Health Book 20+ vitamins



Nov 30, 2023

1. Introduction
2. Why is Nutrition important?
3. Diet and Health
4. What you should eat and not to
5. How to chew correctly?
6. Some Useless and Useful Infos
7. List of the foods with the highest amount of Nutrients (Ex: Calcium, D, etc)



Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs. Adequate
food is vital in keeping people alive. Good nutrition is essential to good health.


It is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant,
child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk
of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses
its not a suprise that healthy people seem to be younger and live older in age. But with todays foods
most people die early cus of the Ingredients present in the things they eat.

Ex: Cereals

Cereal is a very dangerous product to feed to kids. Most cereals are unhealthy asf, they are sugar bombs.
Many popular breakfast cereals contain potentially harmful food additives like butylated hydroxyanisole, or



you don't need to get 100% every day for everything. some nutrients can be stored in your body
and regardless it will take more than one day to develop a true deficiency where you start
seeing noticeable biological effects.

the rdi (recommended delay intake) is meant to meet the nutrient requirements of 97-98% of population.
that means that they will be too low for about 2-3% and in all likelihood higher than some of the
population needs. when they can't set an rdi due to insufficient data they set an rda, which is a
way of saying "we don't know exactly how much of this you should be eating except that you do need to
eat it, but as a starting point here's what healthy people are generally doing.

What should you eat and not to

Focus on the quality of the diet.

The type of carbohydrate in the diet is more important than the amount of carbohydrate in the diet, because some sources of
carbohydrate—like vegetables (other than potatoes) , fruits, whole grains, and beans are healthier than others.

I advise you to avoid processed meat, sugary beverages, red #40, yellow #5, sugar, soy lecithin, aspartame, sodium nitrate, carrageenan, niaciminade, hydrogenated oils (trans fat), all seed oils (canola, soy, safflower, corn, grape, etc.), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, margarine, artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO), a major source of calories—usually with little nutritional value—in the American diet.

I advise you to eat more of red meat, shellfish, dairy, livers, oysters, leafy green, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, tahini, eggs, non starchy veggie, nuts (almonds, legumes, chickpeas), kidney, beans, avocadoes, wild rice, bell peppers, cocoa, spirulina, matcha, brocolli sprouts, wild salmon, watermelon, butternut squash, garbanzobeans, magoes, sweet potatoes

Superfoods: Kiwi (Beans | The skin on it is eatable it doubles fiber content.) | Avocado | Nutritional Yeast | Greeny foods | Garlic | Onion | Beets | Kale | Brocolli | Brussels | Alfafa Sprouts | Leeks | Spinach | Cruciferous | Allium | Beans | Potatoes | Sweet Potates | Gelatine (High in glycine and protein) | Royal Jelly (high in amino acids and alot of vitamins) | Sourdough Bread (high in vitamins and folic acids) | Pepperoni (High in vit K) | Parsley (High in Vit K2) | Pine Pollen (Doubles T Levels and antidioxants) | Sauerkraut (high in probiotics) | Flax seeds | Cholorella (high on omega-3 and fatty acids) | Livers | Red Meat | Blueberries | Turmeric |

really a healthy overall dietary pattern must be determined individually. From treating hundreds and hundreds of people, and diving into the data of some of the best done interventional diet research out there, I know that every approach works for somebody, and no approach works for everybody. For example, Low carb works to optimize metabolism for about 50% of people, low-fat also works for about 50%, and yet 25% of people on either diet will see negative results and the remaining 25% see no net benefit (check out the supplementary results for Gardner’s 2018 DIETFITS trial, freely available through JAMA). Seed oils are healthy for some, carbohydrates are healthy for some, meat is healthy for some, etc. different strokes for different folks, and you’ve got to experiment to find what works for you and your goals.
That’s why I only list nutrient dense foods here, and not overall dietary patterns.

This might be funny but chewing incorrectly has negative effects on the face.

Why should you chew correctly?
Well Chewing the correct way makes the food easier to digest in the stomach. So.. how do you chew correctly?
Chewing incorrecly makes ur digestive system more unhealthy, and makes ur cheek seem more bloated.
1. Chew with your mouth closed. chewing with ur mouth open will worsen the problem with mouth breathing and jaw posture. it also negatively affects the jawline and digestive system
2. You need to break up the food till it feels like water or power or feels very soft. This way its easier for your stomach to digest the food. (When food is not chewed properly and large food particles enter ur stomach it can cause digestive problems such as gas,bloating,constipation,food reaactions, headaches, lower energy levels. The reason why ur food should stay in ur mouth longer and be smaller is for digestive enzymes to stick to the food making it easier to digest. second: when food is broken down to very small particles it makes it easier for you to swallow them. therefore u wont have to use the buccinator muscle. When ur using the buccinator muscle too much it causes ur cheek to seem bloated as it thickens the cheeks.)
3. Tounge chewing: this technique trains you to only use the masseter muscles instead of the buccinator muscles. The masseter muscle stretches from your cheekbone to your jaw, and it’s the main muscle for chewing. (Use your back teeth, chew evenly on both sides, make sure the food is mushy before swallowing, keep your mouth closed, Maintain proper body posture while chewing. you can tuck your chin towards the neck a bit.)
4. the Chewing Gum Exercise: this exercise will teach you where exactly the tongue should be placed during eating and resting as well. Here’s how (Form a ball, Press it to the hard palate, flatten it with your tongue, pick it with the tip of the tongue and push forward to stretch it, your tongue will get into a perfect mewing position.)



Vitamin D Helps absorbing calcium

Vitamin D3 helps to strengthen your bones

Phosphorus helps the growth, maintenance, and repair of all tissues and cells

DV Means Daily Values in Nutrition. the percentage % of the Daily Value for each nutrient in a serving of the food
Nuts have the highest Nutrient Density

Royal jelly contains nutrients with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Gelatin is rich in protein, with amino acids that may reduce joint and bone pain, increase brain function and help reduce the signs of skin aging

Raw honey contains a wide variety of nutrients. It has approximately 22 amino acids, 31 different minerals and a wide range of vitamins and enzymes

Sourdough is the best natural bread you can eat. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid

More nutrients are lost when boiling comapred to frying or microwavasion.

Potatous have more potassium than bananas. and high amount of C as well. Low calorie High Nutrient food

Speaking of vitamin C eating something with Vitamin C can cause nitrosamines to not form. (they cause cancer)

Alchohol is technically a macronutrient (dont take it tho. reduces T)

Pine Pollen is proven to raise your Testosterone (T) levels by 1.2x to 1.6x

Dandelion Tea is good for the liver. Inturn giving you more hollow cheek appearance as healthier liver = less water on face.

Calcium and Iron get absored in same place in the body, watch out for your milk intake when eating high iron foods or if u are supplementing iron for anemia you should watch out which multivitamins to take. People who drink more milk tend to be more iron deficent

Tannins which are found in tea, coffee, cocoa, crane berries, red wine and broad beans (leave your mouth with the puckered/bitter taste)

Tannins reduce the absorption of zinc and iron

NOW FOR THE EXCITING PART! Foods with the highest amount of these Nutrients, Vitamins


Calcium 🦴 (Good for Bones, Height, Heart, Muscles, Nerves for normal function. When eating or drinking High Calcium Foods make sure you pair it with Vitamin D)
1. Firm Tofu - 1721.2mg Calcium (132% DV) (1 cup)
2. Tofu Prepared With Calcium - 868mg Calcium (67% DV) (1 cup)
3. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 822.3mg Calcium (63% DV) (1 bar)
4. Grated Parmesan Cheese (Low-Sodium) - 800mg Calcium (62% DV) (1 cup, grated)
5. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 631.9mg Calcium (49% DV) (12inch sub)
6. Low-Fat Milk 1% - 610mg Calcium ((47% DV) (16oz glass)
7. Soy Milk - 602.6mg Calcium (46% DV) (Unsweetened With Added Calcium Vitamins A And D) (16oz glass)
8. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 600.3mg Calcium (46% DV) (3 scoop)
9. Chocolate Malt Powder Prepared With Fat Free Milk - 599mg Calcium (46% DV) (1 serving)
10. Skim Milk - 597.8mg Calcium (46% DV) (16oz glass)

Calories (Bulking, Gymcels)
1. Fried Onion Rings - 1246 Calories (62% DV) (Applebee's Crunchy Onion Rings) (1 serving)
2. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 1232 Calories (62% DV) (1 link)
3. Hamburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments Vegetables And Mayonnaise - 942 Calories (47% DV) (1 item)
4. Confectioners Coating Peanut Butter - 889 Calories (44% DV) (1 cup chips)
5. Semisweet Chocolate Made With Butter - 811 Calories (41% DV) (1 cup chips, 6oz package)
6. Cheeseburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments - 762 Calories (38% DV) (1 item)
7. Bagel With Breakfast Steak Egg Cheese And Condiments - 716 Calories (36% DV) (1 item)
8. Crispy Chicken Bacon And Tomato Club Sandwich With Cheese Lettuce And Mayonnaise - 696 Calories (35% DV) (1 sandwich)
9. Bagel With Egg Sausage Patty Cheese And Condiments - 646 Calories (32% DV) (1 item)
10. Uncooked Oats - 607 Calories (30% DV) (1 cup)

Fiber (Normalizes bowel movements, Helps maintain bowel health, Lowers cholesterol levels, Aids in achieving healthy weight Gut Health is everything)
(Althought fiber cant really kill you. It causes bloating, gas, constipation at around 70grams of fiber)
1. Rose Hips - 30.6g Fiber (109% DV) (1 cup)
2. Passion Fruit (Granadilla) - 24.5g Fiber (88% DV) (1 cup)
3. Navy Beans - 19.1g Fiber (68% DV) (1 cup)
4. Cooked Small White Beans - 18.6g Fiber(66% DV) (1 cup)
5. Dried Fungi Cloud Ears - 17.5g Fiber (63% DV) (5 pieces)
6. Buckwheat (Uncooked) - 17g Fiber(61% DV) (1 cup)
7. Adzuki Beans - 16.8g Fiber (60% DV) (1 cup)
8. Uncooked Oats - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)
9. Boiled Red Kidney Beans - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)
10. California Red Kidney Beans - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)

Protein (build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes)
(Too much protein wont kill you BUT can cause IRRITABILITY AND BRAIN FOG)
1. Roasted Chicken Leg - 62g Protein (124% DV) (1 leg, with skin (sum of drumstick+thigh+back)
2. Lamb Shoulder Roast (Cooked) - 60.4g Protein (121% DV) (6oz)
3. Pork Chops (With Fat) - 54.7g Protein (109% DV) (1 chop)
4. Lean Chicken Breast (Cooked) - 54.5g Protein (109% DV) (6oz chicken breast)
5. Fat Free Ground Turkey - 53.9g Protein (108% DV) (6 oz)
6. Pork Chops (Lean) - 52.7g Protein (105% DV) (6oz chop)
7. Hamburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments Vegetables And Mayonnaise - 52.1g Protein (104% DV) (1 item)
8. Roasted Turkey Breast - 51.2g Protein (102% DV) (6 oz)
9. Bluefin Tuna (Cooked) - 50.8g Protein (102% DV) (6oz fillet)
10. Boneless Skinless Chicken Leg (Raw) - 50.8g Protein (102% DV) (1 leg, bone and skin removed (sum of drumstick+thigh+back meat only)

