Here is a comparison of a asian face and a white face.



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019




1. The Asian has a shorter ramus, the mandible length is also short.

2 The Asian has a flat brow ridge.

3 There is also a slight recession of the chin from what I've seen.

3 European on the average have a natural lefort 3.

4 The cheek bones of asians typically are more bulging.

5 Last bit of change between them is the fore head do you see the european dude has a more forward grown temple.

I don't understand what motivation did natural selection have to create such feminine creatures ? @KostyaRin
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Asians probably evolved through using their brains more than their physical strength
I'd imagine that's why they're so high IQ
but then again this is just my broscience take on the matter
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Asians probably evolved through using their brains more than their physical strength
I'd imagine that's why they're so high IQ
but then again this is just my broscience take on the matter

I still don't understand why they would sacrifice there masculinity almost it's like there girl versions of white people wtf
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Asians probably evolved through using their brains more than their physical strength
I'd imagine that's why they're so high IQ
but then again this is just my broscience take on the matter
Asians aren't actually smarter bro, they just cope with intense education because their entire culture is based on compensating since they are the worst race by far.

Think about it. When your son is short, ugly, tan, and has a small dick and is skinny as fuck genetically, his mental capabilities are all he has going for him. So that's what they focus on in their society.
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They actually looked more masculine back in the days, im pretty sure they got pussified in the last 70 years
Main qimg 3d2d796443e0e495fca0c9fab4e50bce

Untitled 3 2 696x628
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Asians aren't actually smarter bro, they just cope with intense education because their entire culture is based on compensating since they are the worst race by far.

Think about it. When your son is short, ugly, tan, and has a small dick and is skinny as fuck genetically, his mental capabilities are all he has going for him. So that's what they focus on in their society.
well actually statistically speaking they are the highest iq
Japan back then and today
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well actually statistically speaking they are the highest iq
my theory destroyed by this piece of evidence

No but in all seriousness, it's pretty over for asian people, the amount of IQ they have to compensate doesn't compensate for their lack of genetics. a strong brain in a shit body is only good for developing a society, but developing a society in my opinion only leads to more depression.
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Evolution is fake Asians are supposed to look like Mongolians and native Americans up north and phillipino tribes down south
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Asians aren't actually smarter bro, they just cope with intense education because their entire culture is based on compensating since they are the worst race by far.

Think about it. When your son is short, ugly, tan, and has a small dick and is skinny as fuck genetically, his mental capabilities are all he has going for him. So that's what they focus on in their society.
Asians mog currys tho ?
well actually statistically speaking they are the highest iq
By how much though? 3-4 points? That is within the margin of error. IQ difference is only meaningful at 8+ points. And only really meaningful at 10-12+ points.

I think difference in diet is why Asians are more scrawny. They had lesser access to high fat foods compared to europeans. Don't forget that europeans could eat diary.
Asians probably evolved through using their brains more than their physical strength
I'd imagine that's why they're so high IQ
but then again this is just my broscience take on the matter
They just copy and are docile
Only high iq asians are japs
my theory destroyed by this piece of evidence

No but in all seriousness, it's pretty over for asian people, the amount of IQ they have to compensate doesn't compensate for their lack of genetics. a strong brain in a shit body is only good for developing a society, but developing a society in my opinion only leads to more depression.

How did they reproduce in the past jesus
By how much though? 3-4 points? That is within the margin of error. IQ difference is only meaningful at 8+ points. And only really meaningful at 10-12+ points.

I think difference in diet is why Asians are more scrawny. They had lesser access to high fat foods compared to europeans. Don't forget that europeans could eat diary.
Evolution is fake Asians are supposed to look like Mongolians and native Americans up north and phillipino tribes down south

You read about the yayoi migrations?
You read about the yayoi migrations?
Yea. I think the jomon are a primitive mix of austtaloid like and caucasoid like Japanese
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Not sure what this is suppose to prove. The IQ difference between Iceland (101) and Japan) (105) is only 4 points. This actually proves my point. Hong Kong and Singapore have notably higher average IQ, but those places are cities/regions rather than actual races.
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Yea. I think the jomon are a primitive mix of austtaloid like and caucasoid like Japanese

Austroloid is a broad stroke some can look like niggers the others they can look like pale skinned caucasians
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Not sure what this is suppose to prove. The IQ difference between Iceland (101) and Japan) (105) is only 4 points. This actually proves my point. Hong Kong and Singapore have notably higher average IQ, but those places are cities/regions rather than actual races.
nothing just stating facts
Austroloid is a broad stroke some can look like niggers the others they can look like pale skinned caucasians
Very true but I honestly think the caucssoid looking ones are the standard.. you see most modern ones only look like blacks to people cuz they are ugly and they associate ugly with foreign which is true. If you are European If you saw a very gl Indian with blue eyes and tan skin you might think he is med since your preference but if he was ugly you’ll think he is Indian. . Australoid peoples do have a more caucasoid look in be Australia but that might legit cuz of Indian migration. Papuans look more Middle Eastern or something and australoids look Indian .
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Very true but I honestly think the caucssoid looking ones are the standard.. you see most modern ones only look like blacks to people cuz they are ugly and they associate ugly with foreign which is true. If you are European If you saw a very gl Indian with blue eyes and tan skin you might think he is med since your preference but if he was ugly you’ll think he is Indian. . Australoid peoples do have a more caucasoid look in be Australia but that might legit cuz of Indian migration. Papuans look more Middle Eastern or something and australoids look Indian .

Yeah it depends on the region also most austroloids are a mix of caucasoids with some east eurasian overall though they are archaic caucasians
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View attachment 863886

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1. The Asian has a shorter ramus, the mandible length is also short.

