HORY SHET!! Asian men have insanely low testosterone levels????? Not racist btw.



Dec 20, 2019
Whether or not it's environmental or not is not yet to be studied.
The median value of testosterone excretion was 16 times higher in the Swedish population [5.4 (3.7–7.1) ng/μmol Cr] than the Korean population [0.33 (0.25–0.58) ng/μmol Cr].
M zeg0020640830001


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  • JFL
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Maybe it’s from all the soybeans they eat?
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Maybe it’s from all the soybeans they eat?
Soy is fucking everywhere now. Legit Subway, Mcdonalds, it's all soy since it's cheap. I'll make another thread about it but men are losing about 1% testosterone yearly.
studies ive seen done in america suggested there was no significant difference in serum T between the various ethnicities. However, black men and women had significantly higher E2.

Could be something specific to Korea. One thing about asian countries is the air in most of them is polluted to fuck in the major cities.
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studies ive seen done in america suggested there was no significant difference in serum T between the various ethnicities. However, black men and women had significantly higher E2.

Could be something specific to Korea. One thing about asian countries is the air in most of them is polluted to fuck in the major cities.
I don't think it's the air. I think they live the most sedentary lives and have very low testosterone food.
also testosterone excretion is different from serum. This is the amount of testosterone in your urine and feces. More in this case, is not actually better if I understand correctly.
I don't think it's the air. I think they live the most sedentary lives and have very low testosterone food.

koreans? yeah and they're stressed to fuck. They're a workaholic hellhole only rivalled by japan. Interesting to see how this contrasts to say, thais, who are lazy fuckers and dont like doing anything unless its fun.
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also testosterone excretion is different from serum. This is the amount of testosterone in your urine and feces. More in this case, is not actually better if I understand correctly.
Although it's not a very accurate indicator on an individual scale the studies I've seen show that it is a reasonable indicator of testosterone production in males.
also testosterone excretion is different from serum. This is the amount of testosterone in your urine and feces. More in this case, is not actually better if I understand correctly.

koreans? yeah and they're stressed to fuck. They're a workaholic hellhole only rivalled by japan. Interesting to see how this contrasts to say, thais, who are lazy fuckers and dont like doing anything unless its fun.
Everything I've read points to the fact that Japan is fucked.
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Although it's not a very accurate indicator on an individual scale the studies I've seen show that it is a reasonable indicator of testosterone production in males.

Everything I've read points to the fact that Japan is fucked.

found this, which looks at older men (~65 yr) who are otherwise healthy, in Sweden, US, Japan, Hong Kong and Tobago (carribbean). Comprehensive blood panels.

Interestingly, HK males have the highest average serum AND free testosterone, which is surprising to me. US asians in comparison, have the lowest of the groups tested... The estrogen panels are more interesting still; Japan consumes a lot of soy as part of their traditional diet, have done for quite some time.... lowest E2 of all the groups measured, and yet their total T is quite high, so we cant just say their low E2 is a result of low total T. DHT as a ratio was also the highest in Japanese males. Both US blacks and their west african counterparts have very high E1 and E2.
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I don't think it's the air. I think they live the most sedentary lives and have very low testosterone food.
Asian food tends to involve minimal chewing and lots of soy
While its delicious i can see how it'd fuck someone up
found this, which looks at older men (~65 yr) who are otherwise healthy, in Sweden, US, Japan, Hong Kong and Tobago (carribbean). Comprehensive blood panels.

Interestingly, HK males have the highest average serum AND free testosterone, which is surprising to me. US asians in comparison, have the lowest of the groups tested... The estrogen panels are more interesting still; Japan consumes a lot of soy as part of their traditional diet, have done for quite some time.... lowest E2 of all the groups measured, and yet their total T is quite high, so we cant just say their low E2 is a result of low total T. DHT as a ratio was also the highest in Japanese males. Both US blacks and their west african counterparts have very high E1 and E2.
I think it can at least all be partially explained by body-fat percentages. Body fat percentage is something that is socially contagious: if you are around other people that are fat you are considerably more likely to be fat. When you have a higher body fat percentage more testosterone is converted to estrogen. In a country like the US, the average body fat percentage for a male is around 30%, which is why you would expect people in general (including US Asians) in the US to have higher estrogen levels
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I am white and have 1120ng/dl
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I am white and have 1120ng/dl
Mirin. You must be chopping trees and talking to 10 females at the same time to keep such a high constant testosterone level. How simple is it to get your testosterone level tested? And I can't believe you cropped that Asian girl's picture so I can't reverse image search.
  • JFL
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I think it can at least all be partially explained by body-fat percentages. Body fat percentage is something that is socially contagious: if you are around other people that are fat you are considerably more likely to be fat. When you have a higher body fat percentage more testosterone is converted to estrogen. In a country like the US, the average body fat percentage for a male is around 30%, which is why you would expect people in general (including US Asians) in the US to have higher estrogen levels

hey thats a good thought, obesity as a factor totally skipped my mind.
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Reactions: PersianKingdom
Whether or not it's environmental or not is not yet to be studied.
The median value of testosterone excretion was 16 times higher in the Swedish population [5.4 (3.7–7.1) ng/μmol Cr] than the Korean population [0.33 (0.25–0.58) ng/μmol Cr].
View attachment 282609

View attachment 282616
bro i am asian man with extremely high libido.
bro i am asian man with extremely high libido.
We have already established it is due to environmental factors. Stop sitting around old posts and start going outside chopping wood to increase testosterone ASAP.
  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy
Could be linked to their nutrition
Could be linked to their nutrition
If you are going outside and eating Mcdonalds and Subway you are indeed submitting yourself to high levels of SOY. A real man grows his own food.
I'm low T high DHT
IMG 20200226 120219
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didnt some japcel make a video to help foreiginer get girls from his race
Screenshot 2020 03 05 02 44 29 801 commiuigallery

Keep crying for my final fantasy looks
That's good. Usually masculine asian men look like ogres
studies ive seen done in america suggested there was no significant difference in serum T between the various ethnicities. However, black men and women had significantly higher E2.

Could be something specific to Korea. One thing about asian countries is the air in most of them is polluted to fuck in the major cities.

it's a soy, these journalist hacks and pseudo science shilling retards will cherry pick studies that show soy has no strong correlation with t levels while disregarding the fact that asian soytards do not consume soy in isolated studies, they consume soy basically from infancy until adultfood, that amount of phytoestrogen saturdation over that long of a period is bound to cause issues with testosterone
That's good. Usually masculine asian men look like ogres



those are just ugly masculine men, which exist in all races

lol at you shilling for boneless twinks
they invented corona so fuck em
it's a soy, these journalist hacks and pseudo science shilling retards will cherry pick studies that show soy has no strong correlation with t levels while disregarding the fact that asian soytards do not consume soy in isolated studies, they consume soy basically from infancy until adultfood, that amount of phytoestrogen saturdation over that long of a period is bound to cause issues with testosterone



those are just ugly masculine men, which exist in all races

lol at you shilling for boneless twinks
The Swedish population is full of BBC refugees. It doesn't count.
it's already well known that gooks are the least masculine

they have the most androgen receptor cag repeats, lowest dht, smallest penises, most disoyal (to them) women etc

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