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IRL everyone does, here I'd say at least 1/4th does
they do just to virtue signal, trust me. no zoomer with internet access believes it anymore
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rape of nanjing retard
nagasaki was the one america nuked
Nukes don't exist.

But ya'll aren't ready for that conversation.

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No, if you change everything that a person says and strip the whole point of the Bible, you don't believe them.

Quran and Islam is a joke and no non-biased scholar will take them seriously. They believe in the same as Jews with few additions.

"Muh prophet", they say he's lower than Muhammad which is a literal occultist rapist pedophile.
Yes they prefer Muhammed but they still like jesus quite a lot you fucking retard.
Yes they prefer Muhammed but they still like jesus quite a lot you fucking retard.
They don't like Jesus because what he says in the Quran is made-up and didn't happen, retard.

No matter what they say they don't like Jesus because they changed the first-eye-witnesses testimonies. You mentalcel.

If you're Christian they'll want to behead you.
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@mogstars why is trump a Jew if they faked the election?
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No, if you change everything that a person says and strip the whole point of the Bible, you don't believe them.

Quran and Islam is a joke and no non-biased scholar will take them seriously. They believe in the same as Jews with few additions.

"Muh prophet", they say he's lower than Muhammad which is a literal occultist rapist pedophile.
I like them, they are the only ones with some balls to oppose the jewish agenda. The white man is completely cucked nowadays, I would join them one day tbh
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They don't like Jesus because what he says in the Quran is made-up and didn't happen, retard.

No matter what they say they don't like Jesus because they changed the first-eye-witnesses testimonies. You mentalcel.

If you're Christian they'll want to behead you.
Jesus is literally a Messiah and a messanger of god in the Qur'an. He may not be that liked but he is not hated, Jews hate jesus. That's a huge difference.
@mogstars why is trump a Jew if they faked the election?
Controlled opposition and narratives.

Clinton, Obama, Trump or Biden in power, the actions of the government & executive orders clearly have not changed.

Trump, while in power, pardoned more than 70 Israeli spies, didn't pardon Julian Assange, his cabinet is 90% Jewish, he's a pedophile, etc.


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I like them, they are the only ones with some balls to oppose the jewish agenda. The white man is completely cucked nowadays, I would join them one day tbh
Muslims are not civilised, they rape, steal and murder. They destroy society and will make the first world countries third world. Why do you want this?
Controlled opposition and narratives.

Clinton, Obama, Trump or Biden in power, the actions of the government & executive orders clearly have not changed.

Trump, while in power, pardoned more than 70 Israeli spies, didn't pardon Julian Assange, his cabinet is 90% Jewish, he's a pedophile, etc.

View attachment 2682982View attachment 2682987

Why did the jews fake the election?
Jesus is literally a Messiah and a messanger of god in the Qur'an. He may not be that liked but he is not hated, Jews hate jesus. That's a huge difference.
No, they don't like actual Jesus Christ but the fake ahistorical muslim Jesus Christ.

They'd behead Jesus for saying he is God, like he did historically.
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Muslims are not civilised, they rape, steal and murder. They destroy society and will make the first world countries third world. Why do you want this?
like i inferred before, have you ever seen a white muslim do this? or is it just africans, arabs and south asians? you can probably guess what im getting at here

edit since i forgot to mention, theres undoubtedly some, since humans are imperfect, im getting at the statistical probabilities that the right wing loves to talk about, be it black crime statistics or something else
  • Hmm...
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No, they don't like actual Jesus Christ but the fake ahistorical muslim Jesus Christ.

They'd behead Jesus for saying he is God, like he did historically.

John 19:5-7 // New King James Version​

5 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!”

6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!”
But Pilate answered, “You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.”

7 The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.”

You see how they're like Jews? They'd to the same thing, they call Christians "polytheists" for the Trinity.

They'd kill historical Jesus just like Jews did.

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like i inferred before, have you ever seen a white muslim do this? or is it just africans, arabs and south asians? you can probably guess what im getting at here

White Muslims were Christian and converted to not get killed after Muslim invasions. They kept the same traditions and some of the theology.

Yeah, African muslims are the grossest ones, but they're following the Quran.
Why did the jews fake the election?
Did they really or is this to create more distraction and division? Cause Trump is openly a Zionist that supports Israel.

If they did, I can't guess the logistics or motives, but I know Trump is Jew-owned and he's all talk.
I like them, they are the only ones with some balls to oppose the jewish agenda. The white man is completely cucked nowadays, I would join them one day tbh
They're part of the agenda.



Albert Pike the 33rd Freemason Rabbi
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White Muslims were Christian and converted to not get killed after Muslim invasions. They kept the same traditions and some of the theology.