2 The Asian has a flat brow ridge.

3 There is also a slight recession of the chin from what I've seen.

3 European on the average have a natural lefort 3.

4 The cheek bones of asians typically are more bulging.

5 Last bit of change between them is the fore head do you see the european dude has a more forward grown temple.

I don't understand what motivation did natural selection have to create such feminine creatures ? @KostyaRin
brutal mogging
Asians probably evolved through using their brains more than their physical strength
I'd imagine that's why they're so high IQ
but then again this is just my broscience take on the matter
they are not high iq
Yeah it depends on the region also most austroloids are a mix of caucasoids with some east eurasian overall though they are archaic caucasians
Most Australian aboriginals are mixed which is quite obvious since they look like whites painted in darker skin with more robust features
Asians probably evolved through using their brains more than their physical strength
I'd imagine that's why they're so high IQ
but then again this is just my broscience take on the matter
jfl at this dumb theory
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Bruh why the fuck do you care about asians so much. Your kot even asian.
Beaners still mog
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View attachment 863892

1. The Asian has a shorter ramus, the mandible length is also short.

2 The Asian has a flat brow ridge.

3 There is also a slight recession of the chin from what I've seen.

3 European on the average have a natural lefort 3.

4 The cheek bones of asians typically are more bulging.

5 Last bit of change between them is the fore head do you see the european dude has a more forward grown temple.

I don't understand what motivation did natural selection have to create such feminine creatures ? @KostyaRin
One looks human and the other doesn’t tbh.
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Asians aren't actually smarter bro, they just cope with intense education because their entire culture is based on compensating since they are the worst race by far.

Think about it. When your son is short, ugly, tan, and has a small dick and is skinny as fuck genetically, his mental capabilities are all he has going for him. So that's what they focus on in their society.
Asians genetically have higher spatial IQ than most populations. That part isn't culture
East and south east asia selected for more gracile, weaker people on average because they were the first population to be incredibly agricultural and didn't have the pressures or environment europeans, let alone sub saharan africans (averagely speaking) did to have a much stronger skeleton and overall be more androgenic. They adapted to look like this because generations went through living eating bad food and not having something that selects for them to be physically more dominant

East asians and south east asians are still physically stronger with a higher bone density and more explosive muscular strength than indians or pakistanis though. They didn't become neotenized as much as south east asians but they just developed a weak body
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Asians also have a wider nose and flatter
at least they keep their hair mostly
East and south east asia selected for more gracile, weaker people on average because they were the first population to be incredibly agricultural and didn't have the pressures or environment europeans, let alone sub saharan africans (averagely speaking) did to have a much stronger skeleton and overall be more androgenic. They adapted to look like this because generations went through living eating bad food and not having something that selects for them to be physically more dominant

East asians and south east asians are still physically stronger with a higher bone density and more explosive muscular strength than indians or pakistanis though. They didn't become neotenized as much as south east asians but they just developed a weak body

Arent indians manily dimorphic due to the west eurasian input? The tribal thing looked neotanous as fuck.

Also this explains a lot fucking brutal enviroment pill
Arent indians manily dimorphic due to the west eurasian input? The tribal thing looked neotanous as fuck.

Also this explains a lot fucking brutal enviroment pill
Most of my family are neotanous looking tbh 1 of my cousins look pretty masculine though
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Japanese from WW2
weren’t they north japanese?
that explains is, the north japanese are way more masc, tall and less asian looking that the regular japanese
Asians, became soy the past decades. The most soy thing they do; it letting their leaders/dictators fuck them in the ass daily. And they do nothing about it, but keep quit. And practise bullshido, Chinese ancient martial arts where they with their fat bellies can kill anoyone with their "secret Dragon pucnh move".

Repect to Xu Xiaodong; fo exposing it.

weren’t they north japanese?
that explains is, the north japanese are way more masc, tall and less asian looking that the regular japanese
I just think that food + lifestyle + preference for feminine men Is the cause.
My dad and all my uncles have huge bones due to eating different food and working since they were young, so i think the same happened to Japanese men on a bigger scale.
Arent indians manily dimorphic due to the west eurasian input? The tribal thing looked neotanous as fuck.

Also this explains a lot fucking brutal enviroment pill
Well they have deeper set eyes, higher bridged noses and more body hair so I guess they can be called more masculine looking, but east and south east asians are still physically stronger on average with a larger skeleton

Also a lot of people overestimate how short east asians are. Japanese men are the same height as med european men.

Yeah it's all just adaptation
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Repect to Xu Xiaodong; fo exposing it.

Xiaodong is awesome tbh. Most people who hate the PRC are the definition of numale though so supporting it out of contrarianism is funny
Xiaodong is awesome tbh. Most people who hate the PRC are the definition of numale though so supporting it out of contrarianism is funny
I personally don't hate Chinese people, not at all. Actually the few I knew, I liked them alot. They are cool people in general, also intense people on school I recall.

I have a massive hate though, for "the Party" in China. The communist party, it's people in it, it's structure, how they opperate, and so on.
The Party, is so legit retarded and plain bad. It's fucking stupid, to have that as leaders. And one as a nation will never do really well, with such leadership.
I would go insane, if I lived their. Insane about the level of government butting in, into personal life, religion, and what not. Lack of freedom to say or write what one thinks.
And most worse, the corruption and appointed retarded friends to high positions not because they are capable in any form but because it's a buddy or whatever of you. Skill, talent, competence, matters borderline nothing; what matters if have the right buddies.

I recall from my Buddhist period. That fucking Chinese government, was motherfucking butting in on religion, and sticking their nose in. Especially alot with tibetans, but also outside of that. I was so happy, Netherlands state cares little about reliion, only when you want to start blowing up shit because of religion.

tl;dr. Fuck the communist party of China.
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