Growing up as a cute chubby incel is even more brutal (can anyone relate)



Leader of the LASACKRO gang, outlaw in the west 🔫🤠
Aug 1, 2022
This differs from the normal incel life using the logic of trans men. Ofc it’s brutal to be a man but u never miss what u never had

It’s a very big contrast since when ur a kid
you get attention from women not because ur hot but because ur adorable

They give u that cute dog sort of attention

For example in school they will help u with everything they will always wanna talk to u

Older girls will run after u to squeeze ur cheeks

But then suddenly ur 15 and u start to notice now ur invisible because u were never attractive girls just thought u were a cutie but now that ur older u become a creep

To know a kid is a cute incel he has to have chubby cheeks and a cute small face, looking younger than his age and also being short usually
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This is especially brutal since u don’t get the same time to process inceldom like other guys do

A guy who was the weirdo in kindergarten and middle school will be used to it by now

But u grew up ur whole life full of female friends and even tho it wasn’t romantic besides calling u cute you still got some validation and then all the sudden ur with the other incels

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