Vitamin A (200mg can cause hypervataminous which is dangerous)
(Recommended is 700-900 mcg | 3000 mcg a day for a long term causes bone thinning, liver damage and headache. Dosing too much will kill you.)
1. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 6614.7mcg (3 oz)
2. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 6272.6mcg (1 slice)
3. Boiled Sweet Potatoes - 2581.4mcg (1 cup, mashed)
4. Canned Pumpkin - 1906.1mcg (1 cup)
5. Cooked Eel - 1807.8mcg (1 fillet)
6. Cod Liver Oil - 1350mcg (1 tsp)
7. Cooked Carrots - 1329.1mcg (1 cup slices)
8. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 1290.1mcg (8 fl oz)
9. Bluefin Tuna (Cooked) - 1286.9mcg (6oz fillet)
10. Braunschweiger Pork Liver Sausage - 1198.5mcg (1 oz)

Vitamin D (help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation)
1. Cooked Sockeye Salmon - 28.4mcg (142% DV) (6oz fillet)
2. Raw Cremini Mushrooms - (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 27.8mcg (139% DV) (1 cup whole)
3. Raw Portobellos - (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 24.4mcg (122% DV) (1 cup diced)
4. Farmed Atlantic Salmon - 22.3mcg (111% DV) (6oz fillet)
5. Maitake Mushrooms - 19.7mcg (98% DV) (1 cup diced)
6. Cooked Coho Salmon (Wild) - 19.2mcg (96% DV) (6oz fillet)
7. Raw White Button Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 18.3mcg (92% DV) (1 cup pieces or slices)
8. Canned Sockeye Salmon - 18.3mcg (91% DV) (3 oz)
9. Atlantic Mackerel (Raw) - 18mcg (90% DV) (1 fillet)
10. Canned Salmon - 17.9mcg (89% DV) (3 oz)

Vitamin C (helping to protect cells and keeping them healthy. maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage.)
(11K MG OF VITAMIN C CAN KILL U. Thank fully though no reported death of vitamin c has happened yet)
1. Acerola Cherries (West Indian Cherry) - 1644mg (1827% DV) (1 cup)
2. Rose Hips - 541mg (601% DV) (1 cup)
3. Guavas - 376.7mg (419% DV) (1 cup)
4. Sweet Yellow Peppers - 341.3mg (379% DV) (1 pepper, large (3-3/4 inch long, 3 inch dia)
5. Boiled Red Bell Peppers - 230.9mg (257% DV) (1 cup, strips)
6. Dried Jujube - 217.6mg (242% DV) (100 grams)
7. Sauteed Green Bell Peppers - 203.6mg (226% DV) (1 cup chopped)
8. European Black Currants - 202.7mg (225% DV) (1 cup)
9. Mustard Spinach - 195mg (217% DV) (1 cup, chopped)
10. Red Bell Peppers (Cooked) - 172.6mg (192% DV) (1 cup chopped)

Potassium (helps your nerves, muscles and heart to function well, and also helps move nutrients and waste around your body's cells.)
1. Cooked Beet Greens - 1309mg (28% DV) 1 cup (1 inch pieces)
2. Adzuki Beans - 1223.6mg (26% DV) (1 cup)
3. California Avocados - 1166.1mg (25% DV) (1 cup, pureed)
4. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 1124.8mg (24% DV) (1 link)
5. Canned Tomato Puree - 1097.5mg (23% DV) (1 cup)
6. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 1094.5mg (23% DV) (12 inch sub)
7. Breadfruit - 1078mg (23% DV) (1 cup)
8. Wild Atlantic Salmon (Cooked) - 1067.6mg (23% DV) (6oz fillet)
9. Durian - 1059.5mg (23% DV) (1 cup, chopped or diced)
10. Cooked Large White Beans - 1004.2mg (21% DV) (1 cup)

Magnesium (healthy muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels)
1. Buckwheat (Uncooked) - 392.7mg (94% DV) (1 cup)
2. Familia Swiss Muesli Cereal - 386.7mg (92% DV) (1 cup)
3. Baked Conch - 302.3mg (72% DV) (1 cup, sliced)
4. Uncooked Oats - 276.1mg (66% DV) (1 cup)
5. Oat Bran - 220.9mg (53% DV) (1 cup)
6. Granola Homemade - 205mg (49% DV) (1 cup)
7. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 200.4mg (48% DV) (3 scoop)
8. Hemp Seeds - 198.8mg (47% DV) (1oz)
9. Semisweet Chocolate Made With Butter - 195.5mg (47% DV) (1 cup chips (6 oz package)
10. Confectioners Coating Peanut Butter - 184.8mg (44% DV) (1 cup chips)

Beta-Carotene (OVERPOWERED NATURAL SKIN TAN VITAMIN. good vision and eye health, for a strong immune system, and for healthy skin and mucous membranes)
(If you smoke dont take around 18-20mg of beta carotene as it can increase LUNG CANCER chance. althought even for non smokers they should not exceed 17mg+)
1. Boiled Sweet Potatoes - 30976.3mcg (287% RDA) (1 cup, mashed)
2. Canned Pumpkin - 17003mcg (157% RDA) (1 cup)
3. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 15385.4mcg (142% RDA) (8 fl oz)
4. Mashed Sweet Potatoes - 13308.5mcg (123% RDA) (1 cup)
5. Baked Sweet Potatoes - 13120.3mcg (121% RDA) (1 medium (2 inch dia, 5 inch long, raw))
6. Cooked Carrots - 12997.9mcg (120% RDA) (1 cup slices)
7. Cooked Spinach - 11318.4mcg (105% RDA) (1 cup)
8. Sweet Potatoes - 11317mcg (105% RDA) (1 cup, cubes)
9. Cooked Mustard Greens - 10360mcg (96% RDA) (1 cup, chopped)
10. Cooked Butternut Squash - 9368.5mcg (87% RDA) (1 cup, cubes)

Vitamin B12 (keeps your body blood and nerves healthy)
(B12 DEFICIENCY (200mcg and under) CAN LEAD TO DEATH. though you cannot overdose on B12 though it is recommended not to take 2000 mcg of B12 everyday)
1. Cooked Clams - 84.1mcg (3502% DV) (3 oz)
2. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 72.8mcg (3035% DV) (3 oz)
3. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 67.3mcg (2806% DV) (1 slice)
4. Canned Eastern Oysters - 52mcg (2168% DV) (1 can (12 oz), oysters and liquid)
5. Atlantic Mackerel (Cooked) - 32.3mcg (1346% DV) (6oz fillet)
6. Octopus (Cooked) - 30.6mcg (1275% DV) (3 oz)
7. Cooked Pacific Oysters - 24.5mcg (1020% DV) (3 oz)
8. Cooked Eastern Oysters (Farmed) - 20.7mcg (861% DV) (3 oz)
9.Cooked Blue Mussels - 20.4mcg (850% DV) (3 oz)
10. Atlantic Herring - 18.8mcg (783% DV) (1 fillet)

Iron (Hemoglobin production, Immune system support, Skin nourishment, Reduction of dark circles)
(60-100 MG OF IRON CAN BE LETHAL. teen girls under the age of 18 should only eat 15mg of iron while boys under age of 18 should only eat 11mg)
1. Quaker Quick Oats With Iron Dry - 19.8mg (110% DV) (1/2 cup)
2. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 19.6mg (109% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
3. Canned Eastern Oysters - 18.2mg (101% DV) (1 can (12 oz), oysters and liquid)
4. Quaker Toasted Multigrain Crisps - 17mg (95% DV) (1 (1/4) cup (1 nlea serving)
5. Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cinnamon - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Post Honey Nut Shredded Wheat - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
7. Post Great Grains Banana Nut Crunch - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
8. Quaker Oatmeal Squares - 16.4mg (91% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
9. Grape Nuts Cereal - 16.2mg (90% DV) (1/2 cup (1 nlea serving)
10. Quaker Oatmeal Squares Golden Maple - 16.2mg (90% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)

Thiamin or Vit b1 (helps to turn food into energy and to keep the nervous system healthy)
(there is no thiamin overdose.)
1. Submarine Sandwich Oven Roasted Chicken On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 2.3mg (191% DV) (6 inch sub)
2. Veggie Burgers - 1.9mg (155% DV) (1 pattie)
3. Broiled Pork Tenderloin - 1.6mg (137% DV) (6oz)
4. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 1.4mg (114% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
5. Ralston Corn Flakes - 1.3mg (105% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Cooked Ground Pork - 1.2mg (100% DV) (6oz)
7. Uncooked Oats - 1.2mg (99% DV) (1 cup)
8. Pork Chops (Lean) - 1.1mg (96% DV) (6oz chop)
9. Cured Ham - 1.1mg (96% DV) (1 cup)
10. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 1.1mg (95% DV) (12 inch sub)

Riboflavin or Vit b2 (fight free radicals and may reduce or help prevent some of the damage they cause. will change vitamin B6 and folate into forms it can use. It is also important for growth and red blood cell production.)
(riboflavin is genrally safe even at high doses. very high may cause itching.)
1. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 3.9mg (300% DV) (3 oz)
2. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 3.4mg (262% DV) (8 fl oz)
3. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 2.8mg (213% DV) (1 slice)
4. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 2.1mg (163% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
5. Meal Supplement Drink Canned Peanut Flavor - 2.1mg (158% DV) (1 cup)
6. Energy Drink Monster Fortified With Vitamins C B2 B3 B6 B12 - 1.9mg (150% DV) (1 serving)
7. Low Carb Monster Energy Drink - 1.7mg (131% DV) (8 fl oz)
8. Yellow Green Colored Citrus Soft Drink With Caffeine - 1.6mg (124% DV) (16 fl oz)
9. Cooked Cuttlefish - 1.5mg (113% DV) (3 oz)
10. Skirt Steak - 1.5mg (112% DV) (6oz steak)

(I did not add niacin or b3 because people who take niacin in addition to common cholesterol medications see very little additional benefit. And niacin can cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.)

Panthotenic acid or vit b5 (maintain soft, smooth and healthy skin. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help stimulate skin healing processes)
(Excess vitamin B5 intake may lead to diarrhoea, heartburn, nausea, dehydration, oedema, joint pain, calcification in blood vessels, or depression)
(the recommended amount is 5mg for adults)
1. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 12.4mg (249% DV) (1 bar)}
2. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 10mg (200% DV) (8 fl oz)
3. The Coca-Cola Company Glaceau Vitamin Water Revive Fruit Punch Fortified - 10mg (200% DV) (20 fl oz)
4. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 8.9mg (177% DV) (8 fl oz)
5. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 8.6mg (173% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
6. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 5.6mg (112% DV) (1 slice)
7. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 5.4mg (108% DV) (3 oz)
8. Cooked Shiitake Mushrooms - 5.2mg (104% DV) (1 cup pieces)
9. Ocean Spray Cran-Energy Cranberry Energy Juice Drink - 5.2mg (104% DV) (1 can)
10. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 5mg (100% DV)

Vitamin B6 (promotes brain health and improving mood)
(The limit for b6 intake is around 200 mg)
(All of the shit i mentioned here is bullshit softdrinks so i suggest: Turkey, Yellowfin tuna, Salmon)
1. Energy Drink Red Bull - 5.6mg (329% DV) (1 can)
2. Energy Drink Red Bull Sugar Free With Added Caffeine Niacin Pantothenic Acid Vitamins B6 And B12 - 5mg (293% DV) (1 serving 8.3 fl oz can)
3. The Coca-Cola Company Nos Energy Drink Original Grape Loaded Cherry Charged Citrus Fortified With Vitamins B6 And B12 - 4mg (235% DV) (16 fl oz)
4.The Coca-Cola Company Nos Zero Energy Drink Sugar-Free With Guarana Fortified With Vitamins B6 And B12 - 4mg (235% DV) (16 fl oz)
5. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 2.9mg (172% DV) (8 fl oz)
6. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 2.5mg (146% DV) (1 bar)
7. Energy Drink Monster Fortified With Vitamins C B2 B3 B6 B12 - 2.4mg (143% DV) (1 serving)
8. Low Carb Monster Energy Drink - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)
9. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)
10. Energy Drink - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)

