Getting married young is a meme


Deleted member 7725

Jun 8, 2020
Why do people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson advocate getting married young? It's the worst shit possible.

By not getting married, girls (and Chads) enjoy sexual freedom.

Meanwhile by not getting married, men enjoy financial freedom. You can try dropshipping, switch careers, start a YouTube channel, start an Instagram account, fail in 5 different business, drop out of college, switch majors, etc without any repercussions. If you were to get married and have kids young (16-20), then you wouldn't have time for any of that or even college. You would go wageslave in a factory like the expendable male you are to provide for your family. That's why in the olden days, the only rich people were those with generations of wealth.
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  • JFL
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they are bluepillers too. guys like jordan peterson emphasis on western problems while don't even mention basic biological desires about appearance.
they just society balancers, they are necessary but not necessarily right about the ultimate goals of a man.
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That's why in the olden days, the only rich people were those with generations of wealth.
in the good old days without a family you would have no farm, no help, no life
i dont give a fuck bitch
i aint raising kids at 50 fuking years old
raising your kids when you have the most energy for it is the best time
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i dont give a fuck bitch
i aint raising kids at 50 fuking years old
raising your kids when you have the most energy for it is the best time
I had the same idea, but I realized that if I got a bitch pregnant in the US I would have to pay 20% of my money to child support. 20% of my income is literally $200k a year. I could sufficiently raise a kid for 5% of that. It's not even tax deductible. Fucking cucked American laws.
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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I had the same idea, but I realized that if I got a bitch pregnant in the US I would have to pay 20% of my money to child support. 20% of my income is literally $200k a year. I could sufficiently raise a kid for 5% of that. It's not even tax deductible. Fucking cucked American laws.
thats a different story now
I'd trade all my slays for it tbh.

Even chads will end up locked out of virgin girls eventually by agecucking.
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thats a different story now
Unless you are broke af with no ambitions, having kids is the most retarded decision you can make in Pendostan.
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Why do people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson advocate getting married young? It's the worst shit possible.

By not getting married, girls (and Chads) enjoy sexual freedom.

Meanwhile by not getting married, men enjoy financial freedom. You can try dropshipping, switch careers, start a YouTube channel, start an Instagram account, fail in 5 different business, drop out of college, switch majors, etc without any repercussions. If you were to get married and have kids young (16-20), then you wouldn't have time for any of that or even college. You would go wageslave in a factory like the expendable male you are to provide for your family. That's why in the olden days, the only rich people were those with generations of wealth.
Please Negro Beans! Please!! I'm married with a 13 month old and only work 3 days a week. I could fail 13 times in business/locational endevors and my wife would still happily follow along. Who told you ya gotta do all that gay sh*t when you get married? Or are those just rules for betas?
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Please Negro Beans! Please!! I'm married with a 13 month old and only work 3 days a week. I could fail 13 times in business/locational endevors and my wife would still happily follow along. Who told you ya gotta do all that gay sh*t when you get married? Or are those just rules for betas?
You're in SEA married to a subhuman though. I mean normal people.
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep, Paroxysm, BugeyeBigNoseCurry and 1 other person
It's because women are supposed to get married young, and in fear of getting labeled as a 'sexist,' they duplicate this advice for men, too.
It's because women are supposed to get married young, and in fear of getting labeled as a 'sexist,' they duplicate this advice for men, too.
Getting married young is just as bad for guys.
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You're in SEA married to a subhuman though. I mean normal people.
I'm in USA. My wife is East Asian. And she's better looking on her worst day than your mother was on prom night when she cheated on your father with chad.
  • JFL
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I'm in USA. My wife is East Asian. And she's better looking on her worst day than your mother was on prom night when she cheated on your father with chad.
Exactly, a subhuman Asian wife. Look at my pfp, my dad was clearly the Chad who left and turned me into a monster.
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Double edged sword, if you as a man don’t get married young you get to enjoy your 20s with all the things that you’ve just stated, however if you do get married at 30 it will be extremely hard to find a HQNP wife with trad ideals who isn’t settling for you and isn’t a non-virgin who’s rode the cocks of 1000s of Chads in the past
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Exactly, a subhuman Asian wife. Look at my pfp, my dad was clearly the Chad who left and turned me into a monster.
So it wasn't being sodomized by your stepdad that did it?
Why do people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson advocate getting married young? It's the worst shit possible.

By not getting married, girls (and Chads) enjoy sexual freedom.

Meanwhile by not getting married, men enjoy financial freedom. You can try dropshipping, switch careers, start a YouTube channel, start an Instagram account, fail in 5 different business, drop out of college, switch majors, etc without any repercussions. If you were to get married and have kids young (16-20), then you wouldn't have time for any of that or even college. You would go wageslave in a factory like the expendable male you are to provide for your family. That's why in the olden days, the only rich people were those with generations of wealth.
They are preaching an “ideal” yet even in old Europe the guy would be 30 so he can establish himself and then find a 15-18 yo girl
You're not white yourself?
Double edged sword, if you as a man don’t get married young you get to enjoy your 20s with all the things that you’ve just stated, however if you do get married at 30 it will be extremely hard to find a HQNP wife with trad ideals who isn’t settling for you and isn’t a non-virgin who’s rode the cocks of 1000s of Chads in the past
HQNP? What are you? A 14 year old virgin or something? Literal meme.

