HELP: How to survive in this cuck world?



Ascend or Rope
Oct 3, 2018
I need help. I start to feel highly alienated and too distant in my conceptualized of humans and the world with the one of the culturally shared dogmatic cuck ideologies. To my knowledge, the ideal intrinsic way of living in order to have a happy life is being authentic, but I can't because I won't enter in a 16 hours long discussion explaining why people I meet have cuck views, so I can't be honest and be confident they can understand where I am coming from in what I am saying. Add to the fact that purely IQ alone I always struggled to relate with people. I must just be there and act as if I knew nothing about everything I know otherwise it would get too troublesome, therefore I can't be me. What a miserable existence caused by cuck ideologies created by modernity evolutionary mismatch; ancestral people could not have access to such vast amount of knowledge that diverged from the cultural norm. Fuck this nonsense, being an oblivious brainwashed cuck sucks, not being a cuck sucks as well tho, there is no escape to this fucked up world.

Happy New Year to all my boyos uncucking themselves towards cultural alienation!
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I need help. I start to feel highly alienated and too distant in my conceptualized of people and the world with the one of the culturally shared dogmatic cuck ideologies. To my knowledge, the ideal intrinsic way of living in order to have a happy life is being authentic, but I can't because I won't enter in a 16 hours long discussion explaining why people I meet have cuck views, so I can't be honest and be confident they can understand where I am coming from in what I am saying. Add to the fact that purely IQ alone I always struggle to relate with people. I must just be there and act as if I knew nothing about everything I know otherwise it would get too troublesome, therefore I can't be me. What a miserable existence caused by cuck ideologies created by modernity evolutionary mismatch; ancestral people could not have access to such vast amount of knowledge that diverged from the cultural norm. Fuck this nonsense, being an oblivious brainwashed cuck sucks, not being a cuck sucks as well tho, there is no escape to this fucked up world.

Happy New Year to all my boyos decucking themselves towards cultural alienation!
I feel the same way to a certain extent although I talk to my family about how society is fucked and they agree. So I guess at least I have them to discuss ideas that the rest of society is oblivious or willingly ignorant to.
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go ER
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What's the definition of cuckoldry if described in several sentences.
What's the definition of cuckoldry if described in several sentences.

Most people have been converted by feminism(mainly, a byproduct of several evo mismatches) and are disconnected from their true nature. But, I guess I mean Blue Piller with Cucks, but the Red Pillers and even Black Pillers are highly delusional to many regards about the nature of reality to me, too close-minded, lack many crucial nuances, so... But, the Blue Pillers are the most oblivious of their condition. What exacerbates my problem is that even here I struggled to relate with people because of my broad knowledge in Evolutionary Psychology, Psychotherapy and psychology in general, makes me argue all the time. I have my own unique understanding of the world, I don't fit in any like-minded group. I am not even close to being a Truecel too begin with, I just had a weird life story because of a psychosomatic illness. So yeah, I am just alienated. But isn't like it is my fault, I tried fixing my problems that were caused by my fucked up mom, but I ended understanding so many things in the process that it made me a person ideologically distant from the rest in the world. It is fucked up. Unless I am the delusional one and everyone else is normal, but I believe I have good reasons to be skeptical of that. All of this isn't normal nor what I expected my life to come to. Being aware and knowledgeable comes at a price, too much of anything has his downsides, even wisdom.
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since you know how everything works, just act dumb enough to manipulate people and get what you want and rule over them
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since you know how everything works, just act dumb enough to manipulate people and get what you want and rule over them

I am aware I may sound pretentious, but if I am indeed pretentious, I am certainly not pretentious enough in believing I know everything, far from it. The lifestyle you are suggesting doesn't seem conducing to a meaningful and joyful life tbh. I just hope I make it living off sharing my ideas, saying how everything is an evolutionary mismatch and how our existence doesn't make sense, how humanity is derailing in a bad direction, because I believe that is the truth and the truth is what I am interested in continuing further exploring.
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@Dude420 I think that is related to the reason why you decided to write a book on blackpill ideas. And that brings us to the topic of what is the knowledge and the concept of blissful ignorance which many red/bluepill adepts adhere to. What I have already understood is that there is no point in arguing with people who are not very knowledgable in the topic, cuz it is really meaningless.
There was an interesting discussion between you and @BeautifulBones where the idea of cuck gene was slided upon. It is basically about the inherent attraction of females to males who possess valuable resources. It was mentioned that such attraction is wired in genes. The cuck gene is basically an analogous idea that males are always in search of ways to compensate their inability to spark the sexual pleasure and feelings in female. Compensation is via different kind of resources men possess, even nonphysical ones such as care, information, flattery etc. Such beavious is inherent to every male I think, but dont really know why I called it a cuck gene, cuz I have no proofs of it being genetically wired. Do u know anything about it?
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I can relate. 90% of men nowadays are cucked easily. I just set up a fake account pretending to be the female whose pictures I posted on r/truerateme.

