Guide on building a pornstar penis & better erections & better ejaculations & sensitize your dick & increase testosterone

are ur balls that big or is ur semen production too slow?

i couldnt notice the difference between my 9 day cum and my 1 month cum
my balls are big but has nothing to do with semen production your body makes 1500 per second and my semen production isnt slow either its perfectly normal
it takes 40 days for the semen to fully mature its the same for every male, and on day 41 when u ejaculate u cum the fully matured semen
my balls are big but has nothing to do with semen production your body makes 1500 per second and my semen production isnt slow either its perfectly normal
it takes 40 days for the semen to fully mature its the same for every male, and on day 41 when u ejaculate u cum the fully matured semen
is maturity the same as volume?

im just talking about volume
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
need more of this content on this page
  • +1
Reactions: Egyptianmogger
Great thread
nice thread
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
Wtf is head expansion lmao explain nigga
great post! bookmarked
my dick gets too hard for its own good on day 1 of SR oh hell nah (bookmarked for when I become senile thoughbeit)
I got dht cream shits working a bit
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
VERY good thread, cant approve for the jelqing though.
im taking arginine at the moment 3 mg per day and it helps a little bit lit erection my dick is little bit thicker
to be honest, why fap at all?

Just have sex...

I'd rather keep larger loads by not fapping for a week then fucking a girl afterwards, plus fapping does desensitize your dick too if you death grip.

If you cannot get sex regularly, then fapping to softcore/nudes etc should be fair game. No porn.
kerala saar
  • JFL
Reactions: sayi
i would add Low laser light therapy and shockwave therapy and PRP Treatment.

Shockwave and PRP would have to be done by a doktor.
I have thin wrists, over
The Testosterone section is arguable.
I have…
- super thin wrists (from my mum)
- wide hips but above average biacromial breadth
- no morning wood
- high cortisol levels (blood test over several days)
- chronic insomnia
- a 2D : 4D ratio of 0.935
- low energy levels but high sex drive
- persisting memory problems (despite 85 percentile WAIS digit span during negative ADHD assessment)
Dick size is 7 inches, when having a good day.

Despite having way more symptoms of low T, my testosterone levels were 877 ng/dL (90-95 percentile for my age group).
Blood was taken during mid-day (at 23 y/o), so I guess they could have been a bit higher with lifestyle adjustments.
The stuff you listed is probably true on average but by no means absolute and just an indication.
So everyone should just make a simple blood test, instead of checking for high T correlated traits and guessing accordingly.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: asdvek
The Testosterone section is arguable.
I have…
- super thin wrists (from my mum)
- wide hips but above average biacromial breadth
- no morning wood
- high cortisol levels (blood test over several days)
- chronic insomnia
- a 2D : 4D ratio of 0.935
- low energy levels but high sex drive
- persisting memory problems (despite 85 percentile WAIS digit span during negative ADHD assessment)
Dick size is 7 inches, when having a good day.

Despite having way more symptoms of low T, my testosterone levels were 877 ng/dL (90-95 percentile for my age group).
Blood was taken during mid-day (at 23 y/o), so I guess they could have been a bit higher with lifestyle adjustments.
The stuff you listed is probably true on average but by no means absolute and just an indication.
So everyone should just make a simple blood test, instead of checking for high T correlated traits and guessing accordingly.
Weird tbh
All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day
These recommendations are so bad decent advice but sooo outdated on how to actually grow girth and length efficiently.
Outdated advice, don’t listen.
These recommendations are so bad decent advice but sooo outdated on how to actually grow girth and length efficiently.
you actaully gained girth? From pumping or soft clamping or hard clamping?
These recommendations are so bad decent advice but sooo outdated on how to actually grow girth and length efficiently.
Outdated advice, don’t listen.
how the fuck is it outdated advice retard? it's real life, shit don't get "outdated"
Jelqing is fucking shit, and bathmate is also a shit pump getting one with a an air one with a guage like leluv or mustang is way better.

