Gook cuts of his mogger zygos to kfagmaxx

is having your zygo and bigonial width to be wider than your temples bad? My face is too wide similar to daniel dae kim
It might look uncanny but zygo to bigonial matters more ideally it should be
0.7-0.9 bigonial:bizygo
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It might look uncanny but zygo to bigonial matters more ideally it should be
0.7-0.9 bigonial:bizygo
actually having my face this wide makes me look masculine asf high t
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@Effortless posted this too
Watch how the guy getting cucked is a kfagmaxxed gook and that guy is a 6’0+ gigaframed masc gook
I stole it from @Chineseguyslefort tbh jfl
but yeah, all asian males should dhtmaxx hard in puberty
it doesn’t make sense for dimorphism somehow not to apply to asian guys
I like some parts of prettyboymaxxing like collagen, colouring and hair, it’s seriously important, but essentially feminising yourself like the guy you posted is going way too far, I think some of the guys like that though, its weird man, so cucked even if you’re just doing it for female attention.

is having your zygo and bigonial width to be wider than your temples bad? My face is too wide similar to daniel dae kim
zygos no, bigonial yes tbh
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I stole it from @Chineseguyslefort tbh jfl
but yeah, all asian males should dhtmaxx hard in puberty
it doesn’t make sense for dimorphism somehow not to apply to asian guys
I like some parts of prettyboymaxxing like collagen, colouring and hair, it’s seriously important, but essentially feminising yourself like the guy you posted is going way too far, I think some of the guys like that though, its weird man, so cucked even if you’re just doing it for female attention.

zygos no, bigonial yes tbh
It’s like this because in reality most gooks don’t have the base to do it.
It’s why they use other cop outs.
All the masc gigachang asians even though very few in number mogged in terms of slaying
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I stole it from @Chineseguyslefort tbh jfl
but yeah, all asian males should dhtmaxx hard in puberty
it doesn’t make sense for dimorphism somehow not to apply to asian guys
I like some parts of prettyboymaxxing like collagen, colouring and hair, it’s seriously important, but essentially feminising yourself like the guy you posted is going way too far, I think some of the guys like that though, its weird man, so cucked even if you’re just doing it for female attention.

zygos no, bigonial yes tbh
my zygos and bigonial are exactly the same width once I go and get bimax I will upload ceph scans on here my face is wide similar to kim's make me look uncanny tbh
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my zygos and bigonial are exactly the same width once I go and get bimax and upload ceph scans on here
Thats fine tbh, apparently studies have shown that 70% is ideal but roughly the same width seems ideal to me and I have seen the majority of people say the same

I havent read the studies so can’t vouch for the methodology, but if it’s using silhouettes then it possibly has no irl application.
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It’s like this because in reality most gooks don’t have the base to do it.
It’s why they use other cop outs.
All the masc gigachang asians even though very few in number mogged in terms of slaying
I have a wide face similar to you makes us look very masculine looking now I know why FWHR indicates high t
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Thats fine tbh, apparently studies have shown that 70% is ideal but roughly the sane width seems ideal to me and I have seen the majority of people say the same
yeah I use to freak out because when I was 18-19 my face grew exponentially like my sides were growing wider than my temples wondering if this was normal
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Imagine the amount of pills to be white he took
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yeah I use to freak out because when I was 18-19 my face grew exponentially like my sides were growing wider than my temples wondering if this was normal
Temples should be wider tbh but just fraud with hair it’s not an issue
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i'd say a lot of asians look white in terms of skin idk why that is
what do you mean?
they can be pale but is really rare for them to have pink undertone like white people
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Temples should be wider tbh but just fraud with hair it’s not an issue
My face is so wide that no hat fits on me :feelsrope: when they do my face looks like a square
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what do you mean?
they can be pale but is really rare for them to have pink undertone like white people
well some asians look white like a ghost is what I meant they have different undertones slightly yellow and light brown when they tan
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Cope all femerrhoids are the same.
You just see that because only 0.1% of gooks actually have the base I pull it off so they turn to faggotmaxxing instead

Those foids are so starved from masc gigachad they flick their beans at a gorilla
Cage at the gook fag at 1:42 coping saying “women prefer more feminine men”

