How does DHT masculinize the face?


Deleted member 685

Dec 16, 2018
By androgen receptors at specific places? Like your jaw, chin and cheekbones for example having lots of androgen receptors and being affected by androgens quickly?

@Dyorotic2 @SayNoToRotting
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I have no clue about bio chemicals.
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By androgen receptors at specific places? Like your jaw, chin and cheekbones for example having lots of androgen receptors and being affected by androgens quickly?

@Dyorotic2 @SayNoToRotting
Dht matures bone age so doesnt work for manlet teens
It Just Works
im also interested in this because every 2nd aspie scientist states than DHT develops masculine face features
i only know one study where 12-18 yrs old T levels were associated with chin,jaw etc but that was T not DHT
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Should I apply it to my eye area/supraorbitals and cheekbones? Le Gudru needs le ascension....
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Should I apply it to my eye area/supraorbitals and cheekbones? Le Gudru needs le ascension....
just fucking research before u take advice from a 15 yr old low iq fag, last time u took advice from an aspie scientist u fucked up your teeth didnt u?
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just fucking research before u take advice from a 15 yr old low iq fag, last time u took advice from an aspie scientist u fucked up your teeth didnt u?
Wut? I never fucked my teeth up lol but yeah I'll research it. DHT is alot more potent than T when it comes to being androgenic rather than anabolic
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Wut? I never fucked my teeth up lol but yeah I'll research it. DHT is alot more potent than T when it comes to being androgenic rather than anabolic
arent u the one who tried bruxism or some shit? i could be wrong
arent u the one who tried bruxism or some shit? i could be wrong
I never tried it but I had a habit of doing it automatically
@JustTrynaGrow bro?
DHT derived steroids have shown to increase height in kids & teens so overall I think using a compound like androstalone won't have much of a negative effect.

I think @Dr Shekelberg was right though when he said DHT ages your bone. It makes sense. Something that acts on bone probably ages it although again I personally wouldn't worry about it. Estrogen is what clooses those plates. Not DHT.
You could probably just Google this though.

tldr: DHT is likely fine in a heightmaxxing protocol.
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I need answers
7 years of constant experimenting with rather excessive steroid dosages and I can say that there has been almost no facial changes at all. Just different fat and bloat distribution. DHT cream would not do shit to your face. Forget about it
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7 years of constant experimenting with rather excessive steroid dosages and I can say that there has been almost no facial changes at all. Just different fat and bloat distribution. DHT cream would not do shit to your face. Forget about it
What steroid dosages? Tren may be very androgenic but testosterone for example isn't. Also, it's age dependent lol. I'm 17 and still in puberty since I'm experiencing voice lowering etc
7 years of constant experimenting with rather excessive steroid dosages and I can say that there has been almost no facial changes at all. Just different fat and bloat distribution. DHT cream would not do shit to your face. Forget about it
how old were you when you first tried it? in puberty it can probably induce great changes
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A common PSL misconception is that there is a direct, proportional, dose-dependent effect of whatever substance on the body. In reality, there are many more limiting factors that we don't know about.
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Idk bro but I feel fucking amazing rn. Just got back from Muay Thai and feeling so good. Btw this is my 4th day using it.
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because we have androgen receptors in our bodies that turn us into men when bound to androgens.

take stanolone.
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because we have androgen receptors in our bodies that turn us into men when bound to androgens.

take stanolone.
this man just says shit to take lmfao
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because we have androgen receptors in our bodies that turn us into men when bound to androgens.

take stanolone.
Not sure if I remember talking to you about this but would going on a peptide cycle and applying DHT gel to your zygos/eye area cause more growth at those areas per say? Or does DHT go mostly systematic
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Idk bro but I feel fucking amazing rn. Just got back from Muay Thai and feeling so good. Btw this is my 4th day using it.
Question, when you got the DHT gel from Russianstarpeptides did it say "penis enlargement cream" anywhere on the package? I'm trying to order it without my parents thinking I'm doing some dumb shit, on the website it looks like it literally says "penis enlargement cream" on the tube. On the package tho?
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Not sure if I remember talking to you about this but would going on a peptide cycle and applying DHT gel to your zygos/eye area cause more growth at those areas per say? Or does DHT go mostly systematic
dht will go systemic if you apply it with DMSO.

but it doesn't really matter, high dosages of dht will affect every single area with AR's. Specifically sites dense in AR's.
Question, when you got the DHT gel from Russianstarpeptides did it say "penis enlargement cream" anywhere on the package? I'm trying to order it without my parents thinking I'm doing some dumb shit, on the website it looks like it literally says "penis enlargement cream" on the tube. On the package tho?
no, it's completely stealthy.

no 'penis enlargement'.
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What steroid dosages? Tren may be very androgenic but testosterone for example isn't. Also, it's age dependent lol. I'm 17 and still in puberty since I'm experiencing voice lowering etc

Lots of tren and masteron. I used to stay on excessive dosages of test for extended periods but now I just wanna be dry as hell. Not cycling just straight staying on. I have never come off since I started. Not even trt dosages. If they did change your face somehow I would be a giga chad by now. I love how these more androgenic compounds make your face look like because they crush estrogen and suck the water out of you. No permanent changes though.