Biotin or vit b7 (convert food into energy)
(No overall evidence of biotin overdose)
1. Chocolate Nutrition Shake - 63000.3mcg
2. Strawberry Nutrition Shake - 63000.3mcg
3. The Quaker Oats Co./gatorade-Van Camp - Chocolate Nutrition Shake, Chocolate - 63000.3mcg (1 Bottle (330 mL))
4. The Quaker Oats Co./gatorade-Van Camp - Strawberry Nutrition Shake, Strawberry - 63000.3mcg (1 Bottle (330 mL))
5. Asana Smoothie Cubes 44599.5mcg (1 tray (150 g))
6. Cheribundi, Inc. - Performance Protein Tart Cherry Juice, Cherry - 37999.2mcg (8 fl. oz. (240 ml)
7. Performance Protein Tart Cherry Juice - 37999.2mcg
8.Wm. Bolthouse Farms Inc. - Energy Pineapple Carrot Orange Juice Smoothie, Pineapple; Carrot; Orange - 32998.5mcg (15.2 fl. oz. (450mL)
9. Wm. Bolthouse Farms Inc. - Energy Peach Carrot Mango Juice Smoothie, Peach; Carrot; Mango - 32998.5mcg (15.2 fl. oz. (450mL))
10. Sapphire Smoothie Cubes - 30600mcg (1 tray (150 g)

Folate or b9 (important in red blood cell formation and for healthy cell growth and function)
(400mcg is the recommended and 1k mcg a day day is the limit Large doses of folate supplements might also worsen the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency)
1. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 497.8mcg (124% DV) (1 bar)
2. Edamame - 482.1mcg (121% DV) (1 cup)
3. Quaker Maple Brown Sugar Life Cereal - 459.5mcg (115% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving))
4. Quaker Capn Crunchs Oops! All Berries Cereal - 433mcg (108% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
5. Quaker Capn Crunch With Crunchberries - 423.8mcg (106% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Quaker Quaker Oat Cinnamon Life - 421.8mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
7. Quaker Toasted Multigrain Crisps - 420.1mcg (105% DV) (1 (1/4) cup (1 nlea serving)
8. Quaker Capn Crunchs Halloween Crunch - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
9. Quaker Capn Crunch - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
10. Quaker Sweet Crunch/quisp - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)

Vitamin D2 (Good to pair with milk. helps absord calcium and phosopurus)
(avoid taking 4000 ius or 100mcg)
1. Raw Cremini Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 27.8mcg (1 cup whole)
2. Raw Portobellos (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 24.4mcg (1 cup diced)
3. Maitake Mushrooms - 19.7mcg (1 cup diced)
4. Raw White Button Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 18.3mcg (1 cup pieces or slices)
5. Portobellos (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 15.9mcg (1 cup sliced)
6. Soy Milk - 5.8mcg (16oz glass)
7. Morel Mushrooms - 3.4mcg (1 cup)
8. Chantarelle Mushrooms - 2.9mcg (1 cup)
9. Fortified Chocolate Soy Milk - 2.4mcg (1 cup)
10. Coconut Milk Sweetened Fortified With Calcium - 2.4mcg (1 cup)

Vitamin D3 (bone and muscle strenght and immune function)
(again avoid 4000 ius or 100mcg)
1. Cooked Sockeye Salmon - 28.4mcg (6oz fillet)
2. Cooked Coho Salmon (Wild) - 19.2mcg (6oz fillet)
3. Canned Sockeye Salmon - 18.3mcg (3oz)
4. Atlantic Mackerel (Raw) - 18mcg (1 fillet)
5. Canned Salmon - 17.9mcg (3oz)
6. Smoked Whitefish - 17.4mcg (1 cup, cooked)
7. Canned Sockeye Salmon (With Skin And Bones) - 16.2mcg (3 oz)
8. Cooked Swordfish - 14.1mcg (3 oz)
9. Smoked Sturgeon - 13.7mcg (3 oz)
10. Cooked Rainbow Trout - 13.5mcg (1 fillet)

Vitamin K (help various proteins for bloodcloting and build bones)
(Tho its pretty rare to die in K Overdose. Its still possible. Recommended amount is 120mcg for men and 90mcg for women. No toxic dose but be careful)
1. Parsley - 984mcg (1 cup chopped)
2. Cooked Spinach - 888.5mcg (1 cup)
3. Cooked Mustard Greens - 829.8mcg (1 cup, chopped)
4. Cooked Collards - 772.5mcg (1 cup, chopped)
5. Cooked Beet Greens - 697mcg (1 cup 1 inch pieces)
6. Cooked Dandelion Greens - 579mcg (1 cup, chopped)
7. Cooked Swiss Chard - 572.8mcg (1 cup, chopped)
8. Cooked Kale - 544.1mcg (1 cup, chopped)
9. Cooked Turnip Greens - 529.3mcg (1 cup, chopped)
10. Cooked New Zealand Spinach - 525.6mcg (1 cup, chopped)

Vitamin K2 (skin health and bone metabolism, proper brain function, prevents heart related disease)
(100-300mcg is recomended amount)
1. Pepperoni - 35.4mcg (3 oz)
2. Raw Chicken Wings - 25.4mcg (1 piece)
3. Chicken Hotdog - 21.3mcg (3 oz)
4. Turkey Hotdog - 8.9mcg (1 oz)
5. Raw Chicken Breast - 7.1mcg (3 oz)
6. Whole Milk - 4.9mcg (16oz glass)
7. Processed American Cheese (With Vitamin D) - 4mc (1 oz)
8. Biscuit With Crispy Chicken Fillet - 3.8mcg (1 item)
9. Cooked Eastern Oysters (Wild) - 3.3mcg (3 oz)
10. Canadian Bacon (Raw) - 3mcg (3 oz)

Glycine (heart and lvier health, improve sleep, reduce diabetes risk, reduce muscle loss)
(3000-5000 mg per day)
1.Gelatin - 5334mg (1 package (1 oz)
2.Kfc Fried Chicken Breast - 3784mg (1 breast, with skin)
3. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 3115mg (1 link)
4. Roasted Chicken Leg - 3091mg (1 leg, with skin (sum of drumstick+thigh+back)
5. Broiled Ground Beef Patty (97% Lean) - 3040mg (6oz)
6. Lamb Shoulder Roast (Cooked) - 2951mg (6oz)
7. Fat Free Ground Turkey - 2944mg (6 oz)
8. Whelk (Cooked) - 2542mg (3 oz)
9. Skirt Steak - 2491mg (6oz steak)
10. Broiled Pork Tenderloin - 2487mg (6oz)
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dnr but seems high effort so gj
how much potassium is too much? where did you get max 11,000mg source from?

1. Introduction
2. Why is Nutrition important?
3. Diet and Health
4. What you should eat and not to
5. How to chew correctly?
6. Some Useless and Useful Infos
7. List of the foods with the highest amount of Nutrients (Ex: Calcium, D, etc)



Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs. Adequate
food is vital in keeping people alive. Good nutrition is essential to good health.


It is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant,
child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk
of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses
its not a suprise that healthy people seem to be younger and live older in age. But with todays foods
most people die early cus of the Ingredients present in the things they eat.

Ex: Cereals

Cereal is a very dangerous product to feed to kids. Most cereals are unhealthy asf, they are sugar bombs.
Many popular breakfast cereals contain potentially harmful food additives like butylated hydroxyanisole, or



you don't need to get 100% every day for everything. some nutrients can be stored in your body
and regardless it will take more than one day to develop a true deficiency where you start
seeing noticeable biological effects.

the rdi (recommended delay intake) is meant to meet the nutrient requirements of 97-98% of population.
that means that they will be too low for about 2-3% and in all likelihood higher than some of the
population needs. when they can't set an rdi due to insufficient data they set an rda, which is a

way of saying "we don't know exactly how much of this you should be eating except that you do need to
eat it, but as a starting point here's what healthy people are generally doing.

What should you eat and not to

Focus on the quality of the diet.

The type of carbohydrate in the diet is more important than the amount of carbohydrate in the diet, because some sources of
carbohydrate—like vegetables (other than potatoes) , fruits, whole grains, and beans are healthier than others.

I advise you to avoid processed meat, sugary beverages, red #40, yellow #5, sugar, soy lecithin, aspartame, sodium nitrate, carrageenan, niaciminade, hydrogenated oils (trans fat), all seed oils (canola, soy, safflower, corn, grape, etc.), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, margarine, artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO), a major source of calories—usually with little nutritional value—in the American diet.

I advise you to eat more of red meat, shellfish, dairy, livers, oysters, leafy green, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, tahini, eggs, non starchy veggie, nuts (almonds, legumes, chickpeas), kidney, beans, avocadoes, wild rice, bell peppers, cocoa, spirulina, matcha, brocolli sprouts, wild salmon, watermelon, butternut squash, garbanzobeans, magoes, sweet potatoes

Superfoods: Kiwi (Beans | The skin on it is eatable it doubles fiber content.) | Avocado | Nutritional Yeast | Greeny foods | Garlic | Onion | Beets | Kale | Brocolli | Brussels | Alfafa Sprouts | Leeks | Spinach | Cruciferous | Allium | Beans | Potatoes | Sweet Potates | Gelatine (High in glycine and protein) | Royal Jelly (high in amino acids and alot of vitamins) | Sourdough Bread (high in vitamins and folic acids) | Pepperoni (High in vit K) | Parsley (High in Vit K2) | Pine Pollen (Doubles T Levels and antidioxants) | Sauerkraut (high in probiotics) | Flax seeds | Cholorella (high on omega-3 and fatty acids) | Livers | Red Meat | Blueberries | Turmeric |

really a healthy overall dietary pattern must be determined individually. From treating hundreds and hundreds of people, and diving into the data of some of the best done interventional diet research out there, I know that every approach works for somebody, and no approach works for everybody. For example, Low carb works to optimize metabolism for about 50% of people, low-fat also works for about 50%, and yet 25% of people on either diet will see negative results and the remaining 25% see no net benefit (check out the supplementary results for Gardner’s 2018 DIETFITS trial, freely available through JAMA). Seed oils are healthy for some, carbohydrates are healthy for some, meat is healthy for some, etc. different strokes for different folks, and you’ve got to experiment to find what works for you and your goals.
That’s why I only list nutrient dense foods here, and not overall dietary patterns.

This might be funny but chewing incorrectly has negative effects on the face.

