Government documents that prove there's a firmament, and non rotating FLAT EARTH and the biblical scriptures

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021
1.) 44 government documents that prove flat earth. This includes the Army, Airforce, NASA, USSR, University's, etc.

2.) 40 bible verses that prove the earth is flat (non rotational and in a dome). Sun, moon and stars are in the firmament.

3.) King James Bible removes the words flat earth from the bible: The 1537 first edition of Matthew's bible (the bible the Papacy did everything they could to stop from being produced and sold).

4.) Every single culture on earth knew the earth is flat, non rotational and has a firmament.

So the science community, government, bible (non tampered form) every historical culture and your own experience proves the earth is a level plane, non rotating and has a firmament.

Thanks NASA. I wonder why they don't make a major special of these scientific discoveries as they did the fake moon landing?
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oh man

got nothing to say to this
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Another day another schizopost
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Incel discusses government conspiracy theories on org while chad fucks stacy
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Einstein wants to slap you
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The Bible is insanely good

Just a good fucking book I don't think its propaganda anymore

I redact the my title
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oh man

got nothing to say to this
I just laid out the proof without adding much of my take on the matter and let the people come to their own conclusions.
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The Bible is insanely good

Just a good fucking book I don't think its propaganda anymore

I redact the my title
Government is the greatest propaganda tool in history. I love me some indoctrination camps brought to you by Pfizer.
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Einstein wants to slap you
You mean the Edomite that did nothing but come up with theoretical garbage and all of which has been disproven to a point it's laughable that anyone would believe any of his hilarious theories. Tesla and Davinci shit on this Edomite.

If you're going to use a famous person in your quips at least use a legitimate genius that actually invented things to improve society. Instead, you used a glorified Bill Nye the fake science guy or Neil Dumbass Tyson. Puppets like these are propped up by the Edomites to push pseudoscience.

Again, I just gave you the evidence from the bible, government, universities, scientific research organizations, every main culture on earth and your own perception. I'm just giving people the evidence. Do with it what you will.
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Incel discusses government conspiracy theories on org while chad fucks stacy
Incel was never a term and was never a thing or even an option with me as I had the opposite problem. If anything men need to stay away from Stacy at this point in the game. To much risk for such a low reward.

Thankfully I'm not discussing government conspiracy theories and just giving you government scientific studies.
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Incel was never a term and was never a thing or even an option with me as I had the opposite problem. If anything men need to stay away from Stacy at this point in the game. To much risk for such a low reward.

Thankfully I'm not discussing government conspiracy theories and just giving you government scientific studies.
Same thing autistic retarded nigga
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Same thing autistic retarded nigga
Wrong, just providing you with the government studies isn't going into the conspiratorial and theoretical aspect of things. That would involve the specifics of how I believe the small number or people or groups behind the propaganda pushed on the masses combined with a non proven belief on why it's incorrect and or unproven belief that disproves their propaganda.

Instead I simply provided the actual proof and didn't go down any conspiracy of who what where when why and how and made no theory on the matter I just simply gave you the evidence.

So I provided this board with the blanket of truth and you bitch about the manner of which I provided it by vomiting out the same old used up one liners that thousands of people use on this board on the daily. Instead, you should be thanking.
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Wrong, just providing you with the government studies isn't going into the conspiratorial and theoretical aspect of things. That would involve the specifics of how I believe the small number or people or groups behind the propaganda pushed on the masses combined with a non proven belief on why it's incorrect and or unproven belief that disproves their propaganda.

Instead I simply provided the actual proof and didn't go down any conspiracy of who what where when why and how and made no theory on the matter I just simply gave you the evidence.

So I provided this board with the blanket of truth and you bitch about the manner of which I provided it by vomiting out the same old used up one liners that thousands of people use on this board on the daily. Instead, you should be thanking.
He is 13 by the way, its like talking to a brick wall.
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Wrong, just providing you with the government studies isn't going into the conspiratorial and theoretical aspect of things. That would involve the specifics of how I believe the small number or people or groups behind the propaganda pushed on the masses combined with a non proven belief on why it's incorrect and or unproven belief that disproves their propaganda.

