How can people here actually believe in god?

You are right we cant know, what i was saying is when we cant know claiming that thing exists sounds utter nonsense. Since everyone can make up any story that no one can disprove until death, or maybe even after death.
yeah it sounds utter nonsense but you can never disprove it 100%.
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@Blackout.xl sheep mentality
Fuck God but a lot of other religious beliefs are based
yeah it sounds utter nonsense but you can never disprove it 100%.
Ye thats true. And because of that believing in the 'jesus' so confidently is actually retarded logically speaking.
I dont mind them believing in him because apparently the bible follows morality(if not im sorry) and it actually improves the world, and makes people be able to cope with reality. My mom believes in him cuz life was so painful for her and she is coping with it, im happy christianity exists. She has that 'hope' that jesus will make everything good for her and her family.
But sometimes i question how she can be so oblivious about people getting raped and murdered. And i was born almost an incel too.
Anyways, although it helps people, if they want to logically convince others with the existence, i just want to say its oxymoron since believing in god whom cant be proven by facual evidence itself is not logical at all.
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Ye thats true. And because of that believing in the 'jesus' so confidently is actually retarded logically speaking.
I dont mind them believing in him because apparently the bible follows morality(if not im sorry) and it actually improves the world, and makes people be able to cope with reality. But if they want to logically convince others with the existence, i just want to say its oxymoron since believing in god whom cant be proven by facual evidence itself is not logical at all.
Agree with u there
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i really wish i could believe. i would be a lot happier.
Because god is the ultimate alpha male and you want to be like him.
God is one of the only things that CAN help after the blackpill
Yes this is a question I ask myself alot I've been around the church for many years yet still always gotfucked over my family can try and be religious as they can yet we will still be plagued by unfortunate shit. Unlucky I guess clown world . Its be nice to believe in something but why does he do these things to the innocent why repeatedly give me shit circumstances I dont understand. People cope with it's making you stronger or he showslove in other ways utter horseshit you run faggot up there make me happy bitch
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I have a soft spot for Christianity because it fueled Western Civ, and I still believe that IT IS the only way out of the current nightmare.
However, I can't bring myself to really believe in God. And if such a being exists, it's not worthy of worship. It's only worthy of disdain and hatred.
If I believed in God, I would be a dystheist or misotheist.
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i just pretend to be muslim

inshallah you shia dogs!
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ion care if god exists, its prob some gay ass alien toddler in a sandbox that accidentally made the universe.
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This thread was so edgy a fedora made of bone just grew on the back of my head
Here's the truth.

Religions are based off things that happened in the past, however for propaganda purposes and dividing man, religions have been rewritten and revised for certain agendas ESPECIALLY the BIBLE. The roman catholics destroyed real Christianity. Many important books like Enoch have also been removed from the bible. The Gnostic Christians knew the truth about the world. Like how Gods are all fake, and are actually demonic beings.

Gods don't exist, because EVERY human is GOD. We are all just the universe experiencing itself. These God's are nothing more than Demons AKA Archons pretending to be benevolent beings to fool and enslave humans.

Reincarnation is real. When you die, don't go to the light because that's how the Archons fool you into reincarnating on this sabotaged world. Instead you need to turn around or astral project out of light. Eventually you will be confronted by these Archons however, and you will have to pass 72 test to escape the reincarnation cycle according to the tibetan book of the dead.

The point of reincarnation and this soul trap is that Archons are literally negative evil creatures. They feed off of human suffering, evil, fear, and other low vibrational feelings and actions. The world is the way it is today because of not only Archons, but the humans who worship them and work for them. Aka the thirteen bloodlines, Aka the elites Aka the parasite class Aka zionist Jews Aka free masons Aka the cabal etc.

It's no secret on how to defeat these beings. We give them the power because they know the weakness of man and exploit them, If we all came together and knew the truth however. These fuckers would have no power
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How dumb can you possibly be where you swallowed the blackpill, understand that having sex with girls and mogging other guys is the only point of life BUT then actually believe that “God” is real.
What kind of retarded moralfag mental gymnastics does one go through to be a religious cuck?

If you really think god is real then why to people get cancer and why do people get raped and murdered? also why does he create subhumans?
God is evil. The world being this shitty is not proof of god existing, it's the opposite. Why would something this bad come out of total nothingness and eternity that anything could come out of?

The world causes suffering very systematically, i don't think it's random.
Believing in God is different than believing in religion. Idiots everywhere mix those two.

You fucking retards who actually believe in religion (which there are over 4,000 of by the way!) need to know something. Why were your religions that you practice now simply non-existent back when humans were primitive, and instead people worshipped the sun/water/fire or trees. There wasn't no talk of holy books or nothing.

