Height is almost everything

Girls date always 6'3" guys even if they are ugly
No they don't. I was rated MTN/HTN here, I'm on Tinder, been approaching girls in public, I even lived in East-Asia for a while. Still nothing
Water. Height is might.
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5'7" barefoot and I don't lie like other people
being 5'7 is no excuse to not slay, my friend is like 5'7-5'8 and is living the dream
  • JFL
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running away with one TikTok video of a mtb doesn't prove all of women, I think majority don't care about height and the ones who do are very superficial
  • JFL
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running away with one TikTok video of a mtb doesn't prove all of women, I think majority don't care about height and the ones who do are very superficial
Ur bio :lul::lul:
You're so convoluted man

You go from saying that 5'6 is ideal for bodybuilding to whining about your height the following day
it's called coping, below a certain height that's all you'll have
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If your face isn't an outlier and you are average you can slay if you are 6+ ft.

While i'm here because i'm short. I wouldn't be here if I was taller.
Yes just need to roid up though
If your face isn't an outlier and you are average you can slay if you are 6+ ft.

While i'm here because i'm short. I wouldn't be here if I was taller.
Roid up +statusmaxx+betabuxx
Your fucked up face would become a halo then
  • JFL
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being 5'7 is no excuse to not slay, my friend is like 5'7-5'8 and is living the dream
But probably he doesn't have a fucked up face like me
No they don't. I was rated MTN/HTN here, I'm on Tinder, been approaching girls in public, I even lived in East-Asia for a while. Still nothing
If your face isn't an outlier and you are average you can slay if you are 6+ ft.

While i'm here because i'm short. I wouldn't be here if I was taller.
Nope.. im mtn in croatia where average height is like 6ft (im 5’10) and i can still slay here
  • JFL
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B-but denji is a 5’7 micropenis ricecel and he pulled Asa, who is 5’5 herself!!!
I thought he's 5'10 or 5'9. He's a lot more taller in second part. On top of that, Denji is low inhib.
I thought he's 5'10 or 5'9. He's a lot more taller in second part. On top of that, Denji is low inhib.
he’s not taller he just looks taller cuz no aki and power to brutally heightmog him, next to Yoshida he’s the same height as he was in p1

His low inhib doesn’t mean shit when he’s a ricecel, just be retarded theory
Keep coping you copecell
Then people here overrates, they rated me mtn-htn and im khhv too
Or it might be true. You need to have HTN+ to play. Height doesn't make a difference
5’6 is huge failo for most of the girls in this gen, unless you have face like tom cruise
Cruise face is shit. Girls dont care about him
  • JFL
Reactions: Cutecel2001
If you've ever met a (significantly) GL guy who happens to be short or just average height he'll tell you that he's slept with women who are taller than him.
A good face still makes a tall girl's pussy wet. This brutal reality is hard for ugly/mid manlets or tall men to accept.
If your face isn't an outlier and you are average you can slay if you are 6+ ft.

While i'm here because i'm short. I wouldn't be here if I was taller.
you would probably be okay if you were 5'10 or 5'11 even. unfortunately, you are 5'5 so your chance of ascension is close to 0. you could wake up with a gigachad FACE tomorrow, and 80% of women wouldn't touch your dwarf-self with a 10ft bargepoll.

it's not even that height matters that much (FACE is obviously king), but you are a literal midget.
you would probably be okay if you were 5'10 or 5'11 even. unfortunately, you are 5'5 so your chance of ascension is close to 0. you could wake up with a gigachad FACE tomorrow, and 80% of women wouldn't touch your dwarf-self with a 10ft bargepoll.

it's not even that height matters that much (FACE is obviously king), but you are a literal midget.
I'? 5'7" and with lifts 5'9" but you keep saying the same when I've already sent group pics multiple times.

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