Instead I simply provided the actual proof and didn't go down any conspiracy of who what where when why and how and made no theory on the matter I just simply gave you the evidence.

So I provided this board with the blanket of truth and you bitch about the manner of which I provided it by vomiting out the same old used up one liners that thousands of people use on this board on the daily. Instead, you should be thanking.
Let me vocabulize to further prove my autism
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44 government documents that prove flat earth. This includes the Army, Airforce, NASA, USSR, University's, etc.
Didn’t watch it all but it seems he’s just cherrypicking examples of the government using the term “flat earth” as a way to describe a hypothetical area with no curvature for their models.

IMG 4489

This is just retarded, the drawing is obviously zoomed into a simplified drawing of earth and this guy just highlights irrelevant parts of the simplified drawing as his “evidence”.
IMG 4490

An obvious hypothetical scenario of an aircraft flying without any disturbances. But this retard just passes it as evidence. :lul:
IMG 4491

Once again a model for an aircraft in a hypothetical scenario.

Also dnw the other videos as the government source is really the only one which would be somewhat reliable.
You mean the Edomite that did nothing but come up with theoretical garbage and all of which has been disproven to a point it's laughable that anyone would believe any of his hilarious theories. Tesla and Davinci shit on this Edomite.
Disproven? Show proof, because the theory of relativity is the best explanation of gravity, black holes basically prove it.
If you're going to use a famous person in your quips at least use a legitimate genius that actually invented things to improve society. Instead, you used a glorified Bill Nye the fake science guy or Neil Dumbass Tyson. Puppets like these are propped up by the Edomites to push pseudoscience.
What have you done for the realm of science? I wonder, are you just saying that about them because they’re atheist? Both have inspired several and accomplished their own things.
Instead I simply provided the actual proof and didn't go down any conspiracy of who what where when why and how and made no theory on the matter I just simply gave you the evidence.
You simply just cherrypicked random videos and passed that as “evidence”.

This is you right now.
IMG 4492
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This entire flat earth thing is a meme and grift, all the arguments from eric dubay are debunked.
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Didn’t watch it all but it seems he’s just cherrypicking examples of the government using the term “flat earth” as a way to describe a hypothetical area with no curvature for their models.

View attachment 2889272
This is just retarded, the drawing is obviously zoomed into a simplified drawing of earth and this guy just highlights irrelevant parts of the simplified drawing as his “evidence”.
View attachment 2889281
An obvious hypothetical scenario of an aircraft flying without any disturbances. But this retard just passes it as evidence. :lul:
View attachment 2889285
Once again a model for an aircraft in a hypothetical scenario.

Also dnw the other videos as the government source is really the only one which would be somewhat reliable.

Disproven? Show proof, because the theory of relativity is the best explanation of gravity, black holes basically prove it.

What have you done for the realm of science? I wonder, are you just saying that about them because they’re atheist? Both have inspired several and accomplished their own things.

You simply just cherrypicked random videos and passed that as “evidence”.

This is you right now.
View attachment 2889268

So you never actually read any of the studies and assume he's simply cherry picking
1.) Define proof for your paradigm. Even if I provide proof in accordance with your standards you would still deny it. I can tell by the way you're responding.
2.) The government and scientific organizations are evidence. Go and actually review the studies yourself. I provided the videos because I know people on here have tik tok brain but the studies are public and available for anyone that knows how to use the internet. You can't use trigonometry on a non flat rotating earth little buddy. This is why all pilots are trained with the flat earth model.
3.) So you give me 2 logical fallacies by bringing up my scientific accomplishments that are irrelevant to my point then you bring up the supposed belief systems of Tesla and Davinci which wasn't which again has nothing to do with the point I made. Try sticking to the topic at hand.
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This entire flat earth thing is a meme and grift, all the arguments from eric dubay are debunked.
No curve ever shown at any level other than the use of CGI or a fish eye Lense. There are free videos of private people or companies qith videos from 10's of thousands to hundreds of thousands of feet in the air no fish eye lense and no CGI. It's flat as a pancake, and non rotating.

