Guide On How To Administer Oral Steroids/ PED's (I Guarantee You Are Doing It Wrong)

Would this work with accutane? Because I know it is very toxic to the liver
Method: 1. Place the pill/ powder, underneath your tongue, 2. Allow the pill to dissolve underneath you tongue (this could take up to 10 minutes), 3. Swallow any residue.

How this works: When a drug is taken sublingually, it is directly and rapidly absorbed into the blood stream via the mucosal membrane.
ive taken submucosal before and tasted nothing. Once time has elapsed, just wash the rest down with water.
How much would generally be considered as "residue"? Couldnt you just keep it sublingually until the mucosal membrane absorbs everything? Or is there a limit to how much can be absorbed at a time? Washing the rest down with water/swallowing any residue would void the premise of FULLY avoiding negative side effects associated with ingesting orals (although i know you didnt say if it avoids negative effects completely). Is there no way of bypassing them 100%?

When taken sublingually, the effects will be significantly stronger as the drug is being absorbed directly into the blood. It's the closet we can get to directly injecting these drugs into our veins, without actually injecting it into our veins.

-Stronger Pharmacological Effect
-Major reduction in hepatotoxicity
-Bypass first past metabolism
-Lower dosages required

-Unpredictable (different/ stronger effects for the same dose)
-Reduced liver detoxification of the drug

-Shorter lasting
My concern with this consequence would be the fact that it throws off the proposed amount of orals you would have taken when consumed traditionally. I think you can tell how this is very dangerous, essentially making it much easier to suffer from the severe negative side effects associated with a dose too potent. Is there some kind of way to calculate how to adjust the dose when ingesting them sublingually?

Also the fact that it shortens the orals' half lives is not a good indication. Easier to overdose, while lasting for a shorter amount of time? If not optimized it could very well waste a lot of money, while also proposing a health risk.

-Bad taste
-Issues with taste
I do not consider these a dealbreaker, also since it's way harder to taste something when put under the tongue.
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Would this work with accutane? Because I know it is very toxic to the liver
If it could be absorbed, I dont see why not. Although like i mentioned in my response to the original thread above, you would have to adjust the dose accordingly (however I do not know how you would go about calculating it).
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How much would generally be considered as "residue"? Couldnt you just keep it sublingually until the mucosal membrane absorbs everything? Or is there a limit to how much can be absorbed at a time? Washing the rest down with water/swallowing any residue would void the premise of FULLY avoiding negative side effects associated with ingesting orals (although i know you didnt say if it avoids negative effects completely). Is there no way of bypassing them 100%?
Good question, there is no way to absorb everything sublingually, if you are concerned you can do what professional athletes do, swig it around your mouth once your done with it (this will taste very nasty but leads to most absorption possible), then spit the rest out and rinse your mouth. The Swiss Olympians popularised this originally. They would mix orals and do this, they call it a “Swiss Cocktail”, this was perfect for them as it acted fast and strongly whilst they were performing.
My concern with this consequence would be the fact that it throws off the proposed amount of orals you would have taken when consumed traditionally. I think you can tell how this is very dangerous, essentially making it much easier to suffer from the severe negative side effects associated with a dose too potent. Is there some kind of way to calculate how to adjust the dose when ingesting them sublingually?
The best way to combat this, is by starting of slow and finding the ideal dose which works for you, slowly increase the dosage (starting at a relatively low dose), until you reach a dose which you deem optimal.
Also the fact that it shortens the orals' half lives is not a good indication. Easier to overdose, while lasting for a shorter amount of time? If not optimized it could very well waste a lot of money, while also proposing a health risk.
Orals are usually taken as a pre workout due to how potent they are, you don’t want them in your body for to long as they cause strain on the heart. This is why it’s preferable to have them in and out of the system quickly. It should only be used on days where you want the maximum strength (a hard back day for example). These should be taken alongside a cycle, not on their own due to how damaging they can be if used in the long run or in excessive amounts. As for the risk of overdose, this is usually only a concern if taking for an extended period however, if you are worried, the only thing I would look out for would be the heart. You should definitely invest in a finger pulse oximeter.
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Would this work with accutane? Because I know it is very toxic to the liver
It can, but if it’s been prescribed by a doctor I wouldn’t recommend it. I would be allot more careful with accutane due to it being a long term treatment, compared to oral anabolics only being used for up to 6 weeks.
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It can, but if it’s been prescribed by a doctor I wouldn’t recommend it. I would be allot more careful with accutane due to it being a long term treatment, compared to oral anabolics only being used for up to 6 weeks.
I made a typo, if it’s prescribed, I would not do it @ey88
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I made a typo, if it’s prescribed, I would not do it @ey88
Ok that’s what I though, I am not on accutane, I was just wondering if it would work
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Good question, there is no way to absorb everything sublingually
Yes that is what i figured as well, since otherwise it would be known as common practice to sublingually absorb orals. But your thread still proposes a very good method, kudos to you for posting this.

