heightmaxing stack. closedplatecels GTFIH



Get big or die tryin. No pain, No gain.
May 25, 2020
What we need:
1. Methilation

Strike_poseidon's stack (the best one so far):

(Tablets) - is widely used in the alternative medicine field and by people looking for a natural way to relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation and boost immunity. 1000mg - Doctor's Best, Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM with OptiMSM, 360 Veggie Capsules
Item Price: $35.76

Glucosamine & chondroitin (Tablets) - Glucosamine and chondroitin are structural components of cartilage, the tissue that cushions the joints. Both are produced naturally in the body. They are also available as dietary supplements. 1500mg for Glucosamine /// 1200mg for chondroitin

SAM - E (enteric tabs only) - For methylation. There have been also studies showing that it redistributes mercury in the brain but there's nothing much to worry about since i'm gonna be making thread regarding heavy metal poisoning and how to detoxify yourself. Take 2 grams -
Doctor's Best, SAM-e, 200 mg, 60 Enteric Coated Tablets
Item Price: $23.84 (so $1480 yearly, 10 tablets a day)

✅ Another source (400mg // 120 tabs // Australian $98) ... Now do your own research on yearly basis cost, i'm lazy)

Xcrunner has tried on 2 of his clients in his trials(ages 15 and 17), although they had inactive plates to begin with. He Gave them 2g of sam-e enteric coated tablet form plus about 500-800mcg folic acid and pure puerarin (basically weakened form of hexarelin)..today they are now both 21 and the 17 year old is now 23. The 23 year old is 6ft 3 and still growing!, he still has the same amount of facial hair since he was 17 and no hair on his legs still His plates never became inactive as a result, and the crazy thing is, his mum is 5ft 3 and dad 5ft 6. This suggests that increasing DNA methylation will make the body continue growing as it never gets physically older to realise it's time to stop increasing proliferation so fast, so this could be a way to physical anti-aging for puberty heightmaxxing

SAM-E and MSM in some of his trials were able to make the inactive plate people grow, why? Because of articular cartilage. Inactive growth plate means they can't grow anymore unless the pubertal hormone and protein environment is made again, this can be done with the chemicals. Anyway high dose sam-e before growth plate closure is better than after, i don't know how long it'll last but take it folinic acid, folic acid and SAM-E your plates will remain open almost forever

(Relaxin) - relaxin can give some height increase, however I think SAM-e method, even though it takes much longer to reactivate and once it does finally reactivate, chondrogenesis is seriously limited as most of cartilage is ossified so it an only rely on hyaline cartilage, anyway better than relaxin in general, nice find tho!

Folic acid (tablets) - For methylation. 800ug - Now Foods, Folic Acid, 800 mcg, 250 Tablets
Item Price: $5.06 ($11 yearly (and you are left with more))

Folinic acid (tablets) - For methylation. 800ug - Source Naturals, MegaFolinic, 120 Tablets
Item Price: $10.64 ($32 yearly)

(L-5-MTHF) - You can use it as an replacement for folic and folinic acid
(methylfolate) - You can use it as an replacement for folic

Glucosamine sulphate (Tablets) - Regular supplementation with glucosamine sulfate has shown to have a small to moderate effect by slowing the rate of joint cartilage degeneration if taken regularly for three years, might help you grow 3cm after plates close... 1500mg

Ecodysterone (Tablets) -

Si-Wu-tang extract (tablets) - Activates pi3k for bone formation...