Also, nobody has debunked the level earth. A meme? It's been known for thousands of years by every culture on earth. The meme is the globetard earth.

Just use basic common sense while flying.
1.) All pilots use the flat earth model to fly and trigonometry for their takeoff and decent and that only works on a flat earth.
2.) If the earth was a basketball and spinning at 1,000 MPH then the planes would have to tip the nose of the plane down constantly or else their altitude would continue to rise. Yet, when the planes reach their desired height they travel level for the duration of the flight and stay at the same distance from the ocean (if traveling over an ocean) for the entire flight. Also, plane trips take the same amount of time from east to west as it does from west to east. If the earth was rotating there would be a vast disparity in your 2 way trips but there's no difference at all.

Another eye opener for people is when they find out 99% of the earth's population is covered by sunlight on July 8th every year at the same time. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE ON A GLOBE EARTH.
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No curve ever shown at any level other than the use of CGI or a fish eye Lense. There are free videos of private people or companies qith videos from 10's of thousands to hundreds of thousands of feet in the air no fish eye lense and no CGI. It's flat as a pancake, and non rotating.

Also, nobody has debunked the level earth. A meme? It's been known for thousands of years by every culture on earth. The meme is the globetard earth.

Just use basic common sense while flying.
1.) All pilots use the flat earth model to fly and trigonometry for their takeoff and decent and that only works on a flat earth.
2.) If the earth was a basketball and spinning at 1,000 MPH then the planes would have to tip the nose of the plane down constantly or else their altitude would continue to rise. Yet, when the planes reach their desired height they travel level for the duration of the flight and stay at the same distance from the ocean (if traveling over an ocean) for the entire flight. Also, plane trips take the same amount of time from east to west as it does from west to east. If the earth was rotating there would be a vast disparity in your 2 way trips but there's no difference at all.

Another eye opener for people is when they find out 99% of the earth's population is covered by sunlight on July 8th every year at the same time. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE ON A GLOBE EARTH.

Watch this video:

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Responses so far:
1.) Autism you dumb nigga
2.) Flat earth is a meme
3.) Flat earth debunked (nope, just you lack understanding of meme. debunked is or you've been fooled). Also, they didn't debunk the government studies. NEXT
4.) Just cherry picking and not real evidence (over 40 government/scientific organizational studies) Show me the studies proving the contrary? They can't they only have CGI or ad hominem attacks. After that the best they can do to hold onto their Edomite brainwashing is to use theoretical pseudoscience.
5.) Muh Einstein the Edomite Jew pushed by the lamestream media just like Bill Nye the fraud guy.
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Responses so far:
1.) Autism you dumb nigga
2.) Flat earth is a meme
3.) Flat earth debunked (nope, just you lack understanding of meme. debunked is or you've been fooled). Also, they didn't debunk the government studies. NEXT
4.) Just cherry picking and not real evidence (over 40 government/scientific organizational studies) Show me the studies proving the contrary? They can't they only have CGI or ad hominem attacks. After that the best they can do to hold onto their Edomite brainwashing is to use theoretical pseudoscience.
5.) Muh Einstein the Edomite Jew pushed by the lamestream media just like Bill Nye the fraud guy.
just because said it's flat in a random document 70 years ago doesn't mean it's flat
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Watch this video:

Nice, I literally disproved this dude in his first "debunked" argument. As there are hundreds of high altitude balloons showing a flat non rotating earth. So basically this dude lies from the start of the video. Hilarious, you guys can't make this shit up.

Try again
Try again, it shouldn't be this difficult.
Nice, I literally disproved this dude in his first "debunked" argument. As there are hundreds of high altitude balloons showing a flat non rotating earth. So basically this dude lies from the start of the video. Hilarious, you guys can't make this shit up.

