Got 10 grams of high-quality mephedrone.



Slavic Monstrosity
Feb 3, 2022
WhatsApp Image 2024 04 25 at 234910

Finally managed to find the right dealer to give me the quality stuff I've been trying to find for ages now. Most dealers sell me fucking 2-mmc thrash instead of the 4-mmc drug from god I have been wishing for. Been looking for it for AGES.

@TsarTsar444 @TechnoBoss @BrahminBoss

I had it tested at a lab and the results were positive. But I already knew it was legit the moment it arrived.


It smells like the most toxic fucking garbage you have ever smelled before. It's disgusting, caustic, toxic, to smell.
It's a disgusting chemical. If I would smell this shit in my daily life I would flee the scene thinking I am being poisoned.

But It's the most legit fucking drug there is for recreational users imo.

I will never do heroin or meth since it causes brain damage which has been confirmed by several studies.

4mmc, mephedrone, this drug. Till this date has not had studies confirming it does any long-term brain damage. Although one has to take this with a grain of salt. It's a quite new drug (popularized in the UK in the early 2000s). So maybe in the future, long-term brain damage will be discovered. But so far: zero. So that's what we take as a fact for now.

If you do heroin/meth, you literally know it is CONFIRMED that you are fucking up your brain. You know you are causing serious long-term damage to your brain. It's destructive.

I can cope in peace knowing that no study has so far been able to show long-term brain damage with mephedrone (or MDMA for that matter either).

Why would you use mephedrone? I will show you one graph:

Brutal mog

30 minutes after using mephedrone, you will have up to 3000% (that is 30x your normal amount) of serotonin in your system.
30 minutes after mephedrone, you will have up to 1000% (that is 10x your normal amount) of dopamine in your system.

Euphoria is higher than MDMA tbh.

But the downside of this drug is also clearly visible too. 60-90 minutes after using this drug, you are going to feel an intense urge to redose, because your serotonin/dopamine is dropping hard.

I am looking into other ways of administration at this point, such as boofing (inserting drugs anally) to get the most benefit out of it.

Absolute mog honestly. I can't wait to use drug at a rave I am going to next friday.
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Idk why I only used it once but amphetamine many times
The effect was comparable but meph wears off much faster and you can sleep off the crash
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View attachment 2880453

Finally managed to find the right dealer to give me the quality stuff I've been trying to find for ages now. Most dealers sell me fucking 2-mmc thrash instead of the 4-mmc drug from god I have been wishing for. Been looking for it for AGES.

@TsarTsar444 @TechnoBoss @BrahminBoss

I had it tested at a lab and the results were positive. But I already knew it was legit the moment it arrived.


It smells like the most toxic fucking garbage you have ever smelled before. It's disgusting, caustic, toxic, to smell.
It's a disgusting chemical. If I would smell this shit in my daily life I would flee the scene thinking I am being poisoned.

But It's the most legit fucking drug there is for recreational users imo.

I will never do heroin or meth since it causes brain damage which has been confirmed by several studies.

4mmc, mephedrone, this drug. Till this date has not had studies confirming it does any long-term brain damage. Although one has to take this with a grain of salt. It's a quite new drug (popularized in the UK in the early 2000s). So maybe in the future, long-term brain damage will be discovered. But so far: zero. So that's what we take as a fact for now.

If you do heroin/meth, you literally know it is CONFIRMED that you are fucking up your brain. You know you are causing serious long-term damage to your brain. It's destructive.

I can cope in peace knowing that no study has so far been able to show long-term brain damage with mephedrone (or MDMA for that matter either).

Why would you use mephedrone? I will show you one graph:

View attachment 2880468

30 minutes after using mephedrone, you will have up to 3000% (that is 30x your normal amount) of serotonin in your system.
30 minutes after mephedrone, you will have up to 1000% (that is 10x your normal amount) of dopamine in your system.

Euphoria is higher than MDMA tbh.

But the downside of this drug is also clearly visible too. 60-90 minutes after using this drug, you are going to feel an intense urge to redose.

I am looking into other ways of administration at this point, such as boofing (inserting drugs anally) to get the most benefit out of it.

