Greycels really think they can maintain a low bodyfat % while eating breakfast

Breakfast is no longer an option if you wish to maintain sub-15% bodyfat

That’s like 500 calories less daily assuming you don’t fuck on your remaining meals for the day

After like a week, your body no longer feels those morning hungers
Not eating is so easy if I wanted to get sub 15 which I basically am I would just eat some eggs and a salad like Nigga put down the fork
  • +1
Not eating is so easy if I wanted to get sub 15 which I basically am I would just eat some eggs and a salad like Nigga put down the fork
“If” :ogre:
Just have good genetics lmao. Ive been eating 3200+ calories a day for 5 months and have only gained 2 pounds (mostly muscle)
Were you tracking cals or guessing?
Theres nothing inherent about breakfast that will yield any effect on bodyfat %. It all comes down to how many calories you eat daily. If you wanna eat breakfast then have your last meal at like 5pm that works too.
Good luck sleeping hungry

My body won’t let me, hence the breakfast skip
Breakfast is no longer an option if you wish to maintain sub-15% bodyfat

That’s like 500 calories less daily assuming you don’t fuck on your remaining meals for the day

After like a week, your body no longer feels those morning hungers
hunger is not a way to lose weight.

just eat less calories overall don't starve yourself in the morning wtf
I eat a kilo of custard in the morning because I like the taste.
I love making low cal custard by just taking a normal recipe and just taking out the condensed milk and using skim milk instead of whole milk or whatever they suggest
  • +1
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1. Calories can not be eaten as they are units of heat energy and heat has no mass

2. You should be eating only 1 time a day until your reach satiety through enough proteins and fats

3. Stop eating plant materials
hunger is not a way to lose weight.

just eat less calories overall don't starve yourself in the morning wtf
You can eat a calorie. It’s heat energy.
Just have good genetics lmao. Ive been eating 3200+ calories a day for 5 months and have only gained 2 pounds (mostly muscle)
You have never eaten a calorie. They are units of heat.
As long as you had sufficient carbs the day before so that your glycogen stores aren't depleted for your fasted workout... since you need energy
Never eat carbohydrates. We are obligate carnivores.
I love making low cal custard by just taking a normal recipe and just taking out the condensed milk and using skim milk instead of whole milk or whatever they suggest
Your AVI looks like she’s waiting for .org incels she can drown

IMG 7756
tbh, just eat a banana or piece of fruit or something, it jumpstarts your metabolism if you just eat something
Never eat fruit or vegetables. They are poison for humans.
1. Calories can not be eaten as they are units of heat energy and heat has no mass
No one said they’re eating calories

People eat “x amount worth of calories”
No one said they’re eating calories

People eat “x amount worth of calories”
That’s the same thing. The amount doesn’t change the substance.

Once again, the total amount of calories ANY human being has ever consumed is 0.
That’s the same thing. The amount doesn’t change the substance.

Once again, the total amount of calories ANY human being has ever consumed is 0.
“I ate 500 calories worth of rice”

You’re saying that’s incorrect?
@kaligula567 does this one belong to your nest?
yeah tbh he just needs practice @yue try this thread

“I ate 500 calories worth of rice”

You’re saying that’s incorrect?

1. The amount of calories (heat energy) that is being combusted to raise your body temperature after eating is not 100% trackable.

2. You should never eat rice (all carbohydrates).

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