Having existential crisis (Future job/Education)

Finish college and then you can consider chasing your dreams
Was gonna say don't go to college its not worth it but then saw its Arvid
business is rlly easy in uni i literally study like 6 hours a week and getting perfect grades just from being at uni and listening

uni is fun when u not rlly worrying about studying just having fun
should learn useful stuff outside the uni
If u study enginnering the average time spent studying outside of the early hard lessons is literarlly 3 hours a day. So you dont even have free time if ur working a part time job to pay for rent
If u study enginnering the average time spent studying outside of the early hard lessons is literarlly 3 hours a day. So you dont even have free time if ur working a part time job to pay for rent
at first, engineering is a waste of time
starting biz is everything
engineering is one of the most overrated "things"
programming not included
chosse the major that has the most stacies and partymaxxers
at first, engineering is a waste of time
starting biz is everything
engineering is one of the most overrated "things"
programming not included
chosse the major that has the most stacies and partymaxxers
I dont think starting ur own is worth it in 2021 as that seems to be what everyone is doing now a days and to even start you need some money.
my best tip is just something you like tbh , i went for computer science first year dropped out in 3 weeks did business economics dropped out in 6 weeks now i am gonna do a study combined with business and creativity so i am the guy with the creative plans in a business
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Go transgender and become a prostitute. Life on cheat mode.
  • JFL
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You can always go study something at any age. Ive had 30yo in my university.

Option 2 is you go study and try your dream carreer while u study (i guess you dont pay university fees like in the US)

Option 3 is you finish your study and work part time, like 25-35 hours/week and work on your dream job after:y'all:

Or find yourself a rich girl ngl
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No you should find a girl who's already rich or has rich parents:y'all:
If i lived in like 1950 imagine how easy it would be to be a professional theif tbh. No security cameras and you cant even call the cops bcuz no phones.
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If i lived in like 1950 imagine how easy it would be to be a professional theif tbh. No security cameras and you cant even call the cops bcuz no phones.
Yea but you wont get rich that way. Today you can get rich very easy with tbh with the internet
If i lived in like 1950 imagine how easy it would be to be a professional theif tbh. No security cameras and you cant even call the cops bcuz no phones.
Even in the 80's and 90's you could become rich, all you needed was some nitroglycerine and some courage. I know who the biggest thiefs were in Mälardalen back then
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White male leads are not attractive in show biz anymore, at best you could be a side character in some stuff
Tbh if you really want a chance you're gonna have to ditch the girl, turn gay and tattoo BLM on your forehead or smth

If you don't want to waste your week on a wage slave job even if it pays well you should maybe look in to renting out properties, while you pursue some passion of yours
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dnrd but good post probably
  • JFL
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you're too old to pursue passion projects and the industry is dead now, just do the basic main thing everyone does which is studying, having money beats all
  • Ugh..
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you're too old to pursue passion projects and the industry is dead now, just do the basic main thing everyone does which is studying, having money beats all
Im early 17. You graduate high school at 19 in sweden how am i too old
Im early 17. You graduate high school at 19 in sweden how am i too old
usually people who actually succeed in these things have been doing them since they were like 9
  • JFL
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Do the passion project
u have ur entire life to be an office drone and play it safe, take a chance bro. College and a cookie cutter career is always there
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u have ur entire life to be an office drone and play it safe, take a chance bro. College and a cookie cutter career is always there
just join the job market at 28 bro
You can always go study something at any age. Ive had 30yo in my university.

Option 2 is you go study and try your dream carreer while u study (i guess you dont pay university fees like in the US)

Option 3 is you finish your study and work part time, like 25-35 hours/week and work on your dream job after:y'all:

Or find yourself a rich girl ngl
part time work in a somewhat well paying field like computer science/army reserves/accounting etc while you pursue your dreams ancillary to this
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just monke
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If youre familys wealth can support you through the next 100 years, this is the most nonsense garbage you overthink about.
Just join the police or something similar, get a wife and kids, the sooner the better, that's the good life there, and a sure bet to have not many regrets in life.
  • Woah
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Acting/modeling is poor luck. If you are a creative person, you could try to start a business in something you're passionate about.

