Guide on how to cure or significantly reduce lactose intolerance



It’s just hair bro
Feb 28, 2020
FYI this is lactose intolerance not a milk allergy two completely different things if you have the latter avoid milk and consult a doctor.

Causes of lactose intolerance

All causes of lactose intolerance stems from a deficiency of the lactase enzyme

Primary lactose intolerance:
  • Usually genetically set and determined
  • After a period of time the genes that express the production and function of lactase enzyme turn off post weaning
  • Usually occurs in early childhood or adolescence
Secondary lactose intolerance
  • Usually onset by GI disturbances or antibiotic usage
  • Transient solves itself with time a non issue for most parts
It is important to note however that very few people have zero expression of lactase enzymes most people simply do not produce enough of it.
Lactase enzyme deficiency can occur in individuals with lower levels of this enzyme, resulting in failure to hydrolyze lactose into absorbable glucose and galactose components
Lactase deficiency may lead to lactose intolerance (LI). Depending both on the amount of lactose ingested and on the lactase activity, people who suffer from lactose malabsorption might experience numerous gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms and manifestations
TLDR the onset of lactose intolerance symptoms is regulated by the levels of lactase endogenously produced and the level of lactose consumed.
e.g I might have enough lactase to drink one glass of milk with no problem but at two glasses I'll suffer indigestion.

The solution to this problem is NOT to reduce or eliminate dairy consumption, on the alternative you should look to increase consumption over a controlled period of time.

Note your body is dynamic and with the cessation of lactose consumption your body will stop producing lactase as need to be and you end up at a worse place than where you started.

In addition, individuals who can typically tolerate lactose might become temporarily lactose intolerant if they avoid lactose-containing products for a long time. The body can stop producing adequate quantities of lactase if it doesn’t need to. However, slowly increasing lactose intake can build back a suitable level of lactase production.

The Answer

  1. Consume foods that contain lactase in them, most yogurts and Kefir contain Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium as long the pasteurisation was done before the fermenting process not after. These strains contain lactase within them, they both lower the lactose in milk but also contain lactase
1726580390916 "The lactose in yogurt is digested more efficiently than other dairy sources of lactose because the bacteria inherent in yogurt assist with its digestion. The bacterial lactase survives the acidic conditions of the stomach, apparently being physically protected within the bacterial cells and facilitated by the buffering capacity of yogurt. The increasing pH as the yogurt enters the small intestine and a slower gastrointestinal transit time allow the bacterial lactase to be active, digesting lactose from yogurt sufficiently to prevent symptoms in lactose-intolerant people
2. Supplement with lactase enzymes. Yes its a thing on the market and it is legit

A crossover randomized control trial


This was a randomized, double‐blind, crossover placebo‐controlled trial to study the effect of lactase tablets on symptoms and hydrogen breath levels in adults with lactose intolerance, confirmed by Lactose HBT. Clinical symptom severity was recorded using a visual analog scale, and HBT was performed every 30 min for 180 min. As it was a crossover design, the same patients were tested with both lactase and placebo, acting as their own controls with a washout period of 1 week between visits.


Forty‐seven patients (mean age 33.6 years; 30 males) with lactose intolerance formed the study group. Clinical symptoms, mean clinical score (P < 0.05), and mean hydrogen breath levels (P < 0.05) were improved when the patients were given lactase. Reduction in cumulative hydrogen breath level over 180 min was 55% when patients received lactase compared to placebo.


Orally supplemented lactase enzyme significantly reduced the clinical symptoms and hydrogen breath excretion in patients with lactose intolerance.
In simple form
4500 fcc lactase enzyme supplement reduced hydrogen in breath by 55% compared to placebo in a double blinded cross over RCT which is pretty robust as far as human evidence goes. Hydrogen is a relevant biomarker since when lactose is not adequately digested hydrogen is released in the breath. This is the closest thing to a cure for lactose you can find.

