[GTFIH] I Am The Greatest Looksmaxer Since Orb

But neck gains definitely improved your masculinity. Make a thread about how you trained your neck, please. Any ideas about how I can train it at home?
i'll make a neck thread in the morning since i'm a tiredcel rn. my routine is pretty simple so i will just say it here for now:

my routine is 3 exercises: neck extensions, neck flexions (laying on stomach), lateral extentions to both sides.

week one: NO WEIGHT, 3 sets of each
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week two: 5-10 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week three: 10-15 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week four: 15-20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week 5: 20 LBS
day 1: 10 reps for each/set
day 2: 20
day 3: 40
day 4: 50
day 5: 60
day 6: 70
day 7: rest

week 6: i stopped increasing at 20 lbs and kept 70 reps constant for every day. this increased my neck size of the course of the next year, and for the past 6 months of that year i have been doing 70 reps with 20 lbs 2-3 days a week for maintainence. you will see size gains quick af but do not skip days
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how tall was he?
5'10. i used to be friends with orb on lookism. he gave me a lot of advice. like most the things i do to looksmax is BASED on his advice
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I don't think manlet enough that with that face he'd need to go to SEA. Even Zyzz died in Pattaya. SEA is just easy and fun tbh.
I don't think manlet enough that with that face he'd need to go to SEA. Even Zyzz died in Pattaya. SEA is just easy and fun tbh.
he never left the basement
Good work @Nibba. I used to be kind of recessed but not quite like you in your before and my lower third is pretty good now. Started mewing at 18, it definitely works.
Good work @Nibba. I used to be kind of recessed but not quite like you in your before and my lower third is pretty good now. Started mewing at 18, it definitely works.
hey thanks bro. and yeah mewing works before 23. hell even after you can look good

i got some more years to grow tbh
hey thanks bro. and yeah mewing works before 23. hell even after you can look good

i got some more years to grow tbh
Yea man just keep doing it. I’ve noticed my face gets better every year but I’m 23 now so probably done growing for the most part.
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Yea man just keep doing it. I’ve noticed my face gets better every year but I’m 23 now so probably done growing for the most part.
shit man imagine if we started mewing earlier. also jfl at lazy aspies that won't even put their tongue on the roof of their mouth
shit man imagine if we started mewing earlier. also jfl at lazy aspies that won't even put their tongue on the roof of their mouth
Yea, wish I would’ve known about mewing around 8, that would’ve been nice. Luckily I never had issues with my teeth so no braces or teeth pulled. Autism is an excuse, I have aspergers and it didn’t stop me from busting my ass in the gym and mewing.
Yea, wish I would’ve known about mewing around 8, that would’ve been nice. Luckily I never had issues with my teeth so no braces or teeth pulled. Autism is an excuse, I have aspergers and it didn’t stop me from busting my ass in the gym and mewing.
Yea, wish I would’ve known about mewing around 8, that would’ve been nice. Luckily I never had issues with my teeth so no braces or teeth pulled. Autism is an excuse, I have aspergers and it didn’t stop me from busting my ass in the gym and mewing.
lmao same. my autism actually enhanced my focus and helps me stick to my routine
lmao same. my autism actually enhanced my focus and helps me stick to my routine
Definitely, any irregularities that happen to my routine piss me off. I also don’t understand people that use it as an excuse as to why they aren’t able to socialize. Sure, sometimes it’s difficult and you’ll talk about autistic shit but it’s not impossible.
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Definitely, any irregularities that happen to my routine piss me off. I also don’t understand people that use it as an excuse as to why they aren’t able to socialize. Sure, sometimes it’s difficult and you’ll talk about autistic shit but it’s not impossible.
yeah exactly. my gym on campus is closed tomorrow so i have to push shoulders back till thursday then arms fri and chest sat, fuck
yeah exactly. my gym on campus is closed tomorrow so i have to push shoulders back till thursday then arms fri and chest sat, fuck
Just use someone that weighs around 160 and overhead press them, problem solved.
This video shows the difference that a year can make: from recessed subhuman twink faggot to actual living, breathing human.

To all you copers saying I grew into my face, or that my looksmaxing was just the result of luck and genetics, get BTFO FAGS. From 18 years old to 19 years old look at the improvement

@future chadlite


feast your eyes boys.

mewing, neck, gym and other things i’ve posted about ascended me to human status tbh. If u wanna know more I can elab later ITT