Why should you chew correctly?
Well Chewing the correct way makes the food easier to digest in the stomach. So.. how do you chew correctly?
Chewing incorrecly makes ur digestive system more unhealthy, and makes ur cheek seem more bloated.
1. Chew with your mouth closed. chewing with ur mouth open will worsen the problem with mouth breathing and jaw posture. it also negatively affects the jawline and digestive system
2. You need to break up the food till it feels like water or power or feels very soft. This way its easier for your stomach to digest the food. (When food is not chewed properly and large food particles enter ur stomach it can cause digestive problems such as gas,bloating,constipation,food reaactions, headaches, lower energy levels. The reason why ur food should stay in ur mouth longer and be smaller is for digestive enzymes to stick to the food making it easier to digest. second: when food is broken down to very small particles it makes it easier for you to swallow them. therefore u wont have to use the buccinator muscle. When ur using the buccinator muscle too much it causes ur cheek to seem bloated as it thickens the cheeks.)
3. Tounge chewing: this technique trains you to only use the masseter muscles instead of the buccinator muscles. The masseter muscle stretches from your cheekbone to your jaw, and it’s the main muscle for chewing. (Use your back teeth, chew evenly on both sides, make sure the food is mushy before swallowing, keep your mouth closed, Maintain proper body posture while chewing. you can tuck your chin towards the neck a bit.)
4. the Chewing Gum Exercise: this exercise will teach you where exactly the tongue should be placed during eating and resting as well. Here’s how (Form a ball, Press it to the hard palate, flatten it with your tongue, pick it with the tip of the tongue and push forward to stretch it, your tongue will get into a perfect mewing position.)



Vitamin D Helps absorbing calcium

Vitamin D3 helps to strengthen your bones

Phosphorus helps the growth, maintenance, and repair of all tissues and cells

DV Means Daily Values in Nutrition. the percentage % of the Daily Value for each nutrient in a serving of the food
Nuts have the highest Nutrient Density

Royal jelly contains nutrients with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Gelatin is rich in protein, with amino acids that may reduce joint and bone pain, increase brain function and help reduce the signs of skin aging

Raw honey contains a wide variety of nutrients. It has approximately 22 amino acids, 31 different minerals and a wide range of vitamins and enzymes

Sourdough is the best natural bread you can eat. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid

More nutrients are lost when boiling comapred to frying or microwavasion.

Potatous have more potassium than bananas. and high amount of C as well. Low calorie High Nutrient food

Speaking of vitamin C eating something with Vitamin C can cause nitrosamines to not form. (they cause cancer)

Alchohol is technically a macronutrient (dont take it tho. reduces T)

Pine Pollen is proven to raise your Testosterone (T) levels by 1.2x to 1.6x

Dandelion Tea is good for the liver. Inturn giving you more hollow cheek appearance as healthier liver = less water on face.

Calcium and Iron get absored in same place in the body, watch out for your milk intake when eating high iron foods or if u are supplementing iron for anemia you should watch out which multivitamins to take. People who drink more milk tend to be more iron deficent

Tannins which are found in tea, coffee, cocoa, crane berries, red wine and broad beans (leave your mouth with the puckered/bitter taste)

Tannins reduce the absorption of zinc and iron

NOW FOR THE EXCITING PART! Foods with the highest amount of these Nutrients, Vitamins


Calcium 🦴 (Good for Bones, Height, Heart, Muscles, Nerves for normal function. When eating or drinking High Calcium Foods make sure you pair it with Vitamin D)
1. Firm Tofu - 1721.2mg Calcium (132% DV) (1 cup)
2. Tofu Prepared With Calcium - 868mg Calcium (67% DV) (1 cup)
3. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 822.3mg Calcium (63% DV) (1 bar)
4. Grated Parmesan Cheese (Low-Sodium) - 800mg Calcium (62% DV) (1 cup, grated)
5. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 631.9mg Calcium (49% DV) (12inch sub)
6. Low-Fat Milk 1% - 610mg Calcium ((47% DV) (16oz glass)
7. Soy Milk - 602.6mg Calcium (46% DV) (Unsweetened With Added Calcium Vitamins A And D) (16oz glass)
8. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 600.3mg Calcium (46% DV) (3 scoop)
9. Chocolate Malt Powder Prepared With Fat Free Milk - 599mg Calcium (46% DV) (1 serving)
10. Skim Milk - 597.8mg Calcium (46% DV) (16oz glass)

Calories (Bulking, Gymcels)
1. Fried Onion Rings - 1246 Calories (62% DV) (Applebee's Crunchy Onion Rings) (1 serving)
2. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 1232 Calories (62% DV) (1 link)
3. Hamburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments Vegetables And Mayonnaise - 942 Calories (47% DV) (1 item)
4. Confectioners Coating Peanut Butter - 889 Calories (44% DV) (1 cup chips)
5. Semisweet Chocolate Made With Butter - 811 Calories (41% DV) (1 cup chips, 6oz package)
6. Cheeseburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments - 762 Calories (38% DV) (1 item)
7. Bagel With Breakfast Steak Egg Cheese And Condiments - 716 Calories (36% DV) (1 item)
8. Crispy Chicken Bacon And Tomato Club Sandwich With Cheese Lettuce And Mayonnaise - 696 Calories (35% DV) (1 sandwich)
9. Bagel With Egg Sausage Patty Cheese And Condiments - 646 Calories (32% DV) (1 item)
10. Uncooked Oats - 607 Calories (30% DV) (1 cup)

Fiber (Normalizes bowel movements, Helps maintain bowel health, Lowers cholesterol levels, Aids in achieving healthy weight Gut Health is everything)
(Althought fiber cant really kill you. It causes bloating, gas, constipation at around 70grams of fiber)
1. Rose Hips - 30.6g Fiber (109% DV) (1 cup)
2. Passion Fruit (Granadilla) - 24.5g Fiber (88% DV) (1 cup)
3. Navy Beans - 19.1g Fiber (68% DV) (1 cup)
4. Cooked Small White Beans - 18.6g Fiber(66% DV) (1 cup)
5. Dried Fungi Cloud Ears - 17.5g Fiber (63% DV) (5 pieces)
6. Buckwheat (Uncooked) - 17g Fiber(61% DV) (1 cup)
7. Adzuki Beans - 16.8g Fiber (60% DV) (1 cup)
8. Uncooked Oats - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)
9. Boiled Red Kidney Beans - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)
10. California Red Kidney Beans - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)

Protein (build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes)
(Too much protein wont kill you BUT can cause IRRITABILITY AND BRAIN FOG)
1. Roasted Chicken Leg - 62g Protein (124% DV) (1 leg, with skin (sum of drumstick+thigh+back)
2. Lamb Shoulder Roast (Cooked) - 60.4g Protein (121% DV) (6oz)
3. Pork Chops (With Fat) - 54.7g Protein (109% DV) (1 chop)
4. Lean Chicken Breast (Cooked) - 54.5g Protein (109% DV) (6oz chicken breast)
5. Fat Free Ground Turkey - 53.9g Protein (108% DV) (6 oz)
6. Pork Chops (Lean) - 52.7g Protein (105% DV) (6oz chop)
7. Hamburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments Vegetables And Mayonnaise - 52.1g Protein (104% DV) (1 item)
8. Roasted Turkey Breast - 51.2g Protein (102% DV) (6 oz)
9. Bluefin Tuna (Cooked) - 50.8g Protein (102% DV) (6oz fillet)
10. Boneless Skinless Chicken Leg (Raw) - 50.8g Protein (102% DV) (1 leg, bone and skin removed (sum of drumstick+thigh+back meat only)

Vitamin A (200mg can cause hypervataminous which is dangerous)
(Recommended is 700-900 mcg | 3000 mcg a day for a long term causes bone thinning, liver damage and headache. Dosing too much will kill you.)
1. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 6614.7mcg (3 oz)
2. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 6272.6mcg (1 slice)
3. Boiled Sweet Potatoes - 2581.4mcg (1 cup, mashed)
4. Canned Pumpkin - 1906.1mcg (1 cup)
5. Cooked Eel - 1807.8mcg (1 fillet)
6. Cod Liver Oil - 1350mcg (1 tsp)
7. Cooked Carrots - 1329.1mcg (1 cup slices)
8. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 1290.1mcg (8 fl oz)
9. Bluefin Tuna (Cooked) - 1286.9mcg (6oz fillet)
10. Braunschweiger Pork Liver Sausage - 1198.5mcg (1 oz)

Vitamin D (help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation)
1. Cooked Sockeye Salmon - 28.4mcg (142% DV) (6oz fillet)
2. Raw Cremini Mushrooms - (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 27.8mcg (139% DV) (1 cup whole)
3. Raw Portobellos - (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 24.4mcg (122% DV) (1 cup diced)
4. Farmed Atlantic Salmon - 22.3mcg (111% DV) (6oz fillet)
5. Maitake Mushrooms - 19.7mcg (98% DV) (1 cup diced)
6. Cooked Coho Salmon (Wild) - 19.2mcg (96% DV) (6oz fillet)
7. Raw White Button Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 18.3mcg (92% DV) (1 cup pieces or slices)
8. Canned Sockeye Salmon - 18.3mcg (91% DV) (3 oz)
9. Atlantic Mackerel (Raw) - 18mcg (90% DV) (1 fillet)
10. Canned Salmon - 17.9mcg (89% DV) (3 oz)

Vitamin C (helping to protect cells and keeping them healthy. maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage.)
(11K MG OF VITAMIN C CAN KILL U. Thank fully though no reported death of vitamin c has happened yet)
1. Acerola Cherries (West Indian Cherry) - 1644mg (1827% DV) (1 cup)
2. Rose Hips - 541mg (601% DV) (1 cup)
3. Guavas - 376.7mg (419% DV) (1 cup)
4. Sweet Yellow Peppers - 341.3mg (379% DV) (1 pepper, large (3-3/4 inch long, 3 inch dia)
5. Boiled Red Bell Peppers - 230.9mg (257% DV) (1 cup, strips)
6. Dried Jujube - 217.6mg (242% DV) (100 grams)
7. Sauteed Green Bell Peppers - 203.6mg (226% DV) (1 cup chopped)
8. European Black Currants - 202.7mg (225% DV) (1 cup)
9. Mustard Spinach - 195mg (217% DV) (1 cup, chopped)
10. Red Bell Peppers (Cooked) - 172.6mg (192% DV) (1 cup chopped)

Potassium (helps your nerves, muscles and heart to function well, and also helps move nutrients and waste around your body's cells.)
1. Cooked Beet Greens - 1309mg (28% DV) 1 cup (1 inch pieces)
2. Adzuki Beans - 1223.6mg (26% DV) (1 cup)
3. California Avocados - 1166.1mg (25% DV) (1 cup, pureed)
4. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 1124.8mg (24% DV) (1 link)
5. Canned Tomato Puree - 1097.5mg (23% DV) (1 cup)
6. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 1094.5mg (23% DV) (12 inch sub)
7. Breadfruit - 1078mg (23% DV) (1 cup)
8. Wild Atlantic Salmon (Cooked) - 1067.6mg (23% DV) (6oz fillet)
9. Durian - 1059.5mg (23% DV) (1 cup, chopped or diced)
10. Cooked Large White Beans - 1004.2mg (21% DV) (1 cup)

Magnesium (healthy muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels)
1. Buckwheat (Uncooked) - 392.7mg (94% DV) (1 cup)
2. Familia Swiss Muesli Cereal - 386.7mg (92% DV) (1 cup)
3. Baked Conch - 302.3mg (72% DV) (1 cup, sliced)
4. Uncooked Oats - 276.1mg (66% DV) (1 cup)
5. Oat Bran - 220.9mg (53% DV) (1 cup)
6. Granola Homemade - 205mg (49% DV) (1 cup)
7. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 200.4mg (48% DV) (3 scoop)
8. Hemp Seeds - 198.8mg (47% DV) (1oz)
9. Semisweet Chocolate Made With Butter - 195.5mg (47% DV) (1 cup chips (6 oz package)
10. Confectioners Coating Peanut Butter - 184.8mg (44% DV) (1 cup chips)

