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Theory which states that you're either a slayer or an incel.
Stands for alternate account.
An aspie is one who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is believed to be part of the autism spectrum. Aspies, while being quite gifted verbally, have social, emotional, and sensory integration difficulties, among others. They engage in repetitive behavior in a restricted area of interest and have low social awareness. The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown. There is no working treatment. Most people with this improve as they mature to adulthood, but social and communication difficulties may persist.
Short for 'Alpha Male of the Group'.
Originally a PUA slang which refers in degrading a man who's trying to interfere with your sexual conquest.
Andreas Lubitz:
Incel co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525. Purposely crashed a plane full of slayers and 8+ JB into a mountainside killing 150.
Approach anxiety:
Fear of initiating a casual conversation with a woman, fear of flirting with a woman or fear of asking a woman out.
A face where the middle and lower face protrude forwardly. A straight full anteface is the most preferred in male faces. Term originated from plastic surgeon Hermann Sailer.
Bad boy theory / BB game:
The idea that women are intrigued by moderate anti-social behavior and polarizing looks such as tattoos, styled hair and edgy clothes.
Bald heory:
You can never be 8+ if you have no hair.
Barebacking / going bareback:
Having sex without a condom.
Big Black Cock. Often used to address blacks on the forum. The topic of whether it is true are not is brought up time and time again.
BBC Theory:
This theory argues that blacks are in fact the quintessential of masculinity and sex appeal. Many looks theory coincides with this idea.
Big Black Vagina.
BBV Theory:
This theory argues that blacks females are in fact the quintessential of female sexuality. The theory also argues that the more Dom the BBV the great chance of her siring you slayer son(s).
Usually refers to "Body dysmorphic disorder" a psychiatric illness where one is irrationally concerned about one's physical appearance, manifest in inaccuracy with fastidious attentiveness.
Beta eyes / big eyes / bug eyes:
Eyes that appear big. Not necessarily unattractive in a male. Sometimes also called bug eyes or frog eyes.
Beta provider:
A man who financially supports the woman in a relationship. It could also be a man who emotionally supports her by being overly romantic, sometimes to the detriment of his personal boundaries and to the health of the relationship.
Abbreviation for "body fat". Also means boyfriend.
Blue pill:
Not true or false. Coined from the movie The Matrix where the character Morpheus gives Neo the option to accept reality by swallowing a red pill or go back being connected to the matrix by swallowing the blue pill.
Bone law:
Refers to the fact that male aesthetics depends on the development of a man's bodily frame and facial bones mostly. For example according to bone law a receding chin is due to an underdeveloped jawbone.
Buddy boyo:
Slang term for comrade or chum. Often used as a derogatory term of address towards other forum members that lack understanding or have an opposed point of view from your own. Popularized by user "Jboi" on Puahate.
A woman who has an amazing body and an ugly face at the same time. Comes from 'but her face'.
The reverse of butterface.
Carrot Theory:
In certain studies a yellowish skin complexion is shown to be a highly significant predictor of preferences for mate selection for both genders. This tint is easiest to achieve with moderate beta-carotene consumption, abundant in carrots hence the name. In layman's terms it would be called 'healthy skin glow' theory, the opposite of it is a pale skin, this glow was preferred even over a natural tan.
Canthal tilt
The angle of the lateral canthus (outside corner of eye) in relation to the medial canthus (inside corner of eye). A positive canthal tilt means the lateral canthus is higher on the face in proportion to the medial canthus, whereas a negative canthal tilt means the lateral canthus is lower on the face than the medial canthus. Some sluthaters claim that a negative canthal tilt is an extremely unattractive feature on men. They argue that it looks droopy and unintimidating.
For females, a positive canthal tilt is ideal because it symbolizes youth. For males, however, canthal tilt matters less. There are men who are attractive despite a negative canthal tilt, such as Adrien Brody, Aubrey Graham, Adam Gallagher and André Hamann.
Suffix denoting involuntary celibate. Used in the formation of the words: gymcel, heightcel, baldcel, workcel, wristcel, etc. The stem word indicates the condition that made him incel, or the activity that the incel spends to compensate for his lack of success with women. For example, a baldcel is a balding man who is unattractive to women because of his hair loss. A gymcel is a man who spends his free time exercising in the hopes that a more fit body will cause him to become more attractive to women. See "incel" for specifics.
Refers to Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia tech shooter.
Compact midface / short midface:
A high midface ratio, a high fWHR, a short head, a short chin, a short forehead, high bizygomatic width, or wide-set eyes. Compact midfaces are considered the ideal for females because they supposedly indicate neoteny.
Coolidge effect:
Heightened sexual attraction to a new sexual partner. Experienced in one-night stands and short-term relationships.
Cold approach:
Former PUA term refers to meeting strangers in public hoping this will get the person laid. The cold here means that the woman hasn't been prepared or worked up in any way prior to meeting him. This at a social situation like at a party within a group of friends this would be called 'warm approach'.
(Pronounced "coals"). A legendary slayer who brought us from the dark ages of twinky male models. Extolled the virtues of masculine, high testosterone features (like a wide face, wide clavicles, a well developed chin that could cut diamonds) and how they are what makes women attracted to you.
Colez biker gang:
A random collection of users creating ludicrous meme like bad boy characters to parody the masculinity crew using exaggerations. Generally normal people can pick them out of the posters since they sound like cartoons, but aspies can't so some of them actually worship this group.
Actions intended to make sense of unpleasant reality.
An incel coping mechanism intended to makes sense of an unpleasant reality. It's generally seen in the manlet and ethnic variety, or when a perceived incel is dating out of his league. Usually a pathetic display of black and white thinking, and overall shortsightedness and ignorance.
Height is all that matters. Tall guys can't be incel.
Being white is all that matters. White guys can't be incel.
How can she be dating him? He is a manlet/ethnic!
