How can you believe in God?


Deleted member 28691

Grim world.
Apr 16, 2023
Fairy tales.

If God is real than he is some sort of an evil entity feeding off agony and misery.
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God is a silly prankster
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Victim mindset.
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How can I not believe in myself?
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he exists but no one says he's some good samaritan
he's not the christian god, no one knows what he thinks
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Everything is too calculated and perfectly engineered to only come down to statistical probability.
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religious people believe in a god that made this
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made a based thread about this a while ago

Everything is too calculated and perfectly engineered to only come down to statistical probability.

Yeah, i know what you're talking about.

But we exist because we exist, as stupid as it may sound.
If he was evil we would live in hell and get tortured but god saves those who are good and gives them eternal life
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Yeah, i know what you're talking about.

But we exist because we exist, as stupid as it may sound.
I think it's more likely everything was designed by a creator rather than us just being a statistical outlier.
If he was evil we would live in hell and get tortured but god saves those who are good and gives them eternal life

For many people around the word, existence is living hell since birth.
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I believe in St.Meeks only. Keep grinding, keep hustling, and shoot for your dreams.
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Idk if God exists or not
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I believe in St.Meeks only. Keep grinding, keep hustling, and shoot for your dreams.

Living God indeed, Morrowind Triumvirate type of shit.
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I don’t understand this “I wasn’t born chad, so how can god be real?” mentality.
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That’s what it comes down to for atheists here.

Lol, there's bigger problems than looks, there are people being born and living their hole lives in misery, in essentially real life slavery, slaving their life away in brutal condition for $3 a day.

Where's the kind god?

Where's the kind god when kids get born with no limbs/retarded or deformed.

Why does he allow his creations to suffer this much, for muh afterlife.

Biggest bullshit in the history of this Earth.
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Lol, there's bigger problems than looks, there are people being born and living their hole lives in misery, in essentially real life slavery, slaving their life away in brutal condition for $3 a day.

Where's the kind god?

Where's the kind god when kids get born with no limbs/retarded or deformed.

Why does he allow his creations to suffer this much, for muh afterlife.

Biggest bullshit in the history of this Earth.
As I said.. I don’t understand this kind of mentality. Instead of “I’m not chad” replace it with “why do bad things happen?” It’s kind of the same anyway innit?
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Thing is when the day of judgement comes for you, you didn't lose anything by believing in God. You potentially lose your chance at eternal peace if there's a God and chose not to believe so you might aswell. There's got to be a higher entity that created this shit earth, otherwise nothing would make sense.
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Forget god it baffles me that people believe in an afterlife. Heaven where you’re constantly happy and carefree is the bluepill dream for subhumans
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I believe in a higher power that created the universe or multiverse. Other than that we don’t know how God works other than pure speculation and belief. It’s perfectly understandable though that people believe in Hell, karma and judgement when you see how humans are. We are the smartest and most intelligent species known to all history, yet we still choose to be shitty.
If he was evil we would live in hell and get tortured but god saves those who are good and gives them eternal life
we are there already
If he was evil we would live in hell and get tortured but god saves those who are good and gives them eternal life
only reason you are not being tortured rn is luck, others are

your turn will come
Everything is too calculated and perfectly engineered to only come down to statistical probability.
not really. Look at shitholes like mars for example
Nothing’s living there. It’s just a waste of space.
Nothing is living there because it is too far away from the sun so it's too cold for any vegetation.
Nothing is living there because it is too far away from the sun so it's too cold for any vegetation.
What’s the point of it? Why is it there?
only reason you are not being tortured rn is luck, others are

your turn will come
If ur living normal life the probability is very low something bad will happen to you. God says never challange him out.
I studied Christianity and Islam intensively for months and I came to the conclusion that there might be a God, but the Abrahamic God is a primitive understanding of what God is; a better term is just some kind of cosmic force that is completely beyond our comprehension. I am open that such a thing exists, but I am certain that the God of the Bible and the Quran is a fairytale.

To me, the concept that we get one life and that after that lies eternal blackness is far more profound than an afterlife; it compells me to make the most out of my time here. There is a Mark Twain quote that encapsulates the impact of this concept; "I don't fear death, I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it never bothered me once." To me that is more inspiring than anything I have ever read in any holy book.

If there's one thing we can be sure of, it's that "God" or whatever you want to call it does not love us in the way that the Bible or Quran says. We cannot begin to understand why this possible force set in motion the things we experience, but it is not because "He" loves us.

@apemaxxed @ReadBooksEveryday
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I studied Christianity and Islam intensively for months and I came to the conclusion that there might be a God, but the Abrahamic God is a primitive understanding of what God is; a better term is just some kind of cosmic force that is completely beyond our comprehension. I am open that such a thing exists, but I am certain that the God of the Bible and the Quran is a fairytale.

To me, the concept that we get one life and that after that lies eternal blackness is far more profound than an afterlife; it compells me to make the most out of my time here. There is a Mark Twain quote that encapsulates the impact of this concept; "I don't fear death, I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it never bothered me once." To me that is more inspiring than anything I have ever read in any holy book.