HQNP? What are you? A 14 year old virgin or something? Literal meme.
Lmao nigga Ik HQNP isn’t real 💀, I’m just saying for in general, obviously 100% HQNP foids aren’t real and that shit is a myth
Meanwhile by not getting married, men enjoy financial freedom. You can try dropshipping, switch careers, start a YouTube channel, start an Instagram account, fail in 5 different business, drop out of college, switch majors, etc without any repercussions.
If you were to get married and have kids young (16-20), then you wouldn't have time for any of that or even college. You would go wageslave in a factory
I want to live inna woods
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So are you and Snoop cool with eachother then? Do you get invited to his parties? Did you ever fart on his leg while sitting in his lap before he kissed you on the neck calling you his stinky little munchkin?
Getting married young I dont think have bad consequences except in some countries

Slaying is good and all but it is low sentience
Mistress keeping has more meaning
getting married at 16-20 isn't just young, it's SUUUUPER young
Getting married young I dont think have bad consequences except in some countries

Slaying is good and all but it is low sentience
Mistress keeping has more meaning
Child support, alimony, etc.
yeah, the biggest con is to get a family when you don't have enough wealth to do it comfortably.
Should have married my 18 yo virgin ex.

Fuck all your success shit. She would have made me happier than any lambo.
  • JFL
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I'm in USA. My wife is East Asian. And she's better looking on her worst day than your mother was on prom night when she cheated on your father with chad.
Mirin u jim
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Why do people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson advocate getting married young? It's the worst shit possible.

By not getting married, girls (and Chads) enjoy sexual freedom.

Meanwhile by not getting married, men enjoy financial freedom. You can try dropshipping, switch careers, start a YouTube channel, start an Instagram account, fail in 5 different business, drop out of college, switch majors, etc without any repercussions. If you were to get married and have kids young (16-20), then you wouldn't have time for any of that or even college. You would go wageslave in a factory like the expendable male you are to provide for your family. That's why in the olden days, the only rich people were those with generations of wealth.
just be born in rich family then start family at 17 theory
  • +1
Reactions: futuregigamogger
I had the same idea, but I realized that if I got a bitch pregnant in the US I would have to pay 20% of my money to child support. 20% of my income is literally $200k a year. I could sufficiently raise a kid for 5% of that. It's not even tax deductible. Fucking cucked American laws.
What job gives you that much money?
Please Negro Beans! Please!! I'm married with a 13 month old and only work 3 days a week. I could fail 13 times in business/locational endevors and my wife would still happily follow along. Who told you ya gotta do all that gay sh*t when you get married? Or are those just rules for betas?
Chad gets married to a foid who supports him and makes life easy for him while betabuxxers dedicate their life to a toilet only to get divorce raped and cucked
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Having children when you're younger is better than having them in your 30s though.
I wanted to looksmax and slay and didn't realise her value at the time. How wrong I was.
You know what? If you didn't feel like she was the only woman you would ever want to be with, and you didn't because you wouldn't have left her, then it's probably for the best. I've been in your shoes before. Thought I made a bad decision for leaving a girl cause she ticked all the right boxes. Now I'm married to a different one who also ticked all the right boxes, and I have nightmares that I married the one I regretted leaving.
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What job gives you that much money?
Sun up to sundown, ain't nothing else to do but get money
So fuck it, I'm working the block
This watch ain't not come from me punching no clock
Sun up to sundown, ain't nothing else to do but get money
So fuck it, I'm working the block
This watch ain't not come from me punching no clock
LARPing Specialist I see
LARPing Specialist I see
larping specialist
keep on coping by putting me on your level. u only lying to urself:

Why do people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson advocate getting married young?
Because it means you would produce a lot of small cute slaves for the future of the Republican party! :feelshehe:

While a non-married 40-year-old male is LITERAL DANGER to the society!
Imagine, he can just perform MGTOW (less consumerism).
He can stop paying taxes.
Or he can run away to another country to wageslave.

No slaves - no economy. Who will pay Ben Shapiro's salary then? :feelsmega:

With a big family everything is hard. So, wageslaving until 80, and then after your death, the Big Brother will finance the crematorium, while your grandkids are fighting around your dead body, trying to figure who gets the inheritance :feelshehe:
they are bluepillers too. guys like jordan peterson emphasis on western problems while don't even mention basic biological desires about appearance.
they just society balancers, they are necessary but not necessarily right about the ultimate goals of a man.
i like these guys they keep normies in the loop and make them feel like they're learning the truth but not too much truth where they step out of that loop and diverge into inceldom and learn about the blackpill we are the chosen ones
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because they understand that's the only way. you can either do it right(like they advocate), give in to reality(blackpill) or become part of the problem(retards marrying at age 40 and shitting out more retards)
It’s the only way most guys can get laid regularly
Why do people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson advocate getting married young? It's the worst shit possible.

By not getting married, girls (and Chads) enjoy sexual freedom.

Meanwhile by not getting married, men enjoy financial freedom. You can try dropshipping, switch careers, start a YouTube channel, start an Instagram account, fail in 5 different business, drop out of college, switch majors, etc without any repercussions. If you were to get married and have kids young (16-20), then you wouldn't have time for any of that or even college. You would go wageslave in a factory like the expendable male you are to provide for your family. That's why in the olden days, the only rich people were those with generations of wealth.
absolutely agree. the so called trad mindset of having children while young has fucked over a lot of men. the ideal is having children in your 30s with a woman who's no older than 26-27 at the time of giving birth. which is the goal i'm working towards
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