Absolute mog honestly. I can't wait to use drug at a rave I am going to next friday.
Mirin hard. I'd love to try this but we don't anything like this here in NYC. We only have cocaine and I can't do that too much anymore. Also a brokcel.

Isn't 2-mmc that garbage synthetic LSD shit?

TBH I've heard inserting it into rectum is good way to do drugs you sniff because it won't fuck up your nose. I had rhinoplasty (and I had intense drug addiction like a year and a half ago) so I'm trying to avoid sniffing. I will send you a video of the cocaine I had if you'd like to see. I used to sell ounces of the stuff. Had almost 3 ounces of pure cocaine from Mexico at one point. Those days are long behind me now.

Don't inject anything though.

Is it like cocaine?
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Where do you live where you can get drugs tested wtf
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston
View attachment 2880453

Finally managed to find the right dealer to give me the quality stuff I've been trying to find for ages now. Most dealers sell me fucking 2-mmc thrash instead of the 4-mmc drug from god I have been wishing for. Been looking for it for AGES.

@TsarTsar444 @TechnoBoss @BrahminBoss

I had it tested at a lab and the results were positive. But I already knew it was legit the moment it arrived.


It smells like the most toxic fucking garbage you have ever smelled before. It's disgusting, caustic, toxic, to smell.
It's a disgusting chemical. If I would smell this shit in my daily life I would flee the scene thinking I am being poisoned.

But It's the most legit fucking drug there is for recreational users imo.

I will never do heroin or meth since it causes brain damage which has been confirmed by several studies.

4mmc, mephedrone, this drug. Till this date has not had studies confirming it does any long-term brain damage. Although one has to take this with a grain of salt. It's a quite new drug (popularized in the UK in the early 2000s). So maybe in the future, long-term brain damage will be discovered. But so far: zero. So that's what we take as a fact for now.

If you do heroin/meth, you literally know it is CONFIRMED that you are fucking up your brain. You know you are causing serious long-term damage to your brain. It's destructive.

I can cope in peace knowing that no study has so far been able to show long-term brain damage with mephedrone (or MDMA for that matter either).

Why would you use mephedrone? I will show you one graph:

View attachment 2880468

30 minutes after using mephedrone, you will have up to 3000% (that is 30x your normal amount) of serotonin in your system.
30 minutes after mephedrone, you will have up to 1000% (that is 10x your normal amount) of dopamine in your system.

Euphoria is higher than MDMA tbh.

But the downside of this drug is also clearly visible too. 60-90 minutes after using this drug, you are going to feel an intense urge to redose.

I am looking into other ways of administration at this point, such as boofing (inserting drugs anally) to get the most benefit out of it.

Absolute mog honestly. I can't wait to use drug at a rave I am going to next friday.
any type of drug that fuck with dopamine and seratonin will fuck you up long trrm
Drug addict
Idk why I only used it once but amphetamine many times
The effect was comparable but meph wears off much faster and you can sleep off the crash
ive only snorted meph, I wanted to try oral/anal dosing now. Supposedly it is longer lasting and you get less of an urge to redose.

I've been given the advice to take a large oral/anal dose of meph to start, which will last you a couple of hours. And then redose nasally later.

never did amphetamines (speed) but from what I've read about it, I am not interested really.

Meph gives a stronger effect than MDMA for me. So it's basically the strongest drug in terms of euphoria I have done so far.
And I don't think there's anything stronger than it other than shit like heroin/meth which I will never do, due to aforementioned brain damage.

There's still benefits to be gained by combining several drugs into a single high though. So I can still gain from that. Meph combined with LSD,2cb, ketamine, and so on. Combinations are endless.

Whenever I read about speed-amphetamine, people tell me it doesn't give this euphoria high, but more this stim-effect.
so its interesting that you compare the effect of amphetamine to meph.

are you sure it was meph and not 2mmc instead that you had? 2mmc, the shit dealers sell me instead of the 4mmc they were advertising, is more of a stim indeed and doesn't have that euphoria.

