Help a youngcel to have MSE



Probably more dark triad than you .
Jul 15, 2019
My parents said if the ortodontist is OK then they would be OK

I am 16but 17 soon

Note that i have difficulty to breath, i cant breath by the nose , but i have surgery in januray .

My smile , palate , lips widht are fucked up because of small palate

what i need to say to the orthodontist to have MSE !????
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im subhuman

drop him the blackpill tbh ngl
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I dont think orthodontists are here for esthetic goals.without healtg goal :/
Where do you live? And what surgery? I thought you were doing facepulling?
I have the same problems as you (one year older though). Is the surgery you're getting a septoplasty? I will try to express my problems with not being able to breathe through my nose and lack of space for wisdom teeth.
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"I can't breathe through the nose, and I have a narrow palate" is all you have to say. 1 chance in 8 your ortho knows anything about MSE (in US). Pretty much zero chance they will have heard of MSE outside of the US
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It depends where you live, you cant just get a random ortho to do it, In europe as far as I know there are only 3 mse orhos, in spain italy and france, not sure about usa but I know there is at least one in new york.
It depends where you live, you cant just get a random ortho to do it, In europe as far as I know there are only 3 mse orhos, in spain italy and france, not sure about usa but I know there is at least one in new york.

Do you know their names? In the USA there are far more. You can join the MSE practitioners Facebook group (just fill answer some question larping as an ortho) and there you’ll find plenty of docs using MSE. Since MSE is so new you find posts of doctors giving out tips or discussing patient cases to make technique breakthroughs and things like that...very interesting stuff.
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Where do you live? And what surgery? I thought you were doing facepulling?

Yes , i live in France . I willdont do both but my lips and face widht are huge failo
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You can join the MSE practitioners Facebook group (just fill answer some question larping as an ortho) and there you’ll find plenty of docs using MSE. Since MSE is so new you find posts of doctors giving out tips or discussing patient cases to make technique breakthroughs and things like that...very interesting stuff.
great idea. Can you link to that facebook group. I can not find it.
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I have the same problems as you (one year older though). Is the surgery you're getting a septoplasty? I will try to express my problems with not being able to breathe through my nose and lack of space for wisdom teeth.

I have a turbinectomie
And my wisdoms are already removed .
Yeah I’ll look for it tomorrow lol
Bro I don’t use Facebook but if you’re in the group could you drop a list of orthos in the Midwest?
Do you know their names? In the USA there are far more. You can join the MSE practitioners Facebook group (just fill answer some question larping as an ortho) and there you’ll find plenty of docs using MSE. Since MSE is so new you find posts of doctors giving out tips or discussing patient cases to make technique breakthroughs and things like that...very interesting stuff.
I lost email Won Moon send me so you would have to email him or something, but the one who does it in paris is
Dr Fillion from here

If anyone here is a richcel from Europe or lives in Paris you can fly to him for a consultation
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Bro I don’t use Facebook but if you’re in the group could you drop a list of orthos in the Midwest?
I honestly don’t want to go through the effort of trying to look up the name of each surgeon in the group and then look up their clinic. I’ll post the link to the fb group later if you’d like to do so and see which Midwest orthos are in the group.

Maybe one day I’ll do so and make a thread with a list of all the orthos organized by location.
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I honestly don’t want to go through the effort of trying to look up the name of each surgeon in the group and then look up their clinic. I’ll post the link to the fb group later if you’d like to do so and see which Midwest orthos are in the group.

Maybe one day I’ll do so and make a thread with a list of all the orthos organized by location.
awaiting the link to the FB group
I lost email Won Moon send me so you would have to email him or something, but the one who does it in paris is
Dr Fillion from here

If anyone here is a richcel from Europe or lives in Paris you can fly to him for a consultation
Did Won Moon suggest we do facepulling with MSE attached? I remember him saying something like that
you need growth hormone if you are 16
you need growth hormone if you are 16

2k per month.yes.
Wait @PubertyMaxxer , didnt you live in paris ? Do you finded any mse surgeon or hyrax in french
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awaiting the link to the FB group
Thanks for reminding me. I’ve been doing a lot these last few days Christmas parties and gift buying but I’ll try to post it today
Did Won Moon suggest we do facepulling with MSE attached? I remember him saying something like that

Ive never asked for his personal opinion on whether he thinks it would protract the maxilla on someone my age range; but I did ask his former colleague who authored plenty of MSE articles with him and he said unlikely but that if I were a bit younger (maybe 16) he’d try it.