Try again
youre saying you debunked it, can you put it into one reply? like this guy claims this and here is why it's false
just because said it's flat in a random document 70 years ago doesn't mean it's flat
There are literally 100's of these studies from the 40's up until present time.
Also, they didn't just say flat they used scientific studies that prove a flat non rotating earth with a firmament.

Next please
There are literally 100's of these studies from the 40's up until present time.
Also, they didn't just say flat they used scientific studies that prove a flat non rotating earth with a firmament.

Next please

The gist of the video is that there are numerous references to a "flat, non-rotating earth" in NASA and other documents. The presumption is that this an admission of a flat earth. But, of course, it's not.
Most of the documents were published long ago, and yes, they do say that. Why would they say that? It's actually really simple - it makes the calculations easier. The rotation and curvature of the earth didn't need to be taken into account, so as a point of disclosure, they stated that they just used flat non-rotating models for their calculations.
But, naturally, flat earthers won't understand that, or refuse to understand it, or use any kind of logic when evaluating what they see. So, this will now become part of their narrative.
also name 1 study that proves the earth is flat
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youre saying you debunked it, can you put it into one reply? like this guy claims this and here is why it's false
He said all videos of private or government high altitude camera footage shoqs a curve. I provided a video of a private high altitude air balloqn demonstrating a level plane and posted it on here. There are hundreds of these videos out there of people providing non CGI non fish eye Lense footage of 100,000+ feet in the air and demonstrating no curve. So he lied in his first "debunked" point.

No need to continue as he's already been debunked in the most important topic and demonstrated he's an outright liar. That was easy.
finally a good thread!
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He said all videos of private or government high altitude camera footage shoqs a curve. I provided a video of a private high altitude air balloqn demonstrating a level plane and posted it on here. There are hundreds of these videos out there of people providing non CGI non fish eye Lense footage of 100,000+ feet in the air and demonstrating no curve. So he lied in his first "debunked" point.

No need to continue as he's already been debunked in the most important topic and demonstrated he's an outright liar. That was easy.
even if, thats one point
flat earth would be more cool. It means that the govt is hiding something spicy so the plot is more interesting.
Just curious, what would they gain by lying to us that earth is a globe. Like what would they gain from it.
Do you believe that the earth is flat Bhai?
no not really, but i think npcs that shoot the idea down the instant it’s mentioned are ignorant and afraid to think for themselves
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no not really, but i think npcs that shoot the idea down the instant it’s mentioned are ignorant and afraid to think for themselves
Agreed. It’s always interesting to read about things that conflict the common beliefs. The flat earth,the hidden continent,the lockdown on Antarctica. These topics make a good read
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1.) 44 government documents that prove flat earth. This includes the Army, Airforce, NASA, USSR, University's, etc.

2.) 40 bible verses that prove the earth is flat (non rotational and in a dome). Sun, moon and stars are in the firmament.

3.) King James Bible removes the words flat earth from the bible: The 1537 first edition of Matthew's bible (the bible the Papacy did everything they could to stop from being produced and sold).

4.) Every single culture on earth knew the earth is flat, non rotational and has a firmament.

So the science community, government, bible (non tampered form) every historical culture and your own experience proves the earth is a level plane, non rotating and has a firmament.

Thanks NASA. I wonder why they don't make a major special of these scientific discoveries as they did the fake moon landing?

Do you unironically believe I will spend over an hour watching this utter coal for my life to stay exactly the same ? Jfl.:soy: :soy::soy:
The gist of the video is that there are numerous references to a "flat, non-rotating earth" in NASA and other documents. The presumption is that this an admission of a flat earth. But, of course, it's not.
Most of the documents were published long ago, and yes, they do say that. Why would they say that? It's actually really simple - it makes the calculations easier. The rotation and curvature of the earth didn't need to be taken into account, so as a point of disclosure, they stated that they just used flat non-rotating models for their calculations.
But, naturally, flat earthers won't understand that, or refuse to understand it, or use any kind of logic when evaluating what they see. So, this will now become part of their narrative.
also name 1 study that proves the earth is flat
There's zero lgical reason to use these studies if the earth isn't flat, non rotational and having a firmament. These studies all fail on a globe rotational open space earth.