Yeah, African muslims are the grossest ones, but they're following the Quran.
im primarily referring to people converting in the modern day in western nations, i have met and have alot of white friends that have converted to islam within the last 1-3 years
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like i inferred before, have you ever seen a white muslim do this? or is it just africans, arabs and south asians? you can probably guess what im getting at here

edit since i forgot to mention, theres undoubtedly some, since humans are imperfect, im getting at the statistical probabilities that the right wing loves to talk about, be it black crime statistics or something else
Pakistanis and Indians are both brown skinned and the way they have treated me is so different. Indians treated me very well, better than white people it makes me sad the hate they get tbh. But Indians born in India are known to be very cunty and bad people so I suppose it depends.

Most Pakistani I have met have been cunts purely because of islam whereas Indians have been nice because Hinduism is a very "live and let live" belief set. Hinduism is probably the most peaceful religion on the planet.

I don't think there is any extreme Islam states expect maybe areas of Russia but yes it could be a race issue. I really don't know sorry. There is not many white Muslims, I have met some Albanians and a lot are nice. Albania has low crime rates despite poor economic conditions. Tbh it's hard to say, there isn't many black people in the UK, just curries and middle Eastern people but rarely white Muslims idk.
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Pakistanis and Indians are both brown skinned and the way they have treated me is so different. Indians treated me very well, better than white people it makes me sad the hate they get tbh. But Indians born in India are known to be very cunty and bad people so I suppose it depends.

Most Pakistani I have met have been cunts purely because of islam whereas Indians have been nice because Hinduism is a very "live and let live" belief set. Hinduism is probably the most peaceful religion on the planet.

I don't think there is any extreme Islam states expect maybe areas of Russia but yes it could be a race issue. I really don't know sorry. There is not many white Muslims, I have met some Albanians and a lot are nice. Albania has low crime rates despite poor economic conditions. Tbh it's hard to say, there isn't many black people in the UK, just curries and middle Eastern people but rarely white Muslims idk.
hinduism at face value could be seen as such yeah, but hindu extremists are probably the most abhorrent people ive ever seen, ive been close with alot of hindus and from them yeah they are decent people

ive only met a few albanian muslims and they seem fine, without meeting a large amount from each sub-group its hard to come to a solid conclusion as to what the underlying issue is, but looking at people coming from the same countries that arent muslim leads me to believe its ethnic, once again i have no proof of this but its the conclusion ive came to just as youll come to your conclusion
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Lets say theoretically, you are correct. Im not denying or accepting your research, im going to have an open mind. How is it possible to convince everybody and every jew that the holocaust actually happened. How do so many people keep a secret, and arguably so well? Would love your input on this
Lets say theoretically, you are correct. Im not denying or accepting your research, im going to have an open mind. How is it possible to convince everybody and every jew that the holocaust actually happened. How do so many people keep a secret, and arguably so well? Would love your input on this
He's basically saying they were work camps kinda like in the USSr but they didn't have gas chambers, he's saying gas chambers were a lie and said only 120k people died not 6 million.
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He's basically saying they were work camps kinda like in the USSr but they didn't have gas chambers, he's saying gas chambers were a lie and said only 120k people died not 6 million.
yeah, but how convince all the jews to spew the same lie?
im primarily referring to people converting in the modern day in western nations, i have met and have alot of white friends that have converted to islam within the last 1-3 years
Andrew Cope Tate played a role for sure
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yalls niggas commit so many taboos on this website holy shit
Andrew Cope Tate played a role for sure
for the most part this is probably true, but ive met alot of converts who dont like tate either for the fact hes controlled opposition, always talking about the matrix but never whos responsible for said matrix. i never really involved myself with those tate fanboys though, so seeing how much influence (good or not) hes had on the youth it seems reasonable
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where is the proof?
Smartest christian jfl
Curious that everyone talks about the Holocaust as being the worst genocide ever but nobody mentions the genocide of over 60 million of white europeans perpetrated by the Bolshevists
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Curious that everyone talks about the Holocaust as being the worst genocide ever but nobody mentions the genocide of over 60 million of white europeans perpetrated by the Bolshevists

Perpetrated by Jews.

80% of high-ranking USSR members were Jews.

Moses Hess who originated communism was a literal rabbi, search up "the communist rabbi"

Karl Marx, Stalin, Lenin. ALL JEWS.
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people that write about holocaust and make movies documentaries are all jewish take this in mind
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FULL WRITE-UP w/ pics (HOLOHOAX 101): https://web.archive.org/web/20220810200347/http://holohoax101.org/
2ND WRITE-UP w/ pics + videos: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-entire-holohoax-narrative-is-nothing-but-a-lie/

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(Proof of above graph, publicly on Wikipedia)

View attachment 2682795
(Allies built a chimney in this auschwitz building, after the war, to claim this was a "Gas chamber")


None of the defendants at Nuremberg admitted to any part of the holocaust or any direct knowledge of the holocaust, and only one, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the Reich Security Main Office, was charged with having an operational role in the killing
Ernst Kaltenbrunner
of Jews. He testified as follows:

DR. KAUFFMANN: What attitude did you adopt when you heard about it?

KALTENBRUNNER: I had no knowledge of Hitler's order to Heydrich regarding the final solution of the Jewish problem at the time I took up my office. In the summer of 1943 I gathered from the foreign press and through the enemy radio...