Curcumin (Tablets) - 1000mg

Meclizine (Tablets) - Induces growth through some unrelated pathway, redistributes mercury (which can cause autism btw).. Take it on your own risk, but stay tuned cause i'll upload a thread on how to get rid out of heavy metals from your body, so i will confidently use meclizine. 400mg

BMP () - I have figured out how BMP can revert inactive growth plate back into MSC. $54.99

Hexarelin (injections) -

Resveratrol (Tablets) - 400mg

Rosuvastatin (Tablets) -

Doxycycline (Tablets) -

Astragalus (Tablets) - 1400mg


(Injections) - In other words, you'll grow, vertically and horizontally... This is why children grow rapidly during puberty. Factors that are known to cause variation in the levels of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-1 in the circulation include insulin levels, genetic make-up, the time of day, age, sex, exercise status, stress levels, nutrition level and body mass index, disease state, ethnicity, and estrogen status. https://austeroids.is/product/igf-1-lr3-1mg-vial-peptide/

I'm not going to be citing studies for IGF-1, as GH and IGF-1 fall in the same category, the GH/IGF-1 axis is what influences growth.


Combine IGF-1 LR3 with heightmaxing stack, 100mcg daily would last you 100 days, it would cost $1400 yearly, maybe with all the shipping. Costing varies from source to source obviously, but it'd cost a shit tonne due to IGF1 Lr3 being hard to manufacture.

* IGF-1 DES (Injections) - the polypeptides IGF-LR3 and IGF-DES have a low affinity to bind to the IGFBP's, meaning they are up to 3x more potent than regular endogenous IGF-1. IGF-1LR3 also happens to have a half-life of up to 30 hours. IGF-DES is even more potent than LR3, the only downside is that it has a 30-minute half-life before it is metabolized by the body, DES also happens to be more localized, so we are going to opt for LR3 in this method as it is more systemic than DES. The combination of HGH and exogenous IGF-1 will guarantee growth. (if your plates are open of course). 50mcg daily

Levothyroxine (Tablets) - Upregulating thyroid function, might increase IGF-1 through taking it... 50mcg

T3 (Liothyronine) 25MCG X 100 Tablets [Core Anabolics] – Buy Steroids Within Australia


Delta sleep inducing peptide (Nasal spray) - Used for sleeping purposes. DSIP also blocks the release of somatostatin. Somatostatins role is to lower growth hormone, so by blocking the release of this hormone, we are preventing our blood serum level of GH dropping.

Eat more protein - Protein intake increases IGF-1 levels in humans, independent of total calorie consumption. You can consider supplementing it. Glucose is needed for IGF-1 conversion.

Use an AI - Depending on your bodyfat levels, aromatasing ability, exogenous exposure to estrogen... Decide whether you need an mild AI, or stronger AI, do the bloodwork before taking it, and then take it accordingly so you don't crash your estrogen levels. YOU'LL NEED AI IF YOU HOP ON HGH !

* Letrozole is easy to source, pharma-grade can be costly though. Generic is less costly, even better, you could buy pure letrozole powder and if you have a scale you could save a shit tonne of money. 100g of straight letrozole powder costs around $80, which could last you 106 years if you dosed it every single day at 2.5mg. I've got sources so pm me if you're interested.

teens who used the letrozole had an age of 17.4 but had bone age of 15.3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27710241 they took it for 24-36 months.

GH rapidly aged the bone, whereas GH and AI didn't. AI's seriously make a difference.

DHT-max -
Basically injecting testosterone with high androgen derivates, or you can naturally DHTmax. Follow my guide to know what i'm talking about.

Is there a way to avoid insulin resistance while on sarms/hgh?
- Use metformin

Is usage of hgh dangerous?
- No, exogenous usage of growth hormone will never create a negative feedback loop, it doesn't affect the hypothalamus/pituitary axis the way that exogenous usage of testosterone does.

But your body can get the protein off from glucose, right?
- yeah but it's not the bodies prefered usage.

how peptides can affect your insulin sensitivity
- https://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/50/8/1891
just eat a good diet, exercise and fucking sleep well, dont stress out too much, eat healthy foods especially during this time and you won't have a problem with insulin sensitivity

Is MK-677 legit
- MK677 alone is weak and should be used in conjunction with a GHRH analog or 'receptor agonist', as MK677 has a longer half-life than most Growth hormone-secretagogue-receptor agonists using it with CJC-1295 (DAC) would work well for keeping serum GH elevated. I don't recommend MK677 at all as it interferes with the insulin/GH/IGF-1 axis, it will cause insulin resistance over time, and eventually diabetes if abused.