TBH though if @varbrah got 3-4 mm of protraction and he’s closer to my age, I’m still going to try it
This is a facebook group of doctors who use MSE: . I can't join bc my profile makes it very obvious that I'm a high school student but if someone is able to, it should show the locations of a ton of practitioners.
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I changed my fake profile to say I am a Dentist. Status Pending.

Can you tell me if somes are located in France , near or in Paris.brocolo ?
It depends where you live, you cant just get a random ortho to do it, In europe as far as I know there are only 3 mse orhos, in spain italy and france, not sure about usa but I know there is at least one in new york.
there is one in Munich

TBH. I am really bad at navigating Facebook. I will try to locate provider info.

If you go to the members section of the group, you'll be able to see all of the MSE practitioners and their location on their profile (given that most of them aren't larping like us).
Yeah that’s the one.

They’ll approve anyone that doesn’t make it obvious they’re frauding.
Yeah that’s the one.

They’ll approve anyone that doesn’t make it obvious they’re frauding.

But also jfl at frauding in this kind of group . No one think about guys frauding this kind of shit
But also jfl at frauding in this kind of group . No one think about guys frauding this kind of shit
Yeah I mean I’ve never posted anything in the group if you ever posted something that could give away you’re not a real ortho then they might make the approval process difficult. So don’t ever make posts on it lol
Can you tell me if somes are located in France , near or in Paris.brocolo ?
No. There is a members list, but there is no way to search the list (that I know of). There are 2000 members. Based upon my reading of the site, less than 100 of those are doctors that use MSE, and half of the doctors that use MSE do not say where they live on their facebook page. I have clicked on about 20 doctors that are contributors to the site, out of those the only one close to France that was Itamar Friedlander in Barcelona, most from US, 1 in Aruba, 1 in Saudia Arabia, 1 Korea, 1 Hong Kong. It is too laborious to click on more.
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So far this is what I learned from the group: 2,000 members but probably less than

No. There is a members list, but there is no way to search the list (that I know of). There are 2000 members. Based upon my reading of the site, less than 100 of those are doctors that use MSE, and half of the doctors that use MSE do not say where they live on their facebook page. I have clicked on about 20 doctors that are contributors to the site, out of those the only one close to France that was Itamar Friedlander in Barcelona, most from US, 1 in Aruba, 1 in Saudia Arabia, 1 Korea, 1 Hong Kong. It is too laborious to click on more.
Exactly why I really didn’t feel like making a High effort thread with all the practitioners list. You could technically google the names of the doctors to try to find their clinics and locations. But like I said it’s too much work for me to really be interested in.
does won moon does mse or is he just a researcher? I live in LA close to UCLA, i can get mse from him and report back to you guys
If you live in LA area you’re blessed. He no longer takes private patients but he guides his students who do so at UCLA.

Or you can go to Dr. Macginnis ortho clinic. He was one of Won Moons main partners in pioneering MSE. And when Won Moon used to see private patients it was as a partner at Macginnis ortho. Ironically based on my experience with Macginnis he seemed way more blue pulled on the idea of MSE and facepulling. For my underbite he recommended MSE and a kind of protocol that would pull my top teeth back, deeper into my maxilla. JFL

The best option other than Won Moons students guided by him, is about 60-90 mins away from LA.
His name is Dr. Ting. He’s probably the most active user on the MSE practitioner forum and is constantly teaching other ortho’s on how to optimize use of MSE. He’s likely the most knowledgeable private practitioner of MSE and advertises as much on his website. I’m personally thinking of going to him or Ronald Ead’s ortho in New York.
Here’s Ting’s link:
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@noped whats your age again?
fuarkkk you're resourceful af, i will try to get a consult with him and report back, promise
The Ortho Ead went to for AGGA or the Ortho he went to for MSE? Name?
I’m personally thinking of going to him or Ronald Ead’s ortho in New York.
Here’s Ting’s link:

I found an old video by Ead. He said that he was working with Dr. Zubad Newaz at the Gelb Center in NYC. But the Gelb center does not mention MSE or Zubad Newaz. But there is a Dr Zubad Newaz at the Orthodontics Center of NYC which Gelb apparently owns.