Also wrist size isn’t directly correlated with testosterone, it’s a highly genetic trait and you have a ton of guys with high testosterone that can even have small wrists, it’s almost irrelevant.

Also you can have a lack of morning wood if you jack off a lot, doesn’t mean your test is lower.
how the fuck is it outdated advice retard? it's real life, shit don't get "outdated"t
How to fix tilt brother. I know you say it's "not bad" but it takes off 1-2cm for me and keeps me away from having a natural 20cm : C
penile curvatures are caused by plaques formed underneath tissue. most men will have dicks that tilt upwards, to the left, to the right or downwards. this is genetic.


Too much plaque will intensify the curvature, to the point where erections are painful or sex becomes impossible. (Peyronies Disease)

how do we treat peyronies disease? dissolve the plaque via injections, then wear traction devices for 2-4 weeks. very easy.

you could go to an urologist and ask for the same, despite your plaque being far smaller and benign (not preventing erections and sex quality) you could just larp as your tilt causing your psychological discomfort or whatever and they will go with it.

however I would advise against this, slightly curved dicks are popular among girls too and it makes it far easier to hit the gspot in certain positions as opposed to a straight dick.
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
are these supps enough for overall health: zinc,, magnesium, d3, k2
  • +1
Reactions: asdvek
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
High effort not better than hinks thread and his is simpler
penile curvatures are caused by plaques formed underneath tissue. most men will have dicks that tilt upwards, to the left, to the right or downwards. this is genetic.

View attachment 2982141

Too much plaque will intensify the curvature, to the point where erections are painful or sex becomes impossible. (Peyronies Disease)

how do we treat peyronies disease? dissolve the plaque via injections, then wear traction devices for 2-4 weeks. very easy.

you could go to an urologist and ask for the same, despite your plaque being far smaller and benign (not preventing erections and sex quality) you could just larp as your tilt causing your psychological discomfort or whatever and they will go with it.

however I would advise against this, slightly curved dicks are popular among girls too and it makes it far easier to hit the gspot in certain positions as opposed to a straight dick.
Thanks G, yeah I used to get to business in a quite autistic way, so I very likely have peyronies disease, hope it's free to get checked
Thanks G, yeah I used to get to business in a quite autistic way, so I very likely have peyronies disease, hope it's free to get checked
I have it too. Mines more benign, upward curve but no pain during sex.

There’s mild ED, but nothing a bit of viagra and cialis cannot solve.

Albeit my current partner likes the curve, especially during missionary. The only issue I ever had was receiving BJs, the curve makes it very awkward to suck it apparently but PIV > BJ anyways.

I got diagnosed by an urologist for free. Should be the case for you if you don’t live in Third World States of America. Treatment will most likely be insured but I have no reason to explore it at the moment.
> Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

just tried this with a kinky girl. no pegging or any of that gay shit but she first massaged it with her fingers gently then rimmed me (licking it with her tongue)

holy shit. painted the entire wall with jizz from it alone.
  • +1
Reactions: asdvek
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
DNR. Dudes trying to break my dick. Just get LTS.
In this guide, I will teach you how to build a pornstar penis (longer and thicker), how to have better ejaculations (more sperm as in volume, thicker cum and how to make them go further. You will literally be shooting ropes.) how to get better erections and how to sensitize your penis, how to fix erectile dysfunction and how to increase testosterone to fix any penis problems.

