How do you do research



Jun 11, 2024
How do you guys do research? Do you just find one of those websites that scientists publish their studies on and search up keywords? If so, what websites do you use? Preferably free ones.
When I did “research” in high school I just searched up shit on google and looked at articles and shit but that feels like a really shitty and unreliable method because journalists are lazy and dishonest little shits (scientist are too but still) and because google will feed me biased results.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I need to know this basic stuff if I want to become a productive member of this forum.
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read shit on whatever it is u want to know about, apply the scientific method do it

“If you research seriously, you limit yourself to You don’t look on, you don’t read like message boards for information
IMG 7179
How do you guys do research about supplements and stuff? Do you just find one of those websites that scientists publish their studies on and search up keywords? If so, what websites do you use? Preferably free ones.
When I did “research” in high school I just read and searched up shit on google and looked at articles and shit but that feels like a really shitty and unreliable method because journalists are lazy and dishonest little shits (scientist are too but still) and because google will feed me biased results.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I need to know this basic stuff if I want to become a productive member of this forum.

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