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Or just be normal
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  • JFL
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hahaha cope lactose intolerant fags get mogged by my ability to drink milk
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  • JFL
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Or just be normal
Most people have a threshold. Before I could drink milk fine but 1 1/2 glasses + would throw my guts overboard. I can drink 1 litre in a day as of now no issue + supplementary whey protein.
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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Most people have a threshold. Before I could drink milk fine but 1 1/2 glasses + would throw my guts overboard. I can drink 1 litre in a day as of now no issue + supplementary whey protein.
My mom was mad when she saw me down 1 liter of milk in my room from the bottle... it's over
  • JFL
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the only race that can naturally tolerate lactose are the slavs nordics germanics and iberians since they had a lot of cows and drinked raw milk:)
On average no?

I am not any of the races above but I eat a lot of dairy just fine
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My mom was mad when she saw me down 1 liter of milk in my room from the bottle... it's over
I use powdered skim milk around the clock its basically whey + the milk sugars great for cutting
On average no?

I am not any of the races above but I eat a lot of dairy just fine
Absolutely there are always exceptions, but i am sure you have at least 5 percent of the dna i quoted.
  • Hmm...
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but i am sure you have at least 5 percent of the dna i quoted.
I am South Indian Quarter Chinese so I don't think so.

But my cultural food does contain dairy
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  • JFL
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Same, isn't dairy even a huge part of indian diets
yes, but its mostly used to cook yoghurts, ghee, paneer, they do not drinked on average much raw milk
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It's true, some groups have higher prevalence to consuming dairy fine
So can I get admitted into the secret aryan sanju community if I can drink 3 liters of milk in 1 day without explosive diarrhea
  • JFL
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Same, isn't dairy even a huge part of indian diets
I think it depends from state to state.

I've never lived in India so I can't really judge, but my specific ethnic group, yeah.
  • +1
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So can I get admitted into the secret aryan sanju community if I can drink 3 liters of milk in 1 day without explosive diarrhea
I used to drink a litre daily because I love the taste of unhomogenized milk.

In a cup warm with the layer on top, crazy good man.
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I think it depends from state to state.

I've never lived in India so I can't really judge, but my specific ethnic group, yeah.
its mostly used to cook yoghurts, ghee, paneer, they do not drinked on average much raw milk
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its mostly used to cook yoghurts, ghee, paneer, they do not drinked on average much raw milk
“Indian consumers' average daily milk consumption, 37 percent of respondents consumed on average of 1.5 to two liters of milk every day”

Anecdotally most Indians consume a lot of milk. Most desserts are milk based and most people drink milk alongside lunch
  • +1
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I used to drink a litre daily because I love the taste of unhomogenized milk.

In a cup warm with the layer on top, crazy good man.
My mom doesn't allow me to buy raw milk after a failed cheese making experiment but I still drink it outside the house.

I wanted to let my raw milk curdle naturally but it accidentally got a tiny splotch of trich (green mold) so j threw it away

She was mad that "raw milk spoiled" even tho it was my fault, not the milks
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inb4 low iq race talk
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“Indian consumers' average daily milk consumption, 37 percent of respondents consumed on average of 1.5 to two liters of milk every day”

Anecdotally most Indians consume a lot of milk. Most desserts are milk based and most people drink milk alongside lunch
How did they develop their bones so badly then? the rest of the diet is bad then?
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My intolerance gets way better when i drink milk often know anything about this or is it just a coincidence
chad trait to be lactose tolerant anways
How did they develop their bones so badly then? the rest of the diet is bad then?
Probably just genetics and a lack of sexual selection. India agriculturalised very early which put a lot of sexual selection pressure off competitive mating.

As for milk, the consumption has gone up over time with economic development older people probably didn’t have much access. Also the Indian diet is just very poor overall, most vegetarians don’t eat eggs and milk is the only animal based protein. Vegetarian diets aren’t inherently bad but most of the grains in the Indian diet including the lentils are relatively low protein as well, the vegetables are usually blanched which wrecks any nutrient quality.
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@SubhumanCurrycel whats the Benefits of this ?
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@SubhumanCurrycel whats the Benefits of this ?
You can drink more milk with no issues. No intolerance means no GI bloating and all the bad shit that comes with it. Full fat milk is great for bulking, skim milk for cutting and whey protein is probably the single best protein source out there
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Great thread bhai
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