0.5% of body weight per week, I suggest you use the calculator as I have it, wait, then adjust after a few weeks based on the outcome. This will teach you if you can sustain 0.5% first. Again, for most people, attempts at faster fat loss rates rarely end well.

The goal of the bulk is to maximize our rate of muscle gain while gaining the least amount of fat. Therefore, it is important to estimate our rate of muscle growth potential if we’re to set weight gain targets and calculate the calorie surplus appropriately.

The newer you are to training, the faster the rate you can gain muscle; the more advanced you get, the slower this will happen. Therefore, it is best to set weight gain targets based on your level of training experience. If you ignore this, you’ll either gain too much fat or make slower progress than you could have.

The less training experience you have, the faster you can grow, so the higher you should set your rate of weight gain. Be aware that the inverse is also true.

Categorizing training advancement is tricky, but here is my preferred method along with the monthly rates of weight gain I recommend:

Beginner: 2% (Totally new to training.)

Novice: 1.5% (Still able to progress most training loads in the gym on a week to week basis.)

Intermediate: 1% (Able to progress most training loads in the gym on a month to month basis.)

Advanced: 0.5% (Progress is evident only when viewed over multiple months or a year.)

As I often say to online coaching applicants, when it comes to goal setting, it is imperative that the outcome is measurable if we are to manage it. When results are hard to measure, it is both tough to coach for and tough to stay motivated for. This is why I have a preference for slightly higher numbers.

There is also a genetic component to the rate at which people gain muscle. This will work out better for those more genetically blessed.

It takes roughly ~2500 kcal to build 1 lb of muscle and ~3500 kcal to burn or store 1 lb of fat.

As people typically gain fat and muscle in a 1:1 ratio in a bulk phase, and if we assume a 30 day month, this means we need a 100 kcal daily caloric surplus to gain 1 lb of weight per month (~220 kcal for 1 kg).

However, like the additional downward adjustment I made for metabolic adaptation when cutting, I believe we should make an additional upward adjustment when bulking. This is because as we raise calories, some of that calorie increase will be eaten up by NEAT and not result in a caloric surplus.

The NEAT increase will be different from person to person and is impossible to predict, but I suggest we add 50% to these numbers, which gives the following heuristic:

To gain 1 lb of weight per month, add 150 kcal each day (330 kcal for 1 kg).

Therefore, the calculation to adjust your calorie intake for a weight gain goal is as follows:

Target daily calorie intake (TDCI) = TDEE + (Bodyweight x target monthly gain rate x 150*)

*330 if you use kg

Shredded Sam is an intermediate trainee, so his target monthly gain rate will be 1%. His calculation is as follows:

Shredded Sam’s target daily calorie intake = 2844 + (175 x 0.01 x 150) = 2844 + 263 = 3107 kcal

It’s essential to realize that any calculation will just be an estimation. This is for three primary reasons:

1. The BMR calculation in step 1 was developed based on group averages, but people can vary up to 15% either side

2. The activity multiplier is an estimation.

3. Reactions to a calorie surplus or deficit vary – some people get more fidgety and move around more throughout the day when in a calorie surplus, some people get very lethargic when in a calorie deficit. This is the NEAT I referred to earlier.

This means two 6 ft, 200 lb dudes of the same age and training schedule could find their maintenance calorie needs 700 calories apart.

No calculation can take into account these differences. Therefore, tracking after the initial calculation and then making refinements is essential.


To know how to adjust your calorie intake, you need to have data on which to base decisions. At the very minimum, I recommend that you track your weight each day and measure your stomach in three places once per week.

Your weight will fluctuate from day to day and vary depending on the time of day, so stepping on the scale a few times a week is not enough.

Note your weight each morning, immediately after using the bathroom after you wake, and write down the average at the end of the week.

What you’ll likely see if you switch to a cut, is a large drop in weight in the first week, and then a more steady rate of change each week thereafter. The opposite will be true when bulking.

This is due to the change in gut content, water, and muscle glycogen in your body, which happens whenever you change the number of carbs you eat or total food intake in general.

Use a tape to measure at your navel, and then 3 finger-widths above and below. This will help you to keep tabs on fat gain when bulking, fat losses when recomping, and confirm that fat (rather than muscle) is being lost when cutting.

