hoco experience as ltn



Mar 11, 2025
i would like to share my homecoming experience this year. It's one of the reasons I took the black pill. Homecoming was coming up and I went with my best friend who is a white mtn. We both didn't have dates. Which is surprising to him because foids just spawn in for him nonstop. We just hung out and listened to music which is fine tbh bc everyone else was doing the same thing. Anyways my friend told me earlier that this blonde ltb had a crush on me so I walked up to her and asked her if she wanted to dance and that went on for about 10 minutes. After I got the photos I sat at the tables were everyone else was. My friends friend group went up to me and sat down with me. I was flexing my photo because it was the closest thing to play I had gotten at the time when one of the girls said, I feel like girls only talk to you because they feel bad. And then I straight up said to her are you calling me ugly? And she got super defensive and said of course not. Anyways we were hanging out and I'm not making this up my friend's situationship walked up to me and said I need to start mewing and pointed at my recessed mandbile and started laughing. It was just banter but I took it to heart. After this whole occurrence happened that same foid wanted to set me up with her friend for some reason and said I should go to her party and make a move on her. Keep in mind this would be my first time at a party and I wouldn't have made it there if it wasn't for my friend. Anyways homecoming ends and we make it to the party, its basically a friend group party so it was only a few people, like 7 girls and the only guys were me and my friend. Want to keep in mind me and my friend are both religious so we don't drink alcohol and we were the only ones at the party not drinking. But anyways his girl kept whispering for me to make a move on her friend some readheaded t50 foid. I ended up sitting next to her and found a way to make a move, I put my arm around her and said some stupid shit which I thought was slick at the time and was like, can I rest my arm here I'm really tired, and she said sure. Then one thing lead to another we started making out, only lasted like 20 seconds until I wanted to take more photos because you know me I'm an autist who likes to document any little bit of "play" I get. So I asked her if I could take some photos for "memories" :feelswhy:or sum bs and she said sure. Anyways bc I'm so autistic and this was my second kiss and basically don't have any social experience I didn't know if I was supposed to keep kissing her or not, so I decided to just keep making more moves throughout the night. Which eventually lead the whole group into thinking I was a creep, who was "taking advantage" of her because I wasn't drinking specifically so I could "take advantage of her" while she was apparently "drunk asl" when she wasn't even showing any signs she was visually impaired. I mean let's take into consideration I don't drink, and I'm just following the same philosophy my dad did. He went to parties and shit for like 40 years and never touched alcohol. But apparently it makes me look like some sort of predator. But I think what made me seem like one was my face, it wasn't really anything else. once I get surgery ill be considered a trustable individual tho. Anyways the next morning after hearing about their opinions abt me I just took the blackpill and accepted it to be true, bc IMO I rlly didn't do shit and I was being treated like I was some sort of monster. JFL jb foids are so dramatic they find any reason to hate.
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tbh dnr because i knew it was gonna be bad when i read “ltn” and “hoco” in the same sentence
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nvm i read


yea they wouldnt have seen u as a creep if u werent ugly

mogs me tho i havent got any sort of play in my entire 18 years of existence

i also missed all my school dances including hoco and prom because im friendless incel
  • So Sad
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nvm i read


yea they wouldnt have seen u as a creep if u werent ugly

mogs me tho i havent got any sort of play in my entire 18 years of existence

i also missed all my school dances including hoco and prom because im friendless incel
your not missing out on anything based on what I told you abt :ROFLMAO: also it wasn't even that fun.
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Dnr sry am lazy rn but glad u took the BP at least u went.

I was like redpilled in a sense in HS and went to my part time job instead of going and coped with "its not worth it"
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Dnr sry am lazy rn but glad u took the BP at least u went.

I was like redpilled in a sense in HS and went to my part time job instead of going and coped with "its not worth it"
it was honestly lit, to summarize it was the most social experience I had in a long time. I got invited to a party after and made out with a girl but then after the party they called me a "weirdo" who was taking advantage of her bc I didn't drink any alcohol jfl "because I'm religious I don't drink" and basically girl accused me of SAing her. So yeah the experience was fun until the next morning when I found out what they thought about me.
fax ik its wrong but i just caint take it srs now whenever I hear about girls getting supposedly SA'D when I hear it come from my school. Like their is this htn who is just a genuinely nice kid to everyone and some foid said that he groped her or sum shit without permission and I just don't buy it based on my personal experience.
didnt read; most likely non of this matters and you wont care after highschool about it. Idk what happened cause tl;dr but alot of things may seem important but later in life you will realize it doesnt matter at all
didnt read; most likely non of this matters and you wont care after highschool about it. Idk what happened cause tl;dr but alot of things may seem important but later in life you will realize it doesnt matter at all
i got accused of SA after making out with a girl after a party
didnt read; most likely non of this matters and you wont care after highschool about it. Idk what happened cause tl;dr but alot of things may seem important but later in life you will realize it doesnt matter at all
i was the only one not drinking alcohol bc I am religious
i got accused of SA after making out with a girl after a party
Damn bro that sucks, sorry that happened to you, i didnt read that so sorry for trivializing your problem. Hope it turns out alright. If you know you didnt do that then you should be okay.

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