Guess my bodyfat

Guess my bf

  • 12-13%

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • 14-15%

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • 15-16%

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • 17%-18%

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • 19-20%

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 17, 2021
Stats: 176cm, 71kg (no pump on pic)

Pictures are obv very bad lightning + bad angle. Can take better pictures, but don't think it's needed just to guess my bf

Started working out recently + 800g test weekly (been on that for 3 weeks as of now). Can't take my bloated face anymore though and want to starve to like 8% bodyfat on 250g test E + 700g Tren A weekly (unhealthy af. idc). How long will it take me approx to get to 8% bf? Planning to do 500 to 1k calorie deficit.


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lighting is shitty u seem lean , maybe 11-13% bf
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5w to be sub 10 if your planning on 1000 deficit

U can get in less if you do starve mod
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K, personally I think I look like 13 to 15%. Likely that a lot of that look is bloat from test though cause my physique kinda worsened a lot during last week; facial bloat alrdy appeared during 1st week of high test; thus I'm maybe at like 11 to 13% body fat. Idk if that makes sense; in case it doesn't, just tell me pls

When reducing bloat and cutting to about 8% body fat, can I expect huge facial progress? Cause that's actually why I'm wanting to cut
Do I actually look like 17 to 18% to some of you? Cause if I do, I have clearly posted the wrong pics
Hm poll results don't rly tell me anything. Prob just need to get a bodyfat caliper

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