Beta-Carotene (OVERPOWERED NATURAL SKIN TAN VITAMIN. good vision and eye health, for a strong immune system, and for healthy skin and mucous membranes)
(If you smoke dont take around 18-20mg of beta carotene as it can increase LUNG CANCER chance. althought even for non smokers they should not exceed 17mg+)
1. Boiled Sweet Potatoes - 30976.3mcg (287% RDA) (1 cup, mashed)
2. Canned Pumpkin - 17003mcg (157% RDA) (1 cup)
3. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 15385.4mcg (142% RDA) (8 fl oz)
4. Mashed Sweet Potatoes - 13308.5mcg (123% RDA) (1 cup)
5. Baked Sweet Potatoes - 13120.3mcg (121% RDA) (1 medium (2 inch dia, 5 inch long, raw))
6. Cooked Carrots - 12997.9mcg (120% RDA) (1 cup slices)
7. Cooked Spinach - 11318.4mcg (105% RDA) (1 cup)
8. Sweet Potatoes - 11317mcg (105% RDA) (1 cup, cubes)
9. Cooked Mustard Greens - 10360mcg (96% RDA) (1 cup, chopped)
10. Cooked Butternut Squash - 9368.5mcg (87% RDA) (1 cup, cubes)

Vitamin B12 (keeps your body blood and nerves healthy)
(B12 DEFICIENCY (200mcg and under) CAN LEAD TO DEATH. though you cannot overdose on B12 though it is recommended not to take 2000 mcg of B12 everyday)
1. Cooked Clams - 84.1mcg (3502% DV) (3 oz)
2. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 72.8mcg (3035% DV) (3 oz)
3. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 67.3mcg (2806% DV) (1 slice)
4. Canned Eastern Oysters - 52mcg (2168% DV) (1 can (12 oz), oysters and liquid)
5. Atlantic Mackerel (Cooked) - 32.3mcg (1346% DV) (6oz fillet)
6. Octopus (Cooked) - 30.6mcg (1275% DV) (3 oz)
7. Cooked Pacific Oysters - 24.5mcg (1020% DV) (3 oz)
8. Cooked Eastern Oysters (Farmed) - 20.7mcg (861% DV) (3 oz)
9.Cooked Blue Mussels - 20.4mcg (850% DV) (3 oz)
10. Atlantic Herring - 18.8mcg (783% DV) (1 fillet)

Iron (Hemoglobin production, Immune system support, Skin nourishment, Reduction of dark circles)
(60-100 MG OF IRON CAN BE LETHAL. teen girls under the age of 18 should only eat 15mg of iron while boys under age of 18 should only eat 11mg)
1. Quaker Quick Oats With Iron Dry - 19.8mg (110% DV) (1/2 cup)
2. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 19.6mg (109% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
3. Canned Eastern Oysters - 18.2mg (101% DV) (1 can (12 oz), oysters and liquid)
4. Quaker Toasted Multigrain Crisps - 17mg (95% DV) (1 (1/4) cup (1 nlea serving)
5. Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cinnamon - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Post Honey Nut Shredded Wheat - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
7. Post Great Grains Banana Nut Crunch - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
8. Quaker Oatmeal Squares - 16.4mg (91% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
9. Grape Nuts Cereal - 16.2mg (90% DV) (1/2 cup (1 nlea serving)
10. Quaker Oatmeal Squares Golden Maple - 16.2mg (90% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)

Thiamin or Vit b1 (helps to turn food into energy and to keep the nervous system healthy)
(there is no thiamin overdose.)
1. Submarine Sandwich Oven Roasted Chicken On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 2.3mg (191% DV) (6 inch sub)
2. Veggie Burgers - 1.9mg (155% DV) (1 pattie)
3. Broiled Pork Tenderloin - 1.6mg (137% DV) (6oz)
4. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 1.4mg (114% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
5. Ralston Corn Flakes - 1.3mg (105% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Cooked Ground Pork - 1.2mg (100% DV) (6oz)
7. Uncooked Oats - 1.2mg (99% DV) (1 cup)
8. Pork Chops (Lean) - 1.1mg (96% DV) (6oz chop)
9. Cured Ham - 1.1mg (96% DV) (1 cup)
10. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 1.1mg (95% DV) (12 inch sub)

Riboflavin or Vit b2 (fight free radicals and may reduce or help prevent some of the damage they cause. will change vitamin B6 and folate into forms it can use. It is also important for growth and red blood cell production.)
(riboflavin is genrally safe even at high doses. very high may cause itching.)
1. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 3.9mg (300% DV) (3 oz)
2. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 3.4mg (262% DV) (8 fl oz)
3. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 2.8mg (213% DV) (1 slice)
4. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 2.1mg (163% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
5. Meal Supplement Drink Canned Peanut Flavor - 2.1mg (158% DV) (1 cup)
6. Energy Drink Monster Fortified With Vitamins C B2 B3 B6 B12 - 1.9mg (150% DV) (1 serving)
7. Low Carb Monster Energy Drink - 1.7mg (131% DV) (8 fl oz)
8. Yellow Green Colored Citrus Soft Drink With Caffeine - 1.6mg (124% DV) (16 fl oz)
9. Cooked Cuttlefish - 1.5mg (113% DV) (3 oz)
10. Skirt Steak - 1.5mg (112% DV) (6oz steak)

(I did not add niacin or b3 because people who take niacin in addition to common cholesterol medications see very little additional benefit. And niacin can cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.)

Panthotenic acid or vit b5 (maintain soft, smooth and healthy skin. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help stimulate skin healing processes)
(Excess vitamin B5 intake may lead to diarrhoea, heartburn, nausea, dehydration, oedema, joint pain, calcification in blood vessels, or depression)
(the recommended amount is 5mg for adults)
1. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 12.4mg (249% DV) (1 bar)}
2. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 10mg (200% DV) (8 fl oz)
3. The Coca-Cola Company Glaceau Vitamin Water Revive Fruit Punch Fortified - 10mg (200% DV) (20 fl oz)
4. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 8.9mg (177% DV) (8 fl oz)
5. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 8.6mg (173% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
6. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 5.6mg (112% DV) (1 slice)
7. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 5.4mg (108% DV) (3 oz)
8. Cooked Shiitake Mushrooms - 5.2mg (104% DV) (1 cup pieces)
9. Ocean Spray Cran-Energy Cranberry Energy Juice Drink - 5.2mg (104% DV) (1 can)
10. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 5mg (100% DV)

Vitamin B6 (promotes brain health and improving mood)
(The limit for b6 intake is around 200 mg)
(All of the shit i mentioned here is bullshit softdrinks so i suggest: Turkey, Yellowfin tuna, Salmon)
1. Energy Drink Red Bull - 5.6mg (329% DV) (1 can)
2. Energy Drink Red Bull Sugar Free With Added Caffeine Niacin Pantothenic Acid Vitamins B6 And B12 - 5mg (293% DV) (1 serving 8.3 fl oz can)
3. The Coca-Cola Company Nos Energy Drink Original Grape Loaded Cherry Charged Citrus Fortified With Vitamins B6 And B12 - 4mg (235% DV) (16 fl oz)
4.The Coca-Cola Company Nos Zero Energy Drink Sugar-Free With Guarana Fortified With Vitamins B6 And B12 - 4mg (235% DV) (16 fl oz)
5. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 2.9mg (172% DV) (8 fl oz)
6. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 2.5mg (146% DV) (1 bar)
7. Energy Drink Monster Fortified With Vitamins C B2 B3 B6 B12 - 2.4mg (143% DV) (1 serving)
8. Low Carb Monster Energy Drink - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)
9. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)
10. Energy Drink - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)

Biotin or vit b7 (convert food into energy)
(No overall evidence of biotin overdose)
1. Chocolate Nutrition Shake - 63000.3mcg
2. Strawberry Nutrition Shake - 63000.3mcg
3. The Quaker Oats Co./gatorade-Van Camp - Chocolate Nutrition Shake, Chocolate - 63000.3mcg (1 Bottle (330 mL))
4. The Quaker Oats Co./gatorade-Van Camp - Strawberry Nutrition Shake, Strawberry - 63000.3mcg (1 Bottle (330 mL))
5. Asana Smoothie Cubes 44599.5mcg (1 tray (150 g))
6. Cheribundi, Inc. - Performance Protein Tart Cherry Juice, Cherry - 37999.2mcg (8 fl. oz. (240 ml)
7. Performance Protein Tart Cherry Juice - 37999.2mcg
8.Wm. Bolthouse Farms Inc. - Energy Pineapple Carrot Orange Juice Smoothie, Pineapple; Carrot; Orange - 32998.5mcg (15.2 fl. oz. (450mL)
9. Wm. Bolthouse Farms Inc. - Energy Peach Carrot Mango Juice Smoothie, Peach; Carrot; Mango - 32998.5mcg (15.2 fl. oz. (450mL))
10. Sapphire Smoothie Cubes - 30600mcg (1 tray (150 g)

Folate or b9 (important in red blood cell formation and for healthy cell growth and function)
(400mcg is the recommended and 1k mcg a day day is the limit Large doses of folate supplements might also worsen the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency)
1. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 497.8mcg (124% DV) (1 bar)
2. Edamame - 482.1mcg (121% DV) (1 cup)
3. Quaker Maple Brown Sugar Life Cereal - 459.5mcg (115% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving))
4. Quaker Capn Crunchs Oops! All Berries Cereal - 433mcg (108% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
5. Quaker Capn Crunch With Crunchberries - 423.8mcg (106% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Quaker Quaker Oat Cinnamon Life - 421.8mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
7. Quaker Toasted Multigrain Crisps - 420.1mcg (105% DV) (1 (1/4) cup (1 nlea serving)
8. Quaker Capn Crunchs Halloween Crunch - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
9. Quaker Capn Crunch - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
10. Quaker Sweet Crunch/quisp - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)

Vitamin D2 (Good to pair with milk. helps absord calcium and phosopurus)
(avoid taking 4000 ius or 100mcg)
1. Raw Cremini Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 27.8mcg (1 cup whole)
2. Raw Portobellos (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 24.4mcg (1 cup diced)
3. Maitake Mushrooms - 19.7mcg (1 cup diced)
4. Raw White Button Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 18.3mcg (1 cup pieces or slices)
5. Portobellos (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 15.9mcg (1 cup sliced)
6. Soy Milk - 5.8mcg (16oz glass)
7. Morel Mushrooms - 3.4mcg (1 cup)
8. Chantarelle Mushrooms - 2.9mcg (1 cup)
9. Fortified Chocolate Soy Milk - 2.4mcg (1 cup)
10. Coconut Milk Sweetened Fortified With Calcium - 2.4mcg (1 cup)

Vitamin D3 (bone and muscle strenght and immune function)
(again avoid 4000 ius or 100mcg)
1. Cooked Sockeye Salmon - 28.4mcg (6oz fillet)
2. Cooked Coho Salmon (Wild) - 19.2mcg (6oz fillet)
3. Canned Sockeye Salmon - 18.3mcg (3oz)
4. Atlantic Mackerel (Raw) - 18mcg (1 fillet)
5. Canned Salmon - 17.9mcg (3oz)
6. Smoked Whitefish - 17.4mcg (1 cup, cooked)
7. Canned Sockeye Salmon (With Skin And Bones) - 16.2mcg (3 oz)
8. Cooked Swordfish - 14.1mcg (3 oz)
9. Smoked Sturgeon - 13.7mcg (3 oz)
10. Cooked Rainbow Trout - 13.5mcg (1 fillet)