But where are the RESULTS ???
- Results have not been shown with HGH/peptides , AI AND igf-1 lr3 because noone in this forum has ever done a stack like that (or maybe they have but they ain't telling us) nevertheless there are results from compromised versions i forgot which thread it was on tho...

The GH and AI treatment actually slowed down bone age more than actual AI itself how is that possible ?
- well high amounts of GH cause temporary hypogonadism. Could be it.

PubMed Central, Figure 4.: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Dec; 101(12): 4984–4993. Published online 2016 Oct 6. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-2891

How to measure bone age, did i stopped growing?
- http://growingupboys.info/Calculators/TannerStage.htm

Will this give me acromeghalia?
- Acromeghalia is a chad trait. Also, acromeghaly isn't just due to super high HGH levels, and IGF-1, yes they are quite important but it's mainly due to HGH and DNA hypermethylation .

Special thanks to strike Poseidon and Ethan Asia
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama, pneumocystosis, Ultravisionary Bism and 9 others
Amazing and
It was informative,
So much so that I will
Most probably will hop on this stack asap
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Kirby7000, schizo echochamber, berlin.1969 and 20 others
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2506, bossman, Greecgawd and 1 other person
If I get results from hard mewing does that means my plates haven't fused yet? My dad had a growth spurt when he was 21. Currently 19 and 5'11.
  • JFL
Reactions: Need2Ascend, Mongrelcel, RoundHouse and 1 other person
Amazing and
It was informative,
So much so that I will
Most probably will hop on this stack asap
some nigga posted an actually decent stack and you are acting like a castrated nigger. go be grateful and suck his cock
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14854, Sanguinius, Fosty and 2 others
Grew 1 inch from 1-2 months of this stack so far
How old?
And I can claim I grew an inch in a month as well , would you believe me? I doubt. You need to have proof
Op is anti vax retard ignore
  • Love it
Reactions: TechnoBoss
some nigga posted an actually decent stack and you are acting like a castrated nigger. go be grateful and suck his cock
Shut your pathetic mouth greycel. Manipulating your hormones based on the autistic ramblings of a basement dwelling teenager who thinks he knows shit about endocrinology is irretrievably stupid.
  • +1
Reactions: Mongrelcel
Shut your pathetic mouth greycel. Manipulating your hormones based on the autistic ramblings of a basement dwelling teenager who thinks he knows shit about endocrinology is irretrievably stupid.
Afterall it's your body, your choice. Nobody is forcing.

  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mafiaboy, TakaTeo, AsGoodAsItGets and 4 others
Shut your pathetic mouth greycel. Manipulating your hormones based on the autistic ramblings of a basement dwelling teenager who thinks he knows shit about endocrinology is irretrievably stupid.
ok continue rotting
ok continue rotting
continue following teenager incels for hormone advice, who knows? You might just ascend to gigachad.
  • JFL
Reactions: The Bleach Pill and Mongrelcel
Holy shit, this is lifefuel for 20 year old me
keep crying for me as i ascend my hormones and tower over you, you gaslighting dirty little subhuman. jay akash is a fucking legend

mewing pushes ur skull forward and makes u grow taller
rage retard
  • JFL
Reactions: The Bleach Pill
OP could you please further explain this part?
Anyway high dose sam-e before growth plate closure is better than after, i don't know how long it'll last but take it folinic acid, folic acid and SAM-E your plates will remain open almost forever
Because to me your post splits into three parts:
1) opening growth plates
2) increasing growth hormone and IGDF1
3) decreasing/dealing with side effects from chemicals used to make 1 & 2 happen

So if one were to take actual HGH, then much of the guide would become irrelevant, just the parts about insulin and others.