Just lol

7FE65567 A1DC 44E1 8900 167A66D1D256

was this you be honest?
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i could single handedly fight off 20+ armed korean sissy boys with my bare hands and snap their disgusting twink necks over my knee
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unironically SMVmaxxed him in the east and it makes me want to strangle anyone who indulges in kpop culture
This is why they have bad bones. Their ancestors decided that subhumans were the most attractive instead of Turboslayers like the original gook
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gooks need bones



here is a rare example of a gook mogging a white guy
bc bones
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gooks need bones



here is a rare example of a gook mogging a white guy
bc bones

Moggers damn
Idk why man I was talking to my gook mate who has the same mogger zygos and a jaw similar to mine and he was going over kpop stars saying how he wanted to reduce the bone in his face.
Kpopmaxxing is a disease tbh
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Moggers damn
Idk why man I was talking to my gook mate who has the same mogger zygos and a jaw similar to mine and he was going over kpop stars saying how he wanted to reduce the bone in his face.
Kpopmaxxing is a disease tbh
its because they think they can kpopmax and get some weird autistic white girl that way, but its just cope they will never get a stacy
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its because they think they can kpopmax and get some weird autistic white girl that way, but its just cope they will never get a stacy
All he really needed to do was fill out his frame to match his face to become a mogger but he’s twinkmaxxing Rn...
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why do foids worship BTS and say they are good looking? They look like females because they lack bones only good looking BTS member is that taehyung nigga tbh
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I think I have a detailed plan for you to ascend. Shall i make a thread?
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View attachment 620930
Wtf is wrong with gooks and their trannymaxxing addiction holy shit he could’ve thugmaxxed so easily to become a mogger now he’s a twink faggot god I wanna beat him to death
the world is bigger than psl. In asia he would slay young foids way harder post op vs pre op everyone on earth doesnt judge men with psl standard
why do foids worship BTS and say they are good looking? They look like females because they lack bones only good looking BTS member is that taehyung nigga tbh
Mentally ill reject foids do.

just lol if you think a high quality foid wants a boneless framecel
Mentally ill reject foids do.

just lol if you think a high quality foid wants a boneless framecel
seen so many white foids go crazy over these niggas tbh
I think I have a detailed plan for you to ascend. Shall i make a thread?
I think I’ve got a good idea of what I gotta appreciate it but don’t wanna waste your time bhai.
If you would like to though go for it
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I think I’ve got a good idea of what I gotta appreciate it but don’t wanna waste your time bhai.
If you would like to though go for it
Yeah you're right. I'll tell you in private some other time
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its because they think they can kpopmax and get some weird autistic white girl that way, but its just cope they will never get a stacy

Maybe it works for them sometimes. For example, this Korean guy has an attractive white girlfriend.


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The girls who are into kpop are actually hot teen girls all over the world
Nah dude most girls who like kpop are kind of weird the hot girls are more into Ariana grande and hip hop stuff
Nah dude most girls who like kpop are kind of weird the hot girls are more into Ariana grande and hip hop stuff
Not hiphop tbh, ariana grande is girly, kpop kinda too
Id kill anyone trying to shave my mogger zygos off.
View attachment 620930
Wtf is wrong with gooks and their trannymaxxing addiction holy shit he could’ve thugmaxxed so easily to become a mogger now he’s a twink faggot god I wanna beat him to death
He doesnt look that good in first photo. Also he probably lives in Korea, so kpopmax pheno probs works well for him.
He doesnt look that good in first photo. Also he probably lives in Korea, so kpopmax pheno probs works well for him.
Yea because he was already fagmaxxing with masc bones
Even in the second pic he’s literally using insta filters and makeup
View attachment 620930
Wtf is wrong with gooks and their trannymaxxing addiction holy shit he could’ve thugmaxxed so easily to become a mogger now he’s a twink faggot god I wanna beat him to death
Oh shit he shaved his zygos. I thought it was his jaw. FUCK. THOSE ZYGOS MOG.
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but realistically his appeal skyrocketed in SK, they have some seriously weird trends over there man I hope it can be contained.
he definitely became a slayer in SK / east asia
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This is ideal for gooks I think, this guy is so fine, you can‘t see his full face but based on this vid I would say he is a legit 9/10

fuck, thats one of the best looking asians ive seen ngl. at least from side. gigamogger.

This is ideal for gooks I think, this guy is so fine, you can‘t see his full face but based on this vid I would say he is a legit 9/10

Zero respect for her boyfriend. Its over. However this guy is gigachang, Ideal rice ascension.
This nigga dun goofed, he gona regret it. He would aged much better with those zygos, in 6 years he gonna look like a middle aged lady dumb ass rice nigga. Fucker is so sick in the head he payed to get transformed into a fucking dyke, maybe he is a faggot tho and its all forgiven than. Stupid motherfucker, hate people that cant appreciate their already good looks but have to go further and fuck themselves up in search of perfection. Goddamn niggas bastard fuckers ungrateful piece of goddamn motherfucking shit donkey fucker
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hate people that cant appreciate their already good looks
that guy was a subhuman before and after. jfl if you think he looked good in the before, would be like 4/10 in the west, average asian ricecel 0 smv.

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