how can you be blackpilled and christian at the same time?



#proana #thinspo #genshinyaoir34
Jan 23, 2023
i used to be a christian until i really started to question my faith. i was stressing a lot but couldnt put my finger on what exactly it was, it was just something in my gut that was developing unbelief at an alarming rate. then i was binge watching ITVs old videos one day and he nailed it. the quote was something like "idgaf about the scientific aspect of disproving religion, but from a BP perspective its the fact that we are all held to the same standard when of course chads and sub5s live on different planes of existance. whats a sin for chad shouldnt be a sin for me." there was another really good one like "it should tell you enough that the biggest sin in any abrahamic religion is to be an unbeliever. the most vile POS scum of the earth believer is better than a noble unbeliever to them."

and this line of reasoning addressed the root of where all my doubts and questions came from. ive tried to look for answers to my questions across christian forums and reddit but everything seems like a massive cope. i mean just the idea that god can be so fkn arbitrary in his ways says a lot. why is god attributed to saving people from completely preventable car crashes or disasters but is fine with kids being born with terrible illnesses or just fkn ugly who will undoubtedly live a life full of suffering and misery?

i ask this since theres a surprising amount of overlap with BP and christians. just curious for an explanation on how you can subscribe to both when they share nearly no ideological similarities.
the fire that warms u can also burn u

the water that sustains u can drown u

God created this world operating under natural laws

the illnesses u speak of are a byproduct of sin

this life is a lecture, u are not meant to be happy and cozy
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  • Hmm...
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i used to be a christian until i really started to question my faith. i was stressing a lot but couldnt put my finger on what exactly it was, it was just something in my gut that was developing unbelief at an alarming rate. then i was binge watching ITVs old videos one day and he nailed it. the quote was something like "idgaf about the scientific aspect of disproving religion, but from a BP perspective its the fact that we are all held to the same standard when of course chads and sub5s live on different planes of existance. whats a sin for chad shouldnt be a sin for me." there was another really good one like "it should tell you enough that the biggest sin in any abrahamic religion is to be an unbeliever. the most vile POS scum of the earth believer is better than a noble unbeliever to them."

and this line of reasoning addressed the root of where all my doubts and questions came from. ive tried to look for answers to my questions across christian forums and reddit but everything seems like a massive cope. i mean just the idea that god can be so fkn arbitrary in his ways says a lot. why is god attributed to saving people from completely preventable car crashes or disasters but is fine with kids being born with terrible illnesses or just fkn ugly who will undoubtedly live a life full of suffering and misery?

i ask this since theres a surprising amount of overlap with BP and christians. just curious for an explanation on how you can subscribe to both when they share nearly no ideological similarities.
yeah. i was christian asf before. after discovering the BP i became more hopeless. god doesnt really makes sense to me anymore

massive cope
if god is powerful, he is bad bc he is letting people to suffer
if god is good, but not powerful, so he isnt god
i used to be a christian until i really started to question my faith. i was stressing a lot but couldnt put my finger on what exactly it was, it was just something in my gut that was developing unbelief at an alarming rate. then i was binge watching ITVs old videos one day and he nailed it. the quote was something like "idgaf about the scientific aspect of disproving religion, but from a BP perspective its the fact that we are all held to the same standard when of course chads and sub5s live on different planes of existance. whats a sin for chad shouldnt be a sin for me." there was another really good one like "it should tell you enough that the biggest sin in any abrahamic religion is to be an unbeliever. the most vile POS scum of the earth believer is better than a noble unbeliever to them."

and this line of reasoning addressed the root of where all my doubts and questions came from. ive tried to look for answers to my questions across christian forums and reddit but everything seems like a massive cope. i mean just the idea that god can be so fkn arbitrary in his ways says a lot. why is god attributed to saving people from completely preventable car crashes or disasters but is fine with kids being born with terrible illnesses or just fkn ugly who will undoubtedly live a life full of suffering and misery?

i ask this since theres a surprising amount of overlap with BP and christians. just curious for an explanation on how you can subscribe to both when they share nearly no ideological similarities.
pretty easily? The whole point of christianity is humans are sinners who don't deserve to go to heaven. Jesus sacrifices himself, taking the punishment for us.
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Genetics are free reign, every event that happens on Earth is doing of humanity, and not god.
you can be black pilled as a Christian because it is man that defined some people should be ostracized or treated a certain because they look a certain way or don’t have “conventional attractiveness” remember when god finished creating earth he said it was good it was only after men sinned and put worldly things above others is when he loathed creating mankind.
You can't. Christianity is massive cope that holds you back and turns you insane, soon you will be hoping for the world to end and heaven filled with puppies and stacys. Plus it can be used as a weapon against you
You can't. Christianity is massive cope that holds you back and turns you insane, soon you will be hoping for the world to end and heaven filled with puppies and stacys. Plus it can be used as a weapon against you
bro when from muslim to christian to athiest

this is a common pipeline for ex muslims esp shami ones
bro when from muslim to christian to athiest

this is a common pipeline for ex muslims esp shami ones
Nah I'm kind of agnsotic not atheist but if there is a God he is a very cruel one, I'm shocked you remember I was christian
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Nah I'm kind of agnsotic not atheist but if there is a God he is a very cruel one, I'm shocked you remember I was christian
yeah i remember you used to say lebanon/sham are jesus' lands

that's why i say it's common for ex muslim shamis to become christian, because it was the religion of their ancestors pre 7th century
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yeah i remember you used to say lebanon/sham are jesus' lands

that's why i say it's common for ex muslim shamis to become christian, because it was the religion of their ancestors pre 7th century
I was coping because Christian areas here you can have a gf and they are very open and shit, I realized you can't rely on this God idea and that God is ultimately unfair, just a few km short of being born in a way better location
I was coping because Christian areas here you can have a gf and they are very open and shit, I realized you can't rely on this God idea and that God is ultimately unfair, just a few km short of being born in a way better location

the only good location a few kilometers away from you is israel, anywhere else a few kms away is shit 😂
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True man, very true
so what were you referring to?

where did you wish you grew up instead of lebanon

oh yeah i forgot turkey, it's also decent but they would hate ur guts and be even more racist to you than israel so 🤷‍♂️
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so what were you referring to?

where did you wish you grew up instead of lebanon
I was referring to the north or the capital since at least they are open and the economy there is more active, of course I would rather be born in America
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I was referring to the north or the capital since at least they are open and the economy there is more active, of course I would rather be born in America

oh yeah i forgot turkey, it's also decent but they would hate ur guts and be even more racist to you than israel so 🤷‍♂️
they recently attacked and killed some syrian refugees
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