How do I stop fapping, it’s a constant urge and I don’t know how to control that bitch



Oct 30, 2023
  • JFL
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Stop moving your hand up and down nigga. Ahahahahahahaha.
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Reactions: Spiritualcell, Ruakh, Deleted member 21297 and 12 others
cut it off
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Stop moving your hand up and down nigga. Ahahahahahahaha.
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adonis academy
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No joke if it’s really bad go seek help
  • JFL
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I just want to stop
  • JFL
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A comment I posted on the following thread:

You'll relapse. I bet.
Why? Because you see your body as "you" and not an independent thing trying to convince, persuade and intoxicating your perception to comply to its animalistic desires.

Stoic endurance only lasts so long. Discipline only goes so far. As long as you're attached, you're just resisting a temptation you secretly want.

Only detachment and the proper application of focus on productive thinking that exterminates such thoughts from entering and/or staying in your mind will prevent relapsing.

An example of focusing on productive thinking: Focusing on the fact that your body is intoxicating you to comply with it's animalistic desire to procreate, observing it with complete detachment, watching your body cling, crave and create persuasive narratives to comply. Just observe and detach from it, let the body try to persuade you, it will eventually subside. Do this over and over again for a long time and you'll slowly become desexualized, detached and unaffected by sexual stimulus and responses, and eventually you won't even have them anymore.

Also, be focused on what causes lust to arise as well.

Also, question "Why am I horny?" until your brain hurts and you've literally ran out of ideas in this observant, detached state. You'll find (like I have) that you perceive certain sensory stimulus as a gateway to feel pleasurable feelings in some way, and that perception is so, so deeply entrenched that your body automatically ignites a biological response without your conscious approval.

To defeat this response, you must constantly be laser focused, observant and detached (mindfulness) at the arising, endurance and waning of lust. Your goal is to not react and drop the veil of lust through sheer observation. Doing this everyday will lead to the realization (like I have) that all you're seeing is a bunch of moving visual stimulus, and that stimulus is tainted by the perception that you can get very positive feelings by acting on that stimulus, therefore eliciting an automatic response (getting hard, and feeling horny), inciting you (who is identified with the body, and not seeing it as a separate entity) to fap, not realizing that fapping is unsatisfactory, leads to suffering and that lust is impermanent and will eventually subside if you wait it out.

Post nut clarity hurts so bad because the intoxicant is gone, like a curtain, showing the true nature of the act committed.
This is why lust is so enthralling and alluring. The intoxicant is in full swing, like a curtain, hiding the true nature of the act that will be committed.

Here's an extreme exercise you can do right now that I learned a lot from.
Go on a pornography site and watch a video (preferably a long one) and focus and observe the video, detached. Cease the lustful perception tainting your mind and just watch the video, detached as if you were merely a soulless camera just taking in or recording visual stimulus.

If you can hold that completely detached state for a long time, like I did once (haven't been able to replicate it since it's so hard to do), you'll find something miraculous.

  • Your body is telling your mind to tell the ego (sense of identity/you) to pull out the most seductive, compelling, alluring, persuasive sales pitch of all time on why you should take your right or left hand off of your phone and on your dick and fap.
  • Your brain and mind is so sexualized to the point that you'll see that they'll literally attempt to take over control of your hand to get you to do the act.
  • You'll see all the defects of the mind that taint your perception into believing that fapping is something that is very, very important and must be acted upon immediately. Observe, detached. Resisting assumes you're depriving yourself of something you want. Observation combined with detachment slowly removes the want by developing wisdom, this leads me to the last point.
  • The most shocking, life changing thing I've discovered in the past 90 days is that I was literally able to watch porn, hold that intense mindful concentration for a while and I literally felt my dick shrink, the sexual perception waned significantly, and it was if I induced post nut clarity without ejaculation, of course without the shame since I've never ejaculated. I saw porn for what it really was, a bunch of moving pixels, nothing more nothing less. It was so profound, like I saw the end of the tunnel that nobody has been to. The land in which lust can't exist. I was so profoundly surprised at that realization. I realized that the brain can actually turn off its sexuality button. I was free, for like 3 seconds. I couldn't hold that intense focus and detachment and it all came back again.
It was like Plato's allegory of the cave, I was freed from the flawed perception, the illusion.

Of course, I still have more to learn about lust but that's my input.
Even I still haven't defeated it, despite knowing all of this due to clinging to the idea that I should pursue that pleasure and not staying detached :(
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  • JFL
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Keep going, it will not make a difference unless you watch porn
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
get someone to do funkytown on you (in minecraft)
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Reactions: RAMU KAKA, capybar and Whitepill_Saint
Pay for a no fap course
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Reactions: RAMU KAKA, Whitepill_Saint, enchanted_elixir and 1 other person
died of laughter while reading the answers
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
A comment I posted on the following thread:

Why? Because you see your body as "you" and not an independent thing trying to convince, persuade and intoxicating your perception to comply to its animalistic desires.

