Gut Health Max !!


Atem Rah

Jun 13, 2020
Planning to Gut health maxx with curd and sauerkraut.
I will also stay away from sugar and antibacterial "foods"(poisons) like ginger and garlic.

Still high inhib to try rotten meat though.:feelsbadman:

What else can be used to boost gut health ?
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Over for gut health maxxing copers
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Not thinking about a black dick can boost it I heard
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Not thinking about a black dick can boost it I heard
yours must be very bad then

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Have you guys tried high meat ?
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Depends in how bad it is
How good can you handle 1.starches 2.fruit 3.dairy 4.animal fat ?
And what are the symptoms after eating each of those? (Cystic) acne, bloating, diarrhea, pain etc?
garlic and ginger are bad for your gut health, tf?

How are Italians so NT then with all the garlic they use in food?
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Depends in how bad it is
How good can you handle 1.starches 2.fruit 3.dairy 4.animal fat ?
And what are the symptoms after eating each of those? (Cystic) acne, bloating, diarrhea, pain etc?
Just want to fix my porn induced depression and become lowinhib. Also for immunity.
garlic and ginger are bad for your gut health, tf?

How are Italians so NT then with all the garlic they use in food?
Anti nutrients + anti bacterial sucks for gut health.
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Will this increase appetite
Will this increase appetite
In general eating something probiotic as an appetizer will boost appetite noticeably, the same goes for anything else that supports digestion like milk thistle roots
Also one can handle more food at once if supported by a probiotic food, a liver herb or protelytic enzymes

Just want to fix my porn induced depression and become lowinhib. Also for immunity.
So no signs of shit digestion in general? At least something
High meat does make one feel more lowinhib while in the high phase, so like for 1-3h after eating it, depending on person and how aged it is
Prebiotics are also important, raw potato starch does give a nice feeling in the gut
And for feeling better in general make sure to eat a lot of collagen/gelatin, especially if you're eating mostly muscle meat, throw that collagen in there somehow, this is key I noticed in wellbeing along with feeling warm etc
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In general eating something probiotic as an appetizer will boost appetite noticeably, the same goes for anything else that supports digestion like milk thistle roots
Also one can handle more food at once if supported by a probiotic food, a liver herb or protelytic enzymes

So no signs of shit digestion in general? At least something
High meat does make one feel more lowinhib while in the high phase, so like for 1-3h after eating it, depending on person and how aged it is
Prebiotics are also important, raw potato starch does give a nice feeling in the gut
And for feeling better in general make sure to eat a lot of collagen/gelatin, especially if you're eating mostly muscle meat, throw that collagen in there somehow, this is key I noticed in wellbeing along with feeling warm etc
Should i go to the pharmacy and buy probiotics or? What is the best way to improve gut flora?
Should i go to the pharmacy and buy probiotics or? What is the best way to improve gut flora?
Probiotics in pills rarely show benefits
The most important thing is to avoid things that fuck the flora up in the first place, meaning antibiotics, food preservatives
For food it's most grains, but wheat is the worst, especially that most processed food also has other shit additives that disrupt the flora
Generally only eat what you can digest without any significant problems, if there is no additional inflammation caused by shit food the gut then has the time and capacities to heal itself
It takes time tho but there are things that can speed it up a bit

1. If you get bloating, cystic acne, weird stools and generally don't seem to digest most things easily it's probably parasites, parasites occur when the flora is heavily fucked up, caused by heavily shit food along with antibiotics etc,
for that do a parasite cleanse by hulda clark, costs like 30euros or so, even if you don't think that you have parasites it's still a good idea to do it as most of the things in the cleanse are also antifungal, also there are many people having reported that their cystic acne mostly healed after parasite cleansing, you can read it up

2. Care for your liver
The gallbladder is vital in detoxing heavy metals and other toxins, it basically throws all that shit with your food and usually gets out with your stool
The gallbladder is stimulated by eating animal fat (saturated, btw this is one thing why veganism is biologically not possible for humans long term as the gallbladder can't really function as intended)
So if eating fat is problematic for you and males you feel like shit afterwards, the gallbladder is probably full of gallstones which block the secretion of gall, leading to indigestion of fat, causing light or yellow stools
For that you want a livercleanse by dr moritz or one with eggs, can google it up
Also bitter herbs before every meal, milk thistle root, gentian root, basically eat as much of it until it gets to that meh bitter, it stimulates the gallbladder and liver