But the single most important thing, opening growth plates, and you barely talk about it. Could you elaborate further on that?
If I get results from hard mewing does that means my plates haven't fused yet? My dad had a growth spurt when he was 21. Currently 19 and 5'11.
Your growth plates have nothing to do with your skull sutures
  • +1
Reactions: Copemaxxing
Too much work with possible side Effects just to grow 1 inch?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1973 and The Bleach Pill
link my thread atleast bro ive grown almost 3cm noe this is legit
  • +1
Reactions: Copemaxxing
Where can I get DSIP nasal spray? And is it as effective as sub q injections?
it is cope, proven cope. heightmaxxing has moved on past this autism
faggot some of those responses were talking about clavicle plates did u even read the thread?
hola estoy muy feliz, crecí 1.5 pulgadas en 6 meses comencé a los 17 años actualmente tengo 18 años recientemente, no me guié de este montón específicamente de hecho lo acabo de conocer, publicaré mi progreso en unos días, me siento muy feliz de estar logrando mi objetivo:no::no::Chad::Chad::Chad::Chad::Chad:
hola estoy muy feliz, crecí 1.5 pulgadas en 6 meses comencé a los 17 años actualmente tengo 18 años recientemente, no me guié de este montón específicamente de hecho lo acabo de conocer, publicaré mi progreso en unos días, me siento muy feliz de estar logrando mi objetivo:no::no::Chad::Chad::Chad::Chad::Chad:
Can you help me with heightmaxxing? Ive been taking mk 677 and arginine since about two weeks but i dont feel any change. What was your stack to grow 1.5 inches?
What we need:
1. Methilation


Strike_poseidon's stack (the best one so far):

(Tablets) - is widely used in the alternative medicine field and by people looking for a natural way to relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation and boost immunity. 1000mg - Doctor's Best, Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM with OptiMSM, 360 Veggie Capsules
Item Price: $35.76

Glucosamine & chondroitin (Tablets) - Glucosamine and chondroitin are structural components of cartilage, the tissue that cushions the joints. Both are produced naturally in the body. They are also available as dietary supplements. 1500mg for Glucosamine /// 1200mg for chondroitin

SAM - E (enteric tabs only) - For methylation. There have been also studies showing that it redistributes mercury in the brain but there's nothing much to worry about since i'm gonna be making thread regarding heavy metal poisoning and how to detoxify yourself. Take 2 grams -
Doctor's Best, SAM-e, 200 mg, 60 Enteric Coated Tablets
Item Price: $23.84 (so $1480 yearly, 10 tablets a day)

✅ Another source (400mg // 120 tabs // Australian $98) ... Now do your own research on yearly basis cost, i'm lazy)

Xcrunner has tried on 2 of his clients in his trials(ages 15 and 17), although they had inactive plates to begin with. He Gave them 2g of sam-e enteric coated tablet form plus about 500-800mcg folic acid and pure puerarin (basically weakened form of hexarelin)..today they are now both 21 and the 17 year old is now 23. The 23 year old is 6ft 3 and still growing!, he still has the same amount of facial hair since he was 17 and no hair on his legs still His plates never became inactive as a result, and the crazy thing is, his mum is 5ft 3 and dad 5ft 6. This suggests that increasing DNA methylation will make the body continue growing as it never gets physically older to realise it's time to stop increasing proliferation so fast, so this could be a way to physical anti-aging for puberty heightmaxxing

SAM-E and MSM in some of his trials were able to make the inactive plate people grow, why? Because of articular cartilage. Inactive growth plate means they can't grow anymore unless the pubertal hormone and protein environment is made again, this can be done with the chemicals. Anyway high dose sam-e before growth plate closure is better than after, i don't know how long it'll last but take it folinic acid, folic acid and SAM-E your plates will remain open almost forever

(Relaxin) - relaxin can give some height increase, however I think SAM-e method, even though it takes much longer to reactivate and once it does finally reactivate, chondrogenesis is seriously limited as most of cartilage is ossified so it an only rely on hyaline cartilage, anyway better than relaxin in general, nice find tho!