Note that this does not apply to any of the LMS triumvirate, as this is scientifically proven and accepted fact. Referring to any of these as the cause for one's inceldom would not in any way be considered as copecelling, but rather observing the reality of one's unfortunate fate.
A man with an adulterous girlfriend/wife. Or, a beta provider whose girlfriend/wife gave out free casual sex to other men, before she started dating him.
The onset of melancholy from being inferior to Johnny Depp, also known as being Deppmogged. It is the inevitable aftermath of being sub-Depp.
Dihydrotestosterone, the major androgrenizing Hormone. Plays a major role in male pattern baldness, facial / body hair, acne, libido (sex drive). It is also a potent fat fighter.
Short for dominant. It commonly refers to a ultra-masculine face, but could also refer to an intimidating presence or dominant behavior.
Short for erectile dysfunction.
Elliot Rodger the Isla Vista killer.
Escort theory:
A pragmatic philosophy that proposes to isolated adult virgins that they should just man up and get over their issues with safe prostitutes until they fix their sexual frustration. Some advocates consider this the only option for incels as long as they live.
Escort crew:
Incels who only have sex with prostitutes.
Meaning depends on location, but in the U.S. it usually refers to those of nonwhite ethnicity, who are believed to be repulsive to women, usually due to their lower social status and differing physical features as compared to whites.
A non-black and non-white incel, such as Indian, East Asian etc. Typically considered the lowest of all incel races.
A substitute for "ethnic", due to a censorship filter on Puahate.
Face theory / face law / F.A.C.E.:
The theory that face is most important and overshadows all other qualities when it comes to dating. F.A.C.E. stands for "Face and Age Conquer Everything".
Failo effect:
The opposite of the halo effect. When someone is physically attractive, they are assumed to have other attractive non-physical features. The failo effect states that an ugly person will be assumed to have unattractive non-physical features on account of being physically ugly. Common among incels. See 'halo effect' for more.
Facebook. Also means fuck buddy.
Fish lips:
Big misshapened lips or big lips. Blacks and ethnics are sometimes referred to having "fish lips" due to their size.
Flush yourself:
An insult derived from the newmisc. Suggests that you are feces and should kill yourself.
Short for Fresh Off the Boat. Refers to immigrants, usually East Asian and Indian immigrants who have thick accidents.
Friends with benefits
Facial Width-to-Height Ratio. Sometimes measured as the bizygomatic width divided by the distance from the upper eyelids to the upper lip. Sometimes measured as the byzygomatic width divided by the distance from the nasion to the prosthion.
G4P or g4p:
Means 'gay for pay', it's heterosexual men doing solo erotic shows for homosexual men for money.
Short for good looking.
Good Looking Loser / GLL:
A pick-up artist guru who is critical of some mainstream PUA beliefs and practices. Unlike some other PUA's Good Looking Loser emphasizes that looks do matter.
Go outside theory:
The theory that if you go outside and interact with other people, you have a better chance of getting laid than trolling internet forums for hours per day.
Greensboro Jock:
Greensboro Jock is a famous photograph of an American football player that epitomized hyper-masculinity and jock/Chad idealism.
Halo effect
The psychological effect when people ascribe personality characteristics or other qualities based on their impression of a person.
Height theory:
Refers to the scientific research that suggests height is a distinctively or the prime attractive feature for men.
High inhibition:
A person who sacrifices his/her happiness due to the irrational fear that pursuing personal goals will result in people's social disapproval. In layman's terms it's somebody who can't stand up for himself and chooses passivity/safety.
Prejudice or discrimination based on one's height.
High E:
High estrogen. In females, this results in large breasts, an hourglass figure, a rounded buttocks and lustful facial features. High E females typically desire high T males. Low E females typically prefer low T males. While both males and females can be high E, the term is typically used in reference to females. The opposite term is High T (high testosterone).
High T:
High testosterone. In males, this results in a masculine (high) fWHR, low inhibition, large interior skull volume, increased muscularity, thick bones, a prominent supraorbital ridge, and high horizontal punching power. High T women have similar features.
High quality non-primitive (HQNP):
An attractive non-primitive female.
Hooded eyes:
The appearance of eyes aliken to that of Sean O'Pry, where an fold of adipose skin covers the upper crease of one's eyelid.
Horizontal punching power:
Referring to the amount of force generated by a single punch. Polynesians are widely known to generate the most horizontal punching power.
Hump and dump:
Having sex with a female with the female expecting a relationship, but instead of the man pursuing a relationship, he rejects her. :See pump and dump".
Hunter eyes:
Vertically narrow eyes, usually covered by big brow ridge and tilted eyebrows. Different from DOM eyebrows which are straight.
Usually refers to a facet of evolutionary psychology regarding women especially in regards to their sexual partners, preferring to marry above their league in either physical beauty or wealth.
An involuntary celibate man. Refers to state in which a person who is willing and physically able to engage in sexual relations is unable to find a partner. The term applies to people who have not yet engaged in sex, those who have had sex at least once but are unable to find another partner, and those in a relationship with a partner who is unwilling to have sex. The most common types of incel discussed on this board are:
A man who is either bald or balding which drastically affects one's aesthetic value.
An adult male with the bone structure of a 15 year old kid. Frame refers here to body frame.
Someone whose work preoccupies any freedom to enjoy any activities that may be conducive to the chance of sexual intercourse.
An extreme version of the workcel. A workcel whose work has a great a hold over him in terms of time and energy. He is practically a slave.
-heightcel / shortcel
A short guy who is incel because of his height.
An incel who thinks he can compensate with muscles for his low LMS.
An incel whose lack of sexual experience makes him even more socially awkward.
A person whose social inhibition is extremely high.
An incel whose skull hasn't reached the adult male's size thus it distorts his facial proportions.
An adult or fully grown incel whose wrist bones are of small circumference and/or of womanly or childish size thus it effects his masculinity or sense of manliness. Typically it means wrists less than 6.5" inches.