All Day Stretcher 4-8hr/day
Jelqing (20-50% erect) 200 reps/day
Manual Stretching 5-10min

Bathmate 10-15min/daily
Jelqing (60-100% erect) 200 reps/day
• Head Expansion 30-50 reps/ day
each position daily
Zen Hanger 30min-1hr/day
Evening Primrose Oil 200mg/day
BCAA's 5000mg/day

No Alcohol, No Sugar, No Smoking
Pomegranate Juice 1 glass/day
Eat More Healthy Fats (4 Egg Shake)
Fighting, Lifting, Cardio & Competition
Hang Around Beautiful Women
Kegel Exercises daily
Vitamin D 2000 IU/day
L-Arginine 3g/day
Yohimbine 5mg/day
Pyconogenol 120mg/day
Stinging Nettle 1000mg/day

Dopamine Fast for 30 days
Progressive Sensitisation for 30 days
Edging before Sex
Anhydrous Lanolin
TLC Tugger (8hrs/day for Foreskin Re-growth)

GOD TIER CUM Supplements
L-Arginine: 1000mg, 1 times per day.
Makes your dick harder, and makes masturbating feel really good.

Zinc: 50mg, 1 times per day. DO NOT EXCEED 50MG PER DAY
Will Majorly boost your load sizes, up to 200% increase (Zinc is a major part of semen and zinc deficiency causes watery cum)

Pyguem: 100mg, 2 times per day. Total = 200mg per day
After a couple days of this, it will boost your pre-cum an insane amount. Leak like a faucet

Lecethin: 1200mg, 1 timer per day
Will also majorly boost your load

Water: Cannot stress this enough. Stay hydrated. This alone will double your load.

Celery: Will make your cum thicker and less watery. Also makes it pearly white

Kegels: Wont boost size, but it well help you shoot farther, have stronger orgasms, and figure out the what I call the "cum muscle" to find how you can activate this muscle, go to the toilet and start peeing and before even finishing peeing stop peeing mid pee, the muscle you use to stop the peeing is what the "cum muscle" is, activate that muscle when you are about to cum and while you are cumming and you will absolutely shoot the cum, that's how pornstars shoot cum.

Edging: The surefire way to triple your load size, even without supplements. Bring yourself to the brink of orgasm as many times as possible, then stop before you cum. When you finally do, watch the fuck out. You'll paint the ceiling

Prostate Stimulation: If you're willing to try, you can stimulate your prostate and have monster orgasms. Sometimes even multiple orgasms!

Pineapple: Makes your cum taste good. Most citrus fruits will work too.

Also, don't sleep on supplements, don't pass them off saying "supplements are cope" because they actually work, give them a try.

How to fix erectile dysfunction or weak erections
Now, to fix erectile dysfunction, you should take a look at your lifestyle and try to figure out what caused your erectile dysfunction or weak erections. Certain things in your lifestyle that can cause erectile dysfunction or weaker erections are:

1. Diet
To fix this make sure you aren't deficient in any vitamins, eat a healthy balanced diet, eat enough protein, vitamins and make sure to know that if you go at low bodyfat levels you will most likely get erectile dysfunction or weak erections, make sure to eat carbohydrates (carbohydrates are important for erections) and supplement vitamins like zinc, magnesium and Vitamin D3 (or you can just sunbathe but your preference) and Vitamin K2 (if you want to boost your Vitamin K2 levels without supplementing eat more meat and eggs however eating both more meat and eggs and supplementing is the best.)

2. Being overweight
The reason why being overweight causes erectile dysfunction is because hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.

3. Smoking and consuming too much alcohol
Many people don't know this but smoking causes damages to the circulatory system and reduces blood flow to the penis and alcohol interferes with the messengers in the brain that tell the penis to fill with blood.

4. Low testosterone
Low testosterone doesn't directly cause erectile dysfunction but at the same time, low testosterone often works together with atherosclerosis to create ED. Studies have shown that 1 in 3 men have erectile dysfunction because of low testosterone. You can either increase your testosterone naturally, or if that doesn't work you can do testosterone replacement therapy.

5. Pornography
Pornography causes damage to the dopamine receptors that often cause erectile dysfunction or weak erections, you know how to fix it, just quit watching pornography, however a common myth that is often told is that it will take a long time to fix your dopamine receptors but no that's not true, your dopamine receptors are actually pretty stretchable, just like how an heroin addict can fix his dopamine receptors by not using heroin for a few weeks and you will be able to fix it in a short period of time if you actually didn't fuck your dopamine receptors with having a pornography addiction for years.