In 2 hours I got over 50 PMs, 20 of which were about dudes trying to send me money. A lot. A 33 year old cardiologist said he got off on sugardaddy'ing and offered to paypal me 650 USD PER WEEK! What. THE. FUCK!

Of course I'm not gonna scam people, but I just wanted to see if it's really true that nowadays it's 10x easier (like playing COD on recruit difficulty) to live life as a woman instead of as a man. YES, it IS! My mind is still blown from all these cuck PMs. jfc
I think you'd love to read up on the MGTOW principles. The only thing I must add is that you shouldn'T be openly MGTOW, you should just hide in the shadows. Or do whatever the fuck you want to do.
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@Dude420 I think that is related to the reason why you decided to write a book on blackpill ideas. And that brings us to the topic of what is the knowledge and the concept of blissful ignorance which many red/bluepill adepts adhere to. What I have already understood is that there is no point in arguing with people who are not very knowledgable in the topic, cuz it is really meaningless.
There was an interesting discussion between you and @BeautifulBones where the idea of cuck gene was slided upon. It is basically about the inherent attraction of females to males who possess valuable resources. It was mentioned that such attraction is wired in genes. The cuck gene is basically an analogous idea that males are always in search of ways to compensate their inability to spark the sexual pleasure and feelings in female. Compensation is via different kind of resources men possess, even nonphysical ones such as care, information, flattery etc. Such beavious is inherent to every male I think, but dont really know why I called it a cuck gene, cuz I have no proofs of it being genetically wired. Do u know anything about it?

How society came in making men a bunch of cucks is what I want to explore in the first part of my book. Again highly complex, with many components interacting with one another explaining this phenomena, which will take dozens of pages long if not hundreds depending how crazy I am which I won't share here because I don't want to spoil too many things.
Brief (all this is mostly biological, when I mean predisposition, it is biology); males who lost their provider leverage, men who lost their ability to overtly have sexual options leverage, women competing with men socioeconomically through artificial technological and institutional means, females having artificial social power, so women gaining sexual leverage, men losing their sexual leverage, benevolent sexism tendencies in male being reinforced, hostile sexism being repressed, female in-group bias, women having a predisposition to be needy and use their sexuality to extract resources from men, women perceiving being in danger for less alarming dangerous environmental cues than men and acting accordingly, women having a predisposition to complain about their condition more than men, men having a predisposition to take care of and provide to women, men being open about their feelings/condition/difficulties being unattractive to females, females continuing playing the victim to raise the state of their condition further, perpetuating the mirage of a so-called egalitarian world despite clear imbalances between the sexes ---> modern men being a cuck and thinking everything is normal.
There you go, I ended up spoiling most of the key factors creating that gynocentric cuck world for you, I never seen anyone combining all of this (and it doesn't even encapsulate everything) to explain the current state of this cuck world, I guess I will have to do it myself, because I am actually just interested in understanding this, and no one went far enough to my liking in explaining it well. As for SMV that I will explore again in similar exhaustif holistic fashion, which will follow this, and I guess it is fitting since SMV intertwines a lot with that understanding of the world.
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try nootropics
I am aware I may sound pretentious, but if I am indeed pretentious, I am certainly not pretentious enough in believing I know everything, far from it. The lifestyle you are suggesting doesn't seem conducing to a meaningful and joyful life tbh. I just hope I make it living off sharing my ideas, saying how everything is an evolutionary mismatch and how our existence doesn't make sense, how humanity is derailing in a bad direction, because I believe that is the truth and the truth is what I am interested in continuing further exploring.
yea but people don’t care about that bullshit, it’s too much for them to comprehend so they steer away in their pathetic auto pilot lives
yea but people don’t care about that bullshit, it’s too much for them to comprehend so they steer away in their pathetic auto pilot lives

