GTFIH balding AGAIN newest pictures FUCKING ROPE

Yoo bro you remind me of this nasobial fold guy xd
Screenshot 20210312 011244 Chrome
This is what I think is going on. So I must have been slowly diffuse thinning this entire time. I had long hair before so I’m thinking I would have never known I was losing hair for like the past 2 years. Then I shaved my head for the military. Then I took accutane and grew it out, and from all my posts on this forum you can see me with my scalp sort of visible on the top. I had just assumed this was due to terrible density. But lately in the past month or so my scalp looked even thinner than normal. Like it’s getting to the point where I’m starting to notice. Then I realized, in the shower I can suddenly see all these hairs in my hands. I honestly don’t remember that happening. Like I feel like the hair fall definitely has picked up, and I’m assuming it’s due to the accutane.

All my pictures of myself from like the last 2 months show me with my scalp showing. Only now I just feel like it’s even more noticeable than ever and I lose like 40 hairs a shower. Something is definitely wrong.

Here’s some pictures of the side of my head so you can see how bad the density is naturally
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You can also see my baby skull and the reason why I want to avoid going bald at all costs. Insert recessed subhuman joke, I know.

These pictures are from probably like 5 months ago when I just started accutane, far too early to get any hair loss side effects from them. So this is my natural state.

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I’ve lost like 20 LB since then which is why I look less bloated since these pictures.

These next pictures are about 2 months ago.
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As you can see my cowlick area is definitely looking thin since 2 months ago now, and here’s a picture of just yesterday

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The back of my head is most certainly more dense than the top as when I run my hands through it I can literally feel the lack of density on the top, and you can see a sort of norwooded shape that’s really bad.

Again here is my father

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I cannot stop thinking about this, nor do I know what to do, nor can I find a dermatologist near me to diagnose me.
Rapid weigjt loss causes hair to fall out. Or stress also. Telogen effluvium.
Also ethnic hair has tendency to show scalp when crew cut ngl.
I hate "just shave it bros" but you need to tell your dad to fucking shave rn.
I’ll follow advice here. What do I do? I’m planning on ordering fin tonight regardless.
I’m in the military too, I ordered topical dut, where are you buying your fin from? I think I’ll buy fin just in case topical dut doesn’t work
I’m in the military too, I ordered topical dut, where are you buying your fin from? I think I’ll buy fin just in case topical dut doesn’t work
Me personally I found this website called and when I went to buy modafinil (many of my friends use this site and it’s extremely well oriented) I saw I could buy finasteride so I ordered like $100 worth.

Apprently it’s cheaper to buy the proscar 5mg finasteride (made not for hairloss but for prostate problems) and use a pill cutter and quarter it so the dose of each quarter pill comes out to be 1.25 mg pills. The reason why is apparently it’s much much more cheap than using actual generic finasteride or real finasteride for that matter.
  • +1
Reactions: kej3094
5% min + 50 mg/ml RU twice daily
1mg finasteride once daily
.5mg dutasteride once weekly

congrats you are no longer balding
5% min + 50 mg/ml RU twice daily
1mg finasteride once daily
.5mg dutasteride once weekly

congrats you are no longer balding
Dude! Let me be in the CIA! Please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

Like, I know how to do karate and shoot guns and stuff.
Dude! Let me be in the CIA! Please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

Like, I know how to do karate and shoot guns and stuff.
I’ll be in touch when we need another school shooter
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: BrickTop and Deleted member 12002
5% min + 50 mg/ml RU twice daily
1mg finasteride once daily
.5mg dutasteride once weekly

congrats you are no longer balding
screenshotted but update I just have telogen effluvium it’s not male pattern balding. i will have male pattern balding in the next 5-10 years though like my father.
screenshotted but update I just have telogen effluvium it’s not male pattern balding. i will have male pattern balding in the next 5-10 years though like my father.
honestly now looking at your pictures again i think you may actually have really early stage DUPA hairloss and if that is the case just know that no transplant can save you, just be fortunate you have a very strong hairline and are hyper aware enough that you can use treatments early
screenshotted but update I just have telogen effluvium it’s not male pattern balding. i will have male pattern balding in the next 5-10 years though like my father.
why use dut and fin they literally do the same thing jfl,
stick to either fin or dut
and minox will fuck up your skin and bloat etc i recommend using a derminator on your scalp and castor oil, with maybe some other hair stim which isn't minox as they are usually side effect free

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