High T doesn't mean anything if you are ugly



I'm the most pathetic human being on earth
Aug 11, 2018
High T leves doesn't mean anything if your face is ugly and malformed because you will end up look like an ogre instead of a greek god, in fact it could be more detrimental to your face because it will make your unattractive features more prominent for example if you have an ugly kike nose testorone will only make it bigger, or if you have an incel skull it only make your bones grow deformed since your bones were shit from the begining
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high IQ
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At least testosterone is good for mental health. High T guys won't have social anxiety. Being ugly and low inhib is way better than being ugly and high inhib.
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High T generally makes you more attractive facially.

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Better to be high T and ugly than low T and ugly
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Having a dominant looking face is more correlated with having sex than does an "attractive" face according to studies.
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Agree, but maybe some surgeries can help, don't give up yet
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Better to be high T and ugly than low T and ugly

yep, low t and ugly makes for a goofy looking fucker that gets respect from no one.
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Bloatmaxx theory is instadebunk.

Anyway. Yes, if you're high T and ugly. You're still ugly. However... Saying it doesn't matter is quite a bit of an assertion that could be debunked with studies about mental health and what not. I also personally feel like most men want to be masculine and rather be ugly and muscular and masculine or something that looks like an ugly 40-year-old 3rd grader.

I do think it's good to be realistic, but not just say all or nothing in regards to something like that.
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i have a jaw that's 3 times further the distance from my upper teeth than it should be, according to a surgeon. the jaw only grew like that after puberty. i blame T
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Having a dominant looking face is more correlated with having sex than does an "attractive" face according to studies.
People here still look at what girls say and want to be like Justin Bieber in his teens. Dom looking faces won't get much love in pirvate but they're getting more sex tha any other
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If you're ugly you're fucking ugly, I'm sorry.

Pumping yourself full of test will not make you grow bones and become more attractive past the age of like 18 lol

You'll just bald, get bloated, and your skin will visibly age
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high IQ. My testo lvl is high and i'm incel.
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If you're ugly you're fucking ugly, I'm sorry.

Pumping yourself full of test will not make you grow bones and become more attractive past the age of like 18 lol

You'll just bald, get bloated, and your skin will visibly age

Lol, tell that to Zyzz. He took a shit load of trenbolome from the age of 17, his jaw fucking exploded. From 4-5/10 to 9-10/10. Search it up yourself, and it was steroids not HGH. Rumour was he couldnt even afford it at that time, and when he died in Thailand, it was because he was on his way to get HGH for the first time. The mandible doesnt fuse like other bones as you age, taking test causes is to grow espeacially if your under 21, not so much after that though. Besides, doing roids will give you a good body, confidence (literal confidence, not because u look better, ur just more confident), sex drive ect ect
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High T leves doesn't mean anything if your face is ugly and malformed because you will end up look like an ogre instead of a greek god, in fact it could be more detrimental to your face because it will make your unattractive features more prominent for example if you have an ugly kike nose testorone will only make it bigger, or if you have an incel skull it only make your bones grow deformed since your bones were shit from the begining
Ogremaxxing is legit tbh. Some foids like this shit
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Lol, tell that to Zyzz. He took a shit load of trenbolome from the age of 17, his jaw fucking exploded. From 4-5/10 to 9-10/10. Search it up yourself, and it was steroids not HGH. Rumour was he couldnt even afford it at that time, and when he died in Thailand, it was because he was on his way to get HGH for the first time. The mandible doesnt fuse like other bones as you age, taking test causes is to grow espeacially if your under 21, not so much after that though. Besides, doing roids will give you a good body, confidence (literal confidence, not because u look better, ur just more confident), sex drive ect ect

i've been on psl community for ages I know the story of zyzz lmao he looked fine facially before the tren

and obviously at 17 you can still develop but a lot of us are over 20 already, youngcels are the minority
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6'0 74kg, gonna buy some fenugreek at this nearby supplement store. 10,000mg a capsule she said. just wanna confirm as i don't want to grow my manboobs again lol
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6'0 74kg, gonna buy some fenugreek at this nearby supplement store. 10,000mg a capsule she said. just wanna confirm as i don't want to grow my manboobs again lol

I think I heard @Nibba say to use 500mg of fenugreek a day... 10,000mg sounds like overdose. Idk anything about funugreek but nibba supports it ask him.
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I think I heard @Nibba say to use 500mg of fenugreek a day... 10,000mg sounds like overdose. Idk anything about funugreek but nibba supports it ask him.
Yeah 10,000 is way too much
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Yeah 10,000 is way too much

If fenugreek legit Nibba? What are they made out of it and what are there effects?
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Yeah 10,000 is way too much

They just told me to have one of the pills a day and everything would be in order. I'll have to double check
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They just told me to have one of the pills a day and everything would be in order. I'll have to double check

I think maybe they meant they're 1,000 mg tablets, or there is 10,000mg total in the container spread over x about of tablets. I dont think anyone would make fenugreek is a 10,000mg tablet.
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If fenugreek legit Nibba? What are they made out of it and what are there effects?
Fenugreek is the herb fenugreek but in capsule form lol...it's legit

After taking it for legit 3 days, my lifts started skyrocketing and my face got leaner, my body fat decreased a bit despite my diet getting WORSE for 2 weeks or so
They just told me to have one of the pills a day and everything would be in order. I'll have to double check
As @Intel.Imperitive said, it's probably 1,000 mg. As long as it's not higher you'll be okay
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Lol, tell that to Zyzz. He took a shit load of trenbolome from the age of 17, his jaw fucking exploded. From 4-5/10 to 9-10/10. Search it up yourself, and it was steroids not HGH. Rumour was he couldnt even afford it at that time, and when he died in Thailand, it was because he was on his way to get HGH for the first time. The mandible doesnt fuse like other bones as you age, taking test causes is to grow espeacially if your under 21, not so much after that though. Besides, doing roids will give you a good body, confidence (literal confidence, not because u look better, ur just more confident), sex drive ect ect
Didn't he have jaw surgery
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High T = Higher sex drive = You'll be less of a standardcel. It's very important in that respect.
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High T leves doesn't mean anything if your face is ugly and malformed because you will end up look like an ogre instead of a greek god, in fact it could be more detrimental to your face because it will make your unattractive features more prominent for example if you have an ugly kike nose testorone will only make it bigger, or if you have an incel skull it only make your bones grow deformed since your bones were shit from the begining
U got anything else to say bub?
High T leves doesn't mean anything if your face is ugly and malformed because you will end up look like an ogre instead of a greek god, in fact it could be more detrimental to your face because it will make your unattractive features more prominent for example if you have an ugly kike nose testorone will only make it bigger, or if you have an incel skull it only make your bones grow deformed since your bones were shit from the begining
nevertheless having high or above average testosterone is always good since there are multiple benefits to it other than looks
High T leves doesn't mean anything if your face is ugly and malformed because you will end up look like an ogre instead of a greek god, in fact it could be more detrimental to your face because it will make your unattractive features more prominent for example if you have an ugly kike nose testorone will only make it bigger, or if you have an incel skull it only make your bones grow deformed since your bones were shit from the begining
HIgh t bosti nhib but also inducees bone growth so it does mean something. Years of abusing test ren anadrol in my early 20s my cheekbones jaw etc much more pronounced thn my twin brothers.
Don't we see every day in media and irl , ugly , low t , high t and whatnot and all sorts of men , having a wife , girlfriend or just getting laid ? The women might not be hot but still
Testosterone is important for the development of facial traits such as your jaw so I don't agree.

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