How are you supposed to reply to your girlfriend when she constantly brings up how hot some men are?



It’s just hair bro
Feb 28, 2020
Whether they were celebrities, strangers in the coffe shop, when we first started dating, I just brushed it off and join in jokingly "yeah, I could lick honey off that smooth skin of his" I'm straight and I can appreciate a good looking man, but obviously when it keeps being mentioned I'm kinda starting to feel a bit insecure.

In comparison, I'd never say a woman is good looking whatever the circumstances and if she does, I'd always reply with "yeah, but you're hotter" and she'd always blush, not once did she say something similar to me.

Am I overthinking this and just ignore these little thoughts in my head?
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Whether they were celebrities, strangers in the coffe shop, when we first started dating, I just brushed it off and join in jokingly "yeah, I could lick honey off that smooth skin of his" I'm straight and I can appreciate a good looking man, but obviously when it keeps being mentioned I'm kinda starting to feel a bit insecure.

In comparison, I'd never say a woman is good looking whatever the circumstances and if she does, I'd always reply with "yeah, but you're hotter" and she'd always blush, not once did she say something similar to me.

Am I overthinking this and just ignore these little thoughts in my head?
just finish the relationship with her:phigh iq!
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They only do that with flagrant low T low inhib males

just finish the relationship with her:phigh iq!
Just say you'd appreciate it if she stopped that as it's inappropriate. You don't care if it's a joke, please stop. Done.

She might get mad. She might get annoyed. But it needs to be said as your feelings matter.

How she responds determines your next move.

Does she tell you something that completely disregards your feelings? Maybe think about your relationship as she already thinks very little of you. Maybe try and have another talk about it or continue to press the issue, but if she frequently disregards your feelings, seriously reconsider the relationship. Do you really want this for the rest of your life?

Does she apologize and never do it again? Then she really does care about your feelings and is worth keeping.

Don't justlet it go. Talk about it. It's going to be uncomfortable but these kinds of conversations help relationships grow or end relationships that aren't meant to be. It's a win win. Just talk and go from there. Yeah there might be a fight but just do it.

Source: Been with my wife 18 years and married 9. Every big talk we've had has helped our relationship grow stronger. Wouldn't change it for the world
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The poster needs to be put to death for cuckoldry 🤡
61zIil0nzCL AC UF8941000 QL80

This one looks comfortable bro, in case you were looking. 👍🏻
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Whether they were celebrities, strangers in the coffe shop, when we first started dating, I just brushed it off and join in jokingly "yeah, I could lick honey off that smooth skin of his" I'm straight and I can appreciate a good looking man, but obviously when it keeps being mentioned I'm kinda starting to feel a bit insecure.

In comparison, I'd never say a woman is good looking whatever the circumstances and if she does, I'd always reply with "yeah, but you're hotter" and she'd always blush, not once did she say something similar to me.

Am I overthinking this and just ignore these little thoughts in my head?
where is this from bro?
its honesrtly done for some people's iq and/or level of self respect
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its honesrtly done for some people's iq and/or level of self respect
A lot of guys take shit because the alternative is being alone. Beggars can’t be choosers scenario they’d rather be constantly kicked in the balls than starving
Celebrities is whatever,
But random strangers and shit I don’t need to hear all that bullshit. Check the bitch and if she’s doesn’t listen move on. Self respect is important. Men don’t have that these
Days. Very sad
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A lot of guys take shit because the alternative is being alone. Beggars can’t be choosers scenario they’d rather be constantly kicked in the balls than starving
Being alone is better than being a punching bag or being with some bitch who doesn’t even care for u deep down. Idk when guys will realize this.
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Just say you'd appreciate it if she stopped that as it's inappropriate. You don't care if it's a joke, please stop. Done.

She might get mad. She might get annoyed. But it needs to be said as your feelings matter.

How she responds determines your next move.

Does she tell you something that completely disregards your feelings? Maybe think about your relationship as she already thinks very little of you. Maybe try and have another talk about it or continue to press the issue, but if she frequently disregards your feelings, seriously reconsider the relationship. Do you really want this for the rest of your life?