Folic acid (tablets) - For methylation. 800ug - Now Foods, Folic Acid, 800 mcg, 250 Tablets
Item Price: $5.06 ($11 yearly (and you are left with more))

Folinic acid (tablets) - For methylation. 800ug - Source Naturals, MegaFolinic, 120 Tablets
Item Price: $10.64 ($32 yearly)

(L-5-MTHF) - You can use it as an replacement for folic and folinic acid
(methylfolate) - You can use it as an replacement for folic

Glucosamine sulphate (Tablets) - Regular supplementation with glucosamine sulfate has shown to have a small to moderate effect by slowing the rate of joint cartilage degeneration if taken regularly for three years, might help you grow 3cm after plates close... 1500mg

Ecodysterone (Tablets) -

Si-Wu-tang extract (tablets) - Activates pi3k for bone formation...

Curcumin (Tablets) - 1000mg

Meclizine (Tablets) - Induces growth through some unrelated pathway, redistributes mercury (which can cause autism btw).. Take it on your own risk, but stay tuned cause i'll upload a thread on how to get rid out of heavy metals from your body, so i will confidently use meclizine. 400mg

BMP () - I have figured out how BMP can revert inactive growth plate back into MSC. $54.99

Hexarelin (injections) -

Resveratrol (Tablets) - 400mg

Rosuvastatin (Tablets) -

Doxycycline (Tablets) -

Astragalus (Tablets) - 1400mg


(Injections) - In other words, you'll grow, vertically and horizontally... This is why children grow rapidly during puberty. Factors that are known to cause variation in the levels of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-1 in the circulation include insulin levels, genetic make-up, the time of day, age, sex, exercise status, stress levels, nutrition level and body mass index, disease state, ethnicity, and estrogen status. https://austeroids.is/product/igf-1-lr3-1mg-vial-peptide/

I'm not going to be citing studies for IGF-1, as GH and IGF-1 fall in the same category, the GH/IGF-1 axis is what influences growth.


Combine IGF-1 LR3 with heightmaxing stack, 100mcg daily would last you 100 days, it would cost $1400 yearly, maybe with all the shipping. Costing varies from source to source obviously, but it'd cost a shit tonne due to IGF1 Lr3 being hard to manufacture.

* IGF-1 DES (Injections) - the polypeptides IGF-LR3 and IGF-DES have a low affinity to bind to the IGFBP's, meaning they are up to 3x more potent than regular endogenous IGF-1. IGF-1LR3 also happens to have a half-life of up to 30 hours. IGF-DES is even more potent than LR3, the only downside is that it has a 30-minute half-life before it is metabolized by the body, DES also happens to be more localized, so we are going to opt for LR3 in this method as it is more systemic than DES. The combination of HGH and exogenous IGF-1 will guarantee growth. (if your plates are open of course). 50mcg daily

Levothyroxine (Tablets) - Upregulating thyroid function, might increase IGF-1 through taking it... 50mcg

T3 (Liothyronine) 25MCG X 100 Tablets [Core Anabolics] – Buy Steroids Within Australia


Delta sleep inducing peptide (Nasal spray) - Used for sleeping purposes. DSIP also blocks the release of somatostatin. Somatostatins role is to lower growth hormone, so by blocking the release of this hormone, we are preventing our blood serum level of GH dropping.

Eat more protein - Protein intake increases IGF-1 levels in humans, independent of total calorie consumption. You can consider supplementing it. Glucose is needed for IGF-1 conversion.

Use an AI - Depending on your bodyfat levels, aromatasing ability, exogenous exposure to estrogen... Decide whether you need an mild AI, or stronger AI, do the bloodwork before taking it, and then take it accordingly so you don't crash your estrogen levels. YOU'LL NEED AI IF YOU HOP ON HGH !

