Gymcelling megathread

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Just 🐝 urself
Dec 3, 2019
This guide is for natty lifters. If you’re looking to roid I recommend @Jefferson’s steroid thread + a brosplit routine:

The first thing you need to decide is bulk or cut. The easiest way to calculate how many calories you should eat is myfitnesspal. This should act as a base for how many calories you should eat daily, from there you can adjust by a couple hundred if you still aren’t getting the results you desire.


This guy shows even poorfags have no excuse not to bulk. Calories will always be more important than macros. Just eat a clean balanced diet theory.

Things I recommend to help you bulk:

Muscle Fuel Anabolic
Best Bulking Foods
-Sausages, eggs and toast should be a staple of your breakfast.
-If I’m in a rush I’ll eat spinach+ricotta tortellini pasta with tomato+mascarpone sauce which takes 5 minutes to cook and another 5 to eat for 1300 calories with cheese.
-Add in a little double cream to your milk for an extra few hundred calories per serving.

Srs just eat less bro how hard is

These threads have a good basis for nutrition information however you can never know enough about nutrition in my superior opinion:

For supplements I take a men‘s multivitamin + ashwaganda and fish oil tablets. During a bulk I’ll consume Muscle Fuel Anabolic 150g which contains 580 calories of carbs, creatine, protein and amino acids with the downside of high sugar. Hence I’ll simply take unflavoured whey protein and creatine separately during a cut.

ROUTINE is the best source for routines as a beginner. Imo stronglifts 5x5 is the best beginner program which focuses on heavy compound movements as opposed to isolations which will be ineffective as a natty beginner. Focus on progressive overload and change the routine to Push-Pull-Legs after a few months, tweaking here and there until you create a program best suited for your body. Remember: everyone’s body is unique so it’s important you adapt your routine for you after building your base. You’re a special snowflake bro!!

This should provide adequate information for a beginner in the gym. Thanks for not reading a single word :feelsyay:

@Lorsss @jefferson @BigBiceps @Framletgod
515A9FE9 5F6F 4688 ADD8 1A5AC15C8929
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: balding17yomanletcel, ScramFranklin, SikKunt and 4 others
Natty lifting is cope.
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  • JFL
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Legit such a shit thread
  • JFL
Reactions: Barbarossa_ and Deleted member 2846
Roidceling is cope
Natty lifting is cope.
unless you have good genetics.
The bodybuilding blackpill consists in realizing it's all about genetics


  • The previously discussed studies that reported and focus#ed on the interindividual heterogeneity of responses to resistance training [1-12] all demonstrated that when a group of people participate in an identical resistance training program, their responses to that program vary considerably and apparently are primarily genetically determined. (Carpinelli, 2017).
  • Men and women exhibit wide ranges of response to resistance training, with some subjects showing little to no gain, and others showing profound changes, increasing size by over 10 cm and doubling their strength. (Hubal et al., 2005).
  • Individuals with a greater basal presence of SCs demonstrated, with training, a remarkable ability to expand the SC pool, incorporate new nuclei, and achieve robust growth. (Petralla et al., 1985).
  • These results indicate that intramuscular androgen receptor content, but neither circulating nor intramuscular hormones (or the enzymes regulating their intramuscular production), influence skeletal muscle hypertrophy following RET in previously trained young men. (Morton et al., 2018).
  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel, Fath0039, duckpeter8000 and 1 other person
lol @ bulking
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2846, duckpeter8000 and Lorsss
in my opinion push-pull-legs is not effective as natural bodybuilder.
Without steroids I don't have enough energy to train multiple muscle groups in one day while using all my strength.
Lool, so much effort wasted, dwelling in confidence that this thread is gonna get pinned

What a loser.

good thread I guess though
Good info thanks so much! Don’t listen to the others, they’re addicted to coping.
Natty lifting thinking it'll magically make you huge and attractive is cope.
Not lifting, thinking it's useless is cope.

Lifting natty gives you a basic level of muscle, it'll look way better and improve your functioning dramatically compared to no training.
You won't look like Jeff Seid but you can triple your strength and look and feel better.
Only a small proportion of people have really good genes for bodybuilding, also only a small proportion has such bad genes that lifting doesn't do anything.

Not lifting or exercising in general is stupid if you're blackpilled. It's just laziness.

Fit is better than not fit.
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Reactions: Lolcel, Bimax, Deleted member 3672 and 3 others
  • JFL
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Reactions: Lolcel, OCDMaxxing, maxmendietta and 4 others
that pic is pretty old but it still mogs 90% of the roidcels in the forum

Health is more important than physique
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2846 and OOGABOOGA
post your body then, let's see those natty gains.
It's top tier and blows most steroid users out of the water...

