How do you guys cope with having a small dick?



Jan 6, 2019
Seriously how do I cope with this shit?

Should I just fuck only small asian girls?
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Do jelq and manual stretching
6.5 inch dick long boyyyuyy
im 6.5 bonepressed whilst on cialis at 100 percent erect.

srsly wish my dick was 1 inch bigger tho
im 6.5 bonepressed whilst on cialis at 100 percent erect.

srsly wish my dick was 1 inch bigger tho
Bonepress is cope your probably like 5 inches fr fr
im 6.5 bonepressed whilst on cialis at 100 percent erect.

srsly wish my dick was 1 inch bigger tho
whats it normall? might try Cialis to become ERECT
whats it normall? might try Cialis to become ERECT
normal around 6 inches bonepressed, cialis at its peak (20mg) gave me a noticable increase and it stays erect lol
normal around 6 inches bonepressed, cialis at its peak (20mg) gave me a noticable increase and it stays erect lol
.5 as in half an inch? JFL ima try that shit.
I was 7 inch before steroid. It'll go back to normal when I'm done with them i hope. Cant get it hard like i used to
I dont use it so whatever
im 6.5 bonepressed whilst on cialis at 100 percent erect.

srsly wish my dick was 1 inch bigger tho
Don't lie Bharath we've all seen your burnt cigar
I was 7 inch before steroid. It'll go back to normal when I'm done with them i hope. Cant get it hard like i used to
7 inches? sure pal
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Don't lie Bharath we've all seen your burnt cigar

7 inches? sure pal
it was flacid lmfao

everyones dick is small flacid

ill pm u my erect penis
My cope? It's that it's not one single size of penis that a woman enjoys. It's a range of sizes. If a woman enjoys 8 inch dicks, it's not like she'll turn her nose up at a dick that's a quarter inch bigger or a quarter inch smaller. There's a certain range that's good for her. So I figure there must be someone out there who can enjoy whatever range my dick is in. My dick isn't ideal, but as long as it's in a respectable "dick bracket" I think I can manage.
EDIT: Which isn't to say if there was a magic pill that made my dick bigger/girthier, I wouldn't replace food and water with it. I'm just saying if I definitely can't make my dick bigger, I have the power to cope.
I was 7 inch before steroid. It'll go back to normal when I'm done with them i hope. Cant get it hard like i used to
Ur estrogen is not in a good place. Also cialis is a nice buffer for when your estrogen isn't on point.
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Ur estrogen is not in a good place. Also cialis is a nice buffer for when your estrogen isn't on point.
Ive already experimented with .25-.75 of arimidex. I guess i should take one whole mill
Ive already experimented with .25-.75 of arimidex. I guess i should take one whole mill
could also be low though, what's your sides?

How are pumps and strength in the gym (they become shitty on low estrogen)?

are you really bloated or on the other hand do you have dry lips despite drinking enough?
My cope? It's that it's not one single size of penis that a woman enjoys. It's a range of sizes. If a woman enjoys 8 inch dicks, it's not like she'll turn her nose up at a dick that's a quarter inch bigger or a quarter inch smaller. There's a certain range that's good for her. So I figure there must be someone out there who can enjoy whatever range my dick is in. My dick isn't ideal, but as long as it's in a respectable "dick bracket" I think I can manage.
EDIT: Which isn't to say if there was a magic pill that made my dick bigger/girthier, I wouldn't replace food and water with it. I'm just saying if I definitely can't make my dick bigger, I have the power to cope.
so... cope?
could also be low though, what's your sides?

How are pumps and strength in the gym (they become shitty on low estrogen)?

are you really bloated or on the other hand do you have dry lips despite drinking enough?
Nah, yesterday felt good doing the 10x10 you recommended. My lips aren't dry, but my forhead and nose still gets greasy. I guess the best thing i can do is get my estrogen checked at doc office
Nah, yesterday felt good doing the 10x10 you recommended. My lips aren't dry, but my forhead and nose still gets greasy. I guess the best thing i can do is get my estrogen checked at doc office
Some ppl are shitty responders to arimidex or just aromatize alot. You may need a little more.
By having a big dick instead
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I suck my own cock every morning in the shower(srs) its beem growing steadily since. Started at 4 inches now at 6.5. Cum taste strange though, a bit salty and the taste stays in your mouth. It becomes quite sweet if you eat enough pineapple though.
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i wish i could cope again like before i learn about the dickpill now my whole world came crashing down to the ground
it legit never begun i can see that now
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By having a big dick instead
What's up with all these dick threads lately :feelsrope:

Feels like everyday im getting reminded of my dickceldom:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsrope::feelsrope:
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