* Letrozole is easy to source, pharma-grade can be costly though. Generic is less costly, even better, you could buy pure letrozole powder and if you have a scale you could save a shit tonne of money. 100g of straight letrozole powder costs around $80, which could last you 106 years if you dosed it every single day at 2.5mg. I've got sources so pm me if you're interested.

teens who used the letrozole had an age of 17.4 but had bone age of 15.3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27710241 they took it for 24-36 months.

GH rapidly aged the bone, whereas GH and AI didn't. AI's seriously make a difference.

DHT-max -
Basically injecting testosterone with high androgen derivates, or you can naturally DHTmax. Follow my guide to know what i'm talking about.

Is there a way to avoid insulin resistance while on sarms/hgh?
- Use metformin

Is usage of hgh dangerous?
- No, exogenous usage of growth hormone will never create a negative feedback loop, it doesn't affect the hypothalamus/pituitary axis the way that exogenous usage of testosterone does.

But your body can get the protein off from glucose, right?
- yeah but it's not the bodies prefered usage.

how peptides can affect your insulin sensitivity
- https://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/50/8/1891
just eat a good diet, exercise and fucking sleep well, dont stress out too much, eat healthy foods especially during this time and you won't have a problem with insulin sensitivity

Is MK-677 legit
- MK677 alone is weak and should be used in conjunction with a GHRH analog or 'receptor agonist', as MK677 has a longer half-life than most Growth hormone-secretagogue-receptor agonists using it with CJC-1295 (DAC) would work well for keeping serum GH elevated. I don't recommend MK677 at all as it interferes with the insulin/GH/IGF-1 axis, it will cause insulin resistance over time, and eventually diabetes if abused.

But where are the RESULTS ???
- Results have not been shown with HGH/peptides , AI AND igf-1 lr3 because noone in this forum has ever done a stack like that (or maybe they have but they ain't telling us) nevertheless there are results from compromised versions i forgot which thread it was on tho...

The GH and AI treatment actually slowed down bone age more than actual AI itself how is that possible ?
- well high amounts of GH cause temporary hypogonadism. Could be it.

PubMed Central, Figure 4.: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Dec; 101(12): 4984–4993. Published online 2016 Oct 6. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-2891

How to measure bone age, did i stopped growing?
- http://growingupboys.info/Calculators/TannerStage.htm

Will this give me acromeghalia?
- Acromeghalia is a chad trait. Also, acromeghaly isn't just due to super high HGH levels, and IGF-1, yes they are quite important but it's mainly due to HGH and DNA hypermethylation .

Special thanks to strike Poseidon and Ethan Asia
nigga gh or it’s over i’m sorry
What we need:
1. Methilation


Strike_poseidon's stack (the best one so far):

(Tablets) - is widely used in the alternative medicine field and by people looking for a natural way to relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation and boost immunity. 1000mg - Doctor's Best, Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM with OptiMSM, 360 Veggie Capsules
Item Price: $35.76

Glucosamine & chondroitin (Tablets) - Glucosamine and chondroitin are structural components of cartilage, the tissue that cushions the joints. Both are produced naturally in the body. They are also available as dietary supplements. 1500mg for Glucosamine /// 1200mg for chondroitin

SAM - E (enteric tabs only) - For methylation. There have been also studies showing that it redistributes mercury in the brain but there's nothing much to worry about since i'm gonna be making thread regarding heavy metal poisoning and how to detoxify yourself. Take 2 grams -
Doctor's Best, SAM-e, 200 mg, 60 Enteric Coated Tablets
Item Price: $23.84 (so $1480 yearly, 10 tablets a day)

✅ Another source (400mg // 120 tabs // Australian $98) ... Now do your own research on yearly basis cost, i'm lazy)