Incel rage:
A form of emotional outburst of an incel due to the build up sexual frustration, it can manifest in many forms. Sometimes it's verbal abuse, ranting, doing crazy shit on the webcam. Sometimes unfortunately it can lead to violent behavior in certain troubled individuals.
Incel rule of thumb:
If you are attracted to her, then she is out of your league.
Originally a PUA slang. Short for indicator of interest. Actions that may indicate that a woman is interested in you.
An attractive female who is under the age of consent. It refers to visible fertile women of high school age.
Short for Jailbait.
The original Ainu descended inhabitants of Japan. A robust, masculine race before they were outbred by Yayoi and Chinese.
Juggernaut law:
If a woman is below average height, has wonky teeth, Dumbo ears, this makes guys feel like they have a CHANCE with her, as opposed to if she were more "perfect", less flawed. So this means that even girls that are AVERAGE and BELOW still have guys hitting on them. You can't stop a woman's dating potential. She is like The Juggernaut. If she is a single mum, then more guys will think they are being her prince charming by rescuing her from all the "other bad, bad men out there". She is UNSTOPPABLE. Any flaw she has JUST MAKES HER STRONGER in the dating world.
A stereotypical athletic high school student that is popular with girls.
Johnny Sanza, a 23 year old truecel from Canada. The general consensus amongst the regular posters is that he represents the epitome of ugliness.
Lay down and rot. A popular insult to describe a fellow member. To give up on life and decompose like worthless garbage.
An obese human female, often morbidly so. Generally seen as being of very low desirability and extreme low worth to men and at the lowest end of the totem pole in regards to female attractiveness. Alternatively called a fat cow, hog or warpig.
Refers to Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook shooter.
Le Fort fracture of skull:
Types of facial fractures involving the maxillary bone and surrounding structures in a usually bilateral and either horizontal, pyramidal or transverse way. Le Forts are performed sometimes to fix a receded areas of facial bones like the maxillary. Type of leforts include Lefort I, Lefort II, and Lefort III
It means true. Denote one's agreement to particular opinion or fact.
(L)ooks, (M)oney and (S)tatus. Concept developed by PUAHate suggesting that what matters in attracting women are looks, money and status. It denies personality, confidence or game to be significant factors.
Long face / horse face / long midface:
A low midface ratio, a low fWHR, a long head, a long chin, a long forehead, low bizygomatic width or close-set eyes. A long face could be natural due to bodily height (taller people have longer faces; e.g. Yao Ming has a long face due to his height). A long face could also be caused by environmental factors such as mouthbreathing (Adenoid face).
Long-term relationship:
A relationship that lasts a long time, especially with those who are planning to live together, are considering to be exclusive with each other, or are possibly considering to marry. The sex gets boring due to low perceived mutual attraction and sexual variety.
Prejudice or discrimination based on one's looks. Also, the name of this website.
Looks theory / looks law:
A theory which holds that looks matter a lot in dating. Compare to PUA advice and the usual "be confident" advice.
Maxing out one's own appearance or trying to increase one's looks.
Low inhibition:
Refers to a person who doesn't care what others think of him, generally it's the mindset of a functioning adult male, in extreme cases refers to antisocial criminals.
Longsterm relationship.
Luck theory
A theory that states that luck plays a role in a man's success in wooing women. How lucky you are is typically genetically based and determined at birth. Many times when a man is seen dating a woman outside of his league, it is assumed he has a great personality or is very wealthy. This is true in many cases, but there is also the possibility he is just lucky.
A short male who is less than average height.
Combination of masculine and aesthetic.
Masculinity crew:
A group of men who believes in masculinity theory or adheres to it by going to the gym.
Masculinity theory:
The theory which claims that a masculine appearance (in both face and body) is important to a man's attractiveness. A masculine face, a robust bone structure and high muscle mass are regarded as attractive. It claims that women don't find feminine faces, narrow faces or a skinny body attractive on men.
Mental masturbation:
Useless intellectual debate that has nothing to do with reality anymore and only serves to bloat up the person's ego.
An informal term of pushing the tongue up hard against the roof of the mouth for long periods of time and/or or chewing hard falim gum. It is said to improve the appearance of the jaw and to give the user a stronger and more aesthetic looking profile. It is pioneered by British orthodontist Mike Mew, after whom the technique is named.
Refers to 'men going their own way'. The term describes a group of men who believe that their social isolation, passive-aggressive behavior, not having children, and theories they posted online will collapse society as it is.
Midface ratio:
Distance from midpoint of the pupils to the middle of the lips (sometimes to the top of the lips) divided by the interpupillary distance.
Mike Mew / Mew Theory:
An orthodontist who argues the development of the face and jaws is dependent on correct oral posture. Mew theory suggest chewing hard gum and pressing the tongue to the roof of mouth.
Short for admiring.
Active member of the 'misc' found at the forum of bodybuilding.com
A pizza-faced burrito maker from Manletland. When not obsessing about his height and/or showing his erect phallus to people online, he's approaching women at the train station to invite them to the woods.
Midface ratio
Male Model
Suffix indicating being dominated by another person. The stem word denotes the feature that one is being dominated by.
Being dominated by another's height.
Being dominated by a man with a thicker wrist.
Being dominated by a man with a better shaped or bigger skull.
Morph Theory / morph game:
To digitally manipulate your online dating profile images to appear more aesthetic.
Refers to natural bodybuilding, it means without the use of steroids.
Negative Canthal Tilt
a person who is Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
The average everyday boring person.
Normalfag theory:
The average everyday boring person's dating strategy, which is dating people who are just good enough for sex from their small pool of prospects and this selection takes place when their level of sexual frustration exceeds their fear of rejection.
Norwood / Norwooding / NW:
The Hamilton-Norwood scale is a scale for measuring the different stages of male pattern baldness. A Norwood 0 means there is no hair loss, with a Norwood 7 being the most advanced stage. Most young adult men have a Norwood 1 hairline, and anything beyond a Norwood 2 is exponentially worse. A balding man is said to be "Norwooding".
