Hot take: hypermasc is much more attractive than being a prettyboy



Aug 28, 2024
Allow me to elaborate.

When a girl sees a prettyboy, someone like Timothee or perhaps Robert Pattinson to some extent, she will most definitely think he is very cute. Most girls do like prettyboys, and ofcourse it's still a desirable position to be in as a man.

Until chad walks in.

People dating is much similar in a way to gorilla's, whereas it doesn't matter how lovely your hair is, or your eyes sparkle in the sun, the biggest gets it all. And that's what happens with hypermasc guys. They just take whatever's available to them. Sure, they might not be the most aesthetically pleasing to look at, but if they stand next to a prettyboy, that guy will most definitely look gay.

I'm assuming most of you guys think of yourself as prettyboy-type of attractive. Sure, some of you will think you're a 7 ft hypermasc slayer, but the majority of org users will have to cope with the idea that "feminine is high-smv". Let me burst your bubble, goyslop, it is over for you. Actually, it's not even over, no, because how CAN IT BE OVER IF IT NEVER EVEN BEGAN.
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Ground breaking stuff right here hypermasc guys look more masculine than pretty boys :soy:
  • JFL
Reactions: BimaxLaser and Bartenderofnashv
Ground breaking stuff right here hypermasc guys look more masculine than pretty boys :soy:
There's a lot of org users who aren't willing to accept this yet.
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Youre right in some ways its much easier to be dimorphic than a pretty boy. Dudes think being a prettyboy means looking like a boneless dysgenic tranny but a pretty boy is a good looking semi robust dude with standut feminine traits. This doesnt apply to the masses so you might as well become a high smv masculine mogger
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i dont agree, hyper masc men are like those russian bimbos. technically they're hot but most people dont care we all want some level of cuteness
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No one isn't accepting it here there is a reason they are called pretty boys and hyper masc it's to do with how masculine they look:feelshah:
and this isnt 10000bc, they cant take shit by force
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and this isnt 10000bc, they cant take shit by force
It'd surprise you. There are a lot of men who still end up physically fighting over a woman, and getting cucked in the process.
No one isn't accepting it here there is a reason they are called pretty boys and hyper masc it's to do with how masculine they look:feelshah:
That is, unfortunately, just your opinion. And your statement was wrong. I'm not gonna elaborate.
It'd surprise you. There are a lot of men who still end up physically fighting over a woman, and getting cucked in the process.
also jfl at pattison not being a chad, his jaw mogs my entire bloodline
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also jfl at pattison not being a chad, his jaw mogs my entire bloodline
I agree, but some will consider him prettyboy due to his androgynous looks and his eye area.
I think I should clarify that a prettyboy is not a normie, I was talking specifically prettyboy chads and cl. Same level, but masc is a halo.
In Sweden all those old balding 6'5 muscular ogres get cheated on by their wives by 5'9 prettyboy maxed faggots and those whores have big tits too btw
It's called maesthetic/sex appeal 2014 wants it water back
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IMG 1006
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I used to be obsessed with the idea of being a prettyboy due to always looking two years younger than my age throughout puberty and having small facial features.
Then I reached adulthood and eventually grew to have a giant chin but as I aged my lack of maxillary projection made me lean more towards masc ogre
After surgery I didn't become prettyboy because my facial ratios would never allow for it but having the mascsthetic archetype actually feels way better, I simply cant imagine myself with a shorter face being more reliant on youth when a tall face will allow me to age gracefully.
A 35 year old with a tall face can still compete as he is at peak masculinity but a 35 year old with ratios of a former prettyboy cant compete with a young prettboy or a tall faced 35 y/o

I feel that in environments with larger numbers of people (eg. Concert/Festival) prettyboys just get mogged easily by masc roidcels.
I remember seeing a few prettyboys at the last event I went to and thought they'd look great in isolation or even in a club environment where they'd be in the top handful of guys out of 200-300 people but in an environment where there are several thousand people it really does come down to masculinity trumping all.
In a club there's usually a clear divide between the few prettyboys and everyone else
But at a concert when you see masc roidcels that divide where prettyboys sit at the top no longer exists so they almost become rendered ineffective.
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Masthetic mogs any demographic, muh prettyboy muh ogre.
Never been cucked even once by a masc Chad. Always pretty boys, without exception.

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