Girls of all races go apeshit over Korean Guy on omegle

yep agree.

but end of the day, it's a niche, and while attraction to the coolness and exoticness of it is defo rising, smv is a different thing.

I mean swedish foids just were used to maesthetic, soft featured guys, or remnant viking ogres, and then uber mysoginist ethnic bad boys.

so ofc Korean manufacturers makeup maxed, sweet, romantic guys, boosted by the Korean movie boyfriend trope, is gonna be attractive
Yup. But the point is if Sweden is becoming a Korean obsessed country, it shows that it has that much influence. Cause most Sweden’s fit the hitlers aryan type 😂
what are you talking about retard? im 25 any people usually think im 21-22, if i shave people asked if i was 18-19.

you dont have to be a chink for youthful looks but yes these guys have 0 sex appeal believe what you want faggot
It’s not just about beards or mustache u actual re re retard. Derp deep derp. U clearly don’t know that cumskins age like shit and look like a ballsack by the age of 20. Then the “stacies” just wear shitload of makeup to hide their flaws jfl. Derp derp derppp
  • JFL
Reactions: buflek
He isn't that good looking. I mog him. I live in Singapore and I see better looking Chinese guys every now and then.

Also the girls in the vid are ugly.
So if a normie Korean by ur standard is getting this reaction online, where people are ruthlessly honest, it shows that a htn Asian can get a better reaction. Thanks for proving my point
Hairpill, most women wanted to see how his face looked as soon as they seen how groomed his hair was
An Indian can have that same haircut but trust me they won’t get the same reaction. Same with whites too that tries to pull the Korean haircut
They're fucking ugly. Both the Asian guys and the White girls.
So called ugly guys are getting this kind of reaction on sites like Omegle, where people are brutally honest. Just proves that koreans especially are taking over 😂
Reminder that I've already said kpop maxxers have massive smv. But chinacucks like @Cheesyrumble are just normal chinks who think posting this type of shit and constantly making posts about Korean prettyboys will make them any more attractive.

If they were actually good looking Korean prettyboys they wouldn't need to post this shit 24/7
Jfl I came to this site to make fun of cumskins and shitskins. I post it on purpose to spread the truth and the opposing delusion that’s on this site. By ur logic a well known brand doesn’t need to advertise. Yeah that’s why Nike, Armani, dolce and gabanna and literally all other global brands keeps on advertising 24/7. Actual retarded moment. Derp derp derppp
No because I’m not a plastic chink with a bowl cut
Korea is not even top 5 per capita of plastic surgery. Ughhh ughhh ughhhh. Fucking retard just coping
Korea smv shouldn't be underestimated because of lgbtq propaganda and gaypop
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore, stickyblickyhuh, Cheesyrumble and 1 other person
Korea smv shouldn't be underestimated because of lgbtq propaganda and gaypop
Gay pop jfl. I didn’t know gay equates to girls going apeshit over a guy. Re re retarded coper
@WhiteBlackpiller @@RabidRosaries @@JBcollector @ @@HerpDerpson @@GeneticAbomination @@TheAbyssinian @T@Thomas DOM

Ur thoughts?
backstreet boy mog bts
He is Korean pretty boy. That's what I said.

And once again that's not the point, the point is @Cheesyrumble is sad piece of shit who posts these to make his own flatfaced depressed ugly ass feel better about being a chink.

He would post pic or dm to someone if this was untrue but he doesnt.
I already posted myself multiple times Currypoo. Curries are at the bottom of smv in the west. It's not debatable.
It's over for coping subhumans on here. East asian smv is great in 2022 for zoomers. Niggas babyrage the most at gook men more than any other race. I sense the seething from hundreds of miles away. I smell a lot Curry and mayo.
  • +1
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I already posted myself multiple times Currypoo. Curries are at the bottom of smv in the west. It's not debatable.
Link the post flatfaced chink
Reminder that I've already said kpop maxxers have massive smv. But chinacucks like @Cheesyrumble are just normal chinks who think posting this type of shit and constantly making posts about Korean prettyboys will make them any more attractive.