NT or normie:
Short for neurotypical, normal people who don't have autism.
Numbers game:
The more women you meet the more easy it is to find one who likes you.
Nutrition theory:
The idea that eating habits, intake of adequate vitamins and minerals lead to a better looking face.
Refers to the dating site OkCupid.
One-night stand.
Our Heavenly Father:
Refers to David Gandy. A group of incels here consider him the living god of male aesthetics.
Peppers life / dat Peppers life:
Being an isolated virgin and living on welfare as a mature person. Comes from the actual lifestyle of the user 'Brian Peppers'.
PJ or Plain Jane:
Refers to an average-looking female.
Refers to the dating site PlentyofFish.
Potato face:
A facial phenotype that has shallow cheekbones, shallow brow ridge, underdeveloped jaw. The term comes form the resemblance with a potato. The technically correct term is amorphous appearance, meaning soft solid.
Pretty boy:
A male considered attractive, but with a relatively feminine face. An example is Justin Bieber.
Red pill:
The truth. Coined from the movie The Matrix where the character Morpheus gives Neo the option to accept reality by swallowing a red pill or go back being connected to the matrix by swallowing the blue pill.
Provider game:
Tactic used by men who wants sex. Basically the man jumps through hoops by going through multiple dates hoping that the woman will eventually reward him with sex. In a relationship he will support the woman financially or emotionally.
Proximity theory:
Refers to the statistically demonstrated fact that most people date people who live close to them and are in the same social group. Proximity theory argues this is the number one preference of most people due to it's convenience and their risk aversion.
Pump and dump:
Having sex with a female with the female expecting a relationship, but instead of the man pursuing a relationship, he rejects her.
'Pickup Artist' originally coined from the belief that picking up women is a form of art. Used to describe the members of the seduction community. Now it refers to a group of fraudulent men who sell overcharged useless/untested self-help advice on dating to naive sexually inexperienced people.
Pizza Guy / Pizza Slayer:
An autistic teenager who has a channel on YouTube with over 30,000 subscribers that reviews energy drinks and pizza. A popular animated gif features him giving a thumbs up.
Rat face:
refers to a face characterized by a disproportionately long midface, narrow skull and overly tapered, narrow, often receding chin.
Anabolic steroids. A form of chemical enhancement used to increase muscle growth.
Raw sex appeal (RSA):
Term used by the masculinity crew to refer to attractive qualities.
Roided, Tatted and Tanned. Commonly claimed to project a "bad boy" or masculine image.
Short for 'Shitty Advice'
Small Asian Penis. Used to address Asian males.
A morally deplorable female. A word popularized by the forum user 'Norwood Cemetery'
Short form for signature.
Skull size theory:
For a male face to be attractive it needs a minimal skull size so that all the facial ratios fall in place.
Sexual conquest which presumes getting peer approval automatically.
Alpha male who slays. Generally refers to an attractive male that has sex with multiple women very easy.
A substitute for "slut", usually used by "miscers".
A woman who has casual sex with multiple men. Usage depends on circumstances, if the woman sleeps with the person than being slut means she was wild in bed, if she rejects the person it means she's hypergamous and a stuck-up.
Smash bone theory:
A theory predicated on the principle of Wolff's law (the idea that bones will grow in response to stress placed on them), smash bone theory asserts that you can cause bone growth my exposing the bone to repeated blunt trauma. This is usually used to cause growth of the facial bones, such as the cheekbones or mandible.
Social proof:
A special case of 'halo effect' it refers to people who have a certain status in a group and whatever they do is filtered through that resulting in the group accepting that behavior from this person even though they would never swallow this from a complete stranger.
Refers to George Sodini, the man who shot women at LA Fitness because they had rejected him.
A person who has Aspergers. See 'aspie'.
Another slang word for anabolic steroids.
Racist whitecels who rage about ethnics and blacks. Often become angry about interracial dating.
Means short term relationship.
A man who is not good-looking enough.
A man who is less than 5/10 on a Looks rating or LMS rating. Condemned to a life of fapping, escorts and incel rage.
Below Brad Pitt in facial aesthetics. You aren't living the life and are most likely an incel.
To visit Gandy / die and go to heaven.
Supreme gentleman:
A narcissistic title given by Elliot Rodger to himself.
Test or T:
Demeaning term for a men who has a weak appearance. Usually used to refer to young Justin Bieber and the like who are considered unattractive by the masculinity crew.
Theory theory:
Refers to the obvious fact that the more you mentally masturbate on a subject the less happier and more socially isolated you become.
To make it:
To become a slayer.
Trenbolone, a powerful 19-nortestosterone based anabolic steroid.
Means 'testosterone replacement therapy'.
Kissless and touchless virgin who has never had any sort of physical interaction with a member of the opposite sex. Also known as a permacel.
Upper eyelid exposure:
Visible lines in the upper eyelid. Not necessarily unattractive.
Visit Gandy
To kill oneself, to visit "God" aka "David Gandy", some of the posters consider him the god of male aesthetics.
A voluntary celibate. Someone who can get sex but choose not to. Contrast it to incel.
A type of obese and piggy-looking female. Often quarrelsome and bellicose, these females look to create war with people (particularly men) that don't find them attractive.
White knight:
Believing that women will be impressed by protective behaviour and coming to their rescue. Guys do this in the hope of a sex reward.
A man who is a virgin until the age of 30. Wizardchan parodies a meme that if a man maintains his virginity until the age of 30 he's going to achieve supernatural powers like a wizard.
Womb to tomb:
To live as an incel for life. Used to describe a man so ugly and aspie that he will be a truecel for life. Incels that never made it.
Yellow fever:
To be attracted to Asian girls.
Refers to Aziz Shavershian who was a bodybuilder and internet celebrity.
Theory which states that you're either a slayer or an incel.