4mmc, and also 3mmc in lesser effect, gives you that real serotonin based euphoria which MDMA also gives you. But then with the added dopamine which mdma doesnt give you.
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Reactions: TechnoBoss
Lijkt op hasj
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Lijkt op hasj
heb je 3mmc uitgeprobeerd toen het nog legaal was hier? ~3 jaar geleden toen was het nog legaal en echt legit top spul.

tegenwoordig als je 3mmc besteld krijg je 2mmc troep, en dat is echt niet eens vergelijkbaar. Is gewoon rommel.

Ik heb nu legit 4mmc en dat is nog beter dan de legit 3mmc van voordat het verbannen werd. Is beter dan MDMA, alleen je moet zo vaak redosen is het nadeel.
heb je 3mmc uitgeprobeerd toen het nog legaal was hier? ~3 jaar geleden toen was echt legit spul.

tegenwoordig als je 3mmc besteld krijg je 2mmc troep, en dat is echt niet eens vergelijkbaar. Is gewoon rommel.
Nee ik gebruik die shit niet. Alleen wiet zo nu en dan.

En natuurlijk dagelijks snus.
  • JFL
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  • +1
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Ik weet hoe hasj eruitziet en heb het vaak gerookt in het verleden.
ahhh oke. heb nog nooit hasj gedaan dus geen idee.

wel meer ervaring met weed edibles, is wss meer vergelijkbaar met het effect van hasj?
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
ahhh oke. heb nog nooit hasj gedaan dus geen idee.

wel meer ervaring met weed edibles, is wss meer vergelijkbaar met het effect van hasj?
Bro weed edibles brengen me traumas hahaha. Ik ging kkr bad op ze.

Laatse keer dat ik ze nam kreeg ik hallucinaties. De trip duurde ook echt lang, dus nooit meer.

Keek ook in die spiegel toen ik onder invloed was en voelde me een utter turbo subhuman. Duurde 3 dagen dat ik weer “normaal” was.
  • JFL
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Reactions:🤫 and MoggerGaston
this drug addict drugmogs you
even got banned for promoting heavy illegal drug use
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston
  • +1
Mirin hard. I'd love to try this but we don't anything like this here in NYC. We only have cocaine and I can't do that too much anymore. Also a brokcel.
I don't like cocaine that much personally, but I have had some really good experiences on them in the past. But also a lot of mediocre ones.
I would rather get high on mdma/mephedrone instead.

try darkweb for drugs tbh
Isn't 2-mmc that garbage synthetic LSD shit?

You have 2-CB, which is a really legit psychedelic drug. It's not shit or garbage. It's a legit experience, I've done it a couple of times and ordered a big batch of it now.

2-CB is a psychedelic which is why you may have heard of it being 'shit synthetic LSD'. Maybe dealers in your area are selling it as 'bro this 2-cb is basically LSD', but then the fault is just dealers selling it as something it isnt.

You shouldn't see 2-cb as LSD. It's its own thing and shouldn't be compared to LSD.

2-mmc though, is a shit-derivative of 3-mmc, which is a shit-derivative of 4-mmc. It doesnt have anything at all to do with 2-cb which I just talked about.

4-mmc was legal in the netherlands, you could order it in an online store as a 'research chemical' completely legal.
Then they banned it, so they made 3-mmc. They changed a small thing in the production process, now they had a drug that was very similar to the illegal stuff, but now 'legal'. But it was weaker than 4mmc.
They sold 3mmc for years in the netherlands, eventually it got banned too.

Now that 3mmc is illegal, they turned to 2mmc which was/is legal. But this is weaker than 3mmc.

ive had a lot of 2mmc recently cuz garbage dealers sold it as 3mmc or 4mmc to me.
It doesn't compare at all. It is just a stim effect and no euphoria.

basically you have the pre-ban quality of 3mmc/4mmc, that people remember. But now dealers are selling garbage 2mmc instead and telling me its 3mmc/4mmc. There's a massive difference.

TBH I've heard inserting it into rectum is good way to do drugs you sniff because it won't fuck up your nose. I had rhinoplasty (and I had intense drug addiction like a year and a half ago) so I'm trying to avoid sniffing. I will send you a video of the cocaine I had if you'd like to see. I used to sell ounces of the stuff. Had almost 3 ounces of pure cocaine from Mexico at one point. Those days are long behind me now.
Yeah I get the nose damage stuff. When I snort a lot, my nose gets absolutely fucked. Constant snort accumulating during the day for weeks after. Minor nose-bleeds for days after, etc.

