How am i supposed to find an ortho for my bimax?



Jul 20, 2024
I’m based in Croatia and have been to two orthos, but both seem so bluepilled they don’t think it’s necessary to fix my missing upper lateral incisor, which has made all my aesthetic teeth shift. How the f*** am I supposed to find an ortho for my jaw surgery (Ramieri)? Do I just ortho-hop until I find one that won’t call me clinically insane and actually go with them? This is so retarded. How the f*** do I ascend if I can’t even find a blackpilled ortho?
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The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
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I’m based in Croatia and have been to two orthos, but both seem so bluepilled they don’t think it’s necessary to fix my missing upper lateral incisor, which has made all my aesthetic teeth shift. How the f*** am I supposed to find an ortho for my jaw surgery (Ramieri)? Do I just ortho-hop until I find one that won’t call me clinically insane and actually go with them? This is so retarded. How the f*** do I ascend if I can’t even find a blackpilled ortho?
Can't u just say that u want to fix it coz they can't stop u right but idk
I mean just say you are doing surgery because of sleeping problem. How hard can it be ? When are you doing surgery btw ?
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You’ll likely never find one that will work with Ramieri, I literally contacted every one in my country and nobody would even consider it.

It’s a huge PITA.
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You’ll likely never find one that will work with Ramieri, I literally contacted every one in my country and nobody would even consider it.

It’s a huge PITA.
I will try. Where are you from did you manage to proced to surgery somehow or did you give it up?
I mean just say you are doing surgery because of sleeping problem. How hard can it be ? When are you doing surgery btw ?
Planning in a year or 2 ,but my plan is fucked if I have no ortho to coordinate with the surgeon.I will have to move out of the fucking coutry for months or a year to do bimax and that means al least waiting till I am 25/26. My jaw is giga recessed and its my biggest failio by far, but I havent noticed any real sleeping issues also have no tmj and have small bite issues.Its hard most orthos are bluepilled and if you maxfac of choice doesnt know anyone in your country(my case) its aither forum scrapping or just a numbers game with no guaranteed positive outcome. Another user comented that he had no sucess in finding any ortho in his country so yeah its fuckin brootal.
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Planning in a year or 2 ,but my plan is fucked if I have no ortho to coordinate with the surgeon.I will have to move out of the fucking coutry for months or a year to do bimax and that means al least waiting till I am 25/26. My jaw is giga recessed and its my biggest failio by far, but I havent noticed any real sleeping issues also have no tmj and have small bite issues.Its hard most orthos are bluepilled and if you maxfac of choice doesnt know anyone in your country(my case) its aither forum scrapping or just a numbers game with no guaranteed positive outcome. Another user comented that he had no sucess in finding any ortho in his country so yeah its fuckin brootal.

What country?
Italy for bimax but ortho at home (Croatia,)

lol you said it in the OP, I should read

Since you’re in EU you should be able to travel for ortho appointments quite easily… I have to fly 500km for mine. It’s just part of the whole shitty process.

Compared to the cost of the ortho treatment itself the travel costs are not really significant. Maybe adds 20-25% for me. And obviously compared to the actual bimax it’s laughably insignificant.
Wait are you based in UK? How did you have trouble with an ortho when Gaia got a ortho contact in UK that worked with Ramieri?

I’m right at the north end of Scotland and all the orthos that work with any of the surgeons I consulted work in London.

Just ask Ramieri directly if he knows anyone in Croatia or maybe neighbouring countries. His team can tell you this easily without a consult needed. Might be same for Pagnoni et al.
lol you said it in the OP, I should read

Since you’re in EU you should be able to travel for ortho appointments quite easily… I have to fly 500km for mine. It’s just part of the whole shitty process.