Stands for alternate account.
An aspie is one who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is believed to be part of the autism spectrum. Aspies, while being quite gifted verbally, have social, emotional, and sensory integration difficulties, among others. They engage in repetitive behavior in a restricted area of interest and have low social awareness. The exact cause of Asperger's is unknown. There is no working treatment. Most people with this improve as they mature to adulthood, but social and communication difficulties may persist.
Short for 'Alpha Male of the Group'.
Originally a PUA slang which refers in degrading a man who's trying to interfere with your sexual conquest.
Andreas Lubitz:
Incel co-pilot of Germanwings Flight 9525. Purposely crashed a plane full of slayers and 8+ JB into a mountainside killing 150.
Approach anxiety:
Fear of initiating a casual conversation with a woman, fear of flirting with a woman or fear of asking a woman out.
A face where the middle and lower face protrude forwardly. A straight full anteface is the most preferred in male faces. Term originated from plastic surgeon Hermann Sailer.
Bad boy theory / BB game:
The idea that women are intrigued by moderate anti-social behavior and polarizing looks such as tattoos, styled hair and edgy clothes.
Bald heory:
You can never be 8+ if you have no hair.
Barebacking / going bareback:
Having sex without a condom.
Big Black Cock. Often used to address blacks on the forum. The topic of whether it is true are not is brought up time and time again.
BBC Theory:
This theory argues that blacks are in fact the quintessential of masculinity and sex appeal. Many looks theory coincides with this idea.
Big Black Vagina.
BBV Theory:
This theory argues that blacks females are in fact the quintessential of female sexuality. The theory also argues that the more Dom the BBV the great chance of her siring you slayer son(s).
Usually refers to "Body dysmorphic disorder" a psychiatric illness where one is irrationally concerned about one's physical appearance, manifest in inaccuracy with fastidious attentiveness.
Beta eyes / big eyes / bug eyes:
Eyes that appear big. Not necessarily unattractive in a male. Sometimes also called bug eyes or frog eyes.
Beta provider:
A man who financially supports the woman in a relationship. It could also be a man who emotionally supports her by being overly romantic, sometimes to the detriment of his personal boundaries and to the health of the relationship.
Abbreviation for "body fat". Also means boyfriend.
Blue pill:
Not true or false. Coined from the movie The Matrix where the character Morpheus gives Neo the option to accept reality by swallowing a red pill or go back being connected to the matrix by swallowing the blue pill.
Bone law:
Refers to the fact that male aesthetics depends on the development of a man's bodily frame and facial bones mostly. For example according to bone law a receding chin is due to an underdeveloped jawbone.
Buddy boyo:
Slang term for comrade or chum. Often used as a derogatory term of address towards other forum members that lack understanding or have an opposed point of view from your own. Popularized by user "Jboi" on Puahate.
A woman who has an amazing body and an ugly face at the same time. Comes from 'but her face'.
The reverse of butterface.
Carrot Theory:
In certain studies a yellowish skin complexion is shown to be a highly significant predictor of preferences for mate selection for both genders. This tint is easiest to achieve with moderate beta-carotene consumption, abundant in carrots hence the name. In layman's terms it would be called 'healthy skin glow' theory, the opposite of it is a pale skin, this glow was preferred even over a natural tan.
Canthal tilt
The angle of the lateral canthus (outside corner of eye) in relation to the medial canthus (inside corner of eye). A positive canthal tilt means the lateral canthus is higher on the face in proportion to the medial canthus, whereas a negative canthal tilt means the lateral canthus is lower on the face than the medial canthus. Some sluthaters claim that a negative canthal tilt is an extremely unattractive feature on men. They argue that it looks droopy and unintimidating.
For females, a positive canthal tilt is ideal because it symbolizes youth. For males, however, canthal tilt matters less. There are men who are attractive despite a negative canthal tilt, such as Adrien Brody, Aubrey Graham, Adam Gallagher and André Hamann.
Suffix denoting involuntary celibate. Used in the formation of the words: gymcel, heightcel, baldcel, workcel, wristcel, etc. The stem word indicates the condition that made him incel, or the activity that the incel spends to compensate for his lack of success with women. For example, a baldcel is a balding man who is unattractive to women because of his hair loss. A gymcel is a man who spends his free time exercising in the hopes that a more fit body will cause him to become more attractive to women. See "incel" for specifics.
Refers to Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia tech shooter.
Compact midface / short midface:
A high midface ratio, a high fWHR, a short head, a short chin, a short forehead, high bizygomatic width, or wide-set eyes. Compact midfaces are considered the ideal for females because they supposedly indicate neoteny.
Coolidge effect:
Heightened sexual attraction to a new sexual partner. Experienced in one-night stands and short-term relationships.
Cold approach:
Former PUA term refers to meeting strangers in public hoping this will get the person laid. The cold here means that the woman hasn't been prepared or worked up in any way prior to meeting him. This at a social situation like at a party within a group of friends this would be called 'warm approach'.
(Pronounced "coals"). A legendary slayer who brought us from the dark ages of twinky male models. Extolled the virtues of masculine, high testosterone features (like a wide face, wide clavicles, a well developed chin that could cut diamonds) and how they are what makes women attracted to you.
Colez biker gang:
A random collection of users creating ludicrous meme like bad boy characters to parody the masculinity crew using exaggerations. Generally normal people can pick them out of the posters since they sound like cartoons, but aspies can't so some of them actually worship this group.
Actions intended to make sense of unpleasant reality.
An incel coping mechanism intended to makes sense of an unpleasant reality. It's generally seen in the manlet and ethnic variety, or when a perceived incel is dating out of his league. Usually a pathetic display of black and white thinking, and overall shortsightedness and ignorance.
Height is all that matters. Tall guys can't be incel.
Being white is all that matters. White guys can't be incel.
How can she be dating him? He is a manlet/ethnic!