Again, these studies are done in the past and present.

No such thing as a flat earther. It's just accepting the truth or accepting the reality that's presented from you and being a sheep. Remember, everyone is brainwashed to believe in Globe earth theory from 4-5 years and throughout their entire life. If you investigate and state contrary to this belief it's basically cancelled, shamed, mocked, etc. It's like this for virtually all truth at this point. There's no need to attack something or suppress something or mock something if it has no validity and poses no threat.

I was a major believer in the globe earth theory and believed nearly everything my government public education indoctrination camps told me to ensure I received great grades for more indoctrination. It qasn't until I seen flat earth videos that I investigated the matter to disprove these people who I considered to be idiots and a joke. The more I investigated the more I discovered the truth. Yes there's the reasoning as to why they hid the truth but that's a separate topic.

First off define prove, secondly what do you consider to be a credible study? Can the study only be done by organizations or governments?

Name one study that proves globe earth. Show me, I'm from Missouri. Let's say no video footage on either side since you can't ensure no CGI is being used so lets no longer say this counts. Lets use tested and repeatable studies.

The easiest one you can do on your own is just fly in a plane over an ocean and you see that your altitude doesn't increase as you're flying level for virtually the entire flight. That is just using basic common sense right there. The planes give the altitude, speed and you can use a device to ensure you're remaining as close to level as possible. If it was a basketball then a plane would be required to constantly dip the plane down all the time but that NEVER happens. You see how easy that was?

Another one is on a very clear day you can have a friend take out a large boat on the water. Once you lose sight of the boat (which Bill Nye the fraud guy) says is going over the curve, you can simply pull the boat back into sight with a telescope. The more clear the day is and the more powerful the telescope is the further one can see the boat. Qe can see things over hundreds of miles that should be impossible if there was a curve.

LORA radio comms uses line of sight comms demonstrated comms over 800 miles qhich is impossible on a globe earth.

You see, very simple easy methods you can use to debunk globe theory and prove a level non rotating earth. It's so easy a caveman can do it.

Show me bendy curving water. No matter what container is used, water always finds it's level. Testable and repeatable.
Agreed. It’s always interesting to read about things that conflict the common beliefs. The flat earth,the hidden continent,the lockdown on Antarctica. These topics make a good read
You have to consider the folloqing qhen speaking to NPC's.

1.) They have received the same brainwashing virtually everyone has gone through for 20+ years or so depending on their age but I assume most on here are 25+ I hope.
2.) Brainwashing comes from media, school, social media, government (not the documents you have to dig for).
3.) Human Psychology: Humans have proven through studies that people (roughly 80% or mmore) are going to be folloqers or sheepole of the mainstream belief. No matter hoq dumb or false something is they'll go along qith it for a multitude of reasons. An example of this qas a study qhere 5 paid actors qould all ansqer questions incorrectly and one person that qasn't paid off eventually ansqers the same as everyone else even though the ansqer is obviously incorrect. They used lines at different sizes and they asked either qhich line is the longest or shorterst and they made it very obvious. The 5 actors ansqeed incorrrectly every single time. The non actor eventually ansqered the same as the rest of the people every single time. About 80% of the participants followed the herd.

I find it quite fascinating that roughly 80% of the people in the US received the CV 19 injection.
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Do you unironically believe I will spend over an hour watching this utter coal for my life to stay exactly the same ? Jfl.:soy: :soy::soy:
I couldn't care less. I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him drink it.
How will it benefit me to ‘drink this water’?
It all depends on your paradigm and hoq you perceive things and your curiosity.