if you are concerned you can do what professional athletes do, swig it around your mouth once your done with it (this will taste very nasty but leads to most absorption possible), then spit the rest out and rinse your mouth. The Swiss Olympians popularised this originally. They would mix orals and do this, they call it a “Swiss Cocktail”, this was perfect for them as it acted fast and strongly whilst they were performing.
I understand how spitting the rest out would be a smart move, but isn't it a tiny bit smarter from a financial perspective to simply swallow the remains? Although, if money is not an issue, then I suppose spitting the remains out is good practice.

The best way to combat this, is by starting of slow and finding the ideal dose which works for you, slowly increase the dosage (starting at a relatively low dose), until you reach a dose which you deem optimal.
Yeah essentially that would probably be the best way to know, until we have more standardized methods.

Orals are usually taken as a pre workout due to how potent they are, you don’t want them in your body for to long as they cause strain on the heart. This is why it’s preferable to have them in and out of the system quickly. It should only be used on days where you want the maximum strength (a hard back day for example). These should be taken alongside a cycle, not on their own due to how damaging they can be if used in the long run or in excessive amounts.
I did not know this, thank you for bringing it up.

As for the risk of overdose, this is usually only a concern if taking for an extended period however, if you are worried, the only thing I would look out for would be the heart. You should definitely invest in a finger pulse oximeter.
Interesting, I will keep this in mind if I ever decide to take orals. Thanks!
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I understand how spitting the rest out would be a smart move, but isn't it a tiny bit smarter from a financial perspective to simply swallow the remains?
you are right. Athletes would spit it out because it wouldn’t detect on urine tests. Unless you are drinking alcohol, or damaging your liver another way (to a meaningful extent), you should just swallow it.

As for what I said about orals being used as preworkout due to how toxic it was, that’s the truth for most, but some like proviron are allot less toxic and safe (these do not need to be administered sublingually due to minimal effect on the liver).
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Unless you are drinking alcohol, or damaging your liver another way (to a meaningful extent), you should just swallow it.
Whats the correlation? Did you mean it from a perspective of accumulative damage? Why not be as safe as possible (like i said if money allows it), and just spit it out?

As for what I said about orals being used as preworkout due to how toxic it was, that’s the truth for most, but some like proviron are allot less toxic and safe (these do not need to be administered sublingually due to minimal effect on the liver).
Good to know. Theoretically, wouldnt it always be better to administer them sublingually, if possible? Like i said above, i am coming from a perspective of maximal optimization.
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Whats the correlation? Did you mean it from a perspective of accumulative damage? Why not be as safe as possible (like i said if money allows it), and just spit it out?
Yeah, just meant from cumulative damage. It’s nothing to worry about though, there’s no practical reason why you shouldn’t swallow unless you are trying to beat a drug test or taking something extremely harsh on the liver (superdrol).
Good to know. Theoretically, wouldnt it always be better to administer them sublingually, if possible? Like i said above, i am coming from a perspective of maximal optimization.
Probably not because with those you would want it in your body for a longer period. I’ve researched proviron a little, and with what I’ve seen it is very liver friendly so I’ll be taking it orally as I want the effects to last as long as possible for this.
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