Note that this does not apply to any of the LMS triumvirate, as this is scientifically proven and accepted fact. Referring to any of these as the cause for one's inceldom would not in any way be considered as copecelling, but rather observing the reality of one's unfortunate fate.
A man with an adulterous girlfriend/wife. Or, a beta provider whose girlfriend/wife gave out free casual sex to other men, before she started dating him.
The onset of melancholy from being inferior to Johnny Depp, also known as being Deppmogged. It is the inevitable aftermath of being sub-Depp.
Dihydrotestosterone, the major androgrenizing Hormone. Plays a major role in male pattern baldness, facial / body hair, acne, libido (sex drive). It is also a potent fat fighter.
Short for dominant. It commonly refers to a ultra-masculine face, but could also refer to an intimidating presence or dominant behavior.
Short for erectile dysfunction.
Elliot Rodger the Isla Vista killer.
Escort theory:
A pragmatic philosophy that proposes to isolated adult virgins that they should just man up and get over their issues with safe prostitutes until they fix their sexual frustration. Some advocates consider this the only option for incels as long as they live.
Escort crew:
Incels who only have sex with prostitutes.
Meaning depends on location, but in the U.S. it usually refers to those of nonwhite ethnicity, who are believed to be repulsive to women, usually due to their lower social status and differing physical features as compared to whites.
A non-black and non-white incel, such as Indian, East Asian etc. Typically considered the lowest of all incel races.
A substitute for "ethnic", due to a censorship filter on Puahate.
Face theory / face law / F.A.C.E.:
The theory that face is most important and overshadows all other qualities when it comes to dating. F.A.C.E. stands for "Face and Age Conquer Everything".
Failo effect:
The opposite of the halo effect. When someone is physically attractive, they are assumed to have other attractive non-physical features. The failo effect states that an ugly person will be assumed to have unattractive non-physical features on account of being physically ugly. Common among incels. See 'halo effect' for more.
Facebook. Also means fuck buddy.
Fish lips:
Big misshapened lips or big lips. Blacks and ethnics are sometimes referred to having "fish lips" due to their size.
Flush yourself:
An insult derived from the newmisc. Suggests that you are feces and should kill yourself.
Short for Fresh Off the Boat. Refers to immigrants, usually East Asian and Indian immigrants who have thick accidents.
Friends with benefits
Facial Width-to-Height Ratio. Sometimes measured as the bizygomatic width divided by the distance from the upper eyelids to the upper lip. Sometimes measured as the byzygomatic width divided by the distance from the nasion to the prosthion.
G4P or g4p:
Means 'gay for pay', it's heterosexual men doing solo erotic shows for homosexual men for money.
Short for good looking.
Good Looking Loser / GLL:
A pick-up artist guru who is critical of some mainstream PUA beliefs and practices. Unlike some other PUA's Good Looking Loser emphasizes that looks do matter.
Go outside theory:
The theory that if you go outside and interact with other people, you have a better chance of getting laid than trolling internet forums for hours per day.
Greensboro Jock:
Greensboro Jock is a famous photograph of an American football player that epitomized hyper-masculinity and jock/Chad idealism.
Halo effect
The psychological effect when people ascribe personality characteristics or other qualities based on their impression of a person.
Height theory:
Refers to the scientific research that suggests height is a distinctively or the prime attractive feature for men.
High inhibition:
A person who sacrifices his/her happiness due to the irrational fear that pursuing personal goals will result in people's social disapproval. In layman's terms it's somebody who can't stand up for himself and chooses passivity/safety.
Prejudice or discrimination based on one's height.
High E:
High estrogen. In females, this results in large breasts, an hourglass figure, a rounded buttocks and lustful facial features. High E females typically desire high T males. Low E females typically prefer low T males. While both males and females can be high E, the term is typically used in reference to females. The opposite term is High T (high testosterone).
High T:
High testosterone. In males, this results in a masculine (high) fWHR, low inhibition, large interior skull volume, increased muscularity, thick bones, a prominent supraorbital ridge, and high horizontal punching power. High T women have similar features.
High quality non-primitive (HQNP):
An attractive non-primitive female.
Hooded eyes:
The appearance of eyes aliken to that of Sean O'Pry, where an fold of adipose skin covers the upper crease of one's eyelid.
Horizontal punching power:
Referring to the amount of force generated by a single punch. Polynesians are widely known to generate the most horizontal punching power.
Hump and dump:
Having sex with a female with the female expecting a relationship, but instead of the man pursuing a relationship, he rejects her. :See pump and dump".
Hunter eyes:
Vertically narrow eyes, usually covered by big brow ridge and tilted eyebrows. Different from DOM eyebrows which are straight.
Usually refers to a facet of evolutionary psychology regarding women especially in regards to their sexual partners, preferring to marry above their league in either physical beauty or wealth.
An involuntary celibate man. Refers to state in which a person who is willing and physically able to engage in sexual relations is unable to find a partner. The term applies to people who have not yet engaged in sex, those who have had sex at least once but are unable to find another partner, and those in a relationship with a partner who is unwilling to have sex. The most common types of incel discussed on this board are:
A man who is either bald or balding which drastically affects one's aesthetic value.
An adult male with the bone structure of a 15 year old kid. Frame refers here to body frame.
Someone whose work preoccupies any freedom to enjoy any activities that may be conducive to the chance of sexual intercourse.
An extreme version of the workcel. A workcel whose work has a great a hold over him in terms of time and energy. He is practically a slave.
-heightcel / shortcel
A short guy who is incel because of his height.
An incel who thinks he can compensate with muscles for his low LMS.
An incel whose lack of sexual experience makes him even more socially awkward.
A person whose social inhibition is extremely high.
An incel whose skull hasn't reached the adult male's size thus it distorts his facial proportions.
An adult or fully grown incel whose wrist bones are of small circumference and/or of womanly or childish size thus it effects his masculinity or sense of manliness. Typically it means wrists less than 6.5" inches.
