How can I stop being treated like a punching bag?



Aug 17, 2018
Everywhere I go I'm treated like a laughing stock, people laugh at me and I've been humiliated since I was a child.
Even my family has always been toxic, they yell at me for stupid reason just because they think they can get away with it.

Also if I try to reply to them they put me back in my submissive position.
They also tell me things happened in the past to put me in a ridicoulus/bad position.

My coworker treat me like I'm their assistant and not someone on the same level, again everytime I tried to yell at them they'll continue to act like nobody happened.
I lift since 2009 and being buff hasn't helped.

Nobody is intimidated by me, nobody and this hurts me so much because they think they could tell me anything and get away with it.
I don't know why this happens and how to avoid it.
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Reactions: Hades, EthnicelAscension, Limbo and 12 others
be better looking

people would take you seriously if you were taller and better looking
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  • JFL
Reactions: wagbox, Hades, EthnicelAscension and 14 others
How tall are you? And what would you rate your face?
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Reactions: eduardkoopman
Everywhere I go I'm treated like a laughing stock, people laugh at me and I've been humiliated since I was a child.
Even my family has always been toxic, they yell at me for stupid reason just because they think they can get away with it.

Also if I try to reply to them they put me back in my submissive position.
They also tell me things happened in the past to put me in a ridicoulus/bad position.

My coworker treat me like I'm their assistant and not someone on the same level, again everytime I tried to yell at them they'll continue to act like nobody happened.
I lift since 2009 and being buff hasn't helped.

Nobody is intimidated by me, nobody and this hurts me so much because they think they could tell me anything and get away with it.
I don't know why this happens and how to avoid it.
Just from reading your post, I can tell that:
-You're less than 3 PSL
-You're shorter than average (below 5'10)
-You never had a girlfriend
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 3202, ( ( ( d[-_-]b ) ) ), PubertyMaxxer and 8 others
What is your height?
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Reactions: eduardkoopman
you know what to do

Main qimg c7dc7d92a88989d0ad5367e462d82093

Eat at an asian restaurant called Gocho
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Hades, Slayerino, Zeta ascended and 2 others
punch in face instead of talking back next time imo
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Reactions: Hades, adrianolm, Zeta ascended and 5 others
Testosterone would help

Images 52
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Reactions: Peachy, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and autistic_tendencies
Maybe U have a weak looking eye area and all, doesnt command respect
Shit voice projection
Learn how to project your voice, stand up for yourself never take no shit from anyone, maybe get some tattoos, it seems like your face lacks masculinity, how tall are you?
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Learn how to project your voice, stand up for yourself never take no shit from anyone, maybe get some tattoos, it seems like your face lacks masculinity, how tall are you?
all this is cope if he is average or below average height
I think it's really hard to follow people's advice like "be more confident", or "don't listen to them" when your entire life you've been surrounded by people who constantly put you down. It traps you in a way of thinking that is very very hard to get out of, especially when its the only way you've ever known. I think a good way of breaking that is by finding a new set of people to interact with (aka new job/school). Especially when circles of friends haven't formed there yet. New people will see you for how you act and think right now, and not for what you've been like in the past.
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Change your environment and ditch all the people who disrespect you. Find a new place of work.
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Reactions: EthnicelAscension, Deleted member 3202, WBC323 and 1 other person
you’re probably seen as the guy who is too eager to please/help.

stop being such a yes man and start saying no, but don’t say no too much, because then you’ll be a hated cunt
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Get LL to become 6'3 and gymcel.
Everywhere I go I'm treated like a laughing stock, people laugh at me and I've been humiliated since I was a child.
Even my family has always been toxic, they yell at me for stupid reason just because they think they can get away with it.

Also if I try to reply to them they put me back in my submissive position.
They also tell me things happened in the past to put me in a ridicoulus/bad position.

My coworker treat me like I'm their assistant and not someone on the same level, again everytime I tried to yell at them they'll continue to act like nobody happened.
I lift since 2009 and being buff hasn't helped.

Nobody is intimidated by me, nobody and this hurts me so much because they think they could tell me anything and get away with it.
I don't know why this happens and how to avoid it.
How tall are you....btw you seem very low T....go check your testosterone levels
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
How tall are you? And what would you rate your face?
Facial rating (?/10)?
Asking the right questions.

One needs to assess.
* Are they laughing at you, because they don't feel respect for you (aka ugly looking)
* Are they laughing at you, because they see you as non-threathening (aka short/weak looks)
* Are some men laughing at you, to put you down or challange you, because they see you as a treath/competition (because you looks good, etc.).

Or, the final option.
They are actually not laughing at you. Or just a normal amount, like they do with all. But you are hallucinating that every laugh is a laugh at you (while it's about something totally else). Or you are overly sensitive, to this.
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6C3CAD97 F1CF 44B6 AA03 B8445B19E905
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Start doing MMA

You will still be ugly and short but at least you won't be treated like a bitch anymore if you show that you can fuck someone up
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Reactions: WBC323
I can relate man
You have to punch back you stupid incel. Throw as many straight punches as you can before you inevitably get KO'd. Do this a couple times and you will not be picked on. Being picked on is a death sentence and solidifies you at the bottom of the social hierarchy.
Sorry to say but its probably due to your physical appearance. Normies are very self centered they dont give a fuck if they hurt your feeling for a nano second of dopamine rush.
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Everywhere I go I'm treated like a laughing stock, people laugh at me and I've been humiliated since I was a child.
Even my family has always been toxic, they yell at me for stupid reason just because they think they can get away with it.

Also if I try to reply to them they put me back in my submissive position.
They also tell me things happened in the past to put me in a ridicoulus/bad position.

My coworker treat me like I'm their assistant and not someone on the same level, again everytime I tried to yell at them they'll continue to act like nobody happened.
I lift since 2009 and being buff hasn't helped.

Nobody is intimidated by me, nobody and this hurts me so much because they think they could tell me anything and get away with it.
I don't know why this happens and how to avoid it.
go train mma
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Reactions: FuckNW
Just fight back , even if you get your ass kicked
Stand up for yourself and demand respect instead of having a passive aggressive victim mentality. Stop complaining and fuck shit up.
join a martial arts (not TK, and karate). Muay thai. It will make you sooo much more confidence, and relaxed i promise you. There is something about martial arts, and the ability to fight that will make you more confident, even verbally. Worked for me.

And another thing, get new friends. Its obvious the people in your life view you in a specific way, and its very hard to make them change their perception of you. Its called cognitive dissonance.
read books gain knowledge
grow confidence through combat sports
laugh at them
and talk back
say no
I can relate to this.
The reason I am laughed at is because I am ugly as fuck and I have a odd voice projection.
Everywhere I go I'm treated like a laughing stock, people laugh at me and I've been humiliated since I was a child.
Even my family has always been toxic, they yell at me for stupid reason just because they think they can get away with it.

Also if I try to reply to them they put me back in my submissive position.
They also tell me things happened in the past to put me in a ridicoulus/bad position.

My coworker treat me like I'm their assistant and not someone on the same level, again everytime I tried to yell at them they'll continue to act like nobody happened.
I lift since 2009 and being buff hasn't helped.

Nobody is intimidated by me, nobody and this hurts me so much because they think they could tell me anything and get away with it.
I don't know why this happens and how to avoid it.
Smack the cunts

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