Vitamin K (help various proteins for bloodcloting and build bones)
(Tho its pretty rare to die in K Overdose. Its still possible. Recommended amount is 120mcg for men and 90mcg for women. No toxic dose but be careful)
1. Parsley - 984mcg (1 cup chopped)
2. Cooked Spinach - 888.5mcg (1 cup)
3. Cooked Mustard Greens - 829.8mcg (1 cup, chopped)
4. Cooked Collards - 772.5mcg (1 cup, chopped)
5. Cooked Beet Greens - 697mcg (1 cup 1 inch pieces)
6. Cooked Dandelion Greens - 579mcg (1 cup, chopped)
7. Cooked Swiss Chard - 572.8mcg (1 cup, chopped)
8. Cooked Kale - 544.1mcg (1 cup, chopped)
9. Cooked Turnip Greens - 529.3mcg (1 cup, chopped)
10. Cooked New Zealand Spinach - 525.6mcg (1 cup, chopped)

Vitamin K2 (skin health and bone metabolism, proper brain function, prevents heart related disease)
(100-300mcg is recomended amount)
1. Pepperoni - 35.4mcg (3 oz)
2. Raw Chicken Wings - 25.4mcg (1 piece)
3. Chicken Hotdog - 21.3mcg (3 oz)
4. Turkey Hotdog - 8.9mcg (1 oz)
5. Raw Chicken Breast - 7.1mcg (3 oz)
6. Whole Milk - 4.9mcg (16oz glass)
7. Processed American Cheese (With Vitamin D) - 4mc (1 oz)
8. Biscuit With Crispy Chicken Fillet - 3.8mcg (1 item)
9. Cooked Eastern Oysters (Wild) - 3.3mcg (3 oz)
10. Canadian Bacon (Raw) - 3mcg (3 oz)

Glycine (heart and lvier health, improve sleep, reduce diabetes risk, reduce muscle loss)
(3000-5000 mg per day)
1.Gelatin - 5334mg (1 package (1 oz)
2.Kfc Fried Chicken Breast - 3784mg (1 breast, with skin)
3. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 3115mg (1 link)
4. Roasted Chicken Leg - 3091mg (1 leg, with skin (sum of drumstick+thigh+back)
5. Broiled Ground Beef Patty (97% Lean) - 3040mg (6oz)
6. Lamb Shoulder Roast (Cooked) - 2951mg (6oz)
7. Fat Free Ground Turkey - 2944mg (6 oz)
8. Whelk (Cooked) - 2542mg (3 oz)
9. Skirt Steak - 2491mg (6oz steak)
10. Broiled Pork Tenderloin - 2487mg (6oz)
Hight iq + hight effort thx bro. Thought on nuts for calories?
  • +1
Reactions: Kizzoko
  • +1
Reactions: jоrdan
Hight iq + hight effort thx bro. Thought on nuts for calories?
I eat nuts almost every day, they are very healthy even Thoe some people say otherwise, you should try it for yourself and see how u feel, almonds are most nutritional and have most vitamins
  • +1
Reactions: jоrdan and mathis
I don't even need to say it at this point
just give me the ones that improve facial aesthetics, jfl if u think anyone here cares abt their health
  • +1
Reactions: jоrdan
just give me the ones that improve facial aesthetics, jfl if u think anyone here cares abt their health
just give me the ones that improve facial aesthetics, jfl if u think anyone here cares abt their healtht
just give me the ones that improve facial aesthetics, jfl if u think anyone here cares abt their health
hmm.. probably true, people here always talk about face but not improve theres...
I eat nuts almost every day, they are very healthy even Thoe some people say otherwise, you should try it for yourself and see how u feel, almonds are most nutritional and have most vitamins
i love almonds and brazil nuts too
ConSume gOy miLk guys it's GoOD fOr yuo :soy:
i agree soy milk is very terrible. lowers t and converts most t into est. i suggest milk kefir maybe

1. Introduction
2. Why is Nutrition important?
3. Diet and Health
4. What you should eat and not to
5. How to chew correctly?
6. Some Useless and Useful Infos
7. List of the foods with the highest amount of Nutrients (Ex: Calcium, D, etc)



Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs. Adequate
food is vital in keeping people alive. Good nutrition is essential to good health.


It is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant,
child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk
of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses
its not a suprise that healthy people seem to be younger and live older in age. But with todays foods
most people die early cus of the Ingredients present in the things they eat.

Ex: Cereals

Cereal is a very dangerous product to feed to kids. Most cereals are unhealthy asf, they are sugar bombs.
Many popular breakfast cereals contain potentially harmful food additives like butylated hydroxyanisole, or



you don't need to get 100% every day for everything. some nutrients can be stored in your body
and regardless it will take more than one day to develop a true deficiency where you start
seeing noticeable biological effects.

the rdi (recommended delay intake) is meant to meet the nutrient requirements of 97-98% of population.
that means that they will be too low for about 2-3% and in all likelihood higher than some of the
population needs. when they can't set an rdi due to insufficient data they set an rda, which is a

way of saying "we don't know exactly how much of this you should be eating except that you do need to
eat it, but as a starting point here's what healthy people are generally doing.

What should you eat and not to

Focus on the quality of the diet.

The type of carbohydrate in the diet is more important than the amount of carbohydrate in the diet, because some sources of
carbohydrate—like vegetables (other than potatoes) , fruits, whole grains, and beans are healthier than others.

I advise you to avoid processed meat, sugary beverages, red #40, yellow #5, sugar, soy lecithin, aspartame, sodium nitrate, carrageenan, niaciminade, hydrogenated oils (trans fat), all seed oils (canola, soy, safflower, corn, grape, etc.), high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, margarine, artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO), a major source of calories—usually with little nutritional value—in the American diet.

I advise you to eat more of red meat, shellfish, dairy, livers, oysters, leafy green, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, tahini, eggs, non starchy veggie, nuts (almonds, legumes, chickpeas), kidney, beans, avocadoes, wild rice, bell peppers, cocoa, spirulina, matcha, brocolli sprouts, wild salmon, watermelon, butternut squash, garbanzobeans, magoes, sweet potatoes

Superfoods: Kiwi (Beans | The skin on it is eatable it doubles fiber content.) | Avocado | Nutritional Yeast | Greeny foods | Garlic | Onion | Beets | Kale | Brocolli | Brussels | Alfafa Sprouts | Leeks | Spinach | Cruciferous | Allium | Beans | Potatoes | Sweet Potates | Gelatine (High in glycine and protein) | Royal Jelly (high in amino acids and alot of vitamins) | Sourdough Bread (high in vitamins and folic acids) | Pepperoni (High in vit K) | Parsley (High in Vit K2) | Pine Pollen (Doubles T Levels and antidioxants) | Sauerkraut (high in probiotics) | Flax seeds | Cholorella (high on omega-3 and fatty acids) | Livers | Red Meat | Blueberries | Turmeric |

really a healthy overall dietary pattern must be determined individually. From treating hundreds and hundreds of people, and diving into the data of some of the best done interventional diet research out there, I know that every approach works for somebody, and no approach works for everybody. For example, Low carb works to optimize metabolism for about 50% of people, low-fat also works for about 50%, and yet 25% of people on either diet will see negative results and the remaining 25% see no net benefit (check out the supplementary results for Gardner’s 2018 DIETFITS trial, freely available through JAMA). Seed oils are healthy for some, carbohydrates are healthy for some, meat is healthy for some, etc. different strokes for different folks, and you’ve got to experiment to find what works for you and your goals.
That’s why I only list nutrient dense foods here, and not overall dietary patterns.

This might be funny but chewing incorrectly has negative effects on the face.

Why should you chew correctly?
Well Chewing the correct way makes the food easier to digest in the stomach. So.. how do you chew correctly?
Chewing incorrecly makes ur digestive system more unhealthy, and makes ur cheek seem more bloated.
1. Chew with your mouth closed. chewing with ur mouth open will worsen the problem with mouth breathing and jaw posture. it also negatively affects the jawline and digestive system
2. You need to break up the food till it feels like water or power or feels very soft. This way its easier for your stomach to digest the food. (When food is not chewed properly and large food particles enter ur stomach it can cause digestive problems such as gas,bloating,constipation,food reaactions, headaches, lower energy levels. The reason why ur food should stay in ur mouth longer and be smaller is for digestive enzymes to stick to the food making it easier to digest. second: when food is broken down to very small particles it makes it easier for you to swallow them. therefore u wont have to use the buccinator muscle. When ur using the buccinator muscle too much it causes ur cheek to seem bloated as it thickens the cheeks.)
3. Tounge chewing: this technique trains you to only use the masseter muscles instead of the buccinator muscles. The masseter muscle stretches from your cheekbone to your jaw, and it’s the main muscle for chewing. (Use your back teeth, chew evenly on both sides, make sure the food is mushy before swallowing, keep your mouth closed, Maintain proper body posture while chewing. you can tuck your chin towards the neck a bit.)
4. the Chewing Gum Exercise: this exercise will teach you where exactly the tongue should be placed during eating and resting as well. Here’s how (Form a ball, Press it to the hard palate, flatten it with your tongue, pick it with the tip of the tongue and push forward to stretch it, your tongue will get into a perfect mewing position.)



Vitamin D Helps absorbing calcium

Vitamin D3 helps to strengthen your bones

Phosphorus helps the growth, maintenance, and repair of all tissues and cells

DV Means Daily Values in Nutrition. the percentage % of the Daily Value for each nutrient in a serving of the food
Nuts have the highest Nutrient Density

Royal jelly contains nutrients with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

Gelatin is rich in protein, with amino acids that may reduce joint and bone pain, increase brain function and help reduce the signs of skin aging

Raw honey contains a wide variety of nutrients. It has approximately 22 amino acids, 31 different minerals and a wide range of vitamins and enzymes

Sourdough is the best natural bread you can eat. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid

More nutrients are lost when boiling comapred to frying or microwavasion.

Potatous have more potassium than bananas. and high amount of C as well. Low calorie High Nutrient food

Speaking of vitamin C eating something with Vitamin C can cause nitrosamines to not form. (they cause cancer)

Alchohol is technically a macronutrient (dont take it tho. reduces T)

Pine Pollen is proven to raise your Testosterone (T) levels by 1.2x to 1.6x

Dandelion Tea is good for the liver. Inturn giving you more hollow cheek appearance as healthier liver = less water on face.