Compared to the cost of the ortho treatment itself the travel costs are not really significant. Maybe adds 20-25% for me. And obviously compared to the actual bimax it’s laughably insignificant.
Yeah that would be my last resort since i am based in coastal city with a direct ferry to Italy almost every day. After the boat it will take me 4-5 hours to get to Rome from there. It would be decently expensive since i want to ascent to normie before I hit 25 ,but I would ideally just take a lical ortho. Do you travel out of country or what ? And if its just a car ride it should be insanely time consuming. Can you tell me how often do you have to visit your ortho?
I’m right at the north end of Scotland and all the orthos that work with any of the surgeons I consulted work in London.

Just ask Ramieri directly if he knows anyone in Croatia or maybe neighbouring countries. His team can tell you this easily without a consult needed. Might be same for Pagnoni et al.
Damn if thats the UK situation i might be super cucked. I am planning a consult with Ramieri as soon as I get my side profile x-ray to ask him everything.
Damn if thats the UK situation i might be super cucked. I am planning a consult with Ramieri as soon as I get my side profile x-ray to ask him everything.
Are you with Ramieri/Pagnoni or someone else?
Yeah that would be my last resort since i am based in coastal city with a direct ferry to Italy almost every day. After the boat it will take me 4-5 hours to get to Rome from there. It would be decently expensive since i want to ascent to normie before I hit 25 ,but I would ideally just take a lical ortho. Do you travel out of country or what ? And if its just a car ride it should be insanely time consuming. Can you tell me how often do you have to visit your ortho?

I have to fly to London every 8 weeks. I have to get up at 4am and only get home at 10pm. It’s rough but being an incel is just about having everything in life be rough.

You never know. Ramieri might know someone in Croatia or nearby country you can access easily by rail or car. Or an Italian ortho in a city closer to the port where your ferry lands.

Are you with Ramieri/Pagnoni or someone else?

I’ve consulted with both and going with Pagnoni with Ramieri as a backup plan if anything goes south. Pagnoni offers more range of implants.
I have to fly to London every 8 weeks. I have to get up at 4am and only get home at 10pm. It’s rough but being an incel is just about having everything in life be rough.

You never know. Ramieri might know someone in Croatia or nearby country you can access easily by rail or car. Or an Italian ortho in a city closer to the port where your ferry lands.

I’ve consulted with both and going with Pagnoni with Ramieri as a backup plan if anything goes south. Pagnoni offers more range of implants.
Gotcha did they make you have a cbct in UK or at Rome and which surgeon gave you bigger movements.
Gotcha did they make you have a cbct in UK or at Rome and which surgeon gave you bigger movements.

Both suggested roughly the same movements.
I found a place that would do CBCT privately in UK but you don’t really need to do that until you finish orthodontics, I was a bit premature.
Both suggested roughly the same movements.
I found a place that would do CBCT privately in UK but you don’t really need to do that until you finish orthodontics, I was a bit premature.
How did you mentally deal with everything? I know in Croatia things are a bit different with avarage Croat staying at their parents house till 33 and having less pay. Did you graduate uni and get a decent job and just saved everything? I have to get a student job right now to meet my own surgery timeline ,but work a well paying summer job aswell and will continue to for atleast a year.
How did you mentally deal with everything? I know in Croatia things are a bit different with avarage Croat staying at their parents house till 33 and having less pay. Did you graduate uni and get a decent job and just saved everything? I have to get a student job right now to meet my own surgery timeline ,but work a well paying summer job aswell and will continue to for atleast a year.

I’m 31 and live with my parents, my life is an absolute train wreck.
My mental state is extremely poor and borderline suicidal, surgery basically the only light at the end of this tunnel.

I did graduate but my pay is so low compared to an American and most foids expect a guy in his 30s to be earning 100k+ and at least own a house. I can afford surgery but it’s costing me 100% of my net pay for almost two years.

You just have to believe it’s worth the sacrifice I guess.
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I’m 31 and live with my parents, my life is an absolute train wreck.
My mental state is extremely poor and borderline suicidal, surgery basically the only light at the end of this tunnel.

