Girls don't GIVE A FUCK how much money you have in 2025 retards

buying pussy via the normgroid method of accumulating status symbols and showing off is actually a scam and many times more expensive than escortcelling over time. and the biggest resource being wasted is time that you will never get back.
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Fuck outta here with that capitalist pig, oligarch mentality. Men (& women) do better with SOCIALISM or ANARCHO-CAPITALISM.

But the system we're in now in U.S.A, U.K., etc.? This is an OLIGARCH. We cannot ever thrive until FREEDOM IS ACHIEVED.
Didn't read.
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buying pussy via the normgroid method of accumulating status symbols and showing off is actually a scam and many times more expensive than escortcelling over time. and the biggest resource being wasted is time that you will never get back.
Just get a relationship where she loves you and you love her because you knew how to filter out women. It's not that complicated and we all have somehow lost sight of that. If you gotta travel to get that girl then do so.
buying pussy via the normgroid method of accumulating status symbols and showing off is actually a scam and many times more expensive than escortcelling over time. and the biggest resource being wasted is time that you will never get back.
Unfortunately you will never truly know how much time you must "waste". We don't know the future. The best you can do is pick a women based on her values and let the rest fall into place. Even then that's not security. You can do all the right things in your head and still end up finding out it was a waste of your time

It's not truly about the time wasted but the time you spent doing the things YOU value. No time wasted if it's something that aligned to who you are and what you stand for.
No shit. Most rich people don't spend retardedly though. Contrary to what you believe. Being rich isn't conducive "buying/renting lambos". In general, rich people won't buy flashy stuff and show off, especially if the money was hard earned. (Miami and Los Angeles are exceptions).

What you said "You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND" is just wrong though.

There are plenty of Swiss Billionaires driving shit cars and trying to propel their wealth stealthily into the next generation, onto their kin. Buying lambos is probably the dumbest thing someone could do when it comes to retaining wealth.
The richest people actually are extremely picky. I know a few. It's the broke rich who spend their money like it's nothing.

They call that "nigga rich" around where I live.

It's like thinking you win the lottery and believe you will somehow not be tempted to just buy the things you always wanted and NOT be broke. A smart person will invest and save it all and still work or start a business. The dumb ass will think he's set for life and start buying a boat and spending it all on everyone around him.
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The richest people actually are extremely picky. I know a few. It's the broke rich who spend their money like it's nothing.

They call that "nigga rich" around where I live.

It's like thinking you win the lottery and believe you will somehow not be tempted to just buy the things you always wanted and NOT be broke. A smart person will invest and save it all and still work or start a business. The dumb ass will think he's set for life and start buying a boat and spending it all on everyone around him.

Capitalism cope rotted your brain, bitch. You had a heart attack and your girl cheated.

And you work a shit job barely getting by. You will never be "one of them." You will be a cogcoper.
Matters to an extent if you're just jobless and doing nothing no girl will go for you but if you're somewhat got something going for you, your odds increase
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dnr + cope + ur poor
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Are you telling me redpill is cope? I can't believe this!
Women want you to be in the same economic social sphere as them or above.

They will not seriously date you or respect you if you make significantly less then them or appear on paper less educated etc.

Obviously leading with your money is retarded but if she's paying all the bills and has a higher status job then you just watch what happens eventually in your relationship.

Moat divorces are due to financial issues. @thereallegend
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Water for the forum, but not anywhere else
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It’s true being rich won’t get you a real connection with women if your not attractive, but you should still strive to have a comfortable lifestyle for yourself.
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You got all of this from looking at customers in line in the grocery store?

I have been rejected many times because I don't have a car and I'm poor. Money is a factor.

If you're wearing stained, old clothes, that matters. If you can't afford lasik and you wear glasses, or you walk around with blurry vision that matters.

Or if your jaw or teeth aren't perfect, that matters and that usually requires money.

It takes money to nutritionmax, looksmax, locationmax, and have time and money to date.

There are TONs of LTN doctors with Stacy wives.

You say super cars don't attract women, but they do but what attracts girls more than that is mansion parties, having a pool, and having a hot tub.

Being able to spend 500$ on groceries means nothing. Money can be turned into looks, status, and setting up situations to attract women.
You can see what I look like from my profile picture. I'm actually rich from my fathers inheritence but I'm 5'5 and sub5 (again, my face is on my pfp) I never had a woman having a crush on me.
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You can see what I look like from my profile picture. I'm actually rich from my fathers inheritence but I'm 5'5 and sub5 (again, my face is on my pfp) I never had a woman having a crush on me.
No offense, but you're low tier subhuman.

You have to at least looksmax to LTN for your status and wealth to have an effect on women.

All you need to do, is do some cardio everyday, and cut out all processed foods, and you will loose weight.
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No offense, but you're low tier subhuman.

You have to at least looksmax to LTN for your status and wealth to have an effect on women.

All you need to do, is do some cardio everyday, and cut out all processed foods, and you will loose weight.
I also have indian genes which makes it harder to lose fat. When my father died he inherited me millions of dollars but there is no woman going for me. In terms of money I'm way above average. Also I don't have status I'm unemployed I just have wealth
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I also have indian genes which makes it harder to lose fat. When my father died he inherited me millions of dollars but there is no woman going for me. In terms of money I'm way above average. Also I don't have status I'm unemployed I just have wealth
If you are rich enough. Another option is to hire a personal trainer. Some one to motivate you in nutrition and exercise.

You may be limited in how far you can go with body building because of your genes, but there's likely room for improvement.
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Then how do u explain most HTB are in happy af relationship with LTN or mass mogging ogres in 2025??

It sure as hell ain't foe their looks.

Btw not saying ur totally wrong
Cope cus when women reach 25 they start looking for men with good financial success, looks is law around 15-25. They want to settle. They do not care if the husband is obese if he can make money. They will still having sex with men who they want but not LTR.
After they have chad's kids
massive cope if you're aren't at least Chadlite you need money to attract women

women will cheat on you with a rich HTN if you're just HTN , HTN are top 10% and too much available in the West

any prime young MTB can choose between dozens of HTNs, she will choose the richest usually as Chadlite is too rare IRL
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@Jason Voorhees I Never Understood Retards Think People are Making Money For Getting Women. Like does it not feel good when you buy a Patek or AP. Feeling Cold Metal Shifters on your GT3RS. Living in a Mansion with a Personal Chef and Housemaids. Vacation to Monaco or Mykonos.
Allat to be a sub5 incel
I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer. You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times. Or you use fucking EBT/food stamp while they use AMEX & got no issues.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah." But here's reality for you ... You're WRONG.

And guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF. Poor folks can't do that normally.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it. Seeing wealth is not attractive to most girls/women at all. AT ALL!


Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA). Only broke, desperate, depraved women seek out wealthy men to turn their lives around. Women who have a roof over their head, family, etc. do not normally give two shits if you're broke or wealthy, or work for $15 an hour $150 an hour at the end of the day.

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!" It ain't the money, bro.

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value. Talking about money in female attraction is OUT OF TOUCH.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga.... You niggas out the picks & pretending like you're up on the plate.
height and status beat looks
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