Cocaine is worse than ketamine, I know that for sure. Ketamine is rough on your nose but manageable, but cocaine absolutely destroys your nose.

With mephedrone, I am not sure yet, but I think it's similar to cocaine that it destroys your nose ngl :lul::lul:

Don't inject anything though.
not planning to at all, will never do it tbh.

Is it like cocaine?

Mephedrone is often called 'a mix between cocaine and mdma'.

But I think it's way closer to MDMA than cocaine.
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Where do you live where you can get drugs tested wtf

We have free anonymous drug-testing centres. You can deliver your drugs there once a week and it will be sent to a lab.
One week later they will tell what exactly was in the sample you sent.

The goal is to protect recreational drug users. So that they don't use drugs which aren't what they think it is and therefore take an increased risk in their health/life.

While also providing the government information on what kind of drugs are being sold/used.

In the past this has lead to nation-wide warnings being issued when drugs being sent in by users, were dangerous.

something like this, is the direct result of these drug-testing centres, and it reduces drug-casualties by a lot.

Other countries are far behind tbh.
Bro weed edibles brengen me traumas hahaha. Ik ging kkr bad op ze.

Laatse keer dat ik ze nam kreeg ik hallucinaties. De trip duurde ook echt lang, dus nooit meer.

Keek ook in die spiegel toen ik onder invloed was en voelde me een utter turbo subhuman. Duurde 3 dagen dat ik weer “normaal” was.
ahahah, ja ik kan me er wel wat bij voorstellen. Vond het ook nooit chill dus ook niet meer gedaan.

LSD zou ik je aanraden om niet e doen. Voor mij was dat weed edibles maar nog erger
  • +1
Reactions: moreroidsmoredates
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Reactions: wollet2
Serotonin is giga shit sadly
  • So Sad
Reactions: MoggerGaston
View attachment 2880453

Finally managed to find the right dealer to give me the quality stuff I've been trying to find for ages now. Most dealers sell me fucking 2-mmc thrash instead of the 4-mmc drug from god I have been wishing for. Been looking for it for AGES.

@TsarTsar444 @TechnoBoss @BrahminBoss

I had it tested at a lab and the results were positive. But I already knew it was legit the moment it arrived.


It smells like the most toxic fucking garbage you have ever smelled before. It's disgusting, caustic, toxic, to smell.
It's a disgusting chemical. If I would smell this shit in my daily life I would flee the scene thinking I am being poisoned.

But It's the most legit fucking drug there is for recreational users imo.

I will never do heroin or meth since it causes brain damage which has been confirmed by several studies.

4mmc, mephedrone, this drug. Till this date has not had studies confirming it does any long-term brain damage. Although one has to take this with a grain of salt. It's a quite new drug (popularized in the UK in the early 2000s). So maybe in the future, long-term brain damage will be discovered. But so far: zero. So that's what we take as a fact for now.

If you do heroin/meth, you literally know it is CONFIRMED that you are fucking up your brain. You know you are causing serious long-term damage to your brain. It's destructive.

I can cope in peace knowing that no study has so far been able to show long-term brain damage with mephedrone (or MDMA for that matter either).

Why would you use mephedrone? I will show you one graph:

View attachment 2880468

30 minutes after using mephedrone, you will have up to 3000% (that is 30x your normal amount) of serotonin in your system.
30 minutes after mephedrone, you will have up to 1000% (that is 10x your normal amount) of dopamine in your system.

Euphoria is higher than MDMA tbh.

But the downside of this drug is also clearly visible too. 60-90 minutes after using this drug, you are going to feel an intense urge to redose, because your serotonin/dopamine is dropping hard.

I am looking into other ways of administration at this point, such as boofing (inserting drugs anally) to get the most benefit out of it.

Absolute mog honestly. I can't wait to use drug at a rave I am going to next friday.
Bro, i know i do roids and i am also a junkie but boofing nigga? For real? :hnghn:
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Boofing also called 'shelving'
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View attachment 2880453

Finally managed to find the right dealer to give me the quality stuff I've been trying to find for ages now. Most dealers sell me fucking 2-mmc thrash instead of the 4-mmc drug from god I have been wishing for. Been looking for it for AGES.