Calcium and Iron get absored in same place in the body, watch out for your milk intake when eating high iron foods or if u are supplementing iron for anemia you should watch out which multivitamins to take. People who drink more milk tend to be more iron deficent

Tannins which are found in tea, coffee, cocoa, crane berries, red wine and broad beans (leave your mouth with the puckered/bitter taste)

Tannins reduce the absorption of zinc and iron

NOW FOR THE EXCITING PART! Foods with the highest amount of these Nutrients, Vitamins


Calcium 🦴 (Good for Bones, Height, Heart, Muscles, Nerves for normal function. When eating or drinking High Calcium Foods make sure you pair it with Vitamin D)
1. Firm Tofu - 1721.2mg Calcium (132% DV) (1 cup)
2. Tofu Prepared With Calcium - 868mg Calcium (67% DV) (1 cup)
3. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 822.3mg Calcium (63% DV) (1 bar)
4. Grated Parmesan Cheese (Low-Sodium) - 800mg Calcium (62% DV) (1 cup, grated)
5. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 631.9mg Calcium (49% DV) (12inch sub)
6. Low-Fat Milk 1% - 610mg Calcium ((47% DV) (16oz glass)
7. Soy Milk - 602.6mg Calcium (46% DV) (Unsweetened With Added Calcium Vitamins A And D) (16oz glass)
8. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 600.3mg Calcium (46% DV) (3 scoop)
9. Chocolate Malt Powder Prepared With Fat Free Milk - 599mg Calcium (46% DV) (1 serving)
10. Skim Milk - 597.8mg Calcium (46% DV) (16oz glass)

Calories (Bulking, Gymcels)
1. Fried Onion Rings - 1246 Calories (62% DV) (Applebee's Crunchy Onion Rings) (1 serving)
2. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 1232 Calories (62% DV) (1 link)
3. Hamburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments Vegetables And Mayonnaise - 942 Calories (47% DV) (1 item)
4. Confectioners Coating Peanut Butter - 889 Calories (44% DV) (1 cup chips)
5. Semisweet Chocolate Made With Butter - 811 Calories (41% DV) (1 cup chips, 6oz package)
6. Cheeseburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments - 762 Calories (38% DV) (1 item)
7. Bagel With Breakfast Steak Egg Cheese And Condiments - 716 Calories (36% DV) (1 item)
8. Crispy Chicken Bacon And Tomato Club Sandwich With Cheese Lettuce And Mayonnaise - 696 Calories (35% DV) (1 sandwich)
9. Bagel With Egg Sausage Patty Cheese And Condiments - 646 Calories (32% DV) (1 item)
10. Uncooked Oats - 607 Calories (30% DV) (1 cup)

Fiber (Normalizes bowel movements, Helps maintain bowel health, Lowers cholesterol levels, Aids in achieving healthy weight Gut Health is everything)
(Althought fiber cant really kill you. It causes bloating, gas, constipation at around 70grams of fiber)
1. Rose Hips - 30.6g Fiber (109% DV) (1 cup)
2. Passion Fruit (Granadilla) - 24.5g Fiber (88% DV) (1 cup)
3. Navy Beans - 19.1g Fiber (68% DV) (1 cup)
4. Cooked Small White Beans - 18.6g Fiber(66% DV) (1 cup)
5. Dried Fungi Cloud Ears - 17.5g Fiber (63% DV) (5 pieces)
6. Buckwheat (Uncooked) - 17g Fiber(61% DV) (1 cup)
7. Adzuki Beans - 16.8g Fiber (60% DV) (1 cup)
8. Uncooked Oats - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)
9. Boiled Red Kidney Beans - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)
10. California Red Kidney Beans - 16.5g Fiber (59% DV) (1 cup)

Protein (build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes)
(Too much protein wont kill you BUT can cause IRRITABILITY AND BRAIN FOG)
1. Roasted Chicken Leg - 62g Protein (124% DV) (1 leg, with skin (sum of drumstick+thigh+back)
2. Lamb Shoulder Roast (Cooked) - 60.4g Protein (121% DV) (6oz)
3. Pork Chops (With Fat) - 54.7g Protein (109% DV) (1 chop)
4. Lean Chicken Breast (Cooked) - 54.5g Protein (109% DV) (6oz chicken breast)
5. Fat Free Ground Turkey - 53.9g Protein (108% DV) (6 oz)
6. Pork Chops (Lean) - 52.7g Protein (105% DV) (6oz chop)
7. Hamburger; Double Large Patty; With Condiments Vegetables And Mayonnaise - 52.1g Protein (104% DV) (1 item)
8. Roasted Turkey Breast - 51.2g Protein (102% DV) (6 oz)
9. Bluefin Tuna (Cooked) - 50.8g Protein (102% DV) (6oz fillet)
10. Boneless Skinless Chicken Leg (Raw) - 50.8g Protein (102% DV) (1 leg, bone and skin removed (sum of drumstick+thigh+back meat only)

Vitamin A (200mg can cause hypervataminous which is dangerous)
(Recommended is 700-900 mcg | 3000 mcg a day for a long term causes bone thinning, liver damage and headache. Dosing too much will kill you.)
1. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 6614.7mcg (3 oz)
2. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 6272.6mcg (1 slice)
3. Boiled Sweet Potatoes - 2581.4mcg (1 cup, mashed)
4. Canned Pumpkin - 1906.1mcg (1 cup)
5. Cooked Eel - 1807.8mcg (1 fillet)
6. Cod Liver Oil - 1350mcg (1 tsp)
7. Cooked Carrots - 1329.1mcg (1 cup slices)
8. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 1290.1mcg (8 fl oz)
9. Bluefin Tuna (Cooked) - 1286.9mcg (6oz fillet)
10. Braunschweiger Pork Liver Sausage - 1198.5mcg (1 oz)

Vitamin D (help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation)
1. Cooked Sockeye Salmon - 28.4mcg (142% DV) (6oz fillet)
2. Raw Cremini Mushrooms - (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 27.8mcg (139% DV) (1 cup whole)
3. Raw Portobellos - (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 24.4mcg (122% DV) (1 cup diced)
4. Farmed Atlantic Salmon - 22.3mcg (111% DV) (6oz fillet)
5. Maitake Mushrooms - 19.7mcg (98% DV) (1 cup diced)
6. Cooked Coho Salmon (Wild) - 19.2mcg (96% DV) (6oz fillet)
7. Raw White Button Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 18.3mcg (92% DV) (1 cup pieces or slices)
8. Canned Sockeye Salmon - 18.3mcg (91% DV) (3 oz)
9. Atlantic Mackerel (Raw) - 18mcg (90% DV) (1 fillet)
10. Canned Salmon - 17.9mcg (89% DV) (3 oz)

Vitamin C (helping to protect cells and keeping them healthy. maintaining healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage.)
(11K MG OF VITAMIN C CAN KILL U. Thank fully though no reported death of vitamin c has happened yet)
1. Acerola Cherries (West Indian Cherry) - 1644mg (1827% DV) (1 cup)
2. Rose Hips - 541mg (601% DV) (1 cup)
3. Guavas - 376.7mg (419% DV) (1 cup)
4. Sweet Yellow Peppers - 341.3mg (379% DV) (1 pepper, large (3-3/4 inch long, 3 inch dia)
5. Boiled Red Bell Peppers - 230.9mg (257% DV) (1 cup, strips)
6. Dried Jujube - 217.6mg (242% DV) (100 grams)
7. Sauteed Green Bell Peppers - 203.6mg (226% DV) (1 cup chopped)
8. European Black Currants - 202.7mg (225% DV) (1 cup)
9. Mustard Spinach - 195mg (217% DV) (1 cup, chopped)
10. Red Bell Peppers (Cooked) - 172.6mg (192% DV) (1 cup chopped)

Potassium (helps your nerves, muscles and heart to function well, and also helps move nutrients and waste around your body's cells.)
1. Cooked Beet Greens - 1309mg (28% DV) 1 cup (1 inch pieces)
2. Adzuki Beans - 1223.6mg (26% DV) (1 cup)
3. California Avocados - 1166.1mg (25% DV) (1 cup, pureed)
4. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 1124.8mg (24% DV) (1 link)
5. Canned Tomato Puree - 1097.5mg (23% DV) (1 cup)
6. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 1094.5mg (23% DV) (12 inch sub)
7. Breadfruit - 1078mg (23% DV) (1 cup)
8. Wild Atlantic Salmon (Cooked) - 1067.6mg (23% DV) (6oz fillet)
9. Durian - 1059.5mg (23% DV) (1 cup, chopped or diced)
10. Cooked Large White Beans - 1004.2mg (21% DV) (1 cup)

Magnesium (healthy muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels)
1. Buckwheat (Uncooked) - 392.7mg (94% DV) (1 cup)
2. Familia Swiss Muesli Cereal - 386.7mg (92% DV) (1 cup)
3. Baked Conch - 302.3mg (72% DV) (1 cup, sliced)
4. Uncooked Oats - 276.1mg (66% DV) (1 cup)
5. Oat Bran - 220.9mg (53% DV) (1 cup)
6. Granola Homemade - 205mg (49% DV) (1 cup)
7. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 200.4mg (48% DV) (3 scoop)
8. Hemp Seeds - 198.8mg (47% DV) (1oz)
9. Semisweet Chocolate Made With Butter - 195.5mg (47% DV) (1 cup chips (6 oz package)
10. Confectioners Coating Peanut Butter - 184.8mg (44% DV) (1 cup chips)

Beta-Carotene (OVERPOWERED NATURAL SKIN TAN VITAMIN. good vision and eye health, for a strong immune system, and for healthy skin and mucous membranes)
(If you smoke dont take around 18-20mg of beta carotene as it can increase LUNG CANCER chance. althought even for non smokers they should not exceed 17mg+)
1. Boiled Sweet Potatoes - 30976.3mcg (287% RDA) (1 cup, mashed)
2. Canned Pumpkin - 17003mcg (157% RDA) (1 cup)
3. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 15385.4mcg (142% RDA) (8 fl oz)
4. Mashed Sweet Potatoes - 13308.5mcg (123% RDA) (1 cup)
5. Baked Sweet Potatoes - 13120.3mcg (121% RDA) (1 medium (2 inch dia, 5 inch long, raw))
6. Cooked Carrots - 12997.9mcg (120% RDA) (1 cup slices)
7. Cooked Spinach - 11318.4mcg (105% RDA) (1 cup)
8. Sweet Potatoes - 11317mcg (105% RDA) (1 cup, cubes)
9. Cooked Mustard Greens - 10360mcg (96% RDA) (1 cup, chopped)
10. Cooked Butternut Squash - 9368.5mcg (87% RDA) (1 cup, cubes)

Vitamin B12 (keeps your body blood and nerves healthy)
(B12 DEFICIENCY (200mcg and under) CAN LEAD TO DEATH. though you cannot overdose on B12 though it is recommended not to take 2000 mcg of B12 everyday)
1. Cooked Clams - 84.1mcg (3502% DV) (3 oz)
2. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 72.8mcg (3035% DV) (3 oz)
3. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 67.3mcg (2806% DV) (1 slice)
4. Canned Eastern Oysters - 52mcg (2168% DV) (1 can (12 oz), oysters and liquid)
5. Atlantic Mackerel (Cooked) - 32.3mcg (1346% DV) (6oz fillet)
6. Octopus (Cooked) - 30.6mcg (1275% DV) (3 oz)
7. Cooked Pacific Oysters - 24.5mcg (1020% DV) (3 oz)
8. Cooked Eastern Oysters (Farmed) - 20.7mcg (861% DV) (3 oz)
9.Cooked Blue Mussels - 20.4mcg (850% DV) (3 oz)
10. Atlantic Herring - 18.8mcg (783% DV) (1 fillet)

Iron (Hemoglobin production, Immune system support, Skin nourishment, Reduction of dark circles)
(60-100 MG OF IRON CAN BE LETHAL. teen girls under the age of 18 should only eat 15mg of iron while boys under age of 18 should only eat 11mg)
1. Quaker Quick Oats With Iron Dry - 19.8mg (110% DV) (1/2 cup)
2. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 19.6mg (109% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
3. Canned Eastern Oysters - 18.2mg (101% DV) (1 can (12 oz), oysters and liquid)
4. Quaker Toasted Multigrain Crisps - 17mg (95% DV) (1 (1/4) cup (1 nlea serving)
5. Quaker Oatmeal Squares Cinnamon - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Post Honey Nut Shredded Wheat - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
7. Post Great Grains Banana Nut Crunch - 16.5mg (92% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
8. Quaker Oatmeal Squares - 16.4mg (91% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
9. Grape Nuts Cereal - 16.2mg (90% DV) (1/2 cup (1 nlea serving)
10. Quaker Oatmeal Squares Golden Maple - 16.2mg (90% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)