Stoic endurance only lasts so long. Discipline only goes so far. As long as you're attached, you're just resisting a temptation you secretly want.

Only detachment and the proper application of focus on productive thinking that exterminates such thoughts from entering and/or staying in your mind will prevent relapsing.

An example of focusing on productive thinking: Focusing on the fact that your body is intoxicating you to comply with it's animalistic desire to procreate, observing it with complete detachment, watching your body cling, crave and create persuasive narratives to comply. Just observe and detach from it, let the body try to persuade you, it will eventually subside. Do this over and over again for a long time and you'll slowly become desexualized, detached and unaffected by sexual stimulus and responses, and eventually you won't even have them anymore.

Also, be focused on what causes lust to arise as well.

Also, question "Why am I horny?" until your brain hurts and you've literally ran out of ideas in this observant, detached state. You'll find (like I have) that you perceive certain sensory stimulus as a gateway to feel pleasurable feelings in some way, and that perception is so, so deeply entrenched that your body automatically ignites a biological response without your conscious approval.

To defeat this response, you must constantly be laser focused, observant and detached (mindfulness) at the arising, endurance and waning of lust. Your goal is to not react and drop the veil of lust through sheer observation. Doing this everyday will lead to the realization (like I have) that all you're seeing is a bunch of moving visual stimulus, and that stimulus is tainted by the perception that you can get very positive feelings by acting on that stimulus, therefore eliciting an automatic response (getting hard, and feeling horny), inciting you (who is identified with the body, and not seeing it as a separate entity) to fap, not realizing that fapping is unsatisfactory, leads to suffering and that lust is impermanent and will eventually subside if you wait it out.

Post nut clarity hurts so bad because the intoxicant is gone, like a curtain, showing the true nature of the act committed.
This is why lust is so enthralling and alluring. The intoxicant is in full swing, like a curtain, hiding the true nature of the act that will be committed.

Here's an extreme exercise you can do right now that I learned a lot from.
Go on a pornography site and watch a video (preferably a long one) and focus and observe the video, detached. Cease the lustful perception tainting your mind and just watch the video, detached as if you were merely a soulless camera just taking in or recording visual stimulus.

If you can hold that completely detached state for a long time, like I did once (haven't been able to replicate it since it's so hard to do), you'll find something miraculous.

  • Your body is telling your mind to tell the ego (sense of identity/you) to pull out the most seductive, compelling, alluring, persuasive sales pitch of all time on why you should take your right or left hand off of your phone and on your dick and fap.
  • Your brain and mind is so sexualized to the point that you'll see that they'll literally attempt to take over control of your hand to get you to do the act.
  • You'll see all the defects of the mind that taint your perception into believing that fapping is something that is very, very important and must be acted upon immediately. Observe, detached. Resisting assumes you're depriving yourself of something you want. Observation combined with detachment slowly removes the want by developing wisdom, this leads me to the last point.
  • The most shocking, life changing thing I've discovered in the past 90 days is that I was literally able to watch porn, hold that intense mindful concentration for a while and I literally felt my dick shrink, the sexual perception waned significantly, and it was if I induced post nut clarity without ejaculation, of course without the shame since I've never ejaculated. I saw porn for what it really was, a bunch of moving pixels, nothing more nothing less. It was so profound, like I saw the end of the tunnel that nobody has been to. The land in which lust can't exist. I was so profoundly surprised at that realization. I realized that the brain can actually turn off its sexuality button. I was free, for like 3 seconds. I couldn't hold that intense focus and detachment and it all came back again.
It was like Plato's allegory of the cave, I was freed from the flawed perception, the illusion.

Of course, I still have more to learn about lust but that's my input.
Even I still haven't defeated it, despite knowing all of this due to clinging to the idea that I should pursue that pleasure and not staying detached :(

Yo I just did this, the watching porn video and then just staring as u are the camera. I got hard at some parts, but then my dick went a litttle bit down but then up. I watched another one and I don’t seem to go up. Do you have any other tips to stop this. And while doing this extreme exercise, what do I think in my mind, do I think I am a camera, do I focus on the breathe, do I just stare, should I have any thoughts?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Just don't do it fam. what are you expecting asking that? a black magic ritual?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
i swear I have the longezt no fap no porn no ejaculation steak here on .org , I think I need to lay my pipe from time to time strategically, dont wanna get prostate cancer.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
You only do it cuz you don't self respect yourself. Sure you'll do it for the high but if you know it's a negative aspect, then you'd convince yourself that you're just disrespecting yourself.