Studying is good to have a safety net. It's the best decision for most people tbh, especially in todays age, where every employer demands a degree.
On one hand there's going to college with my low iq and possibly failing it meaning its all for nothing and that's if I even manage to get into a decent college. Lets say the ideal situation here is you graduate and earn good money. You're gonna slave away at your job until you're too old to work and look back at ur pathetic life in a upper middle class neighbourhood.
View attachment 1148569View attachment 1148571

On the other side of the coin there's not going to college and instead going for a passion project (Acting,
Modelling or singing etc) but with very low chance of making ends meat. Meaning you have to work at fast foods as well and have basically 0 free time and possibly no chance for money when older. You're going to hustle at manual labor in combination with ur passion until you're too old to work and look back at ur pathetic life in a 2 bedroom apartment in some cheap city because you cant afford to live where you want.

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Why do u think u have a low iq
I'm not Indian so I don't know but I heard of many white actors going to India and becoming actors there because they run JBW game and India needs white people in their movies. It's also incredibly cheap over there (compared by Western standards).
If you're going to college, don't do STEM at all unless you're REALLY passionate about it and are willing to study VERY hard for it. Anyways, it isn't worth in general and not good for someone who's blackpilled.

Business degrees (especially if you're becoming a top tier CEO or running your own business) and Medicine degrees are worth it.
Healthcare is another new yet easy degree/field, it benefits a lot in developed countries and just globally in general. It pays good.
Your last (probably the best in terms of satisfaction and pay) is a trade job. I'm talking about being a licensed plumber/mechanic/electrician.
Wish i had choose electrician in high School instead of stem
Your last (probably the best in terms of satisfaction and pay) is a trade job. I'm talking about being a licensed plumber/mechanic/electrician.
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Wish i had choose electrician in high School instead of stem
You can't change it or enroll into electrician studies now? I'm applying for it myself too currently..
Late to the thread but in the U.S. every degree has the first one - two years of classes the exact same, usually basic shit like required math, history, english, etc. If I could do it over again I would probably just stay with my parents, take a super easy basics schedule of the entry level classes, and then work on a passion project
On one hand there's going to college with my low iq and possibly failing it meaning its all for nothing and that's if I even manage to get into a decent college. Lets say the ideal situation here is you graduate and earn good money. You're gonna slave away at your job until you're too old to work and look back at ur pathetic life in a upper middle class neighbourhood.
View attachment 1148569View attachment 1148571

On the other side of the coin there's not going to college and instead going for a passion project (Acting,
Modelling or singing etc) but with very low chance of making ends meat. Meaning you have to work at fast foods as well and have basically 0 free time and possibly no chance for money when older. You're going to hustle at manual labor in combination with ur passion until you're too old to work and look back at ur pathetic life in a 2 bedroom apartment in some cheap city because you cant afford to live where you want.

View attachment 1148572View attachment 1148576
You daft cunt, go to college. There are so many majors to pick from and you don’t even have to go to a good school, just get a degree in something you like. Trust me you will hate it slaving away for customers while you don’t even have your dream solidified or even any financial plan. Hell, if four year college is too hard for you then you can go into a trade like electrician. I wouldn’t take the chance.
Lets say the ideal situation here is you graduate and earn good money. You're gonna slave away at your job until you're too old to work and look back at ur pathetic life in a upper middle class neighbourhood.

That is much better than to work in warehouse logistics for the minimum salary, working two shifts at the same day while being too stupid to drive.
  • JFL
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Try out for American ninja warrior. They are sure to let you on with your backstory of reformed autistic incel secret agent

I wish I could participate in Ninja Warrior since I am indeed athletic and also nimble. I would easily win.

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