Does she apologize and never do it again? Then she really does care about your feelings and is worth keeping.

Don't justlet it go. Talk about it. It's going to be uncomfortable but these kinds of conversations help relationships grow or end relationships that aren't meant to be. It's a win win. Just talk and go from there. Yeah there might be a fight but just do it.

Source: Been with my wife 18 years and married 9. Every big talk we've had has helped our relationship grow stronger. Wouldn't change it for the world
i aint joking g i just say it like that i want to help you, well just talk with her seriously and fix the things between both :)
Whether they were celebrities, strangers in the coffe shop, when we first started dating, I just brushed it off and join in jokingly "yeah, I could lick honey off that smooth skin of his" I'm straight and I can appreciate a good looking man, but obviously when it keeps being mentioned I'm kinda starting to feel a bit insecure.

In comparison, I'd never say a woman is good looking whatever the circumstances and if she does, I'd always reply with "yeah, but you're hotter" and she'd always blush, not once did she say something similar to me.

Am I overthinking this and just ignore these little thoughts in my head?
Those little indirect things that you say are insignificant, add up to create the overarching image she has of you and the relationship

You’ve got to be indirect with a girl. That’s her language, how she has been genetically coded to respond to. Direct approach should only be used in extreme cases, very very infrequently

The dude from Reddit shouldn’t have let it reach that point. And instead of forcing himself to lie to his girl, about finding other girls attractive, he should try to repair what he’s fucked up

Firstly the girl often does this initially as a shit test.
Often to test the boundaries of what is allowed and what isn’t. Instead of being explosive, direct and firm like most (Adonis:feelskek:) guys are, you gotta be cool, calm, INDIRECT and firm.
Whether that be you fabricate a story of a girl who was in a relationship who loved her husband/bf and he did something for her of great magnitude in return, specifically including how loyal the girl was and “she was head over heels for her guy, didn’t bat an eye to anybody”…
And then finish the story with positive reinforcement, highlighting indirectly at her loyalty.
Knowing the exact times when to do/say stuff is very important, and you will only learn that through experience.

This is just one example, but there are quite literally thousands that exist, that I’ve picked up in day to day life and you guys have subconsciously too. All of these micro expressions and mannerisms slowly and surely lead to an overall opinion.. in this case of the cuck who let his girl walk all over him, emasculating him.
Call this manipulation, but everything in life is. Me telling you this information, is a manipulation of sorts. Even though not intentional, but unintentionally you would respect the words I put out on this site.
Trading a conversation with a friend, unintentionally would put the friend in a good light, this in turn manipulating your opinion on him. Etc etc

So long as what you are doing with your girl isn’t for your own personal pleasure at her expense, take the advice I gave you, and actively be aware of the slightest of subtleties that exist all around us.
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Being alone is better than being a punching bag or being with some bitch who doesn’t even care for u deep down. Idk when guys will realize this.
They wont
Most guys are controlled by their emotions..
Cuck society
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Whether they were celebrities, strangers in the coffe shop, when we first started dating, I just brushed it off and join in jokingly "yeah, I could lick honey off that smooth skin of his" I'm straight and I can appreciate a good looking man, but obviously when it keeps being mentioned I'm kinda starting to feel a bit insecure.

In comparison, I'd never say a woman is good looking whatever the circumstances and if she does, I'd always reply with "yeah, but you're hotter" and she'd always blush, not once did she say something similar to me.

Am I overthinking this and just ignore these little thoughts in my head?
You need more self worth and you need “communication” if she still doesn’t get it then leave her
Hey OP! Let me assure you you’re probably overthinking this. A LOT. Also it doesn’t sound fair silencing your gfs opinions, does it? Who are you to decide what she can say and what not. Deal with it! Your gf seems to love you a lot and you should be happy she’s so open about everything. Now take for example me and my husband, it started exactly like this. And now we are in a polyamorous relationship and happier than ever. I suggest you try the same, it will be releasing for you too, guaranteed! Wish you the best OP!
have sex with her mom to assert dominance

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