I did graduate but my pay is so low compared to an American and most foids expect a guy in his 30s to be earning 100k+ and at least own a house. I can afford surgery but it’s costing me 100% of my net pay for almost two years.

You just have to believe it’s worth the sacrifice I guess.
Got it. Good luck with everything man.If you already got Pagnonis movements and soft tissue predictions you should really worry too much so I heard. I fell the same way for surgery. Did you tell your parents about what you are doing. I told mine(both bluepilled) there were actually not as harsh but said that if i want to go through with them I wont be doing so with any financial help.Glad that there are actuall truecels with real struggles left on this forum instead of retard trolls. And yeah fuck USAcels that can earn top eu surgeons in a year of work after graduating high school. Thats actual suifuel.
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I’m 31 and live with my parents, my life is an absolute train wreck.
My mental state is extremely poor and borderline suicidal, surgery basically the only light at the end of this tunnel.

I did graduate but my pay is so low compared to an American and most foids expect a guy in his 30s to be earning 100k+ and at least own a house. I can afford surgery but it’s costing me 100% of my net pay for almost two years.

You just have to believe it’s worth the sacrifice I guess.
Do you approach foids still or are you just waiting for your surgery.
Got it. Good luck with everything man.If you already got Pagnonis movements and soft tissue predictions you should really worry too much so I heard. I fell the same way for surgery. Did you tell your parents about what you are doing. I told mine(both bluepilled) there were actually not as harsh but said that if i want to go through with them I wont be doing so with any financial help.Glad that there are actuall truecels with real struggles left on this forum instead of retard trolls. And yeah fuck USAcels that can earn top eu surgeons in a year of work after graduating high school. Thats actual suifuel.

My parents are not supportive about it and I suspect do not believe I’ll actually go through with it. They think I’m insane not to use this money for a house deposit.

I think there’s only two uses for large sums of money:
1. Funding surgeries to get your SMV up
2. Early retirement to have the TIME to slay
Everything else is kinda cope, that sports car or big house is not doing SHIT for your SMV.

Getting surgery before uni would be a very smart idea as you then don’t have the whole experience ruined by trueceldom.

Do you approach foids still or are you just waiting for your surgery.

I’ve fully given up. Agepill + hoeflation are RIP for my chances of getting any foid. Insane how it changed in just a few years.
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My parents are not supportive about it and I suspect do not believe I’ll actually go through with it. They think I’m insane not to use this money for a house deposit.

I think there’s only two uses for large sums of money:
1. Funding surgeries to get your SMV up
2. Early retirement to have the TIME to slay
Everything else is kinda cope, that sports car or big house is not doing SHIT for your SMV.

Getting surgery before uni would be a very smart idea as you then don’t have the whole experience ruined by trueceldom.

I’ve fully given up. Agepill + hoeflation are RIP for my chances of getting any foid. Insane how it changed in just a few years.
I want to get a lip lift after bimax(3mm conservative ) and a a cantho for droppy eyes. If I can ascend to at least mtn by the time i am 25 do you think I will have a chance with a foid. Preferably from 20 to 22 yo I am 20. Do you think there is still hope for me by the time i get my surgerys or should I givd up and pursue something else in life and stop pursuing foids all together.
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I want to get a lip lift after bimax(3mm conservative ) and a a cantho for droppy eyes. If I can ascend to at least mtn by the time i am 25 do you think I will have a chance with a foid. Preferably from 20 to 22 yo I am 20. Do you think there is still hope for me by the time i get my surgerys or should I givd up and pursue something else in life and stop pursuing foids all together.

It’s not just about foids, the halo effect alone makes it worth doing. Hence why I’m still doing it at such an extreme old age.

As for foids I simply don’t know what the landscape will be in five years from now. The worst case scenario is that looksmaxxing goes fully mainstream and foids standards continue to inflate, along with a global recession that will leave top 1% trust fund Chads the sole victors.
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It’s not just about foids, the halo effect alone makes it worth doing. Hence why I’m still doing it at such an extreme old age.