For many people this is the gateway for truth and understanding. To learn you're more than just a turd flinging monkey floating in an infinite expanding space and all just nothing but a random explosion a pure coincidence but instead you're created and the earth is intentionally designed for you and your kind. Otherwise there's no reason to even live or have rules. Just do whatever you qant as there's no meaning to life since there's no afterlife and no purpose to anything.
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my question is WHY. why would every single astronaut, astronomer, astrologer, every pilot, everyone working with Nasa or other space cooperation's, every government in the world, every scientist, every one working in the media, all lie about the shape of the earth. how does it benefit them?
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So you never actually read any of the studies and assume he's simply cherry picking
Yeah I gave 3 examples of his “evidence” and debunked them all. Do you really expect me to debunk all 44?
1.) Define proof for your paradigm. Even if I provide proof in accordance with your standards you would still deny it. I can tell by the way you're responding.
No, I debunked the only worthy proof you had which would be the documents from governments especially NASA. Jfl if you think random bible scripture is proof.
You can't use trigonometry on a non flat rotating earth little buddy. This is why all pilots are trained with the flat earth model.
You can you moron, but it would vastly increase the difficulty of their calculations so they chose to not include it. They literally say it in one of the examples I gave you
IMG 4490

Did you even read your own evidence? It says “The DPS equations of motion use the four assumptions that simplify the program”

And wdym by “This is why all pilots are trained with the flat earth model.”, they’re not training pilots with this data, they’re simply just calculating the speed of their aircraft.
So you give me 2 logical fallacies by bringing up my scientific accomplishments that are irrelevant to my point then you bring up the supposed belief systems of Tesla and Davinci which wasn't which again has nothing to do with the point I made. Try sticking to the topic at hand.
Oh they’re irrelevant? The whole reason I brought it up is because you brought it up first.
“If you're going to use a famous person in your quips at least use a legitimate genius that actually invented things to improve society. Instead, you used a glorified Bill Nye the fake science guy or Neil Dumbass Tyson.”
🤦‍♂️, maybe you should “try sticking to the topic at hand.”
my question is WHY. why would every single astronaut, astronomer, astrologer, every pilot, everyone working with Nasa or other space cooperation's, every government in the world, every scientist, every one working in the media, all lie about the shape of the earth. how does it benefit them?
Because he’s retarded. “Muh muh faked moon landing :soy:“ so that would mean they faked the rocket and astronauts going up into space and they faked the astronauts coming back? :lul:
Just curious, what would they gain by lying to us that earth is a globe. Like what would they gain from it.
Depends one qho you define as they.

Zionist Jeqs aka Edomites
Secret societies

That's the order of control. For Lucifer it's your soul. For the Rothchild's it's more power, control, wealth and resources. For the rest it's the same but to a lesser degree as you go down the chain of command.

The pseudoscience pushed by people and entities that do not even believe in the globe earth is used to dumb down the low IQ masses into thinking they come from nothing but an accident and their is nothing after life, and come from turd flinging apes. The Edomites (Jeqs and their shills and secret societies) that created these laughable theories are actually laughing at the retarded low IQ masses that actually believe that shit.

At this point, people who still believe in this trash is completely lost (unless they're young and still have an open mind and not sub 70 IQ. Anyone that has been cv 19 vaxxed they're simply lost souls at this point and that's over 80% of the population. Vaxx me harder government daddy. Muh I believe everything daddy government tells me and muh you're retarded for not going with my daddy GOD government tells me to believe. These jokers can't think for themselves and it's absolutely hilarious. LOL they can't even tell the difference of CGI and it's quite sad.

The IQ has been dropping significantly for decades as it's gone from 100 to close to 90 now. All the race mixing, indoctrination camps of retards, toxic food, air, injections, water, etc have turned the people into dumbasses.

The only people I believe have a chance to opt out of this matrix if you will are people under 25 years old, not CV vaxxed, and have something of an open mind.

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