Incel rage:
A form of emotional outburst of an incel due to the build up sexual frustration, it can manifest in many forms. Sometimes it's verbal abuse, ranting, doing crazy shit on the webcam. Sometimes unfortunately it can lead to violent behavior in certain troubled individuals.
Incel rule of thumb:
If you are attracted to her, then she is out of your league.
Originally a PUA slang. Short for indicator of interest. Actions that may indicate that a woman is interested in you.
An attractive female who is under the age of consent. It refers to visible fertile women of high school age.
Short for Jailbait.
The original Ainu descended inhabitants of Japan. A robust, masculine race before they were outbred by Yayoi and Chinese.
Juggernaut law:
If a woman is below average height, has wonky teeth, Dumbo ears, this makes guys feel like they have a CHANCE with her, as opposed to if she were more "perfect", less flawed. So this means that even girls that are AVERAGE and BELOW still have guys hitting on them. You can't stop a woman's dating potential. She is like The Juggernaut. If she is a single mum, then more guys will think they are being her prince charming by rescuing her from all the "other bad, bad men out there". She is UNSTOPPABLE. Any flaw she has JUST MAKES HER STRONGER in the dating world.
A stereotypical athletic high school student that is popular with girls.
Johnny Sanza, a 23 year old truecel from Canada. The general consensus amongst the regular posters is that he represents the epitome of ugliness.
Lay down and rot. A popular insult to describe a fellow member. To give up on life and decompose like worthless garbage.
An obese human female, often morbidly so. Generally seen as being of very low desirability and extreme low worth to men and at the lowest end of the totem pole in regards to female attractiveness. Alternatively called a fat cow, hog or warpig.
Refers to Adam Lanza the Sandy Hook shooter.
Le Fort fracture of skull:
Types of facial fractures involving the maxillary bone and surrounding structures in a usually bilateral and either horizontal, pyramidal or transverse way. Le Forts are performed sometimes to fix a receded areas of facial bones like the maxillary. Type of leforts include Lefort I, Lefort II, and Lefort III
It means true. Denote one's agreement to particular opinion or fact.
(L)ooks, (M)oney and (S)tatus. Concept developed by PUAHate suggesting that what matters in attracting women are looks, money and status. It denies personality, confidence or game to be significant factors.
Long face / horse face / long midface:
A low midface ratio, a low fWHR, a long head, a long chin, a long forehead, low bizygomatic width or close-set eyes. A long face could be natural due to bodily height (taller people have longer faces; e.g. Yao Ming has a long face due to his height). A long face could also be caused by environmental factors such as mouthbreathing (Adenoid face).
Long-term relationship:
A relationship that lasts a long time, especially with those who are planning to live together, are considering to be exclusive with each other, or are possibly considering to marry. The sex gets boring due to low perceived mutual attraction and sexual variety.
Prejudice or discrimination based on one's looks. Also, the name of this website.
Looks theory / looks law:
A theory which holds that looks matter a lot in dating. Compare to PUA advice and the usual "be confident" advice.
Maxing out one's own appearance or trying to increase one's looks.
Low inhibition:
Refers to a person who doesn't care what others think of him, generally it's the mindset of a functioning adult male, in extreme cases refers to antisocial criminals.
Longsterm relationship.
Luck theory
A theory that states that luck plays a role in a man's success in wooing women. How lucky you are is typically genetically based and determined at birth. Many times when a man is seen dating a woman outside of his league, it is assumed he has a great personality or is very wealthy. This is true in many cases, but there is also the possibility he is just lucky.
A short male who is less than average height.
Combination of masculine and aesthetic.
Masculinity crew:
A group of men who believes in masculinity theory or adheres to it by going to the gym.
Masculinity theory:
The theory which claims that a masculine appearance (in both face and body) is important to a man's attractiveness. A masculine face, a robust bone structure and high muscle mass are regarded as attractive. It claims that women don't find feminine faces, narrow faces or a skinny body attractive on men.
Mental masturbation:
Useless intellectual debate that has nothing to do with reality anymore and only serves to bloat up the person's ego.
An informal term of pushing the tongue up hard against the roof of the mouth for long periods of time and/or or chewing hard falim gum. It is said to improve the appearance of the jaw and to give the user a stronger and more aesthetic looking profile. It is pioneered by British orthodontist Mike Mew, after whom the technique is named.
Refers to 'men going their own way'. The term describes a group of men who believe that their social isolation, passive-aggressive behavior, not having children, and theories they posted online will collapse society as it is.
Midface ratio:
Distance from midpoint of the pupils to the middle of the lips (sometimes to the top of the lips) divided by the interpupillary distance.
Mike Mew / Mew Theory:
An orthodontist who argues the development of the face and jaws is dependent on correct oral posture. Mew theory suggest chewing hard gum and pressing the tongue to the roof of mouth.
Short for admiring.
Active member of the 'misc' found at the forum of bodybuilding.com
A pizza-faced burrito maker from Manletland. When not obsessing about his height and/or showing his erect phallus to people online, he's approaching women at the train station to invite them to the woods.
Midface ratio
Male Model
Suffix indicating being dominated by another person. The stem word denotes the feature that one is being dominated by.
Being dominated by another's height.
Being dominated by a man with a thicker wrist.
Being dominated by a man with a better shaped or bigger skull.
Morph Theory / morph game:
To digitally manipulate your online dating profile images to appear more aesthetic.
Refers to natural bodybuilding, it means without the use of steroids.
Negative Canthal Tilt
a person who is Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
The average everyday boring person.
Normalfag theory:
The average everyday boring person's dating strategy, which is dating people who are just good enough for sex from their small pool of prospects and this selection takes place when their level of sexual frustration exceeds their fear of rejection.
Norwood / Norwooding / NW:
The Hamilton-Norwood scale is a scale for measuring the different stages of male pattern baldness. A Norwood 0 means there is no hair loss, with a Norwood 7 being the most advanced stage. Most young adult men have a Norwood 1 hairline, and anything beyond a Norwood 2 is exponentially worse. A balding man is said to be "Norwooding".