Anyone who says it's not worth it doesn't have any dedication, has bad hormone levels, or doesn't know how to lift
It's top tier and blows most steroid users out of the water...

Anyone who says it's not worth it doesn't have any dedication, has bad hormone levels, or doesn't know how to lift
Nice pics.
Only if hardgainer. If you meet a minimal easygainerish factor than it's ok

And even if hardgainer it's legit
Post your current physique, let us rate your progress.
My pics go to relevant users only...My apologies
Wow you're being very defensive for some reason, I wonder why?
  • +1
Reactions: Bimax and SikKunt
Post your current physique, let us rate your progress.

Wow you're being very defensive for some reason, I wonder why?
Cuz your original comment is so defeatist and dumb...Ppl who know that you're wrong get annoyed with u...Especially when u make comments with gumption, like they're correct when they're not...
Cuz your original comment is so defeatist and dumb...Ppl who know that you're wrong get annoyed with u...Especially when u make comments with gumption, like they're correct when they're not...
Haven't you already posted your physique? You're a big black guy right?
If you have never been in the gym before, always start with 3 month cardio minimum without touching a weight at all. Cardio is Life, Lifting is not...not for beginners. If you have a weak heart, nothing is going to happen with your shit body. Yout heart is the most important organ. It delivers protein to your muscles and nutritions to your hairs. Your heart needs to be trained first. Always.

If you are an impatient fag, which is hopping on roids just because of impatience and a weak subhuman mind, you will fuck up your metabolism and your heart in early years, which deserves you right.

And once you build your basis you can start with bodyweight excersices. Pushups, pullups squads.

Your impatience is what fucks you up. If you are a beginner, give yourself time. Calculate about 2 years and increase your difficulty slowly but surely and you will see results, no matter how subhuman your genes are.
If you have never been in the gym before, always start with 3 month cardio minimum without touching a weight at all. Cardio is Life, Lifting is not...not for beginners. If you have a weak heart, nothing is going to happen with your shit body. Yout heart is the most important organ. It delivers protein to your muscles and nutritions to your hairs. Your heart needs to be trained first. Always.

If you are an impatient fag, which is hopping on roids just because of impatience and a weak subhuman mind, you will fuck up your metabolism and your heart in early years, which deserves you right.

And once you build your basis you can start with bodyweight excersices. Pushups, pullups squads.

Your impatience is what fucks you up. If you are a beginner, give yourself time. Calculate about 2 years and increase your difficulty slowly but surely and you will see results, no matter how subhuman your genes are.
Post your current physique, show us what natty lifting is capable of.
lol have u seen them at least? ur twink compared to them
Lots of body image dismorphia itt
  • JFL
Reactions: duckpeter8000
Post your current physique, show us what natty lifting is capable of.
Natty lifting (For virtually anyone) can get you to 24 BMI at 8-10% bodyfat. That's the upper limit...Then u can go beyond that with very good genetics.

Which looks very good..

The fact that it's reachable for the average person as a common consensus ...Is more than enough proof that natty lifting isn't cope.

Your "Show us your physique" anecdotes don't mean anything. If you said that to 10 people and they didn't show their pics, it wouldn't prove anything on your side. It just means people don't wanna share photos of their body with you on an obscure Internet forum.
  • +1
Reactions: forwardgrowth
Natty lifting (For virtually anyone) can get you to 24 BMI at 8-10% bodyfat. That's the upper limit...Then u can go beyond that with very good genetics.

Which looks very good..

The fact that it's reachable for the average person as a common consensus ...Is more than enough proof that natty lifting isn't cope.

Your "Show us your physique" anecdotes don't mean anything. If you said that to 10 people and they didn't show their pics, it wouldn't prove anything on your side. It just means people don't wanna share photos of their body with you on an obscure Internet forum.
What I thought zero to say..

Muh I Fought my crippling anxiety for a week to go to the gym and didn’t look like a bodybuilder

Natural lifting must be cope :feelsuhh:
Post your current physique, let us rate your progress.

Wow you're being very defensive for some reason, I wonder why?
I don't gymcel now but i trained skipping many days w/ not so good dieting and still grew, due to non optimal diet and lack of consistency it wasn't anything impressive

Stoped on june. Came back last month, benching very little. Increased 10kg in bench in two weeks not even training, i just got the maximum weight i could lift and lifted it for the challange 3x

I'm not big framed or utter easygainer tho, i got small wrists etc
Last edited:
A lot of excuses itt

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