God created the universe precisely perfect, but it must've been an accident bro

There are 100 sextillion planets in the universe. Even if the chance of a planet being the right distance away from the sun for life was 1/billion, there'd still be a trillion planets in the known universe at that distance. And what is the "known universe?" It's just the part of the universe we can see. For all we know the universe could be infinite, which makes probabilities completely irrelevant.
Tbh I wish I was born in the past. I am a man who should had been around during the Roman or medieval period. I was cursed to live in the modern era in a man lost in time
Try rolling googolplex sided dice and land on googolplex. That's more accurate. The sheer fact that exactly you were born and not some other sperm from your father is a one in 400 trillion probability.
There are 100 sextillion planets in the universe. Even if the chance of a planet being the right distance away from the sun for life was 1/billion, there'd still be a trillion planets in the known universe at that distance. And what is the "known universe?" It's just the part of the universe we can see. For all we know the universe could be infinite, which makes probabilities completely irrelevant.
Imagine if an species of space rapists came and took humans and started raping them all but felt bad for incels so let the incels join them

Anal proving intensifies

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