Height does not matter :)



Sep 8, 2019
Dear friends, please read this and give me your honest opinion,

I truly believe that height does not mater at all.

I am 1,64 CM , I don't know how much is that in feet. I am cuteish, not very aestetic but I look masculine and very muscular.

In high school I had literally all girls from my class wanting to have sex with me, excluding let's say 2 girls that were netural. I had girls from other classes coming in my class and chating to me (even if I was high inhib that time) and was showing signs of being extremely shy.

After high-school I had a 1,75 cm girlfriend blonde with green eyes which I fucked in the parks and on streets very often.

I had girls at supermarkets staring, giving me stuff for free (this happened 2 times in my life)

In university I overwhelmed every guy in my class, even those of 1,80 + M, girls were staying with me and looking at me most of the time, smiling. I have fucked this girl in my class that was hard to get...

5 years ago I had a 1,92 m girlfriend whom I fucked daily until exhaustion. She wanted to have a relationship with me, I said no, I dumped her, now I regret.

After loosing hair (baldness) , my succes rate to girls went from 9/10 to 4/10

I got a hair transplant.

Now please explain me how HEIGHT matters, because I am not rich, I am not that super model looking, I am just muscular and masculine and trust me girls pick me first.... Now plase explain, how does height matter that much ?

And no way in hell I would write such a long post to LIE, so it s the plain truth
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dn rd
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height copers are low IQ
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Reactions: JustTrynaGrow, Mansnob, xit and 4 others
your secret? you're holding frame and have a strong handshake

and take a lot of showers too
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  • JFL
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dr nd
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What is dn ?
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not a single word :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
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show face.
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Dear friends, please read this and give me your honest opinion,

I truly believe that height does not mater at all.

I am 1,64 CM , I don't know how much is that in feet. I am cuteish, not very aestetic but I look masculine and very muscular.

In high school I had literally all girls from my class wanting to have sex with me, excluding let's say 2 girls that were netural. I had girls from other classes coming in my class and chating to me (even if I was high inhib that time) and was showing signs of being extremely shy.

After high-school I had a 1,75 cm girlfriend blonde with green eyes which I fucked in the parks and on streets very often.

I had girls at supermarkets staring, giving me stuff for free (this happened 2 times in my life)

In university I overwhelmed every guy in my class, even those of 1,80 + M, girls were staying with me and looking at me most of the time, smiling. I have fucked this girl in my class that was hard to get...

5 years ago I had a 1,92 m girlfriend whom I fucked daily until exhaustion. She wanted to have a relationship with me, I said no, I dumped her, now I regret.

After loosing hair (baldness) , my succes rate to girls went from 9/10 to 4/10

I got a hair transplant.

Now please explain me how HEIGHT matters, because I am not rich, I am not that super model looking, I am just muscular and masculine and trust me girls pick me first.... Now plase explain, how does height matter that much ?

And no way in hell I would write such a long post to LIE, so it s the plain truth
Gif sopranos
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what? no one mentions this is a copy paste from reddit?
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Reactions: Prolapsed Anus
if you weren't self conscious about your dwarf height, you wouldn't have gone out of your way to write this cringy novel, trying to convince a bunch of autists in a repressed isolated online forum, that in fact, being a dwarf isn't a bad thing
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Reactions: MandibularCel, Deleted member 3902, SquareChinOrDeath and 8 others
Of course height matter, but he probably had enough FACE to save him.

Imagine if he was 6'4, his options would be limitless.
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Reactions: GeorgeMathew and Deleted member 39
Didn't read. But in my formative years lots of guys who were shorter than me got girls while I was virgin, just because they had better face. Height is nothing compared to the importance of facial aesthetics.
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Is this you?

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I would give 6 cm of my height to be 5/10 facially.
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Reactions: Deleted member 19469, GeorgeMathew and turkproducer
I would give 6 cm of my height to be 5/10 facially.
I'd happily give 2 inches to become 6 psl
Yeah i am sure all of that happened lol and that came to an autist forum talking about height and how it doesn't matter cause you had soooo many chicks
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Reactions: Deleted member 19469
Height doesnt matter and isn’t a big form of attraction for women.

I’m 1,81 cm and an absolutely failure with all women due to face issues (collagen)
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Tales from the basement: The Trilogy
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I'd happily give 2 inches to become 6 psl
Yeah i am sure all of that happened lol and that came to an autist forum talking about height and how it doesn't matter cause you had soooo many chicks
2 inches for a 2-3 increase in PSL is not a fair trade, more like 7-8 inches for 2 PSL points.
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Reactions: Effortless
your secret? you're holding frame and have a strong handshake

and take a lot of showers too
For each cm you are below average you need 100 daily showers acording to some studies I won't link here.
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Reactions: Alibaba69 and Germania
2 inches for a 2-3 increase in PSL is not a fair trade, more like 7-8 inches for 2 PSL points.
That would be hard lol i was recently deemed on average in my last thread about rating me 4.5 psl so that would be 1.5 psl trade i'd even trade 3 inches of height for 1.5 psl increase but no more tbh i love being tall
That would be hard lol i was recently deemed on average in my last thread about rating me 4.5 psl so that would be 1.5 psl trade i'd even trade 3 inches of height for 1.5 psl increase but no more tbh i love being tall
1 PSL face = 4 inches srs.