How to increase testosterone

1. Diet
Consume lots of red meat, eat minimum 4 eggs a day, eat enough protein, eat lots of carbohydrates, eat enough fat, make sure you consume a lot of zinc (50mg a day, you can just supplement too, also if you supplement over 50mg of zinc it won't have any extra effects.) also supplement magnesium and Vitamin D3 or Vitamin K2, as I said you can just go and sunbathe for Vitamin D and eat more meat and eggs for Vitamin K2 but you can supplement too, it's preference.)

2. Sleep
The study says: "As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production." Sleeping minimum 8 hours a day will allow your testosterone levels to recover properly which will boost your testosterone.

3. Sex
The study says "In both men and women, testosterone levels were highest after intercourse. Levels were lower before sex and on days with no intercourse. These results suggest that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity." The most optimal is having sex and busting a few nuts every week, don't do sex without ejaculation though, I've seen some people do it to apparently increase their testosterone but the affects are minimal and temporary and will give you blue balls which is something you wouldn't want.

4. Lift heavy
The study says "when sufficient muscle mass load is met, or when a moderate and higher exercise intensity is combined with larger muscle volume and shorter resting periods between the sets, your testosterone will increase." The best exercises for increasing testosterone are ,heavy back squats, lifting heavy ass rocks, deadlifting heavy etc.

5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances causing your estrogen to be higher than your testosterone, as a male you definitely wouldn't want that, it will also lower your testosterone so maintain a healthy weight.

Signs of high testosterone

1. Morning wood
Morning wood is a strong sign of high testosterone, during 8-10 am your testosterone levels are at their peak and that will give you an erection.

2. Thick wrists
Thick wrists is a huge sign of high testosterone and high prenatal testosterone.

3. Longer ring finger than the index
A ring finger that is longer than the index is a sign that you've been exposed to more testosterone in the womb and it is a sign of high prenatal testosterone.

4. Easier to build muscle
Testosterone helps build muscle by generating proteins, which then increases muscle strength, essentially, when you have adequate testosterone, it will help stimulate muscle growth.

5. High libido & sex drive
High libido and high sex drive is a decent sign of high testosterone, it shows that you are a high t animal and you constantly want to fuck, if you were low testosterone you probably wouldn't have high libido or high sex drive.

Signs of low testosterone

1. Reduced libido

Low testosterone could mean low sexual desire. Other hormones can play a role in low libido, too, such as low levels of thyroid hormone or, rarely, high levels of prolactin.

2. Low energy levels
Fatigue is a common effect of low testosterone. You might feel like you just don't have the energy that you're used to.

3. Difficulty concencrating or remembering things
Low testosterone can hurt your mental focus and memory. You may forget what you planned to do and have trouble concentrating. This happens more often when testosterone levels are extremely low.

4. Skinnyfat physique
Testosterone deficiency leads to increased muscle loss with aging and increased fat mass.

5. Taking too long to recover after a gym session or poor sleep and changed sleep patterns
With low testosterone, you may experience difficulty building lean muscle mass and slower recovery, leading to reduced physical performance, about the sleep part, Low Levels of Testosterone Can Lead to Insomnia. Researchers have found that as testosterone level drops, the amount of cortisol circulating in the body increases. Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone. One of its functions is to increase alertness, which can result in shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep.

Common Myth: Nofap increases testosterone
Nofap will not increase testosterone long term, the changes in testosterone are minimal and temporary. Busting a few nuts in sex every week will increase your testosterone levels a lot, and way more than nofap would.

Anyways, that's it for the guide, my highest effort thread so far.
i have around 1100 ng/dl test i know that not crazy but seems good to me and i do have reduced libido and difficulty remembering things, so i do not thing these are global facts that can apply to anyone, and what do you think about astaxanthin (nothing to do w this thread jst askin)
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