Another aspect is that you're not willing to be aware of the triggers and want to live in the moment. Living in the moment is a flawed way of thinking as it sidelines both the past and your future, gatekeeping you from what could be a bright life ahead of you if you want it so.

Hence discipline and a routine is what hinders this addiction or any other, but you have to truly realise this as just getting off isn't enough. Being on and getting off this addiction can teach a lot about yourself but only if you want to put in the work. If you don't see this act as being detrimental to your body then carry on.

I just relapsed rn from 4 weeks but ik for a fact me doing it is out of boredom and that I should've been sleeping instead.

Retards on here can cage at this if they want but if they really were addicted and started at a young age they wouldnt be complaining with how the repeated loss of nutrients to the point where you start smelling blood and how your endocrine starts to worsen due to prolactin, will impact you.

Edit: best part about abstinence is you can jerk off as much since it wont negatively impact you for a while until you go back into an addictive loop. Imagine how much you can bust in a pussy assuming you're htn above.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Yo I just did this, the watching porn video and then just staring as u are the camera. I got hard at some parts, but then my dick went a litttle bit down but then up. I watched another one and I don’t seem to go up. Do you have any other tips to stop this. And while doing this extreme exercise, what do I think in my mind, do I think I am a camera, do I focus on the breathe, do I just stare, should I have any thoughts?
Did you make some progress in breaking through the illusion? Like when you dick went down, did your sexual arousal also go down?
Yo I just did this, the watching porn video and then just staring as u are the camera. I got hard at some parts, but then my dick went a litttle bit down but then up. I watched another one and I don’t seem to go up. Do you have any other tips to stop this.
Stop what? Automatic responses to perceived sexual stimuli?
And while doing this extreme exercise, what do I think in my mind, do I think I am a camera, do I focus on the breathe, do I just stare, should I have any thoughts?
Cameras do not have thoughts in their mind. Cameras don't think. Cameras don't have identities. Cameras do not tell themselves "I am a camera", "I am not a camera" or any other sort of "I am" sentence.

It just sees, it just takes in visual stimulus. It doesn't have attachments to sexual desire.
When meditators say "focus on the breath" and nothing but the breath, in this manner too, your job is to
  • Focus on the visual stimulus of pornography, completely detached
  • You can also focus on the body's automatic and deeply ingrained response to the stimulus.
You should just be experiencing the present moment, detached, absorbing the stimulus. You can also observe the body and it's response to the stimulus simultaneously (detached as always or else you'll identify with it and crave the desire)

Through this practice, one will start making dents into the illusion of desire, seeing it as merely an extremely deeply automatic response to stimulus deemed as a potential sexual opportunity to gain temporary pleasure. One will eventually see it as unproductive, and a useless activity (especially masturbation) that can be better spent acquiring valuable skills, knowledge, and resources.
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Stop what? Automatic responses to perceived sexual stimuli?

Cameras do not have thoughts in their mind. Cameras don't think. Cameras don't have identities. Cameras do not tell themselves "I am a camera", "I am not a camera" or any other sort of "I am" sentence.

It just sees, it just takes in visual stimulus. It doesn't have attachments to sexual desire.
When meditators say "focus on the breath" and nothing but the breath, in this manner too, your job is to
  • Focus on the visual stimulus of pornography, completely detached
  • You can also focus on the body's automatic and deeply ingrained response to the stimulus.
You should just be experiencing the present moment, detached, absorbing the stimulus. You can also observe the body and it's response to the stimulus simultaneously (detached as always or else you'll identify with it and crave the desire)

Through this practice, one will start making dents into the illusion of desire, seeing it as merely an extremely deeply automatic response to stimulus deemed as a potential sexual opportunity to gain temporary pleasure. One will eventually see it as unproductive, and a useless activity (especially masturbation) that can be better spent acquiring valuable skills, knowledge, and resources.
What do u mean being detached, how do u experience the present moment
What do u mean being detached,
What I mean by 'detached' is that you should observe sexual stimuli and your body's reactions while being non-reactive and not allowing them to control you. It involves being emotionally and mentally disengaged from these impulses, from perception intoxication, from urges, etc.

how do u experience the present moment
Have intense focus and absorption on what's happening in the present, on what you see, smell, hear, taste, etc. Thoughts about the past or the future pull you away from it.

Ultimately, experiencing the present moment involves a conscious effort to stay attentive and engaged in the current experience. Free from thoughts about the past or future in any way.

Did that answer your question?
masturbatiing a cock is gay

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