As for foids I simply don’t know what the landscape will be in five years from now. The worst case scenario is that looksmaxxing goes fully mainstream and foids standards continue to inflate, along with a global recession that will leave top 1% trust fund Chads the sole victors.
Yeah i agree.
It’s not just about foids, the halo effect alone makes it worth doing. Hence why I’m still doing it at such an extreme old age.

As for foids I simply don’t know what the landscape will be in five years from now. The worst case scenario is that looksmaxxing goes fully mainstream and foids standards continue to inflate, along with a global recession that will leave top 1% trust fund Chads the sole victors.
Haha yes, it's getting a lot worse each year, even considering surgeries that is getting more common and inflated with prices. All of it is a mess really. And yes chads and good looking people overall is getting more and more advantages. It's really sad, and food's seem like a lost cause, they just have too much to win every where, you are such disadvantage all the time having one. It's literally top 1% lms that rules everything.
I want to get a lip lift after bimax(3mm conservative ) and a a cantho for droppy eyes. If I can ascend to at least mtn by the time i am 25 do you think I will have a chance with a foid. Preferably from 20 to 22 yo I am 20. Do you think there is still hope for me by the time i get my surgerys or should I givd up and pursue something else in life and stop pursuing foids all together.
3mm upper jaw only ? I mean it's really small movement, are you doing a lot of CCW then ?
Yeah i agree.

Another thing i wonder is if whether JBW will continue to work in Asia and South America in the coming years. Could significantly effect things.

Haha yes, it's getting a lot worse each year, even considering surgeries that is getting more common and inflated with prices. All of it is a mess really. And yes chads and good looking people overall is getting more and more advantages. It's really sad, and food's seem like a lost cause, they just have too much to win every where, you are such disadvantage all the time having one. It's literally top 1% lms that rules everything.

After these surgeries I’m fucking done. This (plus a massive Tren cycle to get a chad body) is my last ditch effort to win myself a decent life.

If it’s still not enough then I’m going back to living like a student and will just play video games for the remainder. I’m not contributing anything more to this system of torture and exploitation. MGTOW.
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just go to Turkey
Another thing i wonder is if whether JBW will continue to work in Asia and South America in the coming years. Could significantly effect things.

After these surgeries I’m fucking done. This (plus a massive Tren cycle to get a chad body) is my last ditch effort to win myself a decent life.

If it’s still not enough then I’m going back to living like a student and will just play video games for the remainder. I’m not contributing anything more to this system of torture and exploitation. MGTOW.
Yes same, I am also gonna do one last push. overall tho I fucking hate this shit, and I to be fair I want to blame my parents so fucking hard but at the same time I can't. It's frustrating all of it really
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Yes same, I am also gonna do one last push. overall tho I fucking hate this shit, and I to be fair I want to blame my parents so fucking hard but at the same time I can't. It's frustrating all of it really

My mother gave me her femcel jaw/chin, and I still love her, but man do I want to fucking scream.
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My mother gave me her femcel jaw/chin, and I still love her, but man do I want to fucking scream.
Same, I want to go ER on them but at the same time I love them
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My mother gave me her femcel jaw/chin, and I still love her, but man do I want to fucking scream.
Jfl for me it's both parents being recessed. Environment copers gonna say it's mouth breathing and eating shit food while I ate lightly processed food my whole life and rarely breathed through my mouth even while sleeping. Even when I had visible abs I still had 0 jaw definition which is insane.
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But still, I will need around 10 mm of upper advancement since I am super recessed.
I mean I have heard of 10 mm but yes it's really big advancement
Why do you need ortho first? Have you already consulted with Ramieri?
Ask Dr. Ramieri for recommendations, international surgeons often know orthos across the world and there may be one in your country.
Ask Dr. Ramieri for recommendations, international surgeons often know orthos across the world and there may be one in your country.
I will do this, but since the chances of Ramieri having a contact in my country are kind of low, I am preparing for the worst.

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