@TsarTsar444 @TechnoBoss @BrahminBoss

I had it tested at a lab and the results were positive. But I already knew it was legit the moment it arrived.


It smells like the most toxic fucking garbage you have ever smelled before. It's disgusting, caustic, toxic, to smell.
It's a disgusting chemical. If I would smell this shit in my daily life I would flee the scene thinking I am being poisoned.

But It's the most legit fucking drug there is for recreational users imo.

I will never do heroin or meth since it causes brain damage which has been confirmed by several studies.

4mmc, mephedrone, this drug. Till this date has not had studies confirming it does any long-term brain damage. Although one has to take this with a grain of salt. It's a quite new drug (popularized in the UK in the early 2000s). So maybe in the future, long-term brain damage will be discovered. But so far: zero. So that's what we take as a fact for now.

If you do heroin/meth, you literally know it is CONFIRMED that you are fucking up your brain. You know you are causing serious long-term damage to your brain. It's destructive.

I can cope in peace knowing that no study has so far been able to show long-term brain damage with mephedrone (or MDMA for that matter either).

Why would you use mephedrone? I will show you one graph:

View attachment 2880468

30 minutes after using mephedrone, you will have up to 3000% (that is 30x your normal amount) of serotonin in your system.
30 minutes after mephedrone, you will have up to 1000% (that is 10x your normal amount) of dopamine in your system.

Euphoria is higher than MDMA tbh.

But the downside of this drug is also clearly visible too. 60-90 minutes after using this drug, you are going to feel an intense urge to redose, because your serotonin/dopamine is dropping hard.

I am looking into other ways of administration at this point, such as boofing (inserting drugs anally) to get the most benefit out of it.

Absolute mog honestly. I can't wait to use drug at a rave I am going to next friday.
mirin, im too high inhib for drugs, i want to try shrooms one day but ive never had the time and setting. My favorite drug is adderall, i didn’t get “high” i just felt like a well organized, sharp and concise me which i enjoyed
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View attachment 2880453

Finally managed to find the right dealer to give me the quality stuff I've been trying to find for ages now. Most dealers sell me fucking 2-mmc thrash instead of the 4-mmc drug from god I have been wishing for. Been looking for it for AGES.

@TsarTsar444 @TechnoBoss @BrahminBoss

I had it tested at a lab and the results were positive. But I already knew it was legit the moment it arrived.


It smells like the most toxic fucking garbage you have ever smelled before. It's disgusting, caustic, toxic, to smell.
It's a disgusting chemical. If I would smell this shit in my daily life I would flee the scene thinking I am being poisoned.

But It's the most legit fucking drug there is for recreational users imo.

I will never do heroin or meth since it causes brain damage which has been confirmed by several studies.

4mmc, mephedrone, this drug. Till this date has not had studies confirming it does any long-term brain damage. Although one has to take this with a grain of salt. It's a quite new drug (popularized in the UK in the early 2000s). So maybe in the future, long-term brain damage will be discovered. But so far: zero. So that's what we take as a fact for now.

If you do heroin/meth, you literally know it is CONFIRMED that you are fucking up your brain. You know you are causing serious long-term damage to your brain. It's destructive.

I can cope in peace knowing that no study has so far been able to show long-term brain damage with mephedrone (or MDMA for that matter either).

Why would you use mephedrone? I will show you one graph:

View attachment 2880468

30 minutes after using mephedrone, you will have up to 3000% (that is 30x your normal amount) of serotonin in your system.
30 minutes after mephedrone, you will have up to 1000% (that is 10x your normal amount) of dopamine in your system.

Euphoria is higher than MDMA tbh.

But the downside of this drug is also clearly visible too. 60-90 minutes after using this drug, you are going to feel an intense urge to redose, because your serotonin/dopamine is dropping hard.

I am looking into other ways of administration at this point, such as boofing (inserting drugs anally) to get the most benefit out of it.

Absolute mog honestly. I can't wait to use drug at a rave I am going to next friday.
Mirin the old looksmax theme
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