Gym copers on here

Deleted member 3259

Deleted member 3259

Sep 22, 2019
People talking about something as simple as 15-12% body fat making a huge difference for face...

This guy literally went from 30% to 10% bodyfat and his face barely changed one bit. I agree that it's good for your body, but dont try and trick people on here into thinking it will make a difference for face JFL
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People talking about something as simple as 15-12% body fat making a huge difference for face...

This guy literally went from 30% to 10% bodyfat and his face barely changed one bit. I agree that it's good for your body, but dont try and trick people on here into thinking it will make a difference for face JFL

It's legit
As long as you have decent bones under all that fat

If you have shit bones you may actually look better facially at a higher body fat percentage
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I can see a difference in the thumbnail but at 10.6% he just looks super weak and starved, 18% he looks great facial wise somewhat lean but also full.

LIke I said unless you're obese leanmaxxing is cope honestly as long as ur in the 15% body fat range. Good bone projection is going to show unless ur obese.
GymCelling is cope; GymCelling and surgery on your face is too legit
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It's legit
As long as you have decent bones under all that fat

If you have shit bones you may actually look better facially at a higher body fat percentage
I destroyed my looks by losing 10kg. Literally everybody now tells me i looked way better before. Also girls told me i looked masculine and attractive, and that i have a small face now. My facial fat just gave the illusion of bones, and a robust face. Now you can see my subhuman recessed bonestructure, and i look a lot worse.
  • JFL
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The issue is there are people on this fucking site like zygos trying to convince everyone its the way JFL
People talking about something as simple as 15-12% body fat making a huge difference for face...

This guy literally went from 30% to 10% bodyfat and his face barely changed one bit. I agree that it's good for your body, but dont try and trick people on here into thinking it will make a difference for face JFL

dude can get laid just for having that body
If ur not naturally muscular ur probably low t and have shit bones so gym is cope. you'll never be like someone who is naturally muscular and also works out
Depends what kinds of bones you have my first photo on this site vs now is alot different
  • JFL
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This thread is so low iq jfl
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I do have good genetics but the gym definitely transformed me from complete truecel to somewhat good looking
Depends what kinds of bones you have my first photo on this site vs now is alot different View attachment 253876

First of all the pic is disengen because you are taking photos from two different angles, also you can see your cheekbones even past the fat in the first photo, so either u were low bodyfat there also, or u got a godly bonestructure
Depends what kinds of bones you have my first photo on this site vs now is alot different View attachment 253876
this site gave me motivation because people said i have a decent eyearea i always disliked my eyearea till i found this site and now i am so happy with it
Sounds like lazy cope

How you going to know what your bones look like without getting lean first

Even if chubby cheeks fail you, you can get buccal fat removal like I did


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On average, people look better at low body fat percentages (10%)

Also, even if you don't have the bones, I would prefer being an ugly gymcel than a soy filled estrogenic fat beta faggot.
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Sounds like lazy cope

How you going to know what your bones look like without getting lean first

Even if chubby cheeks fail you, you can get buccal fat removal like I did
How many more examples of recessed subhumans are you gonna post to prove your bullshit ass theory
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Sounds like lazy cope

How you going to know what your bones look like without getting lean first

Even if chubby cheeks fail you, you can get buccal fat removal like I did
If Meeks was a 2% higher in that mog shot. He would have been Tyronne's sex toy by now.

This proves that low body fat and surgery are the only ways to truly ascend.
Mirin his zygos but he has litterally shit ratios.
Saying "The gym is cope" is a cope for lazycels who don't want to work for anything and would rather stay in moms basement and complain about how they were not given perfect genetics


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Mirin his zygos but he has litterally shit ratios.
His zygos is shit what are u talking about
Saying "The gym is cope" is a cope for lazycels who don't want to work for anything and would rather stay in moms basement and complain about how they were not given perfect genetics

Ur such a wack humanbeing holy shit
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His zygos is shit what are u talking about

Ur such a wack humanbeing holy shit
Ur coping on an incel website with a loli avi making threads about how leanmaxing and gymmaxing doesnt work because you are too lazy to go to the gym
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That you're a lazy coping fuck

Why dont you say it to me in the face ?
Ur coping on an incel website with a loli avi making threads about how leanmaxing and gymmaxing doesnt work because you are too lazy to go to the gym

Idk what loli even is. I just took ritalins picture because he was a retard who kept spamming my photo in every thread I made. The reason ur wack is because u frauded first pic because it was taken with front camera, secondly, even in the first picture when you are "fat" you can still tell that you have bones.
Gymmaxing is good until a roidcel mogs the shit out of your's existence.
Why dont you say it to me in the face ?