NT or normie:
Short for neurotypical, normal people who don't have autism.
Numbers game:
The more women you meet the more easy it is to find one who likes you.
Nutrition theory:
The idea that eating habits, intake of adequate vitamins and minerals lead to a better looking face.
Refers to the dating site OkCupid.
One-night stand.
Our Heavenly Father:
Refers to David Gandy. A group of incels here consider him the living god of male aesthetics.
Peppers life / dat Peppers life:
Being an isolated virgin and living on welfare as a mature person. Comes from the actual lifestyle of the user 'Brian Peppers'.
PJ or Plain Jane:
Refers to an average-looking female.
Refers to the dating site PlentyofFish.
Potato face:
A facial phenotype that has shallow cheekbones, shallow brow ridge, underdeveloped jaw. The term comes form the resemblance with a potato. The technically correct term is amorphous appearance, meaning soft solid.
Pretty boy:
A male considered attractive, but with a relatively feminine face. An example is Justin Bieber.
Red pill:
The truth. Coined from the movie The Matrix where the character Morpheus gives Neo the option to accept reality by swallowing a red pill or go back being connected to the matrix by swallowing the blue pill.
Provider game:
Tactic used by men who wants sex. Basically the man jumps through hoops by going through multiple dates hoping that the woman will eventually reward him with sex. In a relationship he will support the woman financially or emotionally.
Proximity theory:
Refers to the statistically demonstrated fact that most people date people who live close to them and are in the same social group. Proximity theory argues this is the number one preference of most people due to it's convenience and their risk aversion.
Pump and dump:
Having sex with a female with the female expecting a relationship, but instead of the man pursuing a relationship, he rejects her.
'Pickup Artist' originally coined from the belief that picking up women is a form of art. Used to describe the members of the seduction community. Now it refers to a group of fraudulent men who sell overcharged useless/untested self-help advice on dating to naive sexually inexperienced people.
Pizza Guy / Pizza Slayer:
An autistic teenager who has a channel on YouTube with over 30,000 subscribers that reviews energy drinks and pizza. A popular animated gif features him giving a thumbs up.
Rat face:
refers to a face characterized by a disproportionately long midface, narrow skull and overly tapered, narrow, often receding chin.
Anabolic steroids. A form of chemical enhancement used to increase muscle growth.
Raw sex appeal (RSA):
Term used by the masculinity crew to refer to attractive qualities.
Roided, Tatted and Tanned. Commonly claimed to project a "bad boy" or masculine image.
Short for 'Shitty Advice'
Small Asian Penis. Used to address Asian males.
A morally deplorable female. A word popularized by the forum user 'Norwood Cemetery'
Short form for signature.
Skull size theory:
For a male face to be attractive it needs a minimal skull size so that all the facial ratios fall in place.
Sexual conquest which presumes getting peer approval automatically.
Alpha male who slays. Generally refers to an attractive male that has sex with multiple women very easy.
A substitute for "slut", usually used by "miscers".
A woman who has casual sex with multiple men. Usage depends on circumstances, if the woman sleeps with the person than being slut means she was wild in bed, if she rejects the person it means she's hypergamous and a stuck-up.
Smash bone theory:
A theory predicated on the principle of Wolff's law (the idea that bones will grow in response to stress placed on them), smash bone theory asserts that you can cause bone growth my exposing the bone to repeated blunt trauma. This is usually used to cause growth of the facial bones, such as the cheekbones or mandible.
Social proof:
A special case of 'halo effect' it refers to people who have a certain status in a group and whatever they do is filtered through that resulting in the group accepting that behavior from this person even though they would never swallow this from a complete stranger.
Refers to George Sodini, the man who shot women at LA Fitness because they had rejected him.
A person who has Aspergers. See 'aspie'.
Another slang word for anabolic steroids.
Racist whitecels who rage about ethnics and blacks. Often become angry about interracial dating.
Means short term relationship.
A man who is not good-looking enough.
A man who is less than 5/10 on a Looks rating or LMS rating. Condemned to a life of fapping, escorts and incel rage.
Below Brad Pitt in facial aesthetics. You aren't living the life and are most likely an incel.
To visit Gandy / die and go to heaven.
Supreme gentleman:
A narcissistic title given by Elliot Rodger to himself.
Test or T:
Demeaning term for a men who has a weak appearance. Usually used to refer to young Justin Bieber and the like who are considered unattractive by the masculinity crew.
Theory theory:
Refers to the obvious fact that the more you mentally masturbate on a subject the less happier and more socially isolated you become.
To make it:
To become a slayer.
Trenbolone, a powerful 19-nortestosterone based anabolic steroid.
Means 'testosterone replacement therapy'.
Kissless and touchless virgin who has never had any sort of physical interaction with a member of the opposite sex. Also known as a permacel.
Upper eyelid exposure:
Visible lines in the upper eyelid. Not necessarily unattractive.
Visit Gandy
To kill oneself, to visit "God" aka "David Gandy", some of the posters consider him the god of male aesthetics.
A voluntary celibate. Someone who can get sex but choose not to. Contrast it to incel.
A type of obese and piggy-looking female. Often quarrelsome and bellicose, these females look to create war with people (particularly men) that don't find them attractive.
White knight:
Believing that women will be impressed by protective behaviour and coming to their rescue. Guys do this in the hope of a sex reward.
A man who is a virgin until the age of 30. Wizardchan parodies a meme that if a man maintains his virginity until the age of 30 he's going to achieve supernatural powers like a wizard.
Womb to tomb:
To live as an incel for life. Used to describe a man so ugly and aspie that he will be a truecel for life. Incels that never made it.
Yellow fever:
To be attracted to Asian girls.
Refers to Aziz Shavershian who was a bodybuilder and internet celebrity.