If there's one thing we can be sure of, it's that "God" or whatever you want to call it does not love us in the way that the Bible or Quran says. We cannot begin to understand why this possible force set in motion the things we experience, but it is not because "He" loves us.

@apemaxxed @ReadBooksEveryday


You believe the propability that an afterlife exists is lower than that u were born? That u were born has a probability of 1:500 billion. Now if u see that it's almost impossible that we were born u must see propability is higher that an afterlife exists than eternal nothingness.

You believe the propability that an afterlife exists is lower than that u were born? That u were born has a probability of 1:500 billion. Now if u see that it's almost impossible that we were born u must see propability is higher that an afterlife exists than eternal nothingness.
With the grand scale of the universe everything is mathematically possible; I am fine with that. I'm not a cringe reddit antitheist I have thought about this a lot, and I don't think religion is a bad thing I just think it's false.
With the grand scale of the universe everything is mathematically possible; I am fine with that. I'm not a cringe reddit antitheist I have thought about this a lot, and I don't think religion is a bad thing I just think it's false.
Its only possible because of God. The universe can't do anything on its own. U believe the propability that an afterlife exists is lower than that u were born which is false. If life exists the propability that an afterlife exists is higher logically but don't worry u won't ever see the afterlife. Ur too much of a sinner and unbeliever. You will face eternal death.
Its only possible because of God. The universe can't do anything on its own. U believe the propability that an afterlife exists is lower than that u were born which is false. If life exists the propability that an afterlife exists is higher logically but don't worry u won't ever see the afterlife. Ur too much of a sinner and unbeliever. You will face eternal death.
This is the hypocrisy. If you were a good Christian you wouldn't smite me to hell you would love me like Christ loves you.

You're also missing my point completely I never said I was an atheist; I acknowledged that some sort of God might exist, just not the God of Abraham.

Bro, I was so devout for a while; attended mass, prayed, I read the entire bible and most of it is just barbaric nonsense. One thing I noticed was that it actually reminded me of the Iliad. For example, in I think 1 Kings it says that Solomon, David's son sacrificed 120,000 sheep to God. Logically, that would have been impossible in 1000 BC. If Solomon actually managed to gather that many sheep he would have caused a huge famine or at least some sort of major economic crisis in Israel. We know from archeological evidence that David probably existed so let's assume Solomon also existed; he probably gathered at most a few thousand and killed them over the course of a month or so, yet as things are documented they are embellished because ancient peoples saw history and religion as interchangable. Relating back to my point about the Iliad (700 BC) I remember a scene in that where Zeus's son was killed in battle and as homage to him Zeus made it rain blood. Now from archeological evidence we can say that the Trojan war probably did happen, and it's possible this was a real person who was slain in battle, but we know that it didn't actually rain blood. We can observe how things were exaggerated/embellished over time. The Iliad is historical truth mixed in with mythology, like the Bible. Rather than Greek mythology, the Bible is Jewish mythology.

@PrinceLuenLeoncur what are your thoughts on this? I know you like ancient history
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Its only possible because of God. The universe can't do anything on its own. U believe the propability that an afterlife exists is lower than that u were born which is false. If life exists the propability that an afterlife exists is higher logically but don't worry u won't ever see the afterlife. Ur too much of a sinner and unbeliever. You will face eternal death.
The dealbreaker with Christianity for me was in Deuteronomy or Numbers God instructs Moses or maybe Joshua I can't remember to kill the Midianites for convincing the Israelites to believe in false Gods. God specifically tells him to kill the men, children, and infants, and to take the women as slaves. It's so obvious that if this really happened Moses just claimed God told him this to convince everyone to attack the Midianites. If the God of the universe, in His infinite wisdom actually has endorsed killing babies then he isn't deserving of worship, and I wouldn't want to go to heaven on His terms.
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This is the hypocrisy. If you were a good Christian you wouldn't smite me to hell you would love me like Christ loves you.

You're also missing my point completely I never said I was an atheist; I acknowledged that some sort of God might exist, just not the God of Abraham.

Bro, I was so devout for a while; attended mass, prayed, I read the entire bible and it most of it is just barbaric nonsense. One thing I noticed was that it actually reminded me of the Iliad. For example, in I think 1 Kings it says that Solomon, David's son sacrificed 120,000 sheep to God. Logically, that would have been impossible in 1000 BC. If Solomon actually managed to gather that many sheep he would have caused a huge famine or at least some sort of major economic crisis in Israel. We know from archeological evidence that David probably existed so let's assume Solomon also existed; he probably gathered at most a few thousand and killed them over the course of a month or so, yet as things are documented they are embellished because ancient peoples saw history and religion as interchangable. Relating back to my point about the Iliad (700 BC) I remember a scene in that where Zeus's son was killed in battle and as homage to him Zeus made it rain blood. Now from archeological evidence we can say that the Trojan war probably did happen, and it's possible this was a real person who was slain in battle, but we know that it didn't actually rain blood. We can observe how things were exaggerated/embellished over time. The Iliad is historical truth mixed in with mythology, like the Bible. Rather than Greek mythology, the Bible is Jewish mythology.

