How can i cure my autism?



U.S.S umbrella corporation
Dec 11, 2018
I am so retarded that in reality I can not even speak to my classmates and normies. That's why I retired to neet!
By roping
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By convincing yourself that you don't have it.

Also, healthy diet and exercise is shown to help symptoms. Specifically I've read on sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts significantly helping in young adult men.
By convincing yourself that you don't have it.

Also, healthy diet and exercise is shown to help symptoms. Specifically I've read on sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts significantly helping in young adult men.
are you user of is.? I think I've already seen you somewhere.
P.s thx for the tips
Is it just high inhib or legit autism?
are you user of is.? I think I've already seen you somewhere.
P.s thx for the tips
I have an account there but don't post. Just entertain myself with the (autistic) posts.
And no problem man, my sprouts are almost grown so tomorrow I'll have a nice broccoli sprout smoothie after heating it to 70degrees for 10 min. God willing I'll lose some autism points.
Hight inhib but i think i have aspie
I wish I could help but I’d say start by talking to people who you’re comfortable talking too. That way you’d get some experience and confidence.
I wish I could help but I’d say start by talking to people who you’re comfortable talking too. That way you’d get some experience and confidence.
"experience and confident" jfl fuck this blupill bullshit.
"experience and confident" jfl fuck this blupill bullshit.
It’s not bluepill. That’s how it works. Talk to other people you’re comfortable too. You can’t just magically become low inhib. And chatting with others isn’t like attracting women. Attracting women involves the other party too. They should be interested. While chatting just involves effort from your side. Ugly people can be good at conversations or be low inhib.
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It’s not bluepill. That’s how it works. Talk to other people you’re comfortable too. You can’t just magically become low inhib. And chatting with others isn’t like attracting women. Attracting women involves the other party too. They should be interested. While chatting just involves effort from your side. Ugly people can be good at conversations or be low inhib.
as a child I carry these problems, I think the only way to cure it is through pharmaceutical treatment or suicide, my face is useless, I could be born directly ugly
as a child I carry these problems, I think the only way to cure it is through pharmaceutical treatment or suicide, my face is useless, I could be born directly ugly
That mentality definitely won't help.
It can never be fully cured
Psychedelics. Use them. They help rewire your brain and make you lower inhib.
Try to do the exact opposite of Arceus300.
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Do a cold approach challenge

like that poster uninstall

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