Idk what loli even is. I just took ritalins picture because he was a retard who kept spamming my photo in every thread I made. The reason ur wack is because u frauded first pic because it was taken with front camera, secondly, even in the first picture when you are "fat" you can still tell that you have bones.
How is it frauded? Here's some more pics i guess these are frauded too. You cant even tell i have good bone structure because I was a league of legends bloatcel. Change your diet and gymcel/tetosteronemax. If you eat like shit and basement dwell you look like shit


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People talking about something as simple as 15-12% body fat making a huge difference for face...

This guy literally went from 30% to 10% bodyfat and his face barely changed one bit. I agree that it's good for your body, but dont try and trick people on here into thinking it will make a difference for face JFL

He stores very little fat in his face tho, even when he was 30% bf his face looked lean.
How is it frauded? Here's some more pics i guess these are frauded too. You cant even tell i have good bone structure because I was a league of legends bloatcel. Change your diet and gymcel/tetosteronemax. If you eat like shit and basement dwell you look like shit

U realize ur just proving my point? You are literally a bloatcel in these photos and I can still see your crazy bone structure JFL what a joke. Please just go
How am I coping when I say I am gonna go to the gym? All I am saying is that it wont make a face difference but I will still go for body.
All you do to back your "it won't change your face bro" argument up is cherrypick recessed subhumans. It's like the 2nd or 3rd thread I see you do this.

Yes getting lean won't do shit if your bones are trash tier

Most people here don't have trash tier bones and would benefit greatly from reaching 10% bodyfat

Why is this so hard for you to understand?
How is it frauded? Here's some more pics i guess these are frauded too. You cant even tell i have good bone structure because I was a league of legends bloatcel. Change your diet and gymcel/tetosteronemax. If you eat like shit and basement dwell you look like shit
Coloring is a failo, you need to invest in some melanotan brah, it would darken your ginger hair too.
Coloring is a failo, you need to invest in some melanotan brah, it would darken your ginger hair too.
tell me something i don't already know
All you do to back your "it won't change your face bro" argument up is cherrypick recessed subhumans. It's like the 2nd or 3rd thread I see you do this.

Yes getting lean won't do shit if your bones are trash tier

Most people here don't have trash tier bones and would benefit greatly from reaching 10% bodyfat

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

The average person on this site it wont make a difference for. The reason it makes a difference for @Unmoggablegingercel is because you can see his bone structure even when he was bloated fatcel and thats what I am saying, its not even recessed bones, it's if your bone structure is so crazy so that you can see it through 25%+ bodyfat, then that means that you have a good bone structure and then you would know to get lean even without having to be told so.
tell me something i don't already know
Some people need things to be told to them multiple times before they actually take it onboard. (@Pietrosiek)
Good to see you're not one of those people.
Some people need things to be told to them multiple times before they actually take it onboard. (@Pietrosiek)
Good to see you're not one of those people.
lol, im carrotmaxing to fraud a skin glow, castor oil eyebrows, neck and traps maxing, and hair dye to ascend ginger failo. Wish me luck
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I think we can safely assume OP is one of those guys that leanmaxxing doesn't work for.
I think we can safely assume OP is one of those guys that leanmaxxing doesn't work for.
Obv. But its a cope for everyone.
Jesus u have a toxic attitude. I guess it is what it is.
Sorry my bro, I wish the best for you. I highly recommend gymcelling even if 5'2 manlet fatcel with no bones.
Sorry my bro, I wish the best for you. I highly recommend gymcelling even if 5'2 manlet fatcel with no bones.

I am 5'10 and I will gymcel like I have said. I just dont expect any results to my face. It's ok my frend
Sorry my bro, I wish the best for you. I highly recommend gymcelling even if 5'2 manlet fatcel with no bones.
Can u tell me what ur bodyfat was in the ones when u were more bloated?
Obv. But its a cope for everyone.
Leanmaxxing doesn't ascend me but I look like pure dogshit above 18% bf

Some people just store a lot of fat on their face, regardless of bone structure.
lmfao look at the real coper here calling us copers, well no shit if you are this recessed

losing fat wont help you but for most people its a step forward
All you do to back your "it won't change your face bro" argument up is cherrypick recessed subhumans. It's like the 2nd or 3rd thread I see you do this.

Yes getting lean won't do shit if your bones are trash tier

Most people here don't have trash tier bones and would benefit greatly from reaching 10% bodyfat

Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Even IF they did have trash tier bones it would be retarded to get surgeries without leanmaxing as the surgery would not show as much if they were lean. leanmaxing is the first step to looksmaxing.
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My 2 cents :

Yes, hitting the gym is always useful and preferred even for recessed manlets : A lean body will always be better than a fat soyboy..

Just don't get delusional about it.. as you will still not slay stacies.

You have 0% chance with a fat body while you may have a chance, even a tiny one with some girls with a lean toned muscly body..

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