5’8 guy with 6 PSL and 6’0 guy 5 PSL have equal smv
Actually; maybe the 6’0 guy has even less.
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everything matters stop cope
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Height doesnt matter and isn’t a big form of attraction for women.

I’m 1,81 cm and an absolutely failure with all women due to face issues (collagen)
You are silly.

How does collagen matter ? I think your face issues are not collagen but shape, etc. I know no guy with collagen issues. What exactly collagen issues you refer to?

Answer to all the haters here : keep dreamin.. cant wait To grow This hair and be again the Lord
You lie me mdfk
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Post yourself
You are silly.

How does collagen matter ? I think your face issues are not collagen but shape, etc. I know no guy with collagen issues. What exactly collagen issues you refer to?

Answer to all the haters here : keep dreamin.. cant wait To grow This hair and be again the Lord
Collagen issues are my number #1 issue. When I dermaroll or sunbathe, both of which induct collagen, my female attention goes from nothing to a lot.

Even my friend says that some days I look like a male model while most days I look like a methhead.
  • Woah
Reactions: Effortless
Dear friends, please read this and give me your honest opinion,

I truly believe that height does not mater at all.

I am 1,64 CM , I don't know how much is that in feet. I am cuteish, not very aestetic but I look masculine and very muscular.

In high school I had literally all girls from my class wanting to have sex with me, excluding let's say 2 girls that were netural. I had girls from other classes coming in my class and chating to me (even if I was high inhib that time) and was showing signs of being extremely shy.

After high-school I had a 1,75 cm girlfriend blonde with green eyes which I fucked in the parks and on streets very often.

I had girls at supermarkets staring, giving me stuff for free (this happened 2 times in my life)

In university I overwhelmed every guy in my class, even those of 1,80 + M, girls were staying with me and looking at me most of the time, smiling. I have fucked this girl in my class that was hard to get...

5 years ago I had a 1,92 m girlfriend whom I fucked daily until exhaustion. She wanted to have a relationship with me, I said no, I dumped her, now I regret.

After loosing hair (baldness) , my succes rate to girls went from 9/10 to 4/10

I got a hair transplant.

Now please explain me how HEIGHT matters, because I am not rich, I am not that super model looking, I am just muscular and masculine and trust me girls pick me first.... Now plase explain, how does height matter that much ?

And no way in hell I would write such a long post to LIE, so it s the plain truth
nice thread manlet tldr
Collagen issues are my number #1 issue. When I dermaroll or sunbathe, both of which induct collagen, my female attention goes from nothing to a lot.

Even my friend says that some days I look like a male model while most days I look like a methhead.
Make-up stop coping.
1 PSL face = 4 inches srs.

5’8 guy with 6 PSL and 6’0 guy 5 PSL have equal smv
Actually; maybe the 6’0 guy has even less.
more like 1psl=8 inches
4psl 6'4=5psl 5'8
heigh is cope accept that
  • Ugh..
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more like 1psl=8 inches
4psl 6'4=5psl 5'8
heigh is cope accept that

more like 1psl=8 inches
4psl 6'4=5psl 5'8
heigh is cope accept that
Idk about 8, maybe 6..
Collagen issues are my number #1 issue. When I dermaroll or sunbathe, both of which induct collagen, my female attention goes from nothing to a lot.

Even my friend says that some days I look like a male model while most days I look like a methhead.
Trust me on this but it s your facial expression deriving from your mindset. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH COLLAGEN. DO YOU THINK COLLAGEN IN YOUR FACE OSCILATES LIKE THAT ? NO

You sound straight personality disorder to me and you clearly need help from a specialist.

It s all about how sad you look when you think you lack collagen, it s BODY LANGUAGE BOY.

6ft 4 psl 6 face is giga slayer
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Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Height does not matter as much for high school girls. Girls under 16-18 care more about face.
Girls older than that care about height more because it gives them more status.

I swallowed on the heightpill too hard. Some girls were interested in me in high school (I'd say 4 were, 3 of them asked me to meet up) but I thought they were pranking me since I was a manlet with bad acne.
The 6'8 guy in my class never had girls show interest. For hs girls it is almost too much, but to adult woman he will be a living God.

Also, 6'5 prettyboy mogs 6' prettyboy obviously, but since that's so rare it doesn't matter. Most tall people can't have prettyboy faces.
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Reactions: Deleted member 19469 and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Collagen issues are my number #1 issue. When I dermaroll or sunbathe, both of which induct collagen, my female attention goes from nothing to a lot.

Even my friend says that some days I look like a male model while most days I look like a methhead.

I feel the same especially after I finish doing cardio, I dermaroll, toner and serum. My face looks so glowy , virile and flushed with oxygen . Skin halo is insane for your mental health tbh

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