That's some quite good information, those are the things that helped me have optimal hormone levels the first time in my life at 19, it also isn't much work with the cleanses and they do fucking lot
And generally eat your food as little processed as possible
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So no signs of shit digestion in general? At least something
Someone in my family has this problem. Any tips to fix it ? Thanks bruh loved your advice.:love:
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Someone in my family has this problem. Any tips to fix it ? Thanks bruh loved your advice.:love:
Yeah cleansing the liver and parasites is the most important thing to move it all
If the person is older or at least cooks show her weston price, or better yet sally fallons cookbook IF the person isn't willing to change that much, don't know what the person is like.

If the person is open for new stuff definitely cut out all wheat and cooked/pasteurized dairy, if the person can handle raw cheese without any problems then that's ok, if not then cut all dairy out

Now we've got calories from starches that are missing, so we have to substitute it somehow
Fruit fruit fruit, different kinds of fruit, should only eat what smells and tastes good at that moment and just go with the instincts with that one

And food combinations are important aswell
Fruit digests the fastest so it actually should never be eaten as a dessert except the meal is fully raw but that probably won't be the case lol
Eat fruit first to taste, then starches if included, and last the protein, because starches need more alkaline stomach fluids whereas for protein and meat you wanna go as acidic as possible, never mix protein and starch together

It is possible that the order of eating will fix most if not all problems with digestion, if not, a parasite and liver cleanse are a must along with excluding grains (if really bad all starches) and dairy
And also fruit alone won't fill up the calorie gap so eating savory fatty meat is important, if butter is tolerated you can go with butter, easier to find a good quality butter than a good quality pasture raised cow or chicken

Well that's a lot of info I hope it's understandable enough
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Reactions: Atem Rah
Planning to Gut health maxx with curd and sauerkraut.
I will also stay away from sugar and antibacterial "foods"(poisons) like ginger and garlic.

Still high inhib to try rotten meat though.:feelsbadman:

What else can be used to boost gut health ?
Will I get 2+PSL gains?
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Will I get 2+PSL gains?
Considering gut health leads to various other health benefits, it's possible to gain as much as 1 psl.
As fixing gut can help mental conditions and might help to lessen or fix balding.
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Will I get 2+PSL gains?
Well it can definitely fix failos like shit skin, dark circles even with good undereye support, mouth odor, body odor, wellbeing in general thus leading to more confidence, if in puberty then it absolutely leads to better hormonal levels which as we know can positively influence bone growth
Bad gut health is basically a failo that leads into other failos, which should be fixed obviously
If not gutmaxxing then you're just retarded
Fasting is really good for the guts too.
Allows it to regenerate faster
Keto won't really fix gut issues, it is like a bandaid
Also it will fuck up your metabolism long term, adrenals and thyroid
The only real thing is to only eat what your body agrees with and this way clean yourself of all the shit that's stored in your body giving you problems
Fecal transplant from chico
Keto won't really fix gut issues, it is like a bandaid
Also it will fuck up your metabolism long term, adrenals and thyroid
The only real thing is to only eat what your body agrees with and this way clean yourself of all the shit that's stored in your body giving you problems
Process carbs will jack up your gut bacteria though even whole wheat pasta
Process carbs will jack up your gut bacteria though even whole wheat pasta
Yes ofc, that's why I said to eat only what your body agrees with, and grains are not human food, period.
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Fuck lol just started alternate day fasting and keto
Yeah just stop lol, the cortisol that's gonna accumulate is insane
One should only be in ketosis when fasting, and fasting is only somewhat healthy if done one day a week or one day a month whatever fits to your body
Just eat all that (organ) meat, cheese, eggs with not as much fat as you would with keto and throw in fruits, everything should be to taste and instinctively, learn to distinguish between hunger for fat, protein and carbs, there's always a different feeling in the stomach
If you follow that you're already better off than the huge majority of people
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Planning to Gut health maxx with curd and sauerkraut.
I will also stay away from sugar and antibacterial "foods"(poisons) like ginger and garlic.

Still high inhib to try rotten meat though.:feelsbadman:

What else can be used to boost gut health ?
countries with the longest life spans all consume tons of garlic

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