Thiamin or Vit b1 (helps to turn food into energy and to keep the nervous system healthy)
(there is no thiamin overdose.)
1. Submarine Sandwich Oven Roasted Chicken On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 2.3mg (191% DV) (6 inch sub)
2. Veggie Burgers - 1.9mg (155% DV) (1 pattie)
3. Broiled Pork Tenderloin - 1.6mg (137% DV) (6oz)
4. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 1.4mg (114% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
5. Ralston Corn Flakes - 1.3mg (105% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Cooked Ground Pork - 1.2mg (100% DV) (6oz)
7. Uncooked Oats - 1.2mg (99% DV) (1 cup)
8. Pork Chops (Lean) - 1.1mg (96% DV) (6oz chop)
9. Cured Ham - 1.1mg (96% DV) (1 cup)
10. Submarine Sandwich Turkey Roast Beef And Ham On White Bread With Lettuce And Tomato - 1.1mg (95% DV) (12 inch sub)

Riboflavin or Vit b2 (fight free radicals and may reduce or help prevent some of the damage they cause. will change vitamin B6 and folate into forms it can use. It is also important for growth and red blood cell production.)
(riboflavin is genrally safe even at high doses. very high may cause itching.)
1. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 3.9mg (300% DV) (3 oz)
2. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 3.4mg (262% DV) (8 fl oz)
3. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 2.8mg (213% DV) (1 slice)
4. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 2.1mg (163% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
5. Meal Supplement Drink Canned Peanut Flavor - 2.1mg (158% DV) (1 cup)
6. Energy Drink Monster Fortified With Vitamins C B2 B3 B6 B12 - 1.9mg (150% DV) (1 serving)
7. Low Carb Monster Energy Drink - 1.7mg (131% DV) (8 fl oz)
8. Yellow Green Colored Citrus Soft Drink With Caffeine - 1.6mg (124% DV) (16 fl oz)
9. Cooked Cuttlefish - 1.5mg (113% DV) (3 oz)
10. Skirt Steak - 1.5mg (112% DV) (6oz steak)

(I did not add niacin or b3 because people who take niacin in addition to common cholesterol medications see very little additional benefit. And niacin can cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.)

Panthotenic acid or vit b5 (maintain soft, smooth and healthy skin. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect that can help stimulate skin healing processes)
(Excess vitamin B5 intake may lead to diarrhoea, heartburn, nausea, dehydration, oedema, joint pain, calcification in blood vessels, or depression)
(the recommended amount is 5mg for adults)
1. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 12.4mg (249% DV) (1 bar)}
2. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 10mg (200% DV) (8 fl oz)
3. The Coca-Cola Company Glaceau Vitamin Water Revive Fruit Punch Fortified - 10mg (200% DV) (20 fl oz)
4. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 8.9mg (177% DV) (8 fl oz)
5. Ralston Enriched Bran Flakes - 8.6mg (173% DV) (1 serving (nlea serving size = 0.75 cup)
6. Pan Fried Beef Liver - 5.6mg (112% DV) (1 slice)
7. Lamb Liver (Cooked) - 5.4mg (108% DV) (3 oz)
8. Cooked Shiitake Mushrooms - 5.2mg (104% DV) (1 cup pieces)
9. Ocean Spray Cran-Energy Cranberry Energy Juice Drink - 5.2mg (104% DV) (1 can)
10. Whey Protein Powder Isolate - 5mg (100% DV)

Vitamin B6 (promotes brain health and improving mood)
(The limit for b6 intake is around 200 mg)
(All of the shit i mentioned here is bullshit softdrinks so i suggest: Turkey, Yellowfin tuna, Salmon)
1. Energy Drink Red Bull - 5.6mg (329% DV) (1 can)
2. Energy Drink Red Bull Sugar Free With Added Caffeine Niacin Pantothenic Acid Vitamins B6 And B12 - 5mg (293% DV) (1 serving 8.3 fl oz can)
3. The Coca-Cola Company Nos Energy Drink Original Grape Loaded Cherry Charged Citrus Fortified With Vitamins B6 And B12 - 4mg (235% DV) (16 fl oz)
4.The Coca-Cola Company Nos Zero Energy Drink Sugar-Free With Guarana Fortified With Vitamins B6 And B12 - 4mg (235% DV) (16 fl oz)
5. Acai Berry Drink Fortified - 2.9mg (172% DV) (8 fl oz)
6. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 2.5mg (146% DV) (1 bar)
7. Energy Drink Monster Fortified With Vitamins C B2 B3 B6 B12 - 2.4mg (143% DV) (1 serving)
8. Low Carb Monster Energy Drink - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)
9. Energy Drink Rockstar Sugar Free - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)
10. Energy Drink - 2mg (118% DV) (8 fl oz)

Biotin or vit b7 (convert food into energy)
(No overall evidence of biotin overdose)
1. Chocolate Nutrition Shake - 63000.3mcg
2. Strawberry Nutrition Shake - 63000.3mcg
3. The Quaker Oats Co./gatorade-Van Camp - Chocolate Nutrition Shake, Chocolate - 63000.3mcg (1 Bottle (330 mL))
4. The Quaker Oats Co./gatorade-Van Camp - Strawberry Nutrition Shake, Strawberry - 63000.3mcg (1 Bottle (330 mL))
5. Asana Smoothie Cubes 44599.5mcg (1 tray (150 g))
6. Cheribundi, Inc. - Performance Protein Tart Cherry Juice, Cherry - 37999.2mcg (8 fl. oz. (240 ml)
7. Performance Protein Tart Cherry Juice - 37999.2mcg
8.Wm. Bolthouse Farms Inc. - Energy Pineapple Carrot Orange Juice Smoothie, Pineapple; Carrot; Orange - 32998.5mcg (15.2 fl. oz. (450mL)
9. Wm. Bolthouse Farms Inc. - Energy Peach Carrot Mango Juice Smoothie, Peach; Carrot; Mango - 32998.5mcg (15.2 fl. oz. (450mL))
10. Sapphire Smoothie Cubes - 30600mcg (1 tray (150 g)

Folate or b9 (important in red blood cell formation and for healthy cell growth and function)
(400mcg is the recommended and 1k mcg a day day is the limit Large doses of folate supplements might also worsen the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency)
1. Snickers Marathon Double Chocolate Nut Bar - 497.8mcg (124% DV) (1 bar)
2. Edamame - 482.1mcg (121% DV) (1 cup)
3. Quaker Maple Brown Sugar Life Cereal - 459.5mcg (115% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving))
4. Quaker Capn Crunchs Oops! All Berries Cereal - 433mcg (108% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)
5. Quaker Capn Crunch With Crunchberries - 423.8mcg (106% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
6. Quaker Quaker Oat Cinnamon Life - 421.8mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
7. Quaker Toasted Multigrain Crisps - 420.1mcg (105% DV) (1 (1/4) cup (1 nlea serving)
8. Quaker Capn Crunchs Halloween Crunch - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
9. Quaker Capn Crunch - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (3/4 cup (1 nlea serving)
10. Quaker Sweet Crunch/quisp - 419.9mcg (105% DV) (1 cup (1 nlea serving)

Vitamin D2 (Good to pair with milk. helps absord calcium and phosopurus)
(avoid taking 4000 ius or 100mcg)
1. Raw Cremini Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 27.8mcg (1 cup whole)
2. Raw Portobellos (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 24.4mcg (1 cup diced)
3. Maitake Mushrooms - 19.7mcg (1 cup diced)
4. Raw White Button Mushrooms (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 18.3mcg (1 cup pieces or slices)
5. Portobellos (Exposed To Sunlight Or Uv) - 15.9mcg (1 cup sliced)
6. Soy Milk - 5.8mcg (16oz glass)
7. Morel Mushrooms - 3.4mcg (1 cup)
8. Chantarelle Mushrooms - 2.9mcg (1 cup)
9. Fortified Chocolate Soy Milk - 2.4mcg (1 cup)
10. Coconut Milk Sweetened Fortified With Calcium - 2.4mcg (1 cup)

Vitamin D3 (bone and muscle strenght and immune function)
(again avoid 4000 ius or 100mcg)
1. Cooked Sockeye Salmon - 28.4mcg (6oz fillet)
2. Cooked Coho Salmon (Wild) - 19.2mcg (6oz fillet)
3. Canned Sockeye Salmon - 18.3mcg (3oz)
4. Atlantic Mackerel (Raw) - 18mcg (1 fillet)
5. Canned Salmon - 17.9mcg (3oz)
6. Smoked Whitefish - 17.4mcg (1 cup, cooked)
7. Canned Sockeye Salmon (With Skin And Bones) - 16.2mcg (3 oz)
8. Cooked Swordfish - 14.1mcg (3 oz)
9. Smoked Sturgeon - 13.7mcg (3 oz)
10. Cooked Rainbow Trout - 13.5mcg (1 fillet)

Vitamin K (help various proteins for bloodcloting and build bones)
(Tho its pretty rare to die in K Overdose. Its still possible. Recommended amount is 120mcg for men and 90mcg for women. No toxic dose but be careful)
1. Parsley - 984mcg (1 cup chopped)
2. Cooked Spinach - 888.5mcg (1 cup)
3. Cooked Mustard Greens - 829.8mcg (1 cup, chopped)
4. Cooked Collards - 772.5mcg (1 cup, chopped)
5. Cooked Beet Greens - 697mcg (1 cup 1 inch pieces)
6. Cooked Dandelion Greens - 579mcg (1 cup, chopped)
7. Cooked Swiss Chard - 572.8mcg (1 cup, chopped)
8. Cooked Kale - 544.1mcg (1 cup, chopped)
9. Cooked Turnip Greens - 529.3mcg (1 cup, chopped)
10. Cooked New Zealand Spinach - 525.6mcg (1 cup, chopped)

Vitamin K2 (skin health and bone metabolism, proper brain function, prevents heart related disease)
(100-300mcg is recomended amount)
1. Pepperoni - 35.4mcg (3 oz)
2. Raw Chicken Wings - 25.4mcg (1 piece)
3. Chicken Hotdog - 21.3mcg (3 oz)
4. Turkey Hotdog - 8.9mcg (1 oz)
5. Raw Chicken Breast - 7.1mcg (3 oz)
6. Whole Milk - 4.9mcg (16oz glass)
7. Processed American Cheese (With Vitamin D) - 4mc (1 oz)
8. Biscuit With Crispy Chicken Fillet - 3.8mcg (1 item)
9. Cooked Eastern Oysters (Wild) - 3.3mcg (3 oz)
10. Canadian Bacon (Raw) - 3mcg (3 oz)

Glycine (heart and lvier health, improve sleep, reduce diabetes risk, reduce muscle loss)
(3000-5000 mg per day)
1.Gelatin - 5334mg (1 package (1 oz)
2.Kfc Fried Chicken Breast - 3784mg (1 breast, with skin)
3. Kielbasa Sausage (Cooked) - 3115mg (1 link)
4. Roasted Chicken Leg - 3091mg (1 leg, with skin (sum of drumstick+thigh+back)
5. Broiled Ground Beef Patty (97% Lean) - 3040mg (6oz)
6. Lamb Shoulder Roast (Cooked) - 2951mg (6oz)
7. Fat Free Ground Turkey - 2944mg (6 oz)
8. Whelk (Cooked) - 2542mg (3 oz)
9. Skirt Steak - 2491mg (6oz steak)
10. Broiled Pork Tenderloin - 2487mg (6oz)
Eat two burrito bowls from chipotle per day and you get all dis
This thread has been done so many times already...

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