I can't see anywhere on the Orhodontics Center Site where it mentions MSE. But Newaz is a member of the MSE facebook group.

Is that the Doctor you are talking about?
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I found an old video by Ead. He said that he was working with Dr. Zubad Newaz at the Gelb Center in NYC. But the Gelb center does not mention MSE or Zubad Newaz. But there is a Dr Zubad Newaz at the Orthodontics Center of NYC which Gelb apparently owns.

I can't see anywhere on the Orhodontics Center Site where it mentions MSE. But Newaz is a member of the MSE facebook group.

Is that the Doctor you are talking about?

Yes. I’m considering him because Ronald said he was one of the only black pilled orthos who would be willing to do MSE + something like MSDO for mandible on a willing patient. Most MSE practitioners wouldn’t go that far, at most maybe do a hyrax expander for the bottom arch. I know of only one other who’s willing to push those boundaries, Sylvain Chamberlain, in Quebec.
Who's this cutie in your picture?
What is your surgery in January for?

If you're going to be out of commission for 3 weeks then schedule the appointment for after you heal so that you do not have to disrupt treatment for your surgery.
Pretty sure that’s Adriana Lima. Attractive Female avi’s are such a weird statusbooster. Every time OP has tagged me, for half a second I just see the female in the avatar and I feel like it’s that hottie messaging, but then reality kicks in and it’s a kid who wants to know more about MSE lmao
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Pretty sure that’s Adriana Lima. Attractive Female avi’s are such a weird statusbooster. Every time OP has tagged me, for half a second I just see the female in the avatar and I feel like it’s that hottie messaging, but then reality kicks in and it’s a kid who wants to know more about MSE lmao

She's not much my type, but she looks so good on this pic without makeup
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hey bro i was wondering whether you could enlighten me on SFOT? Is it something that should be supplemented alongside MSE

SFOT is exactly what Ead is going to do to expand his lower arch. It seems very invasive based on the little I know about it, but I’m not sure which is more invasive, SFOT or MSDO. Think of MSDO as the closest thing to an MSE for mandible...not quite the same but a form of distraction, really the only form possible in the lower arch because there is no hard floor you can drill into to have a true MSE for lower palate (the roof of the upper palate is firm and can be drilled into. The floor of the lower palate is squishy, and can’t be drilled into).

For expanding lower palate, the three best options are MSDO, SFOT, and hyrax expander. Expanding the lower can be something you may need if you do enough expansion with MSE.
Pretty sure that’s Adriana Lima. Attractive Female avi’s are such a weird statusbooster. Every time OP has tagged me, for half a second I just see the female in the avatar and I feel like it’s that hottie messaging, but then reality kicks in and it’s a kid who wants to know more about MSE lmao

The kid is probably more jacked than you brocolo !
  • JFL
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The kid is probably more jacked than you brocolo !
Stop it, I want to imagine it’s Adriana and you claiming to be jacked throws off the fantasy.
The kid is probably more jacked than you brocolo !
Stop it, I want to imagine it’s Adriana and you claiming to be jacked throws off the dream
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  • JFL
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SFOT is exactly what Ead is going to do to expand his lower arch. It seems very invasive based on the little I know about it, but I’m not sure which is more invasive, SFOT or MSDO. Think of MSDO as the closest thing to an MSE for mandible...not quite the same but a form of distraction, really the only form possible in the lower arch because there is no hard floor you can drill into to have a true MSE for lower palate (the roof of the upper palate is firm and can be drilled into. The floor of the lower palate is squishy, and can’t be drilled into).

For expanding lower palate, the three best options are MSDO, SFOT, and hyrax expander. Expanding the lower can be something you may need if you do enough expansion with MSE.

Does the expansion of the mandible need to be done at the same time as the maxillary expansions to avoid aggravating the TMJ and prevent misalignment, or can it be done one after the other?

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