Xcrunner has tried on 2 of his clients in his trials(ages 15 and 17), although they had inactive plates to begin with. He Gave them 2g of sam-e enteric coated tablet form plus about 500-800mcg folic acid and pure puerarin (basically weakened form of hexarelin)..today they are now both 21 and the 17 year old is now 23. The 23 year old is 6ft 3 and still growing!, he still has the same amount of facial hair since he was 17 and no hair on his legs still His plates never became inactive as a result, and the crazy thing is, his mum is 5ft 3 and dad 5ft 6. This suggests that increasing DNA methylation will make the body continue growing as it never gets physically older to realise it's time to stop increasing proliferation so fast, so this could be a way to physical anti-aging for puberty heightmaxxing

SAM-E and MSM in some of his trials were able to make the inactive plate people grow, why? Because of articular cartilage. Inactive growth plate means they can't grow anymore unless the pubertal hormone and protein environment is made again, this can be done with the chemicals. Anyway high dose sam-e before growth plate closure is better than after, i don't know how long it'll last but take it folinic acid, folic acid and SAM-E your plates will remain open almost forever

(Relaxin) - relaxin can give some height increase, however I think SAM-e method, even though it takes much longer to reactivate and once it does finally reactivate, chondrogenesis is seriously limited as most of cartilage is ossified so it an only rely on hyaline cartilage, anyway better than relaxin in general, nice find tho!

Folic acid (tablets) - For methylation. 800ug - Now Foods, Folic Acid, 800 mcg, 250 Tablets
Item Price: $5.06 ($11 yearly (and you are left with more))

Folinic acid (tablets) - For methylation. 800ug - Source Naturals, MegaFolinic, 120 Tablets
Item Price: $10.64 ($32 yearly)

(L-5-MTHF) - You can use it as an replacement for folic and folinic acid
(methylfolate) - You can use it as an replacement for folic

Glucosamine sulphate (Tablets) - Regular supplementation with glucosamine sulfate has shown to have a small to moderate effect by slowing the rate of joint cartilage degeneration if taken regularly for three years, might help you grow 3cm after plates close... 1500mg

Ecodysterone (Tablets) -

Si-Wu-tang extract (tablets) - Activates pi3k for bone formation...

Curcumin (Tablets) - 1000mg

Meclizine (Tablets) - Induces growth through some unrelated pathway, redistributes mercury (which can cause autism btw).. Take it on your own risk, but stay tuned cause i'll upload a thread on how to get rid out of heavy metals from your body, so i will confidently use meclizine. 400mg

BMP () - I have figured out how BMP can revert inactive growth plate back into MSC. $54.99

Hexarelin (injections) -

Resveratrol (Tablets) - 400mg

Rosuvastatin (Tablets) -

Doxycycline (Tablets) -

Astragalus (Tablets) - 1400mg


(Injections) - In other words, you'll grow, vertically and horizontally... This is why children grow rapidly during puberty. Factors that are known to cause variation in the levels of growth hormone (GH) and IGF-1 in the circulation include insulin levels, genetic make-up, the time of day, age, sex, exercise status, stress levels, nutrition level and body mass index, disease state, ethnicity, and estrogen status. https://austeroids.is/product/igf-1-lr3-1mg-vial-peptide/

I'm not going to be citing studies for IGF-1, as GH and IGF-1 fall in the same category, the GH/IGF-1 axis is what influences growth.


Combine IGF-1 LR3 with heightmaxing stack, 100mcg daily would last you 100 days, it would cost $1400 yearly, maybe with all the shipping. Costing varies from source to source obviously, but it'd cost a shit tonne due to IGF1 Lr3 being hard to manufacture.