So, before deciding you need to adjust, track for several weeks first, taking the average scale weight each day and your stomach measurements once per week, and ignore the first week of data.

For a Cut

If weight is lost too quickly, there is a risk of muscle loss. Increase calorie intake.

If weight is not lost quickly enough, decrease calorie intake.

Suggested incremental change: 200–250 kcal per day

For a Slow Bulk

If weight is not gained quickly enough, increase calorie intake.

If weight is gained too quickly, you’ll have put too much fat on, so decrease calories.

Suggested incremental change: 100–150 kcal per day.

Remember to take into account water weight fluctuations, and always consider 3–4 weeks’ worth of tracking data before making any changes.

It’s not uncommon for some people to find that the scale weight suddenly stops moving and stays there for several weeks. This is due to water retention — the fat loss is still happening, but as the fat cells empty, they fill back up with water.

I’m not sure exactly why this happens, but potentially due to rises in cortisol, which happen when we are stressed. (A calorie deficit is a stressor, training is a stressor.) All you can do is sleep well, work to reduce other stress in your life, then just wait it out.

A gradual decrease in the rate of fat loss over the weeks is to be expected and does not indicate water retention (in this case you’ll make an adjustment to your calorie intake downwards to bring up the rate of fat loss), but a sudden stall indicates that it is water retention marking the fat loss, as there is no physiological mechanism whereby your body will suddenly cease to burn fat if you are in a calorie deficit.

This has the potential to drive everyone crazy, but there is little you can do but wait it out. One morning you’ll wake up to find yourself a couple of kilograms lighter.

If you wanna lose weight calculate tdee then subtract 0.7% from these calories If you wanna bulk add 100 calories to that number.

Now comes the aspie shit:

You gotta weigh yourself and count your calories everyday then use this excel sheet to track your calories and macro nutrients everyday or make a mealplan.

This excel sheet will over time calculate your tdee precisely.

might be extreme and aspie but this is the best way to guarantee your diet is doing what it supposed to do.

To ensure micronutrients is fine use to check your diet for ideal vitamin/mineral content.

You will need to eat 20-30% calories from fat (1g fat = 9 calories)

Protein needs to be at 0.82g pr lbs bodyweight NO NOT 1g pr. YOURE NOT A WORLD CLASS ELITE BODYBUILDER AT 5% BF. read this daft cunt.

(1g protein = 4 calories)

Carbs shall be the remaining calories (1g carb = 4 calories)

As a natty progressive overload is important - this means either lifting heavier weight each workout, increasing weight or just overall increase volume lifted.

As a natty the optimal split is either fullbody or upper/lower

I will advice to do full body and follow the GZCLP or any 5x5 program (I prefer GZCLP)

See link: GZCLP JnT 12-Week.xlsm?dl=0

Reason being that nattys muscle restoration is 48 hours or so
So training a muscle every other day is optimal according to all current scientific literature

Therefore full body is in theory ideal and you gonna spend less time in the gym
This means more bang for the buck

Its ideal to train all muscles but if you only would choose a few I would say

Neck, delts, traps, back/chest, arms and forearms, quads, glutes in this order

Guideline for training natty:

How many sets and reps should be done:

  • On average, muscle growth tends to be best around 6-8 hard sets per muscle group per training session when taking long rests. That can be 12 - 24 weekly sets for a frequency of 2-3 days per week. Volume needs may be double this when taking short rests, but the max muscle growth is still around the same so there's no advantage to doing short rests.
  • Individual results may vary substantially from these averages, with some individuals having volume ceilings much higher than 8 sets per session or 20 weekly sets.
  • Volume increases are best done in small (20%) increments.


