How are most car guys perceived by girls now

I think it Works For young high tier normies. I know a Guy that got an expensive BMW at 19. 6'3 though with maybe 6/10 face. Seemed to work For him. Chad doesnt need it and won't ascend normies.
its a threshold you have to break, and a subculture you have to meet.

most people when they max can't penetrate the threshold and typically think all women are the same.
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do you think they bred their incels otu of existence.

but my point is do you think if youre just a car guy without being hot is it a halo or no
Being a car guy means nothing if you’re ugly lmaooo Jesus just imagine some ugly Edgar mexican thinking he’s hot cuz he has a bmw. Like it’s just cringe. Personally I hate car guys
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Being a car guy means nothing if you’re ugly lmaooo Jesus just imagine some ugly Edgar mexican thinking he’s hot cuz he has a bmw. Like it’s just cringe. Personally I hate car guys
do you ever see milennials go into cars
Supercar > Classic Car > New Normie Car > Shitbox, imo.

Supercar gives giga status halo, classic car is much cheaper and gives a smaller status halo and possibly a practicality halo if you work on it yourself. Normie new cars give NT, and shitboxes give nothing.
Supercar > Classic Car > New Normie Car > Shitbox, imo.

Supercar gives giga status halo, classic car is much cheaper and gives a smaller status halo and possibly a practicality halo if you work on it yourself. Normie new cars give NT, and shitboxes give nothing.
do any women care about it tho
Sometimes I cant stop staring a nice car
I hate car guys so much.

In EE literally every guy is obsessed with their car. So much cope in one place.

Some mid 20s balding ogre will delude himself he is a slayer just because he bought a stolen BMW from Germany :lul::lul::lul:

Only low iq abused women from the periphery of the capital will give two shits about the guy's mid tier car.

I'd admit that og classic cars are very aesthetic and I will prob buy one in the future just to enjoy my night drives.
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Most of the mseem to be renecks ot me so I imagine they see htem in reaction to rednecks. They either love them or hate them. But idk what about the hip hop lover types. A lot of money to just have a halo effect when looks mean infinitely more obviously.

Its why no one cares. what is even the point. to impress a boomer? lol. video games got way more popular.
i had a car
its dead
I hate car guys so much.

In EE literally every guy is obsessed with their car. So much cope in one place.

Some mid 20s balding ogre will delude himself he is a slayer just because he bought a stolen BMW from Germany :lul::lul::lul:

Only low iq abused women from the periphery of the capital will give two shits about the guy's mid tier car.

I'd admit that og classic cars are very aesthetic and I will prob buy one in the future just to enjoy my night drives.
so people from shit environments liek cars basically
do any women care about it tho
If you're good looking they might approach you over it or you can have a conversation about it.

I like my classic because I can tell them I rebuilt the engine and so on and they sometimes find that kind of hands-on competency attractive. This might not apply to HTB+ who are up their own asses and see it as "poor" behaviour.
If you're good looking they might approach you over it or you can have a conversation about it.

I like my classic because I can tell them I rebuilt the engine and so on and they sometimes find that kind of hands-on competency attractive. This might not apply to HTB+ who are up their own asses and see it as "poor" behaviour.
does any kind of hands-on competency give you any attractiveness points if you're not even htn?
Car guys are almost always dorks nowadays
does any kind of hands-on competency give you any attractiveness points if you're not even htn?

Halos never let you get a higher tier of women but they do make it easier / less effort to get the women you could already have got. In my case as a low MTN the subhumans and occasionally ltb.
Halos never let you get a higher tier of women but they do make it easier / less effort to get the women you could already have got. In my case as a low MTN the subhumans and occasionally ltb.
do you think women are all self aware of what they can or can't get. People when they say PUA game think that women are nonsentients who respond to vibes/ gaslighting/ the way you carry yourself.
do you think women are all self aware of what they can or can't get. People when they say PUA game think that women are nonsentients who respond to vibes/ gaslighting/ the way you carry yourself.

I think in majority they are aware. It's hard for them not to be when they've experience of Tinder.

The exceptions being drunk girls, very dumb girls, and very inexperienced girls, these factors can lower their standards.

PUA game probably only works because it gives men the confidence to approach, but in reality they were already hot enough to get those girls.

what do you think people are more into now.
Just look at how most of these guys look and act. Theyre always twigs or fat guys and biggest betas. I have yet to see a jacked chad looking man obsess over car specs and bs
A higher-end luxury/sports car is still considered a nice accessory today

Not accessories for your face, a car nowadays only signals you are a good goy wanting to betabux
do you think normies even are car people anymore. I'm not talking boomers. I'm talking normies now.

Or are normies more nerdy at this point.

Cars a good to have if you are a broke student so you have a place with some privacy to creampie your girl, that's the only usefulness of it
does any kind of hands-on competency give you any attractiveness points if you're not even htn?
It doesn't life starts at htn, anything you work on is absolute useless as a sub htn, gym, sports, hobbies, USELESS!
the coolest car guy is the car guy who is 1) attractive and 2) has a cool car but doesn’t talk about it. You just find out. And he’s just like “yeah I like it that’s why I have it” not the kind that goes to meets and geeks out on car vids on YouTube
the coolest car guy is the car guy who is 1) attractive and 2) has a cool car but doesn’t talk about it. You just find out. And he’s just like “yeah I like it that’s why I have it” not the kind that goes to meets and geeks out on car vids on YouTube
What do you think Of the boomers who actually find cars some thing hip and every aspiration everyone? My dad literally likes to be diluted into doing that, and he just says the only car people he likes are country

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