The old Testament is a historic book and just look at ukraine isn't it barbaric? Wars are always barbaric. When jews came from egypt they had wars with arabs until now

Jesus is the only god who showed himself he is the hope of mankind that we are not doomed and there might be an afterlife thats why he said I am the light. Mohammed, gandy, confuzius etc admitted they don't know whats gonna happen if they die, only Jesus knew.
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The dealbreaker with Christianity for me was in Deuteronomy or Numbers God instructs Moses or maybe Joshua I can't remember to kill the Midianites for convincing the Israelites to believe in false Gods. God specifically tells him to kill the men, children, and infants, and to take the women as slaves. It's so obvious that if this really happened Moses just claimed God told him this to convince everyone to attack the Midianites. If the God of the universe, in His infinite wisdom actually has endorsed killing babies then he isn't deserving of worship, and I wouldn't want to go to heaven on His terms.
These kids grow up to kill jews. There was no chance for them to become good humans just like soddom and Gomorrah. God said find me just 1 good human and I won't destroy the City. The Prophet couldn't find a single person who was good so God judged the City.
The old Testament is a historic book and just look at ukraine isn't it barbaric? Wars are always barbaric. When jews came from egypt they had wars with arabs until now

Jesus is the only god who showed himself he is the hope of mankind that we are not doomed and there might be an afterlife thats why he said I am the light. Mohammed, gandy, confuzius admitted they don't know whats gonna happen if they die, only Jesus knew.
You didn't address my point at all about ancient mythology. I'll give you another example of this time how we can actually see how things were changed over time; in the oldest copies of the Hebrew Bible we have Goliath's height is said to be the modern equivalent of around 6'9. In modern Bibles the number is more like 11ft. That is clear evidence of how these stories were embellished over time.

And bro war is barbaric? Muslims literally have better conduct for war than what you believe to literally be GOD (they're prohibited from killing infants in battle) yet you believe that Islam is false.
These kids grow up to kill jews. There was no chance for them to become good humans just like soddom and Gomorrah. God said find me just 1 good human and I won't destroy the City. The Prophet couldn't find a single person who was good so God judged the City.
Why would God want to kill the babies tho? They didn't do anything. It seems that I am more moral than God because I would never hurt a baby because of the iniquities of its parents.
You didn't address my point at all about ancient mythology. I'll give you another example of this time how we can actually see how things were changed over time; in the oldest copies of the Hebrew Bible we have Goliath's height is said to be the modern equivalent of around 6'9. In modern Bibles the number is more like 11ft. That is clear evidence of how these stories were embellished over time.

And bro war is barbaric? Muslims literally have better conduct for war than what you believe to literally be GOD (they're prohibited from killing infants in battle) yet you believe that Islam is false.
Muslims took little babies and changed their names and made them muslims, they raped women or force marriaged them. I would rather die than become a muslim
Why would God want to kill the babies tho? They didn't do anything. It seems that I am more moral than God because I would never hurt a baby because of the iniquities of its parents.
I told u why u didn't Read it
I told u why u didn't Read it
Yeah and your point makes no sense; even if they were full of the most degenerate, horrible people on earth the babies couldn't even comprehend that. They did nothing wrong. God has terrible morals if he is fine with killing babies for the sins of their elders.

My point about the bible being embellished like other ancient literature is also true with the New Testament; the chronological order of the Gospels is Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. There are many contradictions between them but besides that, you can see how the story changed over time; Mark is the shortest Gospel and it is also where Jesus gets angry the most; he seems far more human. In Matthew and Luke Jesus is more mystical in his actions and by John he makes multiple claims to be God Himself; the story was exaggerated over time.
Once I came to that conclusion the reality of Judeo-Christian scriptures became obvious to me.
Yeah and your point makes no sense; even if they were full of the most degenerate, horrible people on earth the babies couldn't even comprehend that. They did nothing wrong. God has terrible morals if he is fine with killing babies for the sins of their elders.

My point about the bible being embellished like other ancient literature is also true with the New Testament; the chronological order of the Gospels is Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. There are many contradictions between them but besides that, you can see how the story changed over time; Mark is the shortest Gospel and it is also where Jesus gets angry the most; he seems far more human. In Matthew and Luke Jesus is more mystical in his actions and by John he makes multiple claims to be God Himself; the story was exaggerated over time.
Once I came to that conclusion the reality of Judeo-Christian scriptures became obvious to me.
These babies would grow up to kill jews.
God is the judge and his punishment is death. If u find it unfair u should also abolish the human justice system and let all prisoners free. While judges put humans in prison God takes their life away based on the 10 commandments in the bible.

The dead sea scrolls proved Jesus is God
And they were written before
Mark, Matthew, Luke and John
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