  • Updated meta-analytic data shows a logarithmic relationship between training volume and hypertrophy in a single session. Gains increase rapidly at small volumes and there is diminishing returns as you get to higher session volumes.
  • On average, hypertrophy appears to increase with increasing volumes of up to 6-8 hard sets in a single training session when taking long rests between sets, with a plateau at higher volumes. This is approximately 12 - 24 weekly sets when training each muscle 2-3 days per week.
  • Individual results may vary substantially from these averages, with some individuals having volume ceilings much higher than 8 sets per session or 20 weekly sets.
  • There's an interaction between set volume and rest intervals. Since short rest intervals may impair hypertrophy for a given set volume, you have to do more hard sets to make up for it. Thus, volume requirements may be approximately twice that of long rest intervals.
  • There is a volume/frequency interaction. There is some evidence of a maximum effective dose per training session, although it will vary from one individual to the next. To increase weekly volume, rather than continuing to increase volume above this ceiling per session, it's better to split weekly volume up into higher frequency.
  • Some evidence indicates that there are less non-responders with higher volumes, and that people tend to be more responsive when increasing their volume relative to what they were doing before.
  • When increasing set volume, it is best to do it in small increments (20%).
  • Given that people tend to be more responsive when increasing volume relative to what they were doing before, there is a theoretical case for cycling set volume. This would involve slowly increasing volume over time to the highest effective per-session volume until a performance plateau is reached. Volume would then be decreased to a maintenance level for a period of time to re-sensitize the muscle to a volume stimulus. Volume would eventually be increased again, and this pattern would be repeated over time.
  • Regardless of training volume, genetics play a strong role in hypertrophy. People who respond well to low volume will also tend to respond well to high volume, and people who don't respond well to low volume will likely still be a low responder to high volume (although the response will likely be improved).


Keep in mind you wont ever look exactly like someone else like Jeff seid or others because you can never

Outlift a bad frame

Outlift bad insertions

Outlift height

Outlift face

Outlift pheno

Outlift behavior (lifting may help a bit)

Outlift status (will help build status)

Outlift income


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BadSorrowfulElkhound small


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zyzz mogg


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But who tf the chick in the gif 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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Training is very important, but not a substitute for bad height or frame.
You also need to have muscle building genetics. You need to be an meso or endomorph.
Genetics, off which hormones are a part, decide how much muscle you will put on.
Training is very important, but not a substitute for bad height or frame.
You also need to have muscle building genetics. You need to be an meso or endomorph.
You can't out lift genetics

But all look better with low bf and more muscle
You can't out lift genetics

But all look better with low bf and more muscle
Yeah they look better than they would otherwise if they didn't lift, but they might not be good looking enough to slay.
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Yeah they look better than they would otherwise if they didn't lift, but they might not be good looking enough to slay.
Every little thing counts towards the bigger picture

Even a 7 psl face wise will look better with more muscle
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Very good post.
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good thread but if you are ugly even a good body can't safe you
  • JFL
  • +1
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It's like .me is turning into the misc with all these recent gym-maxxing threads. It's ironic that this is trend coincided with the start of quarantine when most people have not had access to free weights and machines for gym-maxxing in the first place...
  • JFL
  • +1
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I've lifted for years, and have been very lean, and have used steroids, but make one thing clear there is no gym for your face or your frame and those are the things that determine romantic success.
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I've lifted for years, and have been very lean, and have used steroids, but make one thing clear there is no gym for your face or your frame and those are the things that determine romantic success.
See the buttom I stated
You cant outlift face
Outlift frame
Outlift height
Outlift insertions
Outlift etc etc etc
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Read every single word from start to finish
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  • JFL
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Muscle helps obviously but Lean >>> Size because face is most important.
  • +1
Reactions: SPFromNY914, Deleted member 3512 and Deleted member 5187
You legit inspired me to work my lazy ass off, thanks bro

How to know if I should bulk or cut? I’m skinny fat.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 5187
You legit inspired me to work my lazy ass off, thanks bro

How to know if I should bulk or cut? I’m skinny fat.
Find your tdee and then cut with a 0.7% calorie deficit
Its proven if you a noob you can lose fat and build muscle simultaneously (however both fat loss and muscle building will be slower than an aggressive cut or bulk on it's own)
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true totally,.
If you not lean or trying, just gtfo.
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tldr i will just lift , eat , sleep and repeat
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All it took was to see that gif of dat booty to not read, exit out of looksmax in pain, and block looksmax for a day, I’ll be back.
  • So Sad
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Tbh fat cunts
Gyms are opening again brahs fuarkkk
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