That is, he testified that he had no direct part in the holocaust, and only learned of it via the foreign press and enemy radio. See the testimony here http://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/04-11-46.asp
Kaltenbrunner also testified

Brainwashing Then​

The holohoax brainwashing got into full swing immediately at the end of WW II. Within a week of the captureof Buchenwald, the famous Hollywood director Billy Wilder was in the camp making a film of propaganda lies that still circulate to this day. An
Billy Wilder at Buchenwald
inadvertent picture of Wilder on the set at Buchenwald is shown to the left. The film, complete with props, claimed that the Nazis made soap from the fat of (Jewish only of course) prisoners, made lampshades from the skin of prisoners, and shrunk the heads of prisoners like in the Amazon. Even the holohoax establishment now admits these were all lies.

The Nazis investigated any suspected crimes in the camps, and these investigations were headed by Judge Konrad Morgen. In the course of investigating Karl Koch, the commandant at Buchenwald, for the charge of having three prisoneres killed, he also investigated reports of the 'irregularities' like the ones listed above and found them to be unfounded. Koch, on the other hand, was found guilty and hanged. Morgen was tortured at Nuremberg to confirm the reports of irregularites at Buchenwald but refused. See http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/trials/konradmorgen.html

Brainwashing Now​

The Jews are making every effort to brainwash the US public to believe the holohoax, and holohoax education is now mandated in many states, starting in KINDERGARTEN, and continuing through all grades. The cover of the Florida manual for holohoax
Florida Holohoax manual
education for K-3 students is shown to the left. You can find the laws regarding holohoax education in your state at Beyond Our Walls: State Profiles on Holocaust Education

Excerpts from the truly sick Florida K-3 Holohoax Education Manual:

In the circles, write the following five words: smells, sights, touch, sounds, feelings. Ask them to write words that describe what they smell, see, touch, hear, and feel as a result of the danger. Encourage discussion after they share their sensory perceptions. Relate this information to situations where people fear for their lives, i.e. war, prejudice, violence, and abuse.

Ask students to assume the persona of an Ellis Island doctor, a translator, a new immigrant, a U.S. immigration officer, or a swindler, and tell about what they see, hear, smell, and touch at Ellis Island. ... Prejudice smells like? ... Also, have the students draw how they think prejudice looks, smells, and sounds.

1. Tell students to divide a paper into four sections. In one section write the word "fear." In the next section, write the word "courage." In the third section, write the word "plan," and in the last section, write the word "escape." Have students brainstorm and come up with as many ideas as possible that relate to the words. Allow five minutes for each category.

2. Tell students they are to think about how they would feel if they were in a dangerous situation. Ask them to draw five circles. In the circles, write the following five words: smells, sights, touch, sounds, feelings. Ask them to write words that describe what they smell, see, touch, hear, and feel as a result of the danger. Encourage discussion after they share their sensory perceptions. Relate this information to situations where people fear for their lives, i.e. war, prejudice, violence, and abuse.

3. Ask students to assume the persona of an Ellis Island doctor, a translator, a new immigrant, a U.S. immigration officer, or a swindler, and tell about what they see, hear, smell, and touch at Ellis Island.

8. Talk about the concept of being prejudice. Have the students describe prejudice. (See Unit 1-Page 16.) Also, have the students draw how they think prejudice looks, smells, and sounds.

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ETHNICS/BLACKS WERE TREATED BETTER IN GERMANY THAN IN USA: https://www.jewworldorder.org/jesse-owens-and-adolf-hitler-the-real-story/

“When I passed the Chancellor, he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany [Hitler].”

Years later, in his autobiography, Jesse Owens again clarifies: .

“Hitler didn’t snub me -it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”

FULL WRITE-UP w/ pics (HOLOHOAX 101): https://web.archive.org/web/20220810200347/http://holohoax101.org/
2ND WRITE-UP w/ pics + videos: https://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-entire-holohoax-narrative-is-nothing-but-a-lie/

NEXT THREAD: Communism is a Jewish invention

Any post associated with this account is satire and should be treated as such. At no point has anyone associated with this account ever condoned, encouraged, committed or abated acts of violence or threats of violence against any person, regardless of racial, ethnic, religious, political, or cultural background.
The new future law makes this illegal HR 6090 just passed in the house and about to be passed by the Senate very soon. Even the bible is illegal according to this new law.

Yes there were no gas chambers that could do what the Jews suggested as they literally had a specialist in gas chambers review all the camps and make this statement.

The Redcross as a third party investigation stated that 271k people died in the camp and it included Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals. The 2 main causes of death was disease and starvation.

Hitler was attempting to mass deport all jeqs before the start of the war but placed them in work camps during the war and the Zionists use these camps to claim to be the biggest victims in this history of earth.

Don't worry boys, the book of Obidiah gives us Yah's promise to wipe the seed of Esau from the earth before the second coming. They dug their graves so it's their own faults.

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