Edit dosages: pretty much everything in the 350-700mg range except tren. It makes me insane if I go over 500mg.

how old were you when you first tried it? in puberty it can probably induce great changes

24 years old. Maybe you're right but these things also stop the development of many things including your brain. At least so I've heard.
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dht will go systemic if you apply it with DMSO.

but it doesn't really matter, high dosages of dht will affect every single area with AR's. Specifically sites dense in AR's.

no, it's completely stealthy.

no 'penis enlargement'.
wtf is dmso. i need it so it doesn’t go to my dclap
Yes androgen receptors allow your body to utilize it's testosterone. Without androgen receptors, your testosterone is pretty useless when you got no receptors.
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7 years of constant experimenting with rather excessive steroid dosages and I can say that there has been almost no facial changes at all. Just different fat and bloat distribution. DHT cream would not do shit to your face. Forget about it
How old were you when you began?
A common PSL misconception is that there is a direct, proportional, dose-dependent effect of whatever substance on the body. In reality, there are many more limiting factors that we don't know about.
High iq poster. How old are you?
because we have androgen receptors in our bodies that turn us into men when bound to androgens.

take stanolone.
Don't you mean "take stanolone and potentially go bald in the process"?
Lots of tren and masteron. I used to stay on excessive dosages of test for extended periods but now I just wanna be dry as hell. Not cycling just straight staying on. I have never come off since I started. Not even trt dosages. If they did change your face somehow I would be a giga chad by now. I love how these more androgenic compounds make your face look like because they crush estrogen and suck the water out of you. No permanent changes though.

Edit dosages: pretty much everything in the 350-700mg range except tren. It makes me insane if I go over 500mg.

24 years old. Maybe you're right but these things also stop the development of many things including your brain. At least so I've heard.
Do u still have hair?
implying every male carries the MPB geneotype?

I already answerd, I think he blocked me.
Tbh many men carry it. Stanolone is pretty risky when you have multiple bald men in your family (my father, grandfather and multiple uncles are balding so the end of my life is somewhat close).
Tbh many men carry it. Stanolone is pretty risky when you have multiple bald men in your family (my father, grandfather and multiple uncles are balding so the end of my life is somewhat close).
don't care

I don't bald, been on stanolone for almost 2 months.
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I have no clue about bio chemicals.

By the way, isn't it brilliant? How my wrath is so incomprehensibly strong, that it makes people assume I know about stuff that I never even touched upon in any post before?

I rule over all flesh and spirit!
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@Dyorotic2 answered it. there is no label that says it
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Have you noticed results since increasing DHT ?

1cm, girth, 1cm length has grown on my dick (I was over 7inches already).

-extreme vascularity at all times.
-high body temperatures constantly (never cold)
-metabolism increase, also the reason for the body temperature changes (I already had a great metabolism as I follow Ray Peat's diet)
-bigger loads, thicker and whiter.
-deeper voice, people have commented already.
-body hair growth everywhere.
-reddish undertone due to the high androgen index.
-No hair loss because I'm not predisposed, I have really good hair genes.
-bigger Adams apple
-thicker neck and skull.
-thicker wrists, bones in general.

some of these can be attributed to the fact that I'm taking 7.5iu's of GH a day aswell.
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1cm, girth, 1cm length has grown on my dick (I was over 7inches already).

-extreme vascularity at all times.
-high body temperatures constantly (never cold)
-metabolism increase, also the reason for the body temperature changes (I already had a great metabolism as I follow Ray Peat's diet)
-bigger loads, thicker and whiter.
-deeper voice, people have commented already.
-body hair growth everywhere.
-reddish undertone due to the high androgen index.
-No hair loss because I'm not predisposed, I have really good hair genes.
-bigger Adams apple
-thicker neck and skull.
-thicker wrists, bones in general.

some of these can be attributed to the fact that I'm taking 7.5iu's of GH a day aswell.
dawg ur taking GH no wonder
I see. Interesting, I'm on Finasteride (for 5 years) and creatine, I look really young for someone my age, it's not extreme ofc, but it's maybe linked to me being on fin for so long
dawg ur taking GH no wonder
they synergize so well.

fuck this year I'm ascending hard.

already feel so DOM and girls are commenting that i've muh "went through puberty"

little do they know I have a 7x5.5 shlong in my pants.
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