@11gaijin sticky this shit boyoyoooo
yeah you have definitely improved, although you weren't that bad to begin with to be honest. You had a bit of a geeky look to begin with, whereas in the improved version you look about 30 pounds heavier, with A LOT bigger shoulders and your jaw also looks bigger/more angular. However, 18 to 19 is an age range where people do change a lot naturally due to hormones etc etc, I mean its to be expected as your still a teenager for fucks sake, so really even though you have probably put forth substantial effort, the changes you have made is more you just developing from a boy into a man. At that age my bench went from 79kg to 92kg without me even training it, I was just changing and the strength gains stuck and never went away. Trust me, if you are 6'3 like your profile says, and with those shoulders, you won't have any problems pulling, even in competitive nightmare places like L.A and London. Facially, I would say you went from a 4.5/10 to about a 6/10, just purely down to your jaw/bone structure in the face looking more masculine. Also, I belief you could improve yourself further by getting a light tan, I emphasize 'light' as an overdone tan on pale complexions like ourselves can begin to look orange, especially if attained via sunbeds. Your hairstyle is also better in the right side video than the left. I have just returned from thailand and pulled 16 women in the space of 49 days, with 2 of them being european and 3 of them (all asian) being 7.5/10 or above, all on the notorious khoa san road, which is a excellent place for pulling beautiful women, especially if you're 5'10-6'3, white and sub 14% body fat with at least an average face. If you went there you would have pussy probably every single night, no doubt, that's if you can handle the trashy environment and characters such places attract. For a gentleman such as myself, the vulgarity of the whole scene can get a bit overwhelming, but I put up with it due to the sheer results I attain whilst there. Please try it, you will see what I mean, and you will have a good time returning home with the ego of Donald Trump.
neck training and gym is so legit, what else did you do?
neck training and gym is so legit, what else did you do?
Mewing ofc, but besides that I use supplements for my skin and such, and I corrected my posture a lot and took up butekyo breathing a while ago. There's probably minor things I'm forgetting tho tbh.

I'm gonna start chewing next month I think
Please try it, you will see what I mean, and you will have a good time returning home with the ego of Donald Trump
Lmao thank you for the advice man, but I already have a beautiful girlfriend, and I don't have a problem with getting attention from women where I live
Chin and bideltoid is what's most noticeable, congrats dude.
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proof mewing is legit, cant wait to laugh at you narrow pallate subhumans when your face melts to shit in 10 years. too bad i'll always be manlet
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Btw did you also do a lot of chewing? Or was it only mewing?
Nope no chewing, although I eat beef jerky sometimes lmfao.

I'm actually gonna order mastic gum soon and start chewing, but I need to find a routine
Nope no chewing, although I eat beef jerky sometimes lmfao.

I'm actually gonna order mastic gum soon and start chewing, but I need to find a routine
I used to have this one friend from hs who was always, and I mean always, chewing gum, his jaw is insane.
I used to have this one friend from hs who was always, and I mean always, chewing gum, his jaw is insane.
Yeah masseter hypertrophy is legit. I'm gonna start with regular gum and then just keep adding pieces
I've been "mewing" since 14 and I've seen no change in my mandible. I agree that it can help move the midface (though that might have been puberty) but it's done nothing to the mandible.
I've been "mewing" since 14 and I've seen no change in my mandible. I agree that it can help move the midface (though that might have been puberty) but it's done nothing to the mandible.
Do you mew in your sleep? Are you doing it correctly?
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Do you mew in your sleep? Are you doing it correctly?

Yes. It's genetics tbh. Mike Mew loves to say "oh look at these people in third world countries they have model tier faces"
I don't see any difference in ur face from mewing, it was probably exercise
Yes. It's genetics tbh. Mike Mew loves to say "oh look at these people in third world countries they have model tier faces"
I don't see any difference in ur face from mewing, it was probably exercise
low IQ. you probably just have shit technique. its actually a lot more tricky than just sticking your tongue on the roof of the mouth

oh look at these people in third world countries they have model tier faces
he never says that. theres a difference between having a model tier face and a well developed face
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you probably just have shit technique. its actually a lot more tricky than just sticking your tongue on the roof of the mouth
Yeah but it's fucking worth it :feelsez:
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i need to gymcel and bodymax seriously
Good looking to better looking. Probaly because puberty and gymmaxing and chewing
Good looking to better looking. Probaly because puberty and gymmaxing and chewing
I haven't chewed yet. I am gonna start next month
Holy shit my profile looks like your before srs(a bit worse actually).
How old are you buddy boyo?
Did you just jut in the after?
Holy shit my profile looks like your before srs(a bit worse actually).
How old are you buddy boyo?
Did you just jut in the after?
Before: 18, After: 19. And nope not jutting, just mewing (srs). You can see i had no chin before and then it grew out, creating a chin like my avi, where before I had a flat recessed chi ln
Before: 18, After: 19. And nope not jutting, just mewing (srs). You can see i had no chin before and then it grew out, creating a chin like my avi, where before I had a flat recessed chi ln
I hope my puberty is delayed like yours tbhtbh. I am 19.
Did you roid btw?
people too rash, from normal societies there is a huge change in the after photo, i would def judge you differently in the before photo. its not like everyone is knowledgeable in facial anatomy except the people in this forum lol
I hope my puberty is delayed like yours tbhtbh. I am 19.
Did you roid btw?
I think the big thing was fixing posture and mewing but I'm sure puberty played a roll. And nope no roids. I just have big clavicles
I think the big thing was fixing posture and mewing but I'm sure puberty played a roll. And nope no roids. I just have big clavicles
Probably won't happen for me tbh. Will get genio to fix the chin.

Surprised we have same pheno though tbh ngl. Never encounter it irl.
You look great from the front-on but ngl the downward growth is quite visible from the side. Hopefully it'll improve with mewing, though. Nothing's changed for me.
Hfinn had the best ascension
No but you are the nicest and most chill looksmaxxer

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