Yeah, that is what I mean when I get ideologically and IQ alienated at the same time. I am willing to write an entire book to comprehend the world I am living in, but I am well aware that most won't even be interested in reading it even if it is well written. My brain is like different, I don't really comprehend how some operate, my compulsive thinking combined with my relatively unique knowledge as a basis makes me drift away into outer space in terms of alienation. I know there are other weirdos in their unique way here though, some are just autistic though. There are some incels who just love the complaining and blaming part, they aren't really getting smarter, they just use those concepts as a catalyst to express their inner rage into the world, the thing is that some aspects of their misery aren't justifiable due to their look and because of the state of this gynocentric world, like because of psychopathology inducing upbringing. There are nuggets of truths in the Black Pill which are worth comprehending in order to get wiser about the world though.
Most people have been converted by feminism(mainly, a byproduct of several evo mismatches) and are disconnected from their true nature. But, I guess I mean Blue Piller with Cucks, but the Red Pillers and even Black Pillers are highly delusional to many regards about the nature of reality to me, too close-minded, lack many crucial nuances, so... But, the Blue Pillers are the most oblivious of their condition. What exacerbates my problem is that even here I struggled to relate with people because of my broad knowledge in Evolutionary Psychology, Psychotherapy and psychology in general, makes me argue all the time. I have my own unique understanding of the world, I don't fit in any like-minded group. I am not even close to being a Truecel too begin with, I just had a weird life story because of a psychosomatic illness. So yeah, I am just alienated. But isn't like it is my fault, I tried fixing my problems that were caused by my fucked up mom, but I ended understanding so many things in the process that it made me a person ideologically distant from the rest in the world. It is fucked up. Unless I am the delusional one and everyone else is normal, but I believe I have good reasons to be skeptical of that. All of this isn't normal nor what I expected my life to come to. Being aware and knowledgeable comes at a price, too much of anything has his downsides, even wisdom.
Ignorance is bliss.:feelsbadman:
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Reactions: Dude420
go into psychology, you'd do good
I can relate. 90% of men nowadays are cucked easily. I just set up a fake account pretending to be the female whose pictures I posted on r/truerateme.

In 2 hours I got over 50 PMs, 20 of which were about dudes trying to send me money. A lot. A 33 year old cardiologist said he got off on sugardaddy'ing and offered to paypal me 650 USD PER WEEK! What. THE. FUCK!

Of course I'm not gonna scam people, but I just wanted to see if it's really true that nowadays it's 10x easier (like playing COD on recruit difficulty) to live life as a woman instead of as a man. YES, it IS! My mind is still blown from all these cuck PMs. jfc
I think you'd love to read up on the MGTOW principles. The only thing I must add is that you shouldn'T be openly MGTOW, you should just hide in the shadows. Or do whatever the fuck you want to do.
I have never gotten a single PM from a girl in my entire life.
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go into psychology, you'd do good

