How am I so bad at Chess despite being so ridiculously intelligent. I was once paired up with some 5ft4 autistic Chinese boy during recess to play Che



Sep 24, 2023
How am I so bad at Chess despite being so ridiculously intelligent. I was once paired up with some 5ft3ish autistic Chinese boy during recess to play Chess. His name was lets say "Freddie" and he always sperges about his dream to become a famous Engineer and to graduate from NUS ( National University of Singapore ).

He was that one kid who just won't shut up. He also had the worst touch of the 'tism. He was the BIGGEST fucking SJW ever. Anything that offends him will end up with him screaming. Our class used to make fun of his small stature to, I mean dude was like 5ft3ish. Even in Malaysia, that's kinda fucked up. When it was his turn to wipe the boards, a few of the jocks ( AKA the popular outspoken noisy sports dudes ) would always keep the magnetic board cleaner all the way at the top, so he would get angry and throw a fit everytime.

Well anyways, one day I was dared to play Chess with him because he was bragging about his Lichess rating and I lost.

@cromagnon @ey88 @Iooksmax
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It's not about intelligence. You have to learn how to play. You cant just get good, for example, by playing over and over again with friends. There's a lot of videos online and some good books too if you're interested, I bet you'll get a very good rating in a couple of months, it's really not hard.
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too bad

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