Heightgrowth maxxing method

holy shit bro fuck that u need estrogen for normal function the fuck are you on about respectfuly
yeah but do u wanna heightmaxx? u can keep ur growhty plates open for as long as u want as long as u nuke ur e2
arimidex is better than aromasin cus u dont need to take so much for it to nuke ur e2

bro im not fucking with u if u dont know what arimidex is u shouldnt even be considering peptides g

arimidex is anastrozole and aromasin is a diff AI

arimidex is way more potent

u should be taking 0.5mg eod (every other day) im not fucking with u bro just hop on test g
bruv arimidex fucks ur bones, and has a shitty e2 rebound aromasin doesnt and fucking with test or estrogen unnatty is retarded at 14
holy shit bro fuck that u need estrogen for normal function the fuck are you on about respectfuly
if ur gonna cycle test just do test and hgh bro thats really good for height and pubertymaxx dont listen to copecels who say to take mk677 u will end up a sad fat basTARD if ur gonna take mk u better pair it with a test base

always use a test base bro

i respect u abstaining but dont listen to those high inhib copecels
bruv arimidex fucks ur bones, and has a shitty e2 rebound aromasin doesnt and fucking with test or estrogen unnatty is retarded at 14
fuckign with ur growth hormone is also retarded at 14 but whats stopping u? if u think ur so smart then dont do anything u fucking tard bro stop listening to those pussy ass niggas who tell u to do stuff natty bro
if ur gonna cycle test just do test and hgh bro thats really good for height and pubertymaxx dont listen to copecels who say to take mk677 u will end up a sad fat basTARD if ur gonna take mk u better pair it with a test base

always use a test base bro

i respect u abstaining but dont listen to those high inhib copecels

if ur gonna cycle test just do test and hgh bro thats really good for height and pubertymaxx dont listen to copecels who say to take mk677 u will end up a sad fat basTARD if ur gonna take mk u better pair it with a test base

always use a test base bro

i respect u abstaining but dont listen to those high inhib copecels
bruv @1xc6 is not coper also mk is shit, and ur coping with arimidex
fuckign with ur growth hormone is also retarded at 14 but whats stopping u? if u think ur so smart then dont do anything u fucking tard bro stop listening to those pussy ass niggas who tell u to do stuff natty bro
nah id tell u my cycle but ive been told not to as faggoty as it sounds and peptides dont fuck u like test and AIs do but i get where ur coming from g

bruv @1xc6 is not coper also mk is shit, and ur coping with arimidex
im not trytna take so many fucking tablets of aromasin im taking arimidex cus that is what is readily available to me

take hgh and test base bro stop calling in ur reinforcements LOL

this highiqcel is a highinhibcel as well then

if ur gonna pin hgh ur also fucking up ur natty igf1 production g whats wrong with nuking natty test productiuon to have elevated test levels as well then?
nah id tell u my cycle but ive been told not to as faggoty as it sounds and peptides dont fuck u like test and AIs do but i get where ur coming from g
just tell me bro trust me low dose test wont kill u g
im not trytna take so many fucking tablets of aromasin im taking arimidex cus that is what is readily available to me

take hgh and test base bro stop calling in ur reinforcements LOL

this highiqcel is a highinhibcel as well then

if ur gonna pin hgh ur also fucking up ur natty igf1 production g whats wrong with nuking natty test productiuon to have elevated test levels as well then?
g i aint doing hgh just fucking around with peptides
just tell me bro trust me low dose test wont kill u g
listen if i pin test then ive got to do it for the rest of my life idont got the money nigga im 14, peptides idont need to continue after a cycle
listen if i pin test then ive got to do it for the rest of my life idont got the money nigga im 14, peptides idont need to continue after a cycle
im 15 and i can cruise bro test is super cheapbro for a bottle its like 40 usd
oh my ur so retarted u just joined this forum. of course everyone fucking knows what cjc and ipam is you retard, but most ppl just use hgh. oh god i cant with kids like u + ur extra retarted for asking if gymming stunts growth :lul:
nigga you have no right calling anyone grey lmao

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