If YOUR religion is the true one, then why aren't we hardwired from within to actually know that it is. Why do I need to look for religion when God created me with the sole purpose of worshipping them? Sounds kind of counterproductive and stupid ngl. There's no instinct within any natural human being to find God, humans appreciate nature and see it as their creator and find themselves as though they are apart of it. This alone confirms that humans are no strangers to the idea of a creator or a God, but it's not in the same concept that you idiots think it is.

God is not within your 'Holy' books, or in your minds, or anywhere. God MAY exist, I don't know, but I do think it'd be stupid to deny the existence of a creator, religion however is insanity. It's the most backward and easily debunked shit ever and I wouldn't blame you if you were religious maybe 100 years ago, but now you're just fucking retarded if you are ngl.

I'm not an atheist, I believe in a creator, but I don't believe the concept of eternal heaven or hellfire makes any sense. I doubt God gives a shit either tbh.

So fucking retarded man. Jfl at this massive religious cope worldwide of people who fucking think they're special just because they don't wanna embrace the idea of dying.
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I think blackpill is not only about looks, in my opinion a real blackpilled person needs to understand nihilism and efilism.If a person really believe in a god after understand the importance of looks and how genetic determinism works i couldn't say he is really blackpilled.
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I think blackpill is not only about looks, in my opinion a real blackpilled person needs to understand nihilism and efilism.If a person really believe in a god after understand the importance of looks and how genetic determinism works i couldn't say he is really blackpilled.

finally a sane answer in this thread

funny thing didnt know that my worldview on nature had a name
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Natural selection human nature etc.
If God really rewarded our good deeds then why does might make right? Why does the strong rule over the weak regardless of morality?
Why is nature so inherently cruel.
God rewards the righteous when the physical body dies
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'You are a fool cuz you are confident that he is not existing'
Nigga, i will creat my own belief right here. The god loves to watch pornhub and looks like david gandy. If you die you will go to some ethereal place that you will euphoric all the time.
Now you will tell me i am bullshitting cuz i cant bring any proof.
But you niggas can believe jesus or some jewish faggot without proof.
The sole reason you believe him is because basically you are just biased by the massive number of believers. Basic crowd fallacy your brain commits.
Every non retard brain functions according to evidence based belief. And most of you god believers are going to be same in normal situations. But when it comes to jesus your thought process turns into non-sense way. All the sudden you dont need basic evidence to believe such non-logical stuff which utterly aint looking compatible with reality what we witness.
You say god puts humans in test that we can serve him or not by our free will.
Then what happened to cavemans who didnt even have perception of god in their generation? You cant ignore how big impactions from environment can be. If we actually make stats kids with religious parents will have greater tendency to believe in religion than kids without those parents.
If you are retard you wouldnt even comprehend the concept of god. And he is still human being. Is he going to hell cuz he didnt believe? Dont make up bullshit from your jackass to defend your imaginary god.
And what actually is god testing us?
He cannot be testing our morality which he cares about, because non-believers are going to be moral too since it is evolutional programming.
In fact non-believers are dealing with absent of evidence. Because we follow logical way of thinking, and even all god believers do(which is hypocritical) Do you think it is the good indicator to decide who deserves eternal euphoria or hellfire? Cuz he didnt give up on his belief system? There is nothing about morality or any quality that 'the god' is looking for.
God believers shouldnt even dare to have a discussion imo. they dont follow basic human logic, how can even they make any logical statement? Its really hypocritical.
The first men were adam and eve so they knew there was a god.God is merciful.All his judgements will be fair.For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
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If you want to claim that he exists you are the one who has obligation for the evidence. Its not non-believers have to prove that he doesnt exist.
If i want to tell you i have sean opry face i should prove you not you should prove i dont. Basic fallacy.
He exists.In the end times people will have dreams and prophecy.Its happening check on YouTube.The holy spirit is evidence.People have supernatural experiences.People have been healed from power of god
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Fuck God but a lot of other religious beliefs are based
God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
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If you really think god is real then why to people get cancer and why do people get raped and murdered? also why does he create subhumans?
You deny the existence of God based on the religious beliefs of people ( why does X get killer, why Y has cáncer...). The truth is that the fact that that these things happen don't negate the possibility of God. It's just that maybe God isn't what you think it is, or doesn't interfere in the world the way you thought it would/ or the way you would like it should.

This is a common misconception among atheist folks and u seem to be one of them. It's not that God exists, it's rather that religion in the current way we know it is flawed.

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