They have all brainwashed cucks as well serving the cucking agenda, I'll just bypass that shit with my GigaIQ book that will blow out everything that field ever produced in terms of sexual dynamic by combining everything I know and being a hermit for a couple more rotting years of my prime physical years to attempt producing perfection. They will all look like fucking fucktards next to me, by blowing them out in my understanding of the world without even passing several years of cucking on sucking my superior PhD professor for years of dicking. It might also cuck me further in restricting what I want to say to protect the reputation that come with the degree I could get. The main thing with college is that it channels in a very narrow scope your curiosity for you which kills it in the process, it decides what you should learn, when, how, for approximately how long and the type of understanding you should get out of it, while transferring the internal locus of motivation for curiosity which is purely leaning towards an external locus of motivation which is grades, degree and the prospect of a high salary in the future. That shit is anti-human. Btw, I have a bachelor in business from a reputed school, I am not redoing the cuck thing again. Particularly in a field that isn't a hard science and is dominated by women. Are you attempting to kill me from the inside and increasing further the existential suffering I just talked about? That is a cuck converting strategy that you are talking about. Attempt to put me in mental health danger. That is like recommending a LT married cuck to ask his wife to do the dishes tonight, very dangerous forbidden areas one should not enter.
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They have all brainwashed cucks as well serving the cucking agenda, I'll just bypass that shit with my GigaIQ book that will blow out everything that field ever produced in terms of sexual dynamic by combining everything I know and being a hermit for a couple more rotting years of my prime physical years to attempt producing perfection. They will all look like fucking fucktards next to me, by blowing them out in my understanding of the world without even passing several years of cucking on sucking my superior PhD professor for years of dicking. It might also cuck me further in restricting what I want to say to protect the reputation that come with the degree I could get. The main thing with college is that it channels in a very narrow scope your curiosity for you which kills it in the process, it decides what you should learn, when, how, for approximately how long and the type of understanding you should go out of it, while transferring the internal locus of motivation for curiosity which is purely leaning towards an external locus of motivation which is grades, degree and the prospect of a high salary in the future. That shit is anti-human. Btw, I have a bachelor in business from a reputed school, I am not redoing the cuck thing again. Particularly in a field that isn't a hard science and is dominated by women. Are you attempting to kill me from the inside and increasing further the existential suffering I just talked about? That is a cuck converting strategy that you are talking about. Attempt to put me in mental health danger. That is like recommending a LT married cuck to ask his wife to do the dishes tonight, very dangerous forbidden areas one should not enter.
can't wait for ur book bro, post here when it's out
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Reactions: Dude420
Put some espace when you write it's tough for the eyes
Put some espace when you write it's tough for the eyes

Could you elaborate, I am not sure I understood well what you meant?
Edit: Oh paragraphs? C'mon bro.
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Could you elaborate, I am not sure I understood well what you meant?
Edit: Oh paragraphs? C'mon bro.
Just give up arguing with peoples especially outside it's 100% waste of time
Just give up arguing with peoples especially outside it's 100% waste of time

I came to that conclusion, but that comes at the cost of not being myself :feelscry:
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You probably wouldn't survive that,because than you would have to shoot yourself too in the end just like he did,but sure it would be a way funner way to leave this world,than rope.
go paddock
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Just jerk off
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Go live in an isolated cabin in the woods is what I have been contemplating recently.
I need human interaction tbh I’m starting to get depressed af and feeling like shit rotting in my room all day
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I need human interaction tbh I’m starting to get depressed af and feeling like shit rotting in my room all day
our prime is going by and we arent doing shit
I need human interaction tbh I’m starting to get depressed af and feeling like shit rotting in my room all day

I usually hated interacted with people but I do need some to keep me sane. I’m so lonely bro. :feelsrope:
I need human interaction tbh I’m starting to get depressed af and feeling like shit rotting in my room all day
Human interaction will not necressary fix it, i rotted whole summer break (2-3months) and i still felt like a shit when i came back to school. I'ts been over half year and i still feel like a shit while having human interaction.
the thread and replies are gold
inb4 @Ritalincel quotes gold with cucks
I need human interaction tbh I’m starting to get depressed af and feeling like shit rotting in my room all day

My shit health got me used to isolate myself, I can now cope for weeks on end without social interactions, when I get the surgery and feel psychologically/physically better it should be even easier. I saw a video about a guy who lived like 40 years alone, they came to see him to do a short documentary and he was totally happy, healthy and fine socially, your brain ends up adjusting to it if you can go through the first difficult craving phase of social interaction, but it depends on your personality/natural inclinations, I doubt a foid could be able to do that and stay sane.
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the thread and replies are gold
inb4 @Ritalincel quotes gold with cucks
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Dream life. Honestly, for like 2 years I would like to do that for real, I experience enough shit anyway in my life. I think I would then feel the desire to rejoin society in some form. To me, it seems liberating/freeing assuming you can stay sure your basic physiological needs can be safely reliably meet. Internet though would be a must mainly for research purposes in order to write my book and minimal entertainment, I wouldn't do it without it.
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its sad how looksmax is full of low iq responses.

Below is my High IQ response from now on Highiqcels put spoiler behind every high IQ response.

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Reactions: androidcel and Deleted member 611
its sad how looksmax is full of low iq responses.

Below is my High IQ response from now on Highiqcels put spoiler behind every high IQ response.

Welcome 1
U7kybGiCWYg5tP pb6J5pw l
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