[HELP BROHS]Fightmaxxing guide?


So 2 days ago my mom told me to kill myself when I told her I thought I had a health issue. She told me this when I was already late to work and feeling horrible. It made me very very sad and then a retarded nigger in his shitbox car ran a stop sign, then slowed down to 30 in front of me. I got pissed and gave him 2 middle fingers and so he slammed on the brakes, got out real quick, and was on my driver's side window bashing my fucking mirror in like 3 seconds. He tried pulling me out but luckily my Infiniti is new as shit and so it automatically locks the doors whenever I get moving and he couldn't open it.

I fucking slammed into reverse and then floored it in the grass to go around him since it was a 1 land road. He was a dumb middle age nigger with a hunting knife on his side so I didn't want to fight. I have zero fighting experience but also I was really messed up mentally from being SUPER late to work, almost running out of gas, and my mom told me to die.

If I ever get in a fight how do I not get my ass kicked. I'm a lanklet and I have a pocket knife if that helps. I have long arms.
Just carry a gun tbh

Do one of these martial arts mma, kickboxing, muay thay. These are fights that will really prepare you for a street fight
Stay away from things like kung fu, karate, jiu jitsu, they only prepare you for a type of situation, and it does not represent a real street fight.
Starting from there is just effort.
Do gymmaxing and cardio to help you.
You realzie "mma" isn't a martial art right? :feelskek:
Wrestling maxxing or boxing/mma maxxing is best idea ,in most of cases where someone have knife you will die, you should keep distance and check his stance(how he hold the knife,it matter ), and check how dangerous will attack be(always dangerous,just run or something,okay
If you really must fight d,like in last resort
This is a bit good strategy
use fakes (punchs) with quick low kicks (best way against normies) and run ,spit on him and follow it with quick sprint,grab anything and throw it then dash , front kick to balls and solar followed by extremly fast jogging, ,lets say ue try to get close ,get close and get your throst slit, if he's really open do front kick or spinning heel kick or anything that can deal damage from long distance to give you a second to tuen around and fucking run,never fight someone with knife, unless you have a gun AND YOUR FAR FROM HIM.
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You can use self defense flashlight, pepper spray, or whip(best idea) or knife (may go wrong in court), trust me running is best idea, if you did any mistake and fell crack heads will head kick you, murder you and decapitate you, they will cut your balls and put them ij you're eye socket, just fucking run, it's not worth it
Is Muay Thai good for beating up normies in the street? Also what's the most effective fighting style for badly injuring someone?
Muay thai is really good, most of people will start crying after first low kick.
There isn't, it's mostly about how to use techniques, but i think judo,getting thrown to concrete hurt.

Krav Maga is bullshit. A 10 week program for new IDF recruits to learn "aggressionl."

Basically an overly milked out "self-defense system" made by some greedy Jews, just learn MMA if your serious about defending yourself

Edit: OP just buy a gun you'd be stupid not to after all the riots.

Krav maga get shilled too much "muh isreally self defense for army who got tested in real battled(against 8 year olds kids who are also straving),never used by any army other than them ,the only good point they teach is how to evade putting yourself in shitty stations etc

Dide theres nothing to prove, just runawaymaxx if the guy is same weight or bigger than you. If the guy is smaller and less weight than you, then you can fight.

its not about being able to beat everyone, thats impossible. Its about picking the right fights. Notice how noone will ever provoke a head who is a head taller than them and at leat 20kg heavier. Men only provoke other men who are smaller and lighter most of the time.
Sprintmaxxing is best possible thing you can do, just be sure you have good cardio so you don't run out of breathe and get caught by crack head who will rape your corpse
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Have a pocket knife with you. Just pulling it out will make most people back off, obviously you don't wanna stab someone and end up in prison.
Also buy some sharp rings online, it's a nice accessory and it ain't illegal. That shit can break someone's facial bones if you hit right.
Spray some liquid ass into his face and kick him in the balls. The liquid ass won't affect you if you mouthbreathe, but that might hurt your jawline:feelskek:
Krav maga is fucking ass lol

Your best bet as a newbie is punches with big levarage and aggression

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