* IGF-1 DES (Injections) - the polypeptides IGF-LR3 and IGF-DES have a low affinity to bind to the IGFBP's, meaning they are up to 3x more potent than regular endogenous IGF-1. IGF-1LR3 also happens to have a half-life of up to 30 hours. IGF-DES is even more potent than LR3, the only downside is that it has a 30-minute half-life before it is metabolized by the body, DES also happens to be more localized, so we are going to opt for LR3 in this method as it is more systemic than DES. The combination of HGH and exogenous IGF-1 will guarantee growth. (if your plates are open of course). 50mcg daily

Levothyroxine (Tablets) - Upregulating thyroid function, might increase IGF-1 through taking it... 50mcg

T3 (Liothyronine) 25MCG X 100 Tablets [Core Anabolics] – Buy Steroids Within Australia


Delta sleep inducing peptide (Nasal spray) - Used for sleeping purposes. DSIP also blocks the release of somatostatin. Somatostatins role is to lower growth hormone, so by blocking the release of this hormone, we are preventing our blood serum level of GH dropping.

Eat more protein - Protein intake increases IGF-1 levels in humans, independent of total calorie consumption. You can consider supplementing it. Glucose is needed for IGF-1 conversion.

Use an AI - Depending on your bodyfat levels, aromatasing ability, exogenous exposure to estrogen... Decide whether you need an mild AI, or stronger AI, do the bloodwork before taking it, and then take it accordingly so you don't crash your estrogen levels. YOU'LL NEED AI IF YOU HOP ON HGH !

* Letrozole is easy to source, pharma-grade can be costly though. Generic is less costly, even better, you could buy pure letrozole powder and if you have a scale you could save a shit tonne of money. 100g of straight letrozole powder costs around $80, which could last you 106 years if you dosed it every single day at 2.5mg. I've got sources so pm me if you're interested.

teens who used the letrozole had an age of 17.4 but had bone age of 15.3: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27710241 they took it for 24-36 months.

GH rapidly aged the bone, whereas GH and AI didn't. AI's seriously make a difference.

DHT-max -
Basically injecting testosterone with high androgen derivates, or you can naturally DHTmax. Follow my guide to know what i'm talking about.

Is there a way to avoid insulin resistance while on sarms/hgh?
- Use metformin

Is usage of hgh dangerous?
- No, exogenous usage of growth hormone will never create a negative feedback loop, it doesn't affect the hypothalamus/pituitary axis the way that exogenous usage of testosterone does.

But your body can get the protein off from glucose, right?
- yeah but it's not the bodies prefered usage.

how peptides can affect your insulin sensitivity
- https://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/50/8/1891
just eat a good diet, exercise and fucking sleep well, dont stress out too much, eat healthy foods especially during this time and you won't have a problem with insulin sensitivity

Is MK-677 legit
- MK677 alone is weak and should be used in conjunction with a GHRH analog or 'receptor agonist', as MK677 has a longer half-life than most Growth hormone-secretagogue-receptor agonists using it with CJC-1295 (DAC) would work well for keeping serum GH elevated. I don't recommend MK677 at all as it interferes with the insulin/GH/IGF-1 axis, it will cause insulin resistance over time, and eventually diabetes if abused.

But where are the RESULTS ???
- Results have not been shown with HGH/peptides , AI AND igf-1 lr3 because noone in this forum has ever done a stack like that (or maybe they have but they ain't telling us) nevertheless there are results from compromised versions i forgot which thread it was on tho...

The GH and AI treatment actually slowed down bone age more than actual AI itself how is that possible ?
- well high amounts of GH cause temporary hypogonadism. Could be it.

PubMed Central, Figure 4.: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Dec; 101(12): 4984–4993. Published online 2016 Oct 6. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-2891

How to measure bone age, did i stopped growing?
- http://growingupboys.info/Calculators/TannerStage.htm

Will this give me acromeghalia?
- Acromeghalia is a chad trait. Also, acromeghaly isn't just due to super high HGH levels, and IGF-1, yes they are quite important but it's mainly due to HGH and DNA hypermethylation .

Special thanks to strike Poseidon and Ethan Asia
"Purearin (weakened form of hexarelin)"

Who are you fucking trying to grift retard? Purearin and hexarelin are two worlds apart.

Autist thread, reported for misinformation

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