If they were actually good looking Korean prettyboys they wouldn't need to post this shit 24/7
Are u just going to ignore me posting myself with a girl I fucked in a thread yesterday? Of course the selfie i posted yesterday was just completely ignored by u. U just posted a retarded copypasta in response
  • Woah
Reactions: stevielake
Kpop boys look soft and feminine. Teens/Early 20's women like that type of look in 2022. So yes, Asian men are winning within a certain age demographic.
  • +1
Reactions: stickyblickyhuh and Cheesyrumble
Link the post flatfaced chink
I'll just post the image again. I'm not a "prettyboy" chang. So roast me all u want. But I would like to think I'm decent enough fuck buddy lol. We have similar interests, but I'm not dating her
20220901 225848

I have the classic "two block hairstyle" that every zoomer gook has at my school. I take care of my skin. I'm not a fat fuck. I'm average height at 5ft 10in. I'm a normie gook zoomer.
  • +1
Reactions: stickyblickyhuh
I'll just post the image again. I'm not a "prettyboy" chang. So roast me all u want. But I would like to think I'm decent enough fuck buddy lol. We have similar interests, but I'm not dating her
View attachment 1851751
I have the classic "two block hairstyle" that every zoomer gook has at my school. I take care of my skin. I'm not a fat fuck. I'm average height at 5ft 10in. I'm a normie gook zoomer.
I didn't ask for a hair pic

You are a founding member of the provemypointformetheory club

You loon pretty good for a chink tho to be fair I won't front
  • JFL
Reactions: Cheesyrumble
I'll just post the image again. I'm not a "prettyboy" chang. So roast me all u want. But I would like to think I'm decent enough fuck buddy lol. We have similar interests, but I'm not dating her
View attachment 1851751
I have the classic "two block hairstyle" that every zoomer gook has at my school. I take care of my skin. I'm not a fat fuck. I'm average height at 5ft 10in. I'm a normie gook zoomer.
To be honest I'll admit Indians do have far less smv. But you constantly posting about this shit comes off as really insecure
  • +1
Reactions: GuyFromSingapore
I didn't ask for a hair pic

You are a founding member of the provemypointformetheory club

You loon pretty good for a chink tho to be fair I won't frong
I'm living my bluepilled life while living a double life shitposting race bait on an incel forum. I'm weird. But I'm not dumb enough to post my face 😢
To be honest I'll admit Indians do have far less smv. But you constantly posting about this shit comes off as really insecure
I am insecure
  • JFL
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
I am insecure
It seems we've come to an understanding

I've admitted that chinks smv mog us

And you've admitted you post about this shit all day to make yourself feel better.

  • +1
Reactions: Cheesyrumble
It seems we've come to an understanding

I've admitted that chinks smv mog us

And you've admitted you post about this shit all day to make yourself feel better.

Fair enough. I hope bollywood chadpreets take over the west
  • +1
Reactions: Cheesyrumble
If I was full indian and also 5"6 I would be roped by now tbh
I wish tiktok wasn't banned in India. If it wasn't there would be much more brown influence on zoomers by now.
  • JFL
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
Korea smv shouldn't be underestimated because of lgbtq propaganda and gaypop
fags on this site just dont get it. Even the walkway models, like cameron dallas and that one guy, i forgot his name but hes popular on this site (even a profile pic of one of the mods), he has feminine feature and have neotenous features. Either these fags know and in denial or they are just really that fucking retarded
I'll just post the image again. I'm not a "prettyboy" chang. So roast me all u want. But I would like to think I'm decent enough fuck buddy lol. We have similar interests, but I'm not dating her
View attachment 1851751
I have the classic "two block hairstyle" that every zoomer gook has at my school. I take care of my skin. I'm not a fat fuck. I'm average height at 5ft 10in. I'm a normie gook zoomer.
u not being fat as fuck is enough to be in a higher smv than most whites. Fucking laughing at the fact that literally most, more than 50 percent (which makes it majority) of white adults are either obese, overweight, or both jfl :LOL: sad
backstreet boy mog bts
eh. perhaps if they had internet back then but the fact is even people in eastern europe, middle of fucking nowhere like estonia, girls go fucking apeshit over koreans so.... theres that
  • +1
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Nigga we are all insecure mentalcels in some capacity if we are arguing like retards on here 😅😅😅😅
wrong. Im not insecure. I came to make fun of these fags that are insecure :ROFLMAO: well i do want to be 6'1 instead of 5'11... so maybe u have a point :oops: but it doesnt bother me and my confidence
I easily got that attention when I last visited that place
  • Woah
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@traveler interracial sex
  • JFL
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  • +1
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@buflek @190cm90kg my threads
whats hqnp?

also,. check these out

theres more check my thread jfl. tired of tryna post literal hunderds of channels like this
@Blkpill Godfather
what’s actually concerning is the amount of seemingly hqnp girls on omegle.. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did degenerate shit on there

There are no more real hqnp females, fuck I’m so pissed

View attachment 1850716
My ex told me she used to show guys her tits on Omegle. I met her on Omegle. Should I rope
My ex told me she used to show guys her tits on Omegle. I met her on Omegle. Should I rope
she’s an ex, it doesn’t affect you anymore. you dodged a bullet tbh
  • +1
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