Growing out a beard when having a weak/receding chin



Prince of all Saiyans
Aug 11, 2018
I've been growing my beard for the last two months and I've been getting alot of compliments. I don't even have a strong beard overall, just alot of growth on my chin and It really covers my fucked up lower third. What's your guys opinion on growing a beard to hide a weak face ?
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Do you have before and after? My chin is mediocrely recessed, tfw can't grow full beard(yet hopefully) and it's blonde although it seems like it's becoming darker lmao

My beard won't save me from my fucked chin and if I decided to beardcope I would have to wait... a long time.

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It's a good option, i don't have a full beard yet so consider yourself lucky my friend. Btw, will increasing my Test help my beard growth? Im 19 so it still may need time to fully come in as i have seen some chads at my age who can't grow a beard yet like me so i'm not sure.
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Currently growing one naturally, and its coming along nicely. Never shaved before btw.
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i J U S T shaved after a few weeks of not shaving and it was a brutal reminder of my weak lower third. and iwould beardmaxx all the time but I hate it.

hjust beardmaxx if u can but its kinda annoying to be fair
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Beard is COPE. Stubble is legit
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major cope
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Beard is cope. You have good jawline, it would be stupid to hide it
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It could help a little bit if you can actually grow it right and trim it, groom it, keep it clean, etc
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Beard is cope. You have good jawline, it would be stupid to hide it
if you have a good jawline its best to shave, people will notice
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If I couldn’t grow a beard, I would have roped. My lower third is the worst I’ve ever seen on a human.. I grow a pretty sick beard too so a failo turns into a halo .. I’m middle eastern
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I've been growing my beard for the last two months and I've been getting alot of compliments. I don't even have a strong beard overall, just alot of growth on my chin and It really covers my fucked up lower third. What's your guys opinion on growing a beard to hide a weak face ?
Just get a better chin? Wtf is this thread
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Strong lower third/No beard > Strong lower third/beard > Weak lower third/beard > Weak lower third/no beard.

That is the hierarchy, meaning; yes if your lower third is weak then you need a beard to look your best.

Otherwise, you can improve your lower third via low bf%, implants, fillers, surgery, etc
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I'm testing this now, if i can make my lower third looks okay with a beard I won't get jaw surgery and just get a rhinoplasty instead
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"The role of facial hair in women's perceptions of men's attractiveness, health, masculinity and parenting abilities"

- women judged faces with heavy stubble as most attractive
- heavy beards, light stubble and clean-shaven faces rated as pretty similarly
- full beards highest for parenting ability and healthiness

our findings confirm that beardedness affects judgments of male socio-sexual attributes and suggest that an intermediate level of beardedness is most attractive while full-bearded men may be perceived as better fathers who could protect and invest in offspring.

tl;dr study claims that

> no beard is ideal (assuming you have the bones to pull it off)
> light stubble is ideal for any facial type
> full blown beard makes you look like a cuck, hence females viewing you as a fatherly figure/protector playing legos with your 3 yr old children in the living room while a light-stubbled bony chad fucks your bitch upstairs
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It's a good option, i don't have a full beard yet so consider yourself lucky my friend. Btw, will increasing my Test help my beard growth? Im 19 so it still may need time to fully come in as i have seen some chads at my age who can't grow a beard yet like me so i'm not sure.
use monic if you want thicker fuller beard
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Is anyone here alive ?
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Wish I could do it as I can grow a pretty good beard and my